Sometimes all it takes is a sacred ‘yes’ to manifest something unreal in your life. You know what an intuitive ‘yes’ feels like - it comes from a still, calm place. But, sometimes our trauma response takes over, muddling up our thoughts and emotions, making us believe we can’t hear the message of our very own intuition. This can be because the real is scary, the real takes courage. It’s that piece of advice that’s your own, that if truly listened to, could move personal mountains. Our trauma response may appeal to us more, because it tells us a false truth, but inside, in our hearts, we know what is what. Today, on the Aries New Moon, take charge of whatever this intuition is telling you, and no matter how fearful you may feel to all that is unresolved - trust in the sacredness of your ‘yes’.
Not only are the Sun and Moon in the first sign of the zodiac, bringing the energy (and the heat), but we can also find Venus, Eris and Chiron here too. Mars, Aries natural ruler, is in a sextile to Venus, aligning with this Moon, pushing us to stay awake to all that is occurring around us. Don’t sleep on it. We can recognise opportunity before it recognises us right now - but we have to be confident, resourceful even. Pluto is activated by this Moon, and today forms a square with Venus - stimulating our desire to ‘possess’ one another, to be the one and only in someones eyes. Feelings, emotions and longings can surface - and the New Moon can further penetrate these ego based insecurities. If you are already suspicious of someone, fate can turn them toward a situation that adapts to your suspicion, making it real. Don’t let your fear control trigger points, otherwise it may just work out what you’ve been trying to avoid. Tomorrow, the Moon conjuncts Venus bringing about many positive connotations, keeping the mood sensitive but spiritual. Don’t be too defensive this week, all storms eventually pass.
May your cup runneth over..
With love,
Aries: March 21 - April 19
The Moon’s transiting your sign, Aries and it’s as if you’ve got another shot at ‘New Years’ resolutions. Relationships now reflect back to you what you may be having personal issues with - but that is their purpose. With so many planets in your sign it can feel hard to step away from the spotlight, a part of you craves the energy and admiration. Radical decisions can be made in this time, as you step into a new found freedom. Until mid-May, you have good stars revolving around the home, finances and possessions. Venus square Pluto can cause a little bit of havoc, but only if you’re using power in the wrong way. Interact, give it a go, say yes and be spontaneous - all of this will yield magic.
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
You are feeling rather grounded, Taurus. A good place to be for an earth sign like you. The Aries New Moon today in your 12th house is keeping the ambience slow and steady, as you recline more into yourself and less toward others. Meditation, spiritual inclinations and mental processing are all part of the unique 12th house, that since the beginning of the month has been helping you heal and adjust. The Venus-Pluto square can turn up the volume on whatever is uneasy in your life, because there is such a contrast occurring in your life. The Moon leaves Aries tomorrow for your sign, so you’ll come to feel more alive in the coming days. Untangle and uncomplicated, that should be your mantra for now.
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
Don’t get complacent, Gemini. There is still a way to go. This week, there’s a lot influencing your desire to put plans into motion, it could be all the fiery ram energy, or it could just be that you’re running out of time somewhere along the line. The Aries New Moon tonight occurs in your 11th house of social life and friendships, a place where you always put in effort. But, something is changing rapidly in terms of how you spend your free time - and it will alter who you choose to let in. You may feel anxious or pressured around certain people, and are seriously looking at cutting them out all together. The Venus-Pluto square today can disrupt regular routine, but things straighten out tomorrow when the moon enters Taurus.
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
It’s all about the benjamins baby, or for now at least, Cancer. With the New Moon, Sun and Venus in your 10th house of ambition and career, driving you to duel for power and success in your industry. Responsibilities may be piling up any work but the difference with this week is that you enjoy what’s coming your way, it’s satisfying to tick one more off the list. Lovers may be just as important right now, as you find yourself singling out potential partners with similar trajectory to you. Tomorrow, as the Aries Sun harmonises with Mars, you realise it’s best to listen to yourself. Intuition for you is shockingly spot on, don’t force it - let it come.
Leo: July 23 - August 22
It feels good to appreciate someone from far away, Leo. Or perhaps, you’re still learning to do that - at times love and admiration can be very one sided for you, but it’s healthy every now and then to let your actions speak louder than your words (or your hands). The Aries New Moon moves around in your whimsical 9th house, helping you dream something fulfilling. There is huge expansion coming in May, especially as Jupiter steps out of Aquarius and into Pisces. Think in the long term, as that is what the 9th house dwells in - anything is really possible.
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
You’re anticipating something serious, Virgo. The Aries New Moon tonight is helping you pursue dreams and goals, as long as you resolve those inner demons yourself. Feelings can be triggered easily with so much fire energy - but emotionally you feel familiar with the terrain you’re on. Work, uni or school life is unfolding before your eyes and throughout May and June, more will come to serve you consciously. Shape the changes occurring in your transformational 8th house, to fit your mould. Death, rebirth, sex and intimacy all fall under the guise, there’s a lot to unpack.
Libra: September 23 - October 22
The wires may be crossed, Libra. That’s because this week favours karma, not what you say happened. The North Node in Gemini is about to set off the Eclipse season between the Sagittarius-Gemini axis, giving you much to ponder on. The Aries New Moon tonight which falls in your house of relationships is heavily influencing how you problem solve or collaborate. Everything comes down to another person's reaction, and how you choose to react to that. Your ruler Venus makes a conjunction with the Moon tomorrow, helping you out in an intimate matter.
Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
Your words can be lethal, Scorpio. Even when you try under the guise of pretence, things you unconsciously do can be so cutting to other individuals. This week, expect it to get worse before it gets better. Mainly because the experience is far from over - more wisdom needs to be brought forward. And, often wisdom comes from pain (or experience). The Aries New Moon shakes up your very practical 6th house of routine, empowering some matters. The energy can be impulsive, because you know your Full Moon is coming in a week's time. Have confidence in what you’re doing, but don’t be stupid about it!
Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
Detaching yourself completely will only make the situation worse, Sagittarius. Actually, you’re being asked by the cosmos to care more, not less. Wise decisions come from a calm, unbothered heart - and you’re definitely not unbothered in one area of your life right now. The South Node is in your sign, the North in Gemini - in June the Eclipse’s in your sign will set off a lot of new emotion. The Aries New Moon tonight is expressive and creative, and you feel it most in your romantic 5th house of fertility. Relationships could be playing on your mind now, maybe it doesn’t feel like it used too. Either way, the time has come to take care or business.
Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
There is a rebirth going on, Capricorn. That’s to be expected with Pluto in your 1st house - marking a very intuitive and intense time. Pluto is seeking truth, regardless of what that ‘truth’ may look like - and this placement in your chart can be hard to handle. Support may be easy to give, but harder to find - such is life in these weird times. The Aries New Moon tonight hits close to home as it shifts into the 4th house of family and domestic matters. You may need to dig deep to find the inner courage required to say something personal to a loved one, but if you do, improved conditions will appear almost magically.
Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
With Saturn and Jupiter still pushing you forward, there’s much to be encouraged about, Aquarius. However, May will feel different, when Jupiter enters Pisces for a brief stint. All things considered you’re feeling super philosophical, it could even be the Aries New Moon pushing you to profound emotions. Appearing in your 3rd house, it’s important to network, connect and communicate, even if you have to spell it out for people. Mars in your house of creativity makes sure you’ve got enough courage to do something outlandish, something you’re known for.
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
If you don’t say how you feel, you’ll come to resent it later on, Pisces. Being frustrated leads you to a dark place, one where victimisation is normal. The Aries New Moon shifts into your constructive 2nd house of finance and services, keeping you honest in your dealings. There can be progress in business or even a big step back, depending where you’re at career-wise. There are twists and turns with the 2nd house, but I’d suggest you stay as calm or detached to the outcome as possible. Instead show some love to family, focus on those who make you smile, and who never feel like hard work.