This Week's Astrology

We welcome the Sun in Aries, redirecting our energy to something more clever and courageous. In time, we will need to hone in on these personal resources of ours, the ones that lay dormant until we require their use. The months of April, May, June and July will be their own type of tough - transits, retrogrades, eclipses, crazy intense moon’s - nothing new really. Prepare yourself emotionally by investing in your own life; stay in your own lane. Focus on your own development - because in the next three to four months, a lot will develop in this narrative. There is no smooth transition, and no one sign will have it easier than another. 

To keep it simple; it’s all getting real. Your choices, decisions and wishes will come up against their own ‘judgement’ day. 

In the meantime, the Moon is changing signs as it opposes Pluto. This evening, a Leo Moon will make us prideful but super sentimental. The paradox. How we can feel both good and bad at the same time. These last 10 days of March can feel impatient, as if we’re waiting for some big show to start. There is a collective energy of waiting and watching. Today, Mercury forms a square to Mars and communication can be easily misconstrued. The dialogue between ourselves and others seems to be tense or distrustful. It’s up to us to get out of our heads and act ‘normal’ in light of what the day presents us. A Pluto-Chiron transit has been going on going on behind the scenes for some time, and today we feel it’s potent energy. These two planets are rather internal, they give us the ability to harness our spiritual energy and funnel it to something creative. Something healing. I’ll end it there for now, enjoy this quiet week where your heart is speaking to you. Listen to what it has to say, because soon the ‘head noise’ will get rather loud. The upcoming Full Moon in Libra (29th) will be a harmonious and sweet end to the month, focusing on relationships and everyone involved. We can feel rather emotional, as Full Moons always signal a culmination - boiling point, somewhere along the road. Thankfully, Libra’s energy isn’t so intense, and if it had to choose for itself - it would always choose common sense. 

“The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware, joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware.” - Henry Miller 

May your cup runneth over..

With love,


Aries: March 21 - April 19

Happy Birthday, Aries. What you make of it all is up to you now. Chiron in your sign is helping you explore what’s going on within your internal world, and I assume there is a lot to make sense of. The upcoming Libra Moon seeks to diversify a business related partnership; it could be time for you to stop compromising and look elsewhere for a creative equal. The tense Mars-Pluto energy can leave you feeling distracted or edgy. Wait for a moment of clarity before you rule anything out. 

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

Life appears curious, Taurus. There is so much to be engaged with, but let me tell you; you ain’t seen nothing yet! With Venus your ruler in your 12th house of spirituality, it’s highly likely you’re going through the motions of your emotional underworld. Situations, certain people, old feelings seem to be weighing on you - and it’s because life has been quieter than usual. You’ve had the time to stop and reflect. Pluto in your 9th house is getting a work out this week, and it’s all about an intellectual exchange. 

Gemini: May 21 - June 20

A Libra Full Moon on the weekend embraces the wisdom within, Gemini. You are trying to mend something inside of you and it can bring up rather complicated feelings or scenarios. But hey, things have to be resolved sometimes. The Leo Moon tonight pushes you to dramatise and it’s influenced by the similar Aries Sun energy. You have a flair for the creative and there’s no moderating your impulses. There may be an urgency for you to get things done, but try to keep practical. 

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

The Moon in your sign always makes you that little bit more attractive, Cancer. Over the weekend it influenced your persona and reputation, giving you more visibility. The Leo Moon will take over this evening, harmonising with the Sun in Aries, and reminding you that sometimes it’s good to be a little bad ass. To say no. To turn left, when everyone expects you to turn right. The Libra Full Moon on the weekend will bring a calming energy to a relationship, expect something beautiful. 

Leo: July 23 - August 22

Pushing your own agenda can feel futile for now, Leo. Everyone is seeing things differently to you, and who’s to say what’s right and wrong in this situation. Chiron in Aries sits in your international 9th house, giving you time to ponder on foreign travels and people you’ve met along the way. The Libra Full Moon on the weekend can feel meditative, make space for talking, sharing, playing and affection. You’ll have a lot to be grateful for if you just take a look around in the quiet moments.

VirgoAugust 23 - September 22

There is a social feeling in the air, Virgo. You are enjoying the friendly company and ideas shared - Aries season always generates more fun and freedom. A Mercury-Mars square today can agitate business relations, as you feel pressured to pick up some of the slack. Project deadlines are looming and you can’t relax until they’re complete. The Leo Moon later this evening will move into your 12th house giving you something deep to reflect on. Rise above what emotions appear large and overwhelming. 

LibraSeptember 23 - October 22

Lately, you’ve felt a strong need for an equal - a partner, a serious lover, Libra. The planet's effect may have something to do with it, as Venus traverses through your house of partnership and engages the Aries Sun to focus on intimate interactions. In this very special week, where the Moon is full in your sign, you can feel overwhelmed with emotions. They come seeping out at the most unusual moments, but that is because they can no longer be suppressed. Something in your heart is making you miss a person or past time - lay low and let these feelings marinate. With time they shall pass, and if they don’t - maybe it’s time to get back in touch.

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

A pattern keeps appearing in your life, Scorpio. It mixes a series of emotions within you and confuses you on how to proceed further. The Libra Full Moon on the weekend gives no reprieve either, because it’s centred around romance, beauty, poetry and art. You may turn to an old friend or old lover for advice, but don’t expect the situation to change fast. If a certain obsession ignites personal chaos then maybe you need to take a step back. Disruptions are likely with Mars-Mercury square. 

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

Aries Season ignites a certain expressive side, Sagittarius. You have no desire to keep quiet, and this is stimulated by the Leo Moon later this evening. Mercury clashes with Mars and Pluto today bringing disagreements to the forefront. The Libra Full Moon over the weekend zeros in on your friends - true and fake. This week, there is a ‘no bullshit’ approach to your conversation, and usual sarcasms won’t be tolerated. It’s in the air, the energy makes you super aware of your personal convictions and what you’ve been giving into too much lately. 

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

You feel extra independent, Capricorn. Yet, you’re always your best when you share a little love with those around you - and make them feel like they too have some sort of ‘say’ in your life. The Libra Full Moon over the weekend will pull on your heart strings as you realise maybe you’ve been a little too removed from someone who deeply cares. There is a business pursuit going on behind the curtains, as always. And today’s, Mars - Pluto aspect means you’re trying to comprehend what’s taking so long in regards to a pending project. 

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

A Libra Full Moon always entices you to seek out romance, Aquarius. Use your charm while you can, as both Venus and the Aries Sun sit in your communicative 3rd house making it a fine time to speak what’s in your heart. It’s been a heavy month filled with Neptune in Pisces aspects confirming some things just went over your head. It’s time to create a strategy of how you wish to proceed in the next, few intense months. Benefits are halted mid-May, when Jupiter leaves your sign for Pisces. 

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

A second chance can complicate things, Pisces. It doesn’t even have to be romantic, it could very well have to do with a project, colleague or collaborative endeavour. Putting pressure aside, it may be best to continue on your path without looking back. As the energies of the week can be complicated and confusing to read. A Libra Full Moon appeals to the senses, as your 8th house of mystery is stimulated. A relationship leaves a question mark in your heart, and it’s no wonder, with Neptune still in your sign enticing illusions and unrealistic expectations. 

This Week's Astrology

This Week's Astrology