As I write under the Gemini Moon, I’m reminded that self projection is a work in progress. 24/7- 365 days a year, we are breaking down tall barriers, piece by piece coming into our own. February is a gentle jolt waking us from our slumber ~ allowing us to integrate some of the shifts that sprouted from January’s stormy, cosmic weather. The Mercury retrograde shadow happens about two weeks before and two weeks after the planet’s backspin. Before and after a planet is retrograde, it goes through a period called “stationing,” where it’s adjusting to the U-turn. We may feel its effects ramping up as soon as today. Yep, Mercury shadow has officially begun, so best not to make any concrete, life altering decisions until March. Give the benefit of the doubt where you can, as long as you’re not doing a dishonour to yourself. Venus forms a sextile to Saturn today, which is strong energy for filling our commitments, particularly in our relationships. We feel stronger for it, more secure, loyal and reliable.
Mercury will begin retrograde in the sign of Pisces on February 16th. It will offer some final answers to unfinished business, finally bringing relief to a situation. Use this retrograde to quiet your thoughts and reflect on what you hope for in the near future, 2020 vision is imperative for each and everyone of us. This retrograde will be one of rest and respite, be the watcher of your mind in every situation. Venus will also meet Chiron this month meaning we are in a time of reset for particular themes we hold close to our hearts, make sure you look out for your number #1, yourself!!! To add, we have Mars in harmony with both the upcoming Leo Full Moon (9th) and Pisces New Moon (23rd) this month, they parallel the same theme; attract and admire. The Leo Full Moon is positive, fiery and active; you see the results of something that began early last year. Many of us will be pushed to passion! However, I want to remind you to be cautious against letting your emotions get out of control, even though these Moon’s will help you to carefully look at a situation before moving ahead with it, you must not let all the feels get to your head.
Remember, throughout this month, the silence has to underline the words, otherwise they’re not worth being said. This decade, dream forward. No road is impassable..
May your cup runneth over..
With love,
Aries: March 21 - April 19
You require more space and time alone, Aries. This week should be about your private life, inner dreams and outer reputation. You’re being asked to keep it real, especially in this first week of February; do all you can now as Mercury retro will bring about a mass period of delay in your life until mid March. Be careful spiritually of negative energies and fake people, your auric field is very open right now. Misunderstandings leave you without the relevant information. Attraction is strong. On the 8th of the month, Venus is coming into your sign & means spotlight for love, magnetism is on you. You will look and feel better, natural empathy for those around you seems amplified. On the 9th, your sister sign Leo hosts a full Moon falling in your 5th house, shining a light on self confidence, new projects, launching ideas or acceptance. Encouraging you to take time for more play and mutual admiration with those you love.
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
Got to be patient with the process, Taurus. You can be a great self motivator at times, so what’s stopping you now? Your emotional world is coloured today; making you satisfied with speaking, sharing and connecting. Keeping things harmonious means you steadily climb the mountain of self responsibility. Saturn and Venus are in aspect also benefiting any business/career change, just make sure you catch up with where everyone else is at. The Full Moon in Leo will fall in your 4th house so anything connected to family, property or siblings is super important. Relationship-wise anything with long term value is appealing, you are practical and the vision you share with a Gemini, Libra or Virgo is especially significant. Be weary of Mars in Sagittarius (until the 16th), as misunderstandings tend to happen that only later, with foresight make any sense. The importance of human behaviour and how you come to respond will be the main theme there, you have to control the desire to react with anger.
Gemini: May 21 – June 20
With the Moon currently in your sign Gemini, it’s time to cross the bridge and meet others on neutral ground. So many manifestations in regard to personal relationships are coming through making you encounter beneficial friendships, especially with strong fire women like Sagittarius, Leo & Aries. From the beginning of this week until the next 2 months, your 10th house of career/reputation is alive and buzzing! If you have to re-do or revisit a project, don’t get too flustered. As when you look back late March, you’ll see how well you got it done. Important communications will come from your worldly responsibilities/abilities, no time to shy away. Authority figures are taking note of you, so remember, if you play this right, you may just be the belle of the ball. Important to also note, Venus in Aries moving into your 11th house on the 8th - a time to love and be loved. February will see you as a magnet, attracting what you desire. The Full Moon in Leo will fall in your 3rd house, themes of networking, skill sets and education asks you to dig deeper.
Cancer: June 21 – July 22
Life starts to take shape in February, Cancer. First with the Full Moon in Leo falling in your 2nd house, forming a good vibes trine with Mars in your 6th house, activating material solutions to ongoing distractions. You will have success if you’ve worked hard, promotions are likely and from this you feel invigorated. Then, Mercury enters Pisces in your 9th house, indicating travel or education, helping you change perspective or direction. It could be surprising but you have a sense that something is calling to you. Venus moves into your 10th house which centres around career and publicity and image. People will take notice this month, you don’t have to be extra impressive. Love wise, you are connected to someone by an invisible red string, this week you will begin to feel the effects when one person drops the ball and the other does all the work. It’s possible there is an air of immaturity surrounding a relationship, opening up a delay or postponement that will come to fruition.
Leo: July 23 – August 22
You’re in the spotlight, Leo. This week, a time of completion is upon you; it doesn’t have to be emotional. You’re just in a place of reorganisation and it’s got a bit to do with the 9th house, which rules research, self analysis and introspection. The Full Moon in your sign in the 9th house, from Friday calls you to take centre stage, a development in your life activates positive results. If you have felt off track, not yourself, this week comes to shake up what you believed with dominant force. Life begins to pick up and you feel your strength, which is definitely also attributed to Mars (planet of desire & action) in your 5th house bringing confidence and clarity. The fire houses are activated by the Moon reminding you that any delays actually bring something better. Being less superficial has you looking at ways to conserve resources; gather facts and figures before you call a family meeting. Remember, you must take risks in order to see dreams turn into reality.
Virgo: August 23 – September 22
Stay the course, Virgo. This month, Mercury your ruler goes retrograde in the 7th house, and beginning today, it’s shadow period will affect you. Periodically, you are reflective, requiring a time out from social gatherings. This week is one such time, where you will benefit from rest, so don’t push anything just enter into this period with intuitive understanding. The 7th house is all about relationships and agreements; contracts of great importance may need to be signed over the next month. An increase in a communication with a partner could bring about a reexamination of sorts. Then, you also have Venus entering your 8th house which will affect money, you are either saving or making, the 8th house it usually is connected to some sort of sponsorship or partnership. Either way, you are being helped by forces unseen, run with it for now. The upcoming Leo Moon falls in your mysterious, subconcious 12th house reminding you to simplify feelings and emotions, sudden realisations about the past make themselves known.
Libra: September 23 – October 22
As you enter this introverted month, Libra, don’t push anymore than you have too. In general, February is about being the listener, not the speaker. Today, Venus and Saturn support home life and the family dynamic, however wacky it may be. You must take care of your health as you could be seeing an issue progress in this week that throws everything of balance. Right now, you begin to see the value of routine and healthy choices. Mercury sits in your 6th house of career and you will be inundated with administrative duties, a huge increase in work load is felt. Venus sits in your 7th house making relationships charming, sweet and soft. You are willing to compromise and this heals any disconnections previously felt. The Full Moon in Leo falls in your social 11th house, showing you results in collaborations taken up last November/December. You have a wide outreach in this time giving you vitality and high energy, you will begin to notice that as much as you feel like hiding yourself away, the universe makes other plans for you.
Scorpio: October 23 – November 21
The underlying mood this week is one of transition, Scorpio. If this is your year of discovery, then this is the week for planning. A necessary compromise may not feel entirely comfortable yet it’s needed to keep things on a even kneel. Career wise, a tempting offer is appealing and magnified by Venus sitting in your 6th house of work and career, maximising the situation. Leadership responsibilities ramp up with the Full Moon in Leo on the 9th, falling in the 10th house bringing results on previous projects, leading you to the spotlight with the fire trine that supports reputation, money and resources. Rethinking and reassessing certain situations before Mercury retrograde mid month is normal and as it will transit your 5th house of creativity, romance and compassion, you’ll have a lot to work with. Reconsider what gives you joy and how to invite that in, profoundly listening to the voice within. Domestic responsibilities may be strict in this time, so don’t procrastinate.
Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21
Clear and release, Sagittarius. This month highlights service to others and evolves into something much deeper. With Mercury retrograding mid month in your 4th house of family dynamics, you once more find yourself in a ‘relative’ situation. There’s no escaping important family conversations, in fact, they will continue for the next 2 months so better to be concise and honest. You may have issues involving a senior relative or father figure, this will require input from others in order for everyone to see what’s really going on. The changes that come from this, bring deep feelings and memories, can you accept that things happen for no reason? Currently, collectively we have Mars in Sagittarius, this is great for you to simplify and cut back. Only put attention on area’s that need it; that will balance out the high’s and low's. The Full Moon in sister sign Leo falls in your 9th house; marking study and deep knowledge. Nurture and nourish yourself by taking time to read, share wisdom and your own personal experience.
Capricorn: December 22 – January 19
You’re reminded of responsibilities today, Capricorn. Firstly however, let’s talk about the impending Mercury retrograde which will move into your 3rd house increasing communications and bringing unplanned trips, you will be exchanging information and diving into administrative duties throughout the month. This means that your actions will be more deliberate throughout February, making you seek out patterns with little to no stress. Lately, you’ve been attune to the world of emotion, which has been colouring both your thoughts and communications, expressing yourself intuitively has led to many happy surprises. From mid February, be careful not to misplace wallets or keys, this is not the time to rush through routine life. Venus will come into your 4th house making home life pleasurable, finding solace within family. Venus rules beauty and balance so the environments you find yourself in will really impact your moods, make sure you’re comfortable. The Full Moon in Leo falls in your 8th house triggering the secret, private, personal, bringing about liberating psychological insight - be careful not to let a secret slip.
Aquarius: January 20 – February 18
Take creative risks, Aquarius. Adjustments that need to be made in serious relationships are centred throughout February in your fear of the unknown. This week, approach the impending Mercury retrograde with appreciation. Mercury has been helpful as it transitioned your sign over the recent weeks, keeping you in the know and wired to the source. The events that push you to reorganise your financial structures begin happening this week thanks to some negotiations that take place with Venus in your 3rd house. The 3rd house rules social communications and improve relationships with teams, neighbours and siblings. Questions will be asked in February and you have to answer them with conviction so that positive news can be brought to you. Then we have the Full Moon in Leo falling in your social house 7th house which makes you experimental, you are keen to try something new with a lover. Be bold and brave, life is moving further and it’s on you to take the next step.
Pisces: February 19 – March 20
Things are moving in a rather peculiar way, Pisces. As Mercury enters your sign for the retrograde, you are chattier and bolder than usual. For the next 2 months your title, role and reputation will be most important. Mercury will allow you to review what’s important but you’ve got to take on it’s logical energies and be practical, leaving emotions to the side. Mars sits in your 10th house so material development is strong - business is the be all and end all, focus and you will see many gains in mid April. Look at putting things in order, the Full Moon in Leo will thank you, as it sits in your 6th house of health and resources. Capricorn sextiles you in the zodiac and with so many planets coming up in Capricorn, wisdom and truth appear easier than before. The area of manifestation approves sudden opportunity, you can use this energy to build what you crave. Evaluate goals, dreams and desires - creative effort on your behalf comes from your heart. You are so lucky, remember that!