This Week's Astrology

An Aquarius Moon today and tomorrow is perceptive, communicative and confident. Relationships and friendships are at the forefront of our minds, as are community based endeavours. We can be touched by what we see on TV, what we hear on the radio, or on a more personal scale, what is happening in our neighbourhood. We hold our principles in high regard, yet the imaginative ‘way' of Pisces makes sure we understand that nothing occurs like we plan it too. This week, clear eyes aren’t such a commodity, because in the deep water of Pisces season, it’s hard to see (the reality) - but easy to imagine (our dream). On the 11th, the Sun conjuncts Neptune (both in Pisces) creating a whirlpool of emotion. We not only glamourise our circumstances, we lie to ourselves by telling them to others. There is a serious sense of ‘self-sabotage’ with this transit, in the sweetest way possible. We think we’re so beyond, that no one can tell our (self) deceptions. But, in fact, this transit is extremely transparent, and what is evident to others about our behaviour fails to compute in our own heads. Pisces is associated with the 12th house, so fantasy is also a big factor in this transit - we just don’t know how or when to rein ourselves in. 

We may prefer to lay low mid-week, and spend time in our own heads. That suits the theme of this moment, just fine! As the New Moon on the 13th also falls in Pisces, making the weekend rather emotive, soulful and raw. Venus is enjoying it’s romance throughout Pisces season too - satisfying our need for intimacy, connection and affection. It’s such a sublime time for love - or reconnecting. Dreams are vivid, memories are rampant and we find it challenging to achieve stability in our mind over the current state of our love lives. Saturn and Jupiter remain in Aquarius posing some serious questions about karma, creation and consideration. Mars is in Gemini alleviating the pressure of the Pisces riptide - the force of it’s intellectual, detached nature helps us to pull ourselves together when we need it most. On the 14th, a Venus-Neptune conjunction suggests sympathy, admiration and sentimentality. We are easily touched by art, music and film - and this transit can very much be on the ‘surface’. Pretending it’s all good, when really it’s not. In Pisces, this can also make us all very charming and alluring - so it can be easy to wow someone. The down side is that we can idolise someone, and put people who don’t belong on a pedestal, way up. Unconventional experiences may occur this week - so it’s best to keep your wits about a situation. Pisces is vague by nature; so expect anything!

“Do not give permanent reality, to temporary things” ~ St Germain

May your cup runneth over..

With love,


Aries: March 21 - April 19

Change the way you respond, Aries. It can only help make your time in Pisces season better, not worse. In fact, a lot is going on for you behind the scenes, behind the conversation - only where intuition lies, do things add up right now. The cycle you’re in focuses on the ‘re-set’ button, both emotionally and physically - so willpower is important. A challenging aspect today between Mercury and Chiron (in your sign) today pinpoints certain issues you may be having. It can feel like an awkward start to the week, with doubts and misunderstandings seeping in, but you just have to carry on as there are priories in business. Tomorrow afternoon, the Sun and Neptune both in Pisces meet up in your dreamy, spiritual house, awakening you to the gravity of your ‘situation’. Everything can feel crystal clear and at the same time, really emotional. Ride the wave.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

What appears to be ‘true' can feel foreign to you, Taurus. Maybe because something else, something surprising, has taken over your heart. With the Aquarius Moon in your 10th house of ambition, you’re bouncing back and forth between business and pleasure. In a sense, you’re confident of the direction things are heading in - but things are changing so quickly, it can be anyone’s guess, just how they pan out. In reality, you’re geared toward practical priorities, and through work, colleagues push you to advance. The Pisces energy is rather resourceful, and the conversations that occur are very beneficial. You will find out where you stand, the Sun-Neptune alignment tomorrow, will make sure of that.

Gemini: May 21 - June 20

You’re not often caught off guard, Gemini. But this week has an element of surprise. The area you’re most likely going to experience this in is the 1st house of image and reputation, where Mars sits in your sign. Everything can be about personal empowerment and business collaborations. Your name in the lights is what you ultimately wish to see, but it comes with copious hard yards of effort, that’s actually just about to begin. The Pisces New Moon on the 13th will move into your 10th house of career, and massive tests of endurace follow. Tomorrow’s Sun-Neptune alignment will illuminate dreams, goals and desires, helping you fantasise and manifest. There is something to be said for a vast imagination, don’t let it dwindle. Don’t ignore your calling!

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

The situation is multifaceted, Cancer. How it appears to you, can be viewed completely differently by someone else. Even someone you trust. Don’t take it to heart, not in this sensitive, emotional Pisces heavy week. Mars in Gemini has shifted into your 12th house of privacy, helping you take a moment to focus on your headspace. With the Aquarius Moon also focusing it’s energy on your house of intimacy, you can expect these next few days to feel slow, serious and sentimental. You may be dealing with a large responsibility, that’s snowballed with time. As a result, your inner life is suffering, or maybe something challenging is brewing. Similar themes are going to keep popping up in your life, so deal with this head on and embrace what got you here in the first place.

Leo: July 23 - August 22

You’re stuck in a time loop, Leo. Or perhaps, you haven’t used what you have learnt thus far, so everything always ends up the same. The Moon in Aquarius (your opposite sign) can jolt you out of this deep slumber, and help you focus back on relationships, union and connection. There is a sense you are not fulfilling your responsibilities, and it’s weighing heavy on your conscience. Chiron in Aries is challenging, in a very indirect way, yet the energy is here to stay until 2026, so it’s best you do something about it now. Erect boundaries, for yourself and for others, so that there is no confusion on what you expect or want. The upcoming Pisces Moon on the 13th, will sit in your mysterious 8th house of re-birth, so be vigilant of your emotions in the coming days. There is an increased yearning for life - for love.

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

As usual, you find yourself in an unchanging career situation, Virgo. Not getting enough recognition or applying the wrong kind of pressure to your work, has a way of becoming all too common for you. There is huge emphasis in the month of March, on career, finances, services and value. Your 10th and 2nd houses are activated, confirming the relationship between two or more people- who must come together to decide on one solid answer. You are compelled to get serious and take on more than you can, but a specific partnership reminds you, you’re only human. Today’s Mercury/Chiron aspect, was challenging in some small way, but sorts itself out by the end of the week. In fact, you don’t have to do much to get the energy right - just try not to dominate over life. It works out better that way.

Libra: September 23 - October 22

The Aquarius Moon engages with your need to relax, Libra. Even though it’s only early, and the work week has begun, you’re ready to get creative about your leisure time. Your involvement with a group or specific person is heating up significantly, and projects and plans are getting the go ahead with all the planets in direct motion. There is an important truth that stems from this union, and you will benefit from knowing what is real and what is not. The Sun-Neptune alignment tomorrow helps you look at things with a bit more reflection, and you can be surprised by the spiritual ‘mood’ you find yourself in by the end of the week. The Pisces New Moon on the 13th will take place in your 6th house of routine and mind-body health, so choose alternative treatments if you are suffering.

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

Everything can be transformed, if you let it burn first, Scorpio. During Pisces season, it’s easy for you to approach life with a sweet sensitivity not often found in usual routine. But, that doesn’t make it any more ‘natural’ for you. The Aquarius Moon aligns with Jupiter, and joins Saturn in your 4th house of family, bringing your attention to personal matters you’d rather not dwell on. There is a strong focus on a parent, child or wound that must be healed, yet in order to do it, you have to straighten out your own environment first. Start with simplicity, then familiarity. Encourage others to trust you, and give time for unspoken feelings to come up. The Pisces New Moon on the 13th is aligning you toward a lover, as it shifts into the 5th house of romance and kinship.

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

With the South Node in your sign, and Eclipse season (also in your sign) beginning shortly, everything can feel intensely personal, Sagittarius. Not only do themes of karma, connection and past life come up but also your image, profile and reputation. Basically, everything that makes you who you are is up for review, and it can be hard having all eyes on you. The Moon’s alignment to Saturn today and tomorrow can leave you feeling obliged to talk about more intimate things than you’d care to share. But, there is magic in these conversations, especially if you’ve been procrastinating for some time over them. You finally clear your plate, in time for the New Moon in Pisces. Handling a situation comes easily to you, and this is inherently needed to continue deeper into the divide. Tomorrow’s Sun-Neptune alignment moves into your 4th house of home, attempting to better a situation in your family.

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

What is possible in your reality now, is very different to ever before, Capricorn. Times have changed, and you’re no longer limited by previous beliefs, opinions and ideas. You feel in rhythm to Pisces season, even today when the Aquarius Moon aligns with Saturn, in your house of cash/possessions. There is special attention on business and your position within it all, you want to hold a strong position. For you, thinking ahead is routine, it’s how you live, but the Pisces New Moon on the 13th can delay gratification, even if you considered the A’s and B’s. That’s OK, because vulnerability is part of this ‘new reality’, so you must embrace what doesn’t work out, just as you would if it had. When you do, Neptune, will grace you with creativity and imagination. Drawing in a specific type of potential that you’ve been searching for.

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

The Moon lights up your sign for the next few days, Aquarius. Aligning with Jupiter and Saturn (in your 1st house), you find great outlets to express yourself through. Life right now is about reputation, image, personality and presence - one thing you definitely have. The ‘rebirth’ depends entirely on you, as you can spin this moment into whatever you wish it to be. There can be engaging people walking in and out of your life, as you try hard to latch onto them, you see they are here for a season - a reason. To teach you something and then to move on. The Sun-Neptune alignment tomorrow in Pisces highlights intimate wishes, as well as some of your more far out fantasies. Regardless, it’s a great time to put intentions out there, especially as we walk toward the New Moon on the 13th. The energy is different nowadays, don’t assume it is what it's alway been.

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

You are dedicated to your self, Pisces. As it should be, especially in birthday season. You have something intensely personal to prove, yet the ripples are felt through each avenue of your life. Slowly, you are dictating the way things should go - not being dictated by the way they are. The Aquarius Moon, aligning with Jupiter and Saturn wishes to give you more time to focus on unfinished business. Yet, the moment is already passed. And, that can bring about a sense of longing. People in your life can offer reprieve and a moment of rest on your journey, as they back you and help you look at the bigger picture. Naturally, in this time, you are idealistic - but not silly. You know the cosmos is intuitive to your emotions, and with the Sun-Neptune alignment tomorrow occurring in your sign, you’re reminded that everything does always eventually connect.

This Week's Astrology

This Week's Astrology