This Week's Astrology

We are inching closer to whimsical Pisces season, beginning with Mercury retrograde in Pisces (16th Feb- 9th March). The first Mercury retrograde of the year will throw us off balance, propagating the masses. We are seeking physical pleasure and are driven toward the occult, spiritual, curious and mysterious. In the sign of Pisces this retrograde will make communicating difficult. As if we’re all speaking foreign languages, thoughts and emotions may be way of kilter. You want to close your eyes to it but when you open them back up, the same mess is waiting for you. We have to seek the core truth, the neutral matter at hand. It’s important to sit with your feelings before trying to express yourself. So many energies are pulling us in different directions, don’t get lost in negativity or anticipation. 

Secondly, the Sun entering Pisces on the 18th, signalling the fishes rotation around the earth, encouraging us to hone our intuition and honour our feelings. Know your boundaries! The 23rd see’s a New Moon also in Pisces making life feel a little slower than usual ~ embrace periods of rest and rejuvenation. Be aware that dreams can be prophetic ~ Mixed into the watery, sensitive vibrations, Mars is in Capricorn providing very powerful energy, making us more ambitious - move through the core of commitment, that will see you through. As we come to see, this is a great time of polarity in the world, the light and the dark of circumstances- they pull us in all directions, except the present where we should be.

Remember, Mercury retrograde wants us to reflect, recondition and re-pattern our selves. The concept of our existence is to come home to ourselves, that’s all there ever is! 

May your cup runneth over..

With love, 


Aries: March 21 - April 19

Your destiny in the world is something you’ve been pondering on, Aries. And so, a new feeling within gives birth to a different side of your character, one you haven’t tuned in with for some time. This time of year often gives major dips in energy level, it’s because you’re so close to birthday season, many emotions from the past year are purging. Unintentionally, worries, desires, goals are being let go, so that in time a new individual can emerge. One who is more aligned, more in tune with self care, whatever that looks like for you. The highly personal week can magnify illusion too, that’s often because of the Pisces energy floating around us, making you uncomfortable, not knowing which way is up or down the stream. Make space for the findings you come across, you could be surprised but not shocked. With Mercury, the Sun and soon the Moon in Pisces, you are pushed to correct the past. Do not gamble on a chance, be sure and patient - your turn is coming on your birthday rotation. Mars is in your career sector on the Pisces New Moon is positive, some new ideas bubble up and business arrangements are more decisive. You have potential for a cash bonus or a reward.  

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

You interpret life as you see it, Taurus. A great tool in honouring your sense of curiosity is not falling into idle chat or gossip. Low vibration conversations at this time will do more harm than good, you don’t need a constant reminder of the past. By releasing this pattern, you march boldly into the future. This week, with the first Mercury retrograde of the year, misunderstanding a situation that is sensitive in nature could cause a backflip. It’s no time for assumptions, you need to hear the words out of the right person’s mouth. While you can dissect the nuances, it’s best to read the context of the situation in a mature and calm manner, this way nothing too big will blow up in your face. Pisces season makes you creative, playful and willing to participate. If you’ve been feeling low, the 21st brings a happy surprise. The New Moon in Pisces on the 23rd could bring a major connection your way, that will let you start from scratch. 

Gemini: May 21 – June 20

If you’re unsure, take a time out Gemini. Pisces season shakes up your routine as always making this a capricious time of year. Let the feelings rise inside of you, in this way you’ll understand what you want to do from here on in. Pisces brings the dreams, illusions and curiosity that perhaps you’ve been lacking since late last year, allow for the energy to present itself in which every way it should. No commitment is necessary, just show up and the work will do the same. This week, with the retrograde in full swing, check references and come to terms with the changing circumstances that require graceful adjustment. Don’t be erratic! Your contribution to society should be creative and generous, making luck appear at every corner. On the 23rd a positive Pisces new moon will make a trine to Mars and Uranus, manifesting and expanding projects in the weeks and months ahead. This energy favours group projects and collaborations, a workable compromise proves to be a better method. 

Cancer: June 21 – July 22

Creative projects tend to expand, gaining complexity and giving you a headache, Cancer. This is a time of movement after some inactivity, the pressure begins to ease up and the key is to move with the flow. Don’t be in a hurry for anything or anyone, just work with the energy at hand. You’ve felt a demanding pull both physically and mentally, perhaps work wise, recent reogranisations have left you uneasy. Allow security in, much of your efforts are on behalf of others, now it’s time to act on behalf of yourself.  Business ventures may feel like you’re not getting the recognition you deserve, but with the Sun entering Pisces on the 18th, a smoother ride is on the way. Your sister sign Pisces stabilises domestic energy, seeing you take better care of yourself or a home situation. Mars is in harmony with the new moon on the 23rd, so higher consciousness and philosophy combine with creativity. A good time for meditating and feeding the spirit, those should be your only intentions this week and next. 

Leo: July 23 – August 22

You’re not getting all the facts and so nothing is adding up, Leo. This in turn is making you grumpy as you are unable to make an informed decision. Remember, if your heart isn’t in it, it’s not worth the trouble. With Mercury in Pisces, everything seems like a blur, where you stand doesn’t seem to be where you’re at, mentally. A challenge or closure can be felt from this energy, keep decision making flexible. Some revealing information could help you solve an obscure problem, and with Mars in Capricorn you’re feeling ambitious. You feel the pressure to get things right and in turn, a little skeptical of the way things seem to be going. Nothing is permanent right now, as Mercury is retrograde, emotional misunderstandings can lead to silly mistakes. So, if you need to step back from a situation, do so! What is meant for you will not pass you by, no matter how long you have wait. The Pisces New Moon on the 23rd is in harmony with Uranus, it will make you innovative, attractive and exciting.  

Virgo: August 23 – September 22

The trajectory of your life has been making it impossible not to see progress, Virgo. Allow for the strange ideas that may come in, play with them and let it take you where it wants to take you. This way, opportunity knocks and things come together easier. The Pisces energy right now, is rewriting your resume, in which ever avenue you’re putting most energy into. Mars in Capricorn is a nice opening to business and legal settlements, you may have a major purchase or upgrade (21st) that improves the desire to work. It’s prime time for spiritual growth with all these watery planets, you are well into your year of discovery. Now is the time to dream, play with possibilities and allow yourself to visualise what it is you want, romantically as well as professionally.  The cosmic energies are prophetic and so is The New Moon on the 23rd, in Pisces it falls in your relationship house, building up chemistry between you and someone. There is a sense of alignment in this partnership, something new is coming. The energy of March will ask you to relax and enjoy the deepness of the Piscean waters. 

Libra: September 23 – October 22

Your current situation is demanding a lifestyle change, Libra. The highs and lows of life are all relative, should you work within the group or go it alone?! Right now, a lot of the information you’d usually be able to access, is hidden. That’s because Mercury retrograde has begun in Pisces, confusing you on which route to take. However, intuitively you will know and in the long run, you will be able to set things into stone. Tapping into the creativity before you, you are feeling very active in your pursuit of happiness. With Mars and the South node in Capricorn, it’s best you look at strategy, especially in a group dynamic this will bring your air energy down to earth. Mercury will retrograde in your health/work habits, so a new phase is just beginning in a playful way. You may have more time for special hobbies or someone could give the green light for a personal project. Karmic influences pop up on the Pisces moon come the 23rd, how you show up for others in the world will be scrutinised. 

Scorpio: October 23 – November 21

Liberating yourself comes from making the right decisions, Scorpio. When you make your mind up for yourself, a greater clarity and energy to life is focused upon. You are identifying a goal and are having no trouble in stepping toward it. Then again, you never do, drive is something you just effortlessly have. If you can sketch out some plans for now, next month and next year - you’ll have a better sounding board for what actually could be. People that you meet this week could be long, lost karmic lovers. It’s all plausible because we have Mercury retrograde in Pisces (your sister sign) making everything rather emotional, surreal and mystical.  It’s a wonderful time for creativity and spirituality, you are working toward some serious inner projects. This week gives you a chance to stand up for what you believe in, you begin to catapult yourself amongst the stars! Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want, just know that with so much Piscean energy, the way you do it needs to be soft, sweet and compassionate. 

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

The setbacks make for a good story in the end, Sagittarius. Life currently is all about transition, you have entered a new 9 year cycle and you’ve got the desire to regroup and move on. Allow your heart to open but be careful, with Mercury retrograde past lovers masked as new come into your zone, setting off all sorts of fireworks. There’s no such thing as facts and figures in retrograde, be weary of anyone who tries to tell you otherwise. This week is an excellent time to move, publish, innovate or perform. You have to be on the lookout for an edge that sets you apart in your chosen field of work, effective strategy can get you a long way, even though you’re more intuitive than that. Uranus is in harmony with Mars in the area of money, so financial institutions are brining you more cash. Mars in Capricorn levels the water energy, and gives back a little earth, forwarding some generous energy, people want to share resources with you. Pisces season has to do with emotion, not logic; thank those who show you compassion on the journey. Don’t focus on closure or culmination, just be patient as in the 11th hour everything will change. 

Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

If it’s working keep it, if it’s not, you know what to do Capricorn. Don’t let fear or self doubt cloud your mind, you just need to rework the current situation to something more favourable. With so many planets like Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and the South Node in Capricorn right now it’s about doing things your passionate about. Since 2008, you’ve worked hard to mould yourself to what you ‘ought’ to be, now, with the ambiguity of 2020, you find yourself falling more into who you actually are. This cooperative energy is nothing to do with obligation, it’s all to do with your true inner desire. Situations call upon you to lend a helping hand in emotional entanglements, but they benefit you in some way, so you’re driven to complete what needs to be finished. Take moments to recuperate and keep asking yourself the question ‘Is this what life i desire’. You are in a process of shedding skin, massive transformation that comes about once in a lifetime. Mercury retrograde is not the time for major moves, so if you find yourself fretting over doubts, shift your focus for a while. You will be more emotional with all this Pisces energy, nothing is based on logic but on feelings and emotion. Try communicating that over the next 10 days and see what shows up. 

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

A bittersweet memory keeps popping up and with it strong intuition, Aquarius. Every thing comes in it’s own special time, so don’t regret the past decisions - you’re just beating yourself up. Venus in Aries pushes you to mingle, it doesn’t have to be lusty, even companionship is important right now. These inner dwellings of your heart can bring cheerfulness when shared and celebrated. Evaluation of core values have perhaps set about a change of heart in a personal situation, everything is different to 3 months ago let alone a year ago. In life, you tend to be productively engaged, you want to make some changes in some areas that do with community. This week is for you to step into your creativity, leave the deciphering of other people’s logic for later on. The Pisces new moon on the 23rd is once again about unity and relationships for you, don’t be in a hurry to have it all figured out. With Mercury, the Sun and the Moon in sensitive Pisces, read the fine print before you invest it all. 

Pisces: February 19 – March 20

You have all the information but can’t decide what the answer should be, Pisces. And, it’s very much your decision to make, so what will it be?! Release what your soul is telling you, because when you do what is right for you, you do what is right for the entire situation. This week is promising and good luck seems to be around every corner yet you’re not sold. When you find yourself at the beginning of something new, you feel overwhelmed with the multitude of ways things could go. Trust your instincts, there’s no need to bring everything into closure just because you’re feeling emotionally ravaged. It is your birthday season so creative solutions can come from challenges, Mercury is retrograde in your sign leaving you a little overwhelmed and uninspired, that’s just the universe telling you to relax and do your own thing. In this way you remain effective and pleasant in your own life. Your Pisces new moon (23rd) trine Mars and Uranus brings love, lust and sex; if the past calls, don’t pick up. Feed yourself first, then everyone else, in this way you can love yourself well and teach others how they can do the same for you.

This Week's Astrology

This Week's Astrology