This Week's Astrology

A Leo Full Moon lights up the sky on the 28th-29th, depending where in the world you’re situated. Although the year is fresh, this particular Moon approaches what feels like a climax point in the story, of our life and our love. It’s a mixed bag this week, with information coming through all avenues, making it hard to channel anything comprehensive. Perhaps, in personal lives there is an element of confusion, uncertainty or regret.. some of us could be feeling the loss of a loved one (more in terms of break up, than physical death) or just the challenge of sustaining calm and friendly relations. While moments around this Moon can feel chaotic, they’re also rather cathartic, maybe it’s time to see the big picture for what it is.

The magic interwoven here is that the Sun in Leo aligns with Jupiter in Aquarius, bringing moments of true peace and luck. Leo is always motivated for something more, something better - it is constantly working, even if it doesn’t appear that way. Sometimes inner work is the most silent, and by far the most rewarding. Leo is also leadership, confidence, self assuredness - Leo picks up where all others fall short. Creativity is at an all time high, so is collaborative merging - it may be easy to remember the good moments with someone, as opposed to the bad.. or the real. It gets intense as the days progress, with Mercury stationing retrograde in Aquarius and electrifying our world until February 21st. Aquarius is progressive, quirky, and enjoys being placed in Mercury, in fact, it feels quite at ease here. Considering all of the retrogrades this year are happening in air signs; it’s best to get accustomed to the intellectual energy they bring.

The week however starts today, and as we know, every day counts and is full of it’s own surprises - This morning a Chiron sextile to the Sun formed to PERFORM, and over emphasised ego or self importance. We may have all had a mini drama that had us acting as if we were 5. The trick in these moments is to hold ourselves accountable, to recognise where we need to grow, improve and change. The Moon is moving into Cancer, empowering us through sharing, caring and talking openly. The trine to Mercury in Aquarius is confident, and problem solving can be favoured. A Sun - Uranus square considers the distractions we have in our lives, and puts the pressure on. It can feel abrupt - It’s best not to rush anything right now. Until mid March, we are pushed to source, contact, network and inform - treat this time as a dress rehearsal, as it’s evident, we’re not in the 'real deal'.. just yet. And remember, you are a gift to this universe.

May your cup runneth over..

With love,


Aries: March 21 - April 19

There is a project that’s taking up a lot of brain power, Aries. With the Cancer Moon in your 4th house of home and family, it’s also a highly personal time for you. The upcoming Mercury retrograde can be dramatic, but that’s only because it falls in your 11th house of friends, and it’s so close to the obnoxious Leo Full Moon, that anything can truly transpire. As the Moon opposes the Sun, which is also in your 11th house, you begin to get the gist that right now, other people are rather important to you getting ahead - or staying afloat. It’s up to you. Tomorrow, a Sun- Uranus square can put the pressure on, so if you haven’t acknowledged some changes within friendship or business relationships that need to be made, proper for distractions - albeit emotionally exciting ones.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

This week gets busier as it progresses, Taurus. There is a lot on your plate, yet you welcome it all fully - part of you knows that no boundaries produces some intense emotions. Friends can be a source of contention now as no one seems to be on the same page, it will take time, so do you. Mercury is getting ready to station retrograde, and can help you think your way through a situation and get the sensible answers required. Allow until March, if you plan to resign, reschedule or re-continue with a role, ex or distant family member. As always, the first retrograde is more of a dress rehearsal than anything else. Tomorrow’s Sun - Uranus square can feel dramatic, aim to tone down rough edges and consider that now isn’t the time to make waves.

Gemini: May 21 - June 20

Your ruler Mercury is set to move retrograde and undoubtedly take you a few steps back, Gemini. Just when you thought it was all coming together, you stumble again. Great thing you can be chameleon like and blend in with the punches, in the long run, this will make for a good story, so let it all unfold. By mid March, the general atmosphere of your life will be more faithful to the cause, as you see that solutions appear in the 11th house. The Leo Moon can improve intimacy and relationships, as well as work strategies. Intuition runs deep, and you take obligations more mindfully. The Sun-Uranus transit tomorrow shows the problem areas, and you can find it rather hard to concentrate. If you find yourself divided, wait until early March to make the final call.

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

Your emotions are so clear to you, Cancer. In fact, this week everything is rather obvious - and you see past superficial problems that bugged you in the past. What is true is that after two years of hard work, you’re in for an epic time to resolve issues, reap rewards and be given the chance to perhaps, nurture something brand new. Mercury retrograde on the 30th is triggering your financial, business and property matters, throwing rationality out the door. Not only does the Leo Full Moon on the 28th approach everything with drama and hysterics, you’ve also got the Sun - Uranus square tomorrow, further questioning exactly what is everyone’s agenda. You are ruled by the Moon, so for you, this week will pose some serious questions, don’t flounder - and you will be rewarded richly.

Leo: July 23 - August 22

Healing happens slowly, and when you look back, you can almost pinpoint when things started to change, Leo. This week, listen to the hunches - the deeper feelings for particular people and situations will surely come up and yank at the heart strings. Chiron in sister sign Aries, has you travelling permanently, maybe not physically, but definitely within your mind. In some sense, you are committed to relocation - and moving house or country is very likely in 2021. You are laying the groundwork for something massive, and it’s been in the big picture for some time. The Moon spends the next 2 days in your 12th house keeping the energy personal and spiritual. The Sun-Uranus square that is heightened tomorrow, can bring tension or a clash with a loved one, parent, sibling.

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

The next 3 weeks will be a frustrating period of rescheduling, Virgo. That’s because your ruler Mercury is retrograde in the sign of Aquarius and your house of work, study and health. You gravitate toward people that can feed your sense of direction and purpose, anything less just won’t do. In a sense, you are willing to make a sacrifice for another’s sake, and this occurrence, will show you just how much has changed within you in the past year. The devoted people in your life become a lot more faithful, and the commitment you feel on a romantic level keeps you emotionally invested and conscious. Explore any feelings that emerge now. The Sun - Uranus square tomorrow clashes with your need to explore and learn, before reacting, get centred.

Libra: September 23 - October 22

You’re in a new cycle of information, analysation and objective thinking, Libra. Keep your eye on the prize, as it’s excellent to assume you’ll come around these paths once more. Something personal can be the big news of the week, as a living arrangement or family matter get pushed to the spotlight. The Cancer Moon at the top of your chart brings stronger focus on life goals, and you’re already thinking about tomorrow. The energies and feelings within keep you purposeful in communication toward family and friends - what you need to feel whole, doesn’t differ much to what someone else needs. If you feel edgy, remain flexible and avoid any stubborn past patterns that keep you stuck. Everything gets more intense with the Leo Full Moon, followed by the Mercury retrograde in sister sign Aquarius. Reactions will come suddenly, but keep conscious of what’s really happening.

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

What appears to be a done deal is not so, Scorpio. And this energy will make its presence felt this week - whether or not you like it. Give yourself more time and space, when you see it, as the influence of this week can be rather intense. You are especially drawn to situations and people that give you a sense of purpose or fulfilment. Everything seems mutual and you like the commitment that comes from the more serious mood. The Cancer Moon moves in harmony with your sign, and friendship, learning, sharing is most highlighted. The Leo Full Moon can feel especially drama fuelled, coupled with the Mercury retrograde only a few days later. It’s unclear what your next step will be, and the cloud you’re living within can surprise you when the energy turns combative, or competitive.

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

A deadline seems central to your life, Sagittarius. You are seeking solutions to the unanswered questions that last year left you. The Cancer Moon transits your 8th house over the next few days, and everything feels so much more profound. You are focused on the feelings of others and the partnerships you excel in - at the same time, you see the purpose in what you’re doing. Performance and self worth come up too, you’re dedicated in a way you haven’t been. The upcoming Leo Moon (28th) is stretching the web in terms of media, network and collaborations - there is some idle work gossip, don’t be irrational. The Mercury retrograde a few days later will cross paths with the same issue, and the project or event you’re working on can be a source of contention.

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

Relationships capture your attention, Capricorn. As you emerge from a very social holiday’s period and your desire for a more private period of hibernation is accentuated. This is a period of our life when you require some privacy and solitude, or maybe you’re just getting older. It’s about your own personal encounter with your soul; and all that comes within this - dreams, tarots, psychology, holistic medicine. A lover’s commitment may touch you, as you sense that there is a more positive approach to the future when it comes to the two of you. Everything feels more purposeful and you absorb the moments you are dedicated toward. The Sun - Uranus transit tends to overstimulate, and it’s best not to make any ‘fast’ moves.

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

It’s the dress rehearsal, Aquarius, but you’re keen to see the real thing in motion. With Mercury, the Sun and Saturn + Jupiter in your sign, it’s evident this period of time will affect all your plans, plus your image. The rescheduling and rethinking of Mercury retrograde until February 21st, goes well beyond, and into mid March. The final detail is yet to be confirmed, which is great in fact, because it means everything is still on the table. The Cancer Moon sits in your 6th house of health and organisation, helping you let go of frustrations. However, the Sun - Uranus transit tomorrow can make everything feel rather over saturated, and you’re not content with the restrictive conditions. Seek new ways to enjoy yourself - as these stifling conditions are here for some time, and I guess it’s not even that, it’s just that we are in the Age of Aquarius - everything occurring is you, and in the same merit, so much bigger than you. Take it for what it is, superbly fated.

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

Neptune in your sign can be crucial, Pisces. As well as detrimental - It’s all in the way you view life. Everything in your life, including your friends, job and home, define you - so it’s easy to feel you’re getting judged for things that seem so superficial. This cycle however, is about total clarity, even in the eye of Mercury retrograde - don’t screw it up with the world of non reality. Boundaries should be your magic word for 2021, even if it’s a long winding road to get to them. Behind the scenes activity is most in focus, and you are not yet ready to share some thoughts and emotions with the rest of the world. The Leo Moon will do you some good with it’s intense need for drama, as it helps you be a tad more impulsive with a lover. The Sun - Uranus square tomorrow proves challenging, yet the Cancer Moon keeps things positive.

This Week's Astrology

This Week's Astrology