This Week's Astrology

An illuminating and educational time is before us as February progresses. Making this week’s message a tried and true one; Let things take their natural course. Mercury edges closer to retrograde in Pisces, so our thinking is more visual, intuitive and imaginative. We are attuned to our emotions and we guess things well. Collectively but most definitely, personally we are more willing to act on our feelings and this makes good for repair, resolution and healing all sorts of chasm’s. Similar energy is felt all week yet we can find ourselves on different pages from those around us, making life challenging ! It could be just from excess or unrealistic expectations. 

We are all on the pursuit of happiness with Venus conjunct Chiron today, healing energy is brought in and a new cycle emerges. It’s a time for commitment and people are really seeking out those they can open up to. We also have Venus parallel Chiron on Valentines day (14th) which can bring up wounds if we’re not conscious of them. With no malicious intent involved, we might trip up on something we long ago should of released. Regardless, this weekend there is great momentum for love and lust, be willing to act on what comes up for you. Much will depend on the clarity of our perception and how aware we are of our own paradigm of reality. But then again, when isn’t this the case?!  :)

May your cup runneth over..

With love, 


Aries: March 21 - April 19

Someone may misinterpret what you’re really trying to say Aries, so make sure you’re expressing yourself correctly. This week, personal friendships and social life holds strong focus, illuminating some feelings you've kept at bay. If a light is shed on a friendship it could signal a turning point as a result. Something has been brewing for you with this individual for a long time. It seem’s like a Leo, Taurus or Aquarius is stuck in the middle of this maze. From this, you may release some pent up feelings about this person or situation, realising that your judgement in this time may be clouded. With Venus and Chiron heading toward alignment in your sign, you might discover that the path to empowerment is through helping this individual and coming out the bigger person. The more you open your heart, the better the situation gets. 

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

This week, you're likely caught up in juggling relationships, social life and business demands Taurus. With the waning Leo Moon, be careful not to jump to conclusions, especially if you still haven’t received closure on a certain love/lust situation. If you come to a place and accept the ‘not knowing’ - it will make this time a lot more efficient. In general, the past plays a role this week, it usually does before a giant leap into the future occurs. Lately, you’ve placed attention on your inner world and found out some puzzling answers to a question you thought you answered long ago. All the new year energy has left you overextending yourself, not recognising that you need downtime and rest. It’s required for you to be playful just as much as serious, you cannot have one without the other. Venus is heading into alignment with Chiron giving you a strong desire to heal and move on. 

Gemini: May 21 – June 20

Stand firm on what's true for you, but don't overlook good advice Gemini. Your third house of communications is still alight from the Leo Moon making you prone to arguing your point. However, you may just be beat into submission on this particular topic. All these practicalities can create a bit of a stir in your immediate environment but it could very well be just what you need. This week, you can expect to reap rewards on recent projects or efforts. You’ve been pushing hard, now it’s time for acknowledgment. It's also a time when you want to be heard and seen. Validation will be the key to success for those who come into contact with you. Venus is heading toward a conjunction to Chiron, and this influence, making you emotionally brave and willing, can lead to important personal discoveries. 

Cancer: June 21 – July 22

With a bit of a mixed bag of influences this week, many things seem to be uncertain Cancer. You don’t know whether you’re coming or going! It seem’s like you’ve got no control of the circumstances others put you in, so let go of the need to manage. Right now, you could have some issues with intimacy, sharing, or personal attachments to paternal figures.  If you've been spending a lot of time supporting others, the need for more balance becomes evident now. It can be a time of increased finances and for discovering ways you can improve your current living situation. Opportunities to grow, learn, and heal are emerging now with a Venus-Chiron alignment in your house of career, reputation, responsibilities, and long-term goals. Repairing or enhancing relationships with important males in your life are predominant now, it’s important to give the benefit of the doubt in situations.

Leo: July 23 – August 22

Love is very much in the air, Leo. This week, pay stronger attention to your feelings and emotional needs. Be sure that the situation you find yourself in, isn’t making decisions for you. As a fire sign you can be unmistakably eccentricity and weird and right now you are feeling super inventive, especially with anything theatrical or to do with the occult. An increased sensitivity can seem to magnify frustrations, try to rise above and just let the emotions flow, this is all momentary because of the Leo Full Moon. There can be surprising realisations and emotions that demand air time, talk with your closest Fire friend. With Venus and Chiron heading into alignment in your solar ninth house, you are braver about expressing yourself. 

Virgo: August 23 – September 22

There's a chance now that a hidden factor comes to light that changes your thinking Virgo. If you have a slight hesitation on something, dig deeper, you’ll thank yourself later. This week is for the recent trends of hidden background noise in your life. If you've been working too hard or putting so much effort into helping others that you've ignored your own needs, the need to restore balance becomes imperative. You require rest and quiet time can feel at odds with the attention needed to work or family matters. It's time to consider ways to balance time for yourself and time to perform your daily affairs. Somewhere along the line you are being short changed and with the Venus and Chiron alignment in your eighth house, you may get the chance to get to the heart of a relationship or private matter. From this emotional repair & healing begins.

Libra: September 23 – October 22

Expect some ups and downs this week Libra. Communications on a personal front may bring concern for a family member or close friend. So, if conditions are not ideal just take it one step at a time and work with what you’ve got. The Full Moon accentuated your eleventh house, and now your social life is in strong focus. You can feel a sudden need to give back by returning favours or by showing your appreciation for others. In a sense, you see how far people have supported you and how some never gave up. From this stronger sense of community you’re in a  place of honour for your circumstances, now and then. A gifted gesture may come out of no where and surprise you as the Mercury shadow period discovers feelings for someone that you thought you buried. As Venus and Chiron sit in alignment in your partnership house emotional matters have a chance to thrive, potentially bringing with it an old relationship.

Scorpio: October 23 – November 21

Life shows you what others may be going through, Scorpio, all of a sudden you’re situation doesn’t seem so dire. It's important now to be an objective sounding board for someone else. In your own life, you realise that being 'right' is not always the way to go. You feel a call to action regarding a friend/family matter, when you feel compelled to do something and make it right, no one can steer your path elsewhere. At the same time a career matter or duty can come to your attention. You're ready to show others what you can do and it’s time for a change. It's important to acknowledge new feelings that come to the surface surrounding a move in career or love, as they can be illuminating and revealing. Venus and Chiron are in an alignment, and this can bring about open-hearted connection. You have a real interest in making improvements in your relationships, but also in areas related to your work/ everyday routines, you’re ready to perfect the ‘work-life’ balance.

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

No matter what’s going on, this is a time to tune into what you need right now Sagittarius. This week, your mantra should be; be kind to yourself. On the cards is a cultural event that aligns you to the philanthropic mood you’re in. An emotional discovery and a bit of adventure, however big or small, clears all inner woes. Epiphanies occur now that motivate you to reach out for more in life whether that be to learn new things or embrace different sorts of people. The desire to expand your mind is powerful this week and will last well into March. This might also be a time of the culmination, finishing a project or leaving a business venture. With Venus and Chiron in conjunction in your house of joy, and this influence continues to further self-honesty, you’re stimulated by being open and vulnerable. 

Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

Focus on seeing beauty in the ordinary, Capricorn. Your attachments and dependencies to loved ones or materialistic objects are in strong focus now, and revelations can come out of the blue leaving you puzzled by what you find. You see more levels of an emotional  and a turning point is likely. In fact, it’s been gathering speed for some time now and you’re finally ready to do it. You've been paying more attention to the earthly world, and the Leo Full Moon reminded you that you’ve got emotional needs too. Not everything can just be glossed over. As Venus and Chiron are also in alignment, make time for family in your personal life. You could be confronting tricky matters, something longstanding but currently, both you and loved ones are more psychically open to your reality. Feelings that may normally be hard to access can emerge with great ease, be graceful and honest.

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

For now, there may be a change of interest in a current situation Aquarius. Just let it be. The need to review your budget can emerge drastically.  It's a time for looking to the past for answers to current problems and then changing things accordingly. Air signs are now recognising feelings they’ve kept hidden, making this a revealing time personally. As the Sun transits your sign you’ve been very focused on certain plans and goals, your attention is 100% committed to moving you along. Birthday season is often a time of great exposure, with emotions surfacing that could bring a relationship to a turning point. Regardless how you’re feeling there is a general push to improve your life. With Venus in conjunction to Chiron, talking opens up doors - open, sensitive, and fresh communications can lead to bond and connect with others, unlike before.

Pisces: February 19 – March 20

A memory brings a smile and reminds you of how things always work out, Pisces. This week finds you in a rather introspective mood, ready to regenerate away from prying eyes. In life, no matter what you expect to happen, something else will occur, and it will be better than what you could have imagined. In Aquarius season, your mind communicates through pictures, photographs, film music, dance, art - making the ethereal extra important. The 'non-verbal' forms of communication are bringing you the right answers you didn't know you needed. Your twelfth house is lit marking a time of retreat and rest. You are in deep thought over the attachments you have to things, people, and routines. Please take time to consider which ones are dragging you down. This is a time when competitive energies and the ego are on a bit of a break. It's not the time to push ahead with brand new projects as Mercury shadow suggests, wait until late March just to be clear. Situations that have naturally outgrown their usefulness in your life can now be put behind you easier than before. Endings of natural cycles are part of the picture at this time of year for water signs. 

This Week's Astrology

This Week's Astrology