This Week's Astrology

As we head into a new week with a fiery Aries Moon at the helm, making us more assertive and direct, we are keen to say yes and step into action. Jupiter will harmonise with Saturn early on in the week - Take everything in your stride, good or bad, nothing sticks forever. Aquarius Season begins on the 19th.. so, it’s goodbye to Capricorn for another year and hello to Aquarius, the blade runner. Life in Aquarius season in Aquarius age is nothing short of miraculous, remember that! Apart from all of this, Mars forms a conjunction with Uranus in Taurus on January 20, with Mars also in square with Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius on January 22. As you can see, there’s a lot going on, as usual. And, we are moving through the gate of deep seated changes with every moment passing…

Whenever I am feeling lost, blue or a little skeptical on how things are going, I am reminded of this quote…:::: I hope it resonates for you too ::::

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
― Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love

May your cup runneth over..

With love,


Aries: March 21 - April 19

A new cycle is upon you, Aries. I am sure you feel it, as it builds upon your personal foundations, relationships and self-expressions. The moon in your sign sets the week off on it’s own tangent, and the emotional tone around you feels natural. Confessions toward the end of January may place you in an uncomfortable situation where you fight internal battles with your ego. Watch for decisions that occur now that stem from restlessness or the need to be ‘socially’ different. Friendships may require tender, loving care, given the general atmosphere is one of worry. Trust that even unconsciously you are heading in the right direction, be your own cheerleader. Create the space for healing, because it’s here and wants to come.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

The urge to expand is rather great, Taurus. Yet the commitment needed to rise to this challenge isn’t being met with your current approach. Your ambitions, career and reputation are on the line, because Jupiter is in your 10th house of ‘making it’. This shows up as a clash between personal goals and career demands - yet a certain level of freedom is available in either scenario. The Aries Moon today supports mature discovery, as you continue to free yourself from old, negative patterns as it sits in your 12th house. The weekends Jupiter-Uranus transit accentuated a rebelliousness you haven’t felt in some time. It’s best you digest everything going on, in this way you can honour the process. Seize the moment!

Gemini: May 21 - June 20

Consider the long term picture, Gemini. Especially as you have a boost from Jupiter in the 9th house gifting you with hope, faith and optimism. In fact, Jupiter gives opportunity, it never dulls the journey! The weekends energies linger from the Jupiter-Uranus square, stirring up a restless need for excitement and new horizons. In a sense, you’re side tracked from the task at hand, but you can’t underline why it is you feel this way. Sometimes your attention span speaks for itself, listen to the angel on your shoulder. Throughout the next 2 weeks, you continue to build strong and lasting friendships with those around you. People could be super thankful for your stabilising force, without you realising just how much you mean to them.

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

Surprises can occur around a relationship, Cancer. Prepare to be pleased by a partner or a friend with which you share sexual undercurrents. The week starts off on a more practical note, and the Aries Moon moves into your 10th house of career and advancement. You have a stronger focus in terms of priorities, realties and routines - as you consider a new direction. Other people's expectations can play on your awareness, and you don’t know hot so please everyone. In Aquarius season, your focus shifts to your more intimate thoughts. Leaving behind the polarising, highly personal ‘opposite' Capricorn energy. Both inner and outer changes tend to remind you that there is so much growth and transformation around. Whatever is typically hidden will now come to light.

Leo: July 23 - August 22

There's a turning point in regards to a partnership occurring now, Leo. It can feel daunting but there is no going back, trust that what is happening is right, even if it takes until March to make sense. Relationships that are structured around benefits are squandered this week, but it’s because you have better understanding on a past matter. Whatever you lay to rest will feel good and with the Aries Moon in your 9th house, you’ll be encouraged to break from usual routine. Emotional clarity comes from a different perspective, and lord knows, you need it. The Aquarius Sun is about to enter your 7th house of relationships confirming that everything in life is about balance. The reality of long lasting love, is that it’s very much about two particular people, who learn to get on and do what they can, when they can.

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

It’s best to observe what happens for now, Virgo. The story is far from over, and with time, more people come out of the woodworks and pipe in. A personal revelation can motivate you to work harder, and sync well with others, even if it’s temporary. Chiron in Aries is activating the money part of your chart and showing you that nothing is ‘impossible’. But Chiron has connotations way outside of just the material, it’s also about lifestyle, values and self esteem. Aquarius season moves the Sun into your 6th house as of tomorrow, and you focus more on goals, habits and your health. Have you been burning the candle at both ends and replacing what you need, for what you want? The Aries Moon today will spark up the engagement factor within, it’s on you to use the fiery energy.

Libra: September 23 - October 22

The Aries Moon sits in your 7th house for a couple of loving days, Libra. You tend to see other peoples opinions as more valuable and you offer the right kind of feedback. Relationships are at the forefront of your mind, and even love that is challenging, makes you stronger in heart. Mars and Uranus stick together in your house of debts, tax and valuables, and are accentuated on the 20th. Other people are very capable of getting overheated, and with Mars rather aggressive here, it’s best to avoid or at least, pick your battles. Uranus is the planet of the unexpected, unique and independent. Think big, think free - expressing intentions, need action behind your words in order for things to start rolling. Seek feedback and reinforcement in the coming weeks, and you’ll be able to taste success.

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

There’s something dignified about your performance, Scorpio. Pluto your ruler, is in your 3rd house of communications, requiring power and self control. Pluto’s current transit of Capricorn however, does mean you’re more into micromanaging, bossing around and speaking your mind - something that, at times, can get you in a spot of trouble. You feel dedicated to the task at hand, and responsible for those within your team, be it business or family. With the Aries Moon starting the week in your 6th house of information and health, you’re also keen to clean up your act and get productive. There's a few things you wish to tick off the bucket list - and nothing can stop you in the ‘new year’ mentality.

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

It’s a good time to support others without judgement, Sagittarius. As this week is somewhat serious, you look for creative and unique ways to express yourself authentically. The Aries Moon sits in your 5th house helping you repair from the inside out. For many of you, something big is going on in the family sphere. It almost dominates everything else it touches, so that you cannot rest until it’s fixed or finalised. This chaotic atmosphere could be your doing, and in that case, I’m not so sure I feel very sorry for you. But, with Chiron in Aries and your 5th house of parenting, siblings and interpersonal relationships, it feels like this lesson will really bring an experience to you. Aquarius season will move into your 3rd house of study, connection and communication, so get ready to branch out.

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

This week, something special is in the air, Capricorn. Your family, love life and relationships in general, are revitalised by a unique energy. The Aries Moon has moved into your 4th house confirming your need for familiarity and commitment. This mindset is pushed further by the harmonious aspect Jupiter and Saturn make in your 2nd house of finances, boosting your need for security, practicality and a screwed on head. You want to feel settled, and will do so at any cost, this means you are focusing your mindset on some real wins that need to occur by March. It’s no longer birthday season as of tomorrow, so the pressure on you drops significantly. Aquarius season occurs in your house of resources, grounding you and reminding you of the beauty in each moment.

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

Happy Birthday you quirky cat, it’s your season, your era, your time to show us how far you’ve grown. Emotionally, spiritually and physically, your personal equilibrium is at a high point. Things just make sense, you know? You’re done wondering and the North Node in sister sign, Gemini, confirms that you’ve finished a certain cycle of karma. Aquarius, you’re now more emotionally invested in your ideas, beliefs and feelings - and this can feel vulnerable at times. Relationships are favoured, as is intuitive merging between people who get you. It’s about time you’ve been nurtured the same way you give out nourishment to others. Your birthday month will fill you with confidence and visibility, for you, it will feel like someone is finally seeing you for who you are. The Aries Moon dominates the need for wisdom, whatever you are facing now, just be graceful under pressure.

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

Knuckle down and find the success you deserve, Pisces. The Aries Moon sits in your 2nd house of finances and reminds you that material matters also hold weight in real life. It can’t all be about the emotional and spiritual, otherwise, you’re neglecting the present moment of living. This is still a week in which introspection and reflection is prevalent, so even if things don’t seem clean, know that you are tidying up the loose ends in your personal karma. The South Node in Sagittarius is about your personal definition of success, in terms of job, routine and home life. Having had such an unusually hard time throughout 2018-2020 has placed you in an entirely different mind set. You don’t need more change (or so you think), but then again, this year is all about refinement and grace.

This Week's Astrology

This Week's Astrology