This Week's Astrology

There are no wrong turns in life! This feeling may be especially strong today with the Pisces Moon harmonising with Jupiter, seeking us to grow, expand and improve. 

In this final week of February, we are connecting the cosmic dots that help us figure out our ‘earthly’ purpose. Some advice would be to pay more attention to the way the cycle begins and ends, and what happens in between, because it will come back ‘round again. That’s Mercury’s virtue and what astrology teaches if you’re willing to read that far. The temperance of interconnectedness is all around us, aligning individuals from a previous path to the one they’re walking now!!

There is a season for everything, so don’t be afraid of the timing, mood and circumstance currently. You will experience it all! Before you know it, you’ll come to see how it all just happened to you. We also have the Sun and Mars forming a sextile today, boosting our confidence further, energising us in this watery, Piscean season. There is a sense that we can accomplish much if we fine tune our sense of timing! This way you can be enterprising as well as resourceful. Be supportive this week of friends, family and lovers; you don’t need to run the show always. Learn to step back and recognise that everyone has their own destiny to fulfil. 

May your cup runneth over..

With love, 


Aries: March 21 - April 19

The Pisces new moon on the weekend brought with it a fresh start, Aries. Even with Mercury retrograde, you seem hell bent on not being discouraged from this specific outlook. This week then, heralds separating fact from fiction, before moving ahead to chapters unknown. A long standing problem may be behind you now, so you’ve got time to pay attention to more important things, like your personal *love* life. A new cycle of replenishment and recharge begins before your solar return around the sun in the weeks ahead. Don’t be combative with your meant health, give yourself the benefit of the doubt - especially in this week ahead. It’s best not to burn up energy, instead look for ways to conserve yourself and push forward. Your intuition is backing things up for you and conclusions come from this, instead of being left in the dark, you feel energised. The Sun - Mars sextile boosts confidence and you realise how comfortable you’re getting pursuing passions, the world hasn’t changed, it’s you that’s getting more opportunistic, in the right way. You feel your best when you focus on seeing things as they are, so don’t let anyone muddy the waters!

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

The New Moon was symbolic for you, Taurus. It’s like the beginning of a new chapter particularly related to contacts, social life and networking. You must pay special attention this week to strengthening the ties within the group, collaborating and nurturing the project or person at hand. Through the last few days you’ve experienced the hand of destiny, some sort of goodwill came upon you. Consider that new beginnings do just fall out of the sky, not everything has to do with something else. Frustrations with friends or family cause a course correction, be careful not to act on a whim. If you’re feeling stuck, identify your resistance point - what are you willing to do to push through your own limitations. There is a sense of restlessness to your timing in life right now and it’s because optimism is high, you’re tempted to deliver more than you can. There is necessary change in the air and you’d be foolish not to know about it, embrace the unknown territory ahead, it’s far greater than you’ve had in years gone by.

Gemini: May 21 – June 20

There seems to be some backtracking involved on a sticky subject, Gemini and it’s thanks to your ruler, Mercury retrograding in confusing Pisces. Regardless, of how you may be feeling this retrograde is actually enabling perspective in business and long term goals. When your thinking is out of the box, you’re at your highest quality of producing. It’s time to build and plan, the universe is giving you a special boost. You have been especially creative, imaginative and supportive of your ‘inner’ wisdoms. The retrograde is influencing authority, career and reputation and you’ve got to be careful how you approach the situation, no ‘too big for your boots’ feeling should be maintained. The Pisces new moon on the weekend didn’t help either, it put a spot light on life calling and status. For you, mediocre is deathly, you need to feel your own consistency more than most. Receive life instead of forcing it, that is the focus in Pisces season. Completely absorb yourself in a relationship, you’re being drawn in by someone. From the 1st onwards, restricting circumstance may disapper on their own.

Cancer: June 21 – July 22

Being open minded is not the same as being gullible, Cancer. This week, travel with that thought as you remain super busy with life and it’s responsibilities. Are you afraid a change in connection will divert an important creative decision? A partner is most definitely stirring up a sense of enthusiasm or newly found confidence, if you’re investing energy and time into a relationship, you will be able to accomplish much together. Give love a chance. Mars is connecting with Pisces season in your partnership sector and it seems a transition is taking place, a little impulsive but it’s your subconscious urging you to push forward with something. So many family obligations have had you tied up mentally, perhaps without being physically draining in the last few years and soon you may receive some surprising news. The past always sheds a different light on an issue when it’s been and gone. 

Leo: July 23 – August 22

There’s a certain path you want to take Leo, and nothing will get in your way. This week, you’re in excellent shape for thinking, doing and acting on your inner impulse. Mental insight is strong and so is the idea that specific ‘strategy’ will help you get in there, in the end you know better than anyone else what will work and what won’t. Plus everything you do is so graceful, it never looks calculated. You deal with problem areas because you know how to manage them, you’ve been here before and overcome it. There is a competitive feel to business and a demanding schedule is piling up as usual, don’t forget you thrive in this intensity. It’s always important for you to keep up with fast paced life, but take moments to stay balanced. If dating, a happy moment seems to come this week or next, if you’ve been feeling lonely take chances to reconnect, not push the person further away. Not everyone can know how we feel all the time, it’s up to you. From mid March a decision you make will bring a sense of relief, in general you’re moving through a happy, busy period that brings last minute changes for the better. 

Virgo: August 23 – September 22

Lately you’ve taken solid steps toward bettering your life, Virgo. The atmosphere around you has changed and you stand more daring and spontaneous than ever before, it could be perfectly personal or perhaps more inclined to business areas of your life. Either way, you’re creating, competing and working with what you’ve got in front of you. As February winds down, you look forward to a Full Moon coming up on the 9th March in Virgo. A big lesson as you walk these next series of steps is that whatever is happening to you is purposeful, try to connect the dots, happy or troubled, reach within for faith and strength. An important insight about career or domestic life can occur at the end of this week, family matters are particularly strong, don’t rush to make a judgement. Know that everyone has their own destiny, and all you can do is be supportive and compassionate. A close relationship can be especially energising, pushing you to do your best. 

Libra: September 23 – October 22

The Pisces new moon motivated you to turn a new leaf in daily affairs, business habits and health routines Libra. You personally feel as though you deal with one dilemma after another but it doesn’t have to be this way. In fact, you’re invigorated by those around you, there is plenty of inspiration that is seeking you to do better. In which area's are you living but not really feeling alive?! I suspect there are a few, varying answers to that question. With Mercury retrograde also in the area of your routines, diet and schedule - you will naturally feel backtracking before moving ahead. It’s best you slow down, searching for the ‘right answer’ only leaves you unsettled. Things will fall into place, almost by accident, in the first week of March. You just have to keep your eyes peeled for the enlightening discovery that pops up when you’re in a state of clear thinking. Guidance and support is being offered to you in a myriad of ways, focus in listening to others stories with an open mind, but check out doubts in they keep creeping up.

Scorpio: October 23 – November 21

The creative juices are flowing, Scorpio. You have dreamed up a new life for yourself and you’re going to get it if you keep prompting yourself accordingly. Taking care of your psyche comes from knowing weakness and strength; a romantic inclination has sparked a new type of expression you’re ready to share with the world. If things in February came to a head due to money, property or career deals, the situation will now demand of you to be logical and attentive. Maintain a business attitude and don’t let sentiment cloud your thinking. In Pisces season, you tend to be more emotionally invested where it really doesn’t suit. In March, if the same issues bubble up again it’s just thanks to Mercury retrograde. You are in fact in a great time of awakening, where strong emotional reactions are possible because you’ve been purging some old, worn out patterning. These next few weeks will straighten existing problems out themselves, just clear away whatever is half finished and begin a new to-do list. For now, focus on feeling your feelings and not getting to attached to how it all unfolds. It’s all perfectly aligned!

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

Home has been a topic for the past few months Sagittarius, and it’s not going anywhere just yet. The Pisces new moon over the weekend sat in this part of your chart, calling your attention to your support system. Who are they, where are they and do they make you feel secure and seen!?! If you’re unsure, then there's no surprise that this week, you’ll feel a huge inner and outer shift in your life. February had highs and lows, you see now that the polarity of things is really showing you a different aspect to before. Nothing is no longer what it was and that should be good, right? The transition between February and March could make this week, one of the most important of the year. Be focused on a spiritual level not competitive. You have a new outlook even though Mercury retrograde seems to have brought you back an old love interest, the course of commitment may take place because of this. With all this water energy, emotions will fluctuate, so in this moment, don’t be discouraged, trust your intuition to turn you in the right direction. 

Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

Mercury retrogrades in your communications sector bringing forward a new attitude, Capricorn. You’ve been sincere in improving your triggers and because of this people are motivated by you. If February left you feeling liberated, March will do much, much more to impress you. It all starts this week with little surges of energy urging you to express plans and directions. When you’re confident with the action taken, you review! It’s the Earth element way, and in this Pisces season you’re more relationship focused than usual. There is a tendency to be the ‘superman’, always doing what you can for others, seldom stopping to ask what they can do for you. With this in mind, you should listen more to your body, don’t burn any bridges in your race to the finish line. The journey throughout March is one of faith, where will you leap without knowing what catches you? Understand that the transition of such a moment can take place quite effortlessly, without much planning on your behalf. The net will appear to catch you in the 11th hour as it always does. Let any worries roll off your back, you are quite the catch. 

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

Shifting gears has you a little moody, Aquarius. If you feel under the weather with all this watery, Pisces energy, know that it’s just a sensitive time for all sorts of feelings and dealings. A sudden spurt of energy will come to help you complete a project or collaboration. March is set to be a rather social month, so set up appointments now. For some of you, a change of heart sees you patching things up with the one person you thought you wouldn’t. Ah, the effects of Mercury retrograde, it brings with it emotional entanglements and negotiations that are essential to our heart. Venus -Jupiter square that came into effect yesterday also makes your stories a little more exaggerated; separate the gossip and the truth. People look to you for influence, so it’s best to be serious when dealing with other peoples reputations. You are gaining a stronger sense of whats possible, especially financially, so your confidence is building as a result. You can overcome any problem areas as long as you play the dominant role in your life, take advantage of your creativity. 

Pisces: February 19 – March 20

With the Pisces new moon passing by, you get a sense that life is picking up speed. With Mercury retrograde also in your sign, the weeks ahead are powerful for beginning a new chapter of your life. What’s important to remember is to relax with the over defensiveness, not everyone is out to get you! The creative path that led you to where you are now may need a little reshaping, but tweaking is where you’re comfortable, so don’t freak out when you see the amount of work you’ve got to do. Eventually, you will get to where you need to go. There is never a wrong turn you could make in this story you write, so why not go with it, indulge, even joke around with it. Moderation however, for you especially, is always key. Things can feel more personal and that’s because with the Sun in your sign, you’re emotionally fired up. There are moments that are coming which require your willingness to participate, don’t recoil from the fact that life is equal parts messy as it is beautiful. Love sparks could be flying yet your deep feelings are challenging you, transitioning to a ‘regroup’ of sorts. Adjust parts of your environment that make you feel like a shitty person, peace and balance come from knowing when it’s time to forgive and let go. 

This Week's Astrology

This Week's Astrology