Happy Cancerian Season! A roller coaster ride is truly ahead of us; exciting, challenging, dense! All those thing’s that make life so worth living. So worth experiencing and going through; so we come out stronger than before and with better stories to tell. The devil is in the detail this week…
The big news is that we are gearing up for a Solar Eclipse in Cancer on the 2/3 July; we are dealing in the next few weeks with the heavy energies of a cardinal, water sign Cancer & Saturn ruled melancholy Earth sign Capricorn. Opposing signs in astrology represent contrasting approaches toward a common goal. The pair of Cancer and Capricorn share a theme of (self) parenting. Just like their rulers Moon and Saturn, each of them approaches the matter from a completely different standpoint. The polarity’s of these two sign’s can actually be used in productive ways; the Solar Eclipse itself is rather positive, it rules birth, nourishment and softness. Capricorn is the complete opposite of those words; it’s the harsh realities we engage in. Many of us might be feeling responsible, restrictive in this week leading up to the Solar Eclipse. We are all in a time of purge, what no longer works, worries or alienates us.
Today, the Moon enters Aries and aspects Chiron, bringing up old childhood wounds, trauma or angst. When these tough aspects occur, step into your own power and understand who you are. Channel the Aries energy by being confident, bold and authentic. Mercury in Leo will awaken the dormant artist inside you. This fire, retrograde energy in Cancer season usually means other people will suddenly find us more inspiring and captivating. With Mercury in Leo, your mind is engaged and focused, and as a result, you are more articulate and have more self-confidence. Don’t keep changing your mind; stay true and trust it.
Take a deep breath and let’s get going...
May your cup runneth over..
With love,
Aries: March 21 - April 19
You’re on the right track and right direction, Aries. As you move through this next week and onto a new month; an offer is placed on you and it’s concrete, tangible and something you can really work with. Essentially, July is enterprising - to say the least. It’s a month where something mean’s a lot to you and you’re motivated/excited by whatever it is. You are and always will be the pioneer sign; the seed was placed in the ground and now it’s growing. July, is right at the beginning of something. The peak of this cycle will centre heavily around January 2020, where everything will be new for you. The work begins now - some thing interesting to note is that you’ve got major karma floating in family life, house and homeland. Past lives can come knocking now, if the same situation keeps on occurring with different faces, but the same spirit, there’s a reason for that. Use your intuition and make sure your dreams, goals and aspirations are aligned. Clearing away self sabotage is healthy, it mean’s that loop you find yourself in will alter your attitude and give necessary tolerance and embrace to what could be. Keep your sense of humour and get philosophical.
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
What’s the priority here, Taurus. It’s time to focus on dreams, goals and desires and not look any other way but your way! This week, a union is embroiled in excitement and newness, definitely a nice feeling to a rather fresh relationship that has entered or is about to enter your life. Everything is illuminated and exposed for the next 3 weeks, this cycle is good for a annual internal check up. Very tentatively you’re starting to trust and have faith - that will be the on going energy of July. You’ve made some big life decisions lately; and you’re coming back to your ‘true’ self. Now, it’s time to integrate back to normal life, fate definitely played a part throughout june - sweeping away the non essentials. How people interpret you and how you get yourself from A to B will be most scrutinised now - make sure you’re awake to the program. As I said in the above Aries scope; past lives are occurring in our lives throughout July’s eclipse season. Continue making the necessary sharp judgements on who and what you value and who you can trust. The universe is trying to set thing’s up for you; believe in yourself and carry on.
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
Belief and faith, that’s all it takes to turn your mood around Gemini. You’re often wonderful at self imposing limitations on yourself and then thinking the world has cornered you with it. July is restless, versatile and clever -all the good qualities you also embody. Jupiter is helpful in your chart until December and ask’s you to shape up your love life, stop preventing your own happiness. We never mean to do it, but you need to get more conscious on when you are doing it. The energy will switch gears from mid July - you’ll be more goal orientated and super excitable. A deal is likely in July - and that’s going to be positive especially with Ceres the star in such nice alignment. Life has been intense and you may have had a moment, a wobble - now you’re in the wrapping up phase and making more sense of everything that has transpired. This water energy Cancer brings almost always impacts your finances, business and taxes. Assume nothing and hold firm, this won’t be forever, it’s just the eclipse energy. You are being guided and looked after, every step of the way.
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
It’s literally all about you right now, Cancer! Birthday season and Eclipse season rolling in and out - faith, belief and trust. Those are the 3 words you must keep repeating to yourself, when things feel slippery, strangling and stifling. Re-tracing our steps, June was all about your soul & spirit. The Cancerian energy we’re all in collectively, is all about entrepreneurial energy and your reputation. If you feel as though you’re treading water, believe me, at this time of the year - it’s natural and soon you’ll be standing on higher ground. You’re in a much better place than you imagine you are; the universe is opening the bigger picture to you and Pluto, Saturn and the North Node are backing you. A key energy throughout July; is definitely romance, love and unity. A partnership is showing power or control issues and everything is highlighted. There will be blind spot’s this month, but you must have belief in where you’re going and who you are. Your name, title and brand is major - clean it up and don’t cut corners. You are at your brilliance when protecting, nurturing and caring who people/ animals/ cultures. The universe is a helping hand, it’s trying desperately to grasp onto you and guide you.
Leo: July 23 - August 22
If you’ve been uncertain these past few months, something changes drastically now Leo. A new beginning, and many new, delicious star’s helping yo. You’re coming to the end of something, tying up a few loose ends and beginning a new journey. Preserve and address where you need to work smarter, not harder. From this weekend forward, you’ll crave more alone time than usual and that’s because your ruler; the Sun moves through your 12th house of spirituality, psychology and inner demons. It’s actually something to look forward too - as it always brings about concise energy and spirals into calmer every day living. It’s been big topics on friends, networks and social circles - more than ever, you’re aware who’s on team Leo and who isn’t. You are culling those that have reached a point of no return. This can only be fruitful, as the Cancerian energy accepts only what is real. There is a transit in your 6th house ruling work, duties and service currently happening - it’s mighty and epic and a lot can change after it’s done. Dynamic is July - you can crack this and you should go for it!
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
Emotional rebirth is right around the corner, Virgo. Something is changing, something is opening up to you. An offer, that’s been ongoing comes closer now - a new level in the game is reached and you’re bang on track! Throughout July, other people and how you deal with them are up for revision; you’re about to see clearly what’s effective, what’s not and what tactics to continue with. A new project, colleague or course could have you feeling like you need a release. You’ve just been through an intense examination over the course of this year; on who and what matters. You’ve made real progress and lessons have been learnt. It feels like what you’ve had to deal with was like a collision of energies, secrets always come out - and tough energy always dissipates into truth of the matter, eventually. The direction you’re heading in; allows you to come back to yourself in a way you’ve never experienced before. The energy feels protective, as if someone is guiding you - keep the courage and hold the faith.
Libra: September 23 - October 22
Something is definitely closing in, Libra. A message of patience continues and I know many of you might be feeling like (?!?!) Again? To be fair, you have been carrying with you a fair amount of baggage from 2016,'17 and ’18. Now, with Eclipse season - you’ve outgrown the baggage and karma. Assume nothing as everything is still up in the air, Cancerian weather, what can I tell ya?! What’s super important here is that you do not waver and everything will arrive. July has a wobbly feel to it and achievements can feel far and wide from where you stand. This is natural and with eclipse season, the whole collective is feeling it. You can be very creative this week with your dialogue, communications and friends. Uranus resides in your 8th house that is currently under rulership; so partnerships, debts and investments are topics. You’ve got to seize the day when you’ve got the opportunity. You are not fragile, you can do this! Have faith and believe in the work you’ve already done and still continuing with.
Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
Figuring out how to share and compromise is key here, Scorpio. For many of you, there is opportunity for travel, learn and prosper. Jupiter and the star Ceres will single out a few important issues for you to focus on now and they will centre around a 2nd or 3rd party. What is out of balance, that you need to bring in? That’s what the Cancer Eclipse next week will test you with. Things have to be figured out long term now. Remain mindful of how much you can’t see right away, with the over analysing energy of Eclipse season on us, we still don’t know exactly what our reasonability is. You play your part, they play their’s, this is very karmic and will come forth in your life in a romance setting. A sense of deja-vu might occur, you feel as though you keep repeating a pattern. July will have lot’s of backwards (retrograde) energy, so you will need to re-experience whatever you didn’t learn the first time round. There are so many directions you can go in July, you’ve got to change pace and keep it light. You’ve seen the truth on a matter in regards to who and what is actually worth it. You have been shown the inner workings of the reality you’re living in, so put some effort into where you want to grow and you’ll see quick advancement now.
Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
Look after what you have, Sagittarius. You’re more candid and generous than usual; you’re also more aware and far more on track. This means July is brimming with opportunities and possibilities, the atmosphere has changed and although money matters could be tight - you feel confident in your current position. You’re purging the past and this week, you’re completing things and beginning them in the same step. The Cancer Solar Eclipse is all about the positive flow with Neptune and feeling’s come up; they’re here to strengthen you and moving forward it will be about partners who act as mirrors, your reputation and title in the world. Mars enters your sister sign of Leo on the 1st of July - and positive placements can be felt. A key period in finances awakens with you and you start not only clearing debt but also ‘spiritual’ debt. You know who to repay and who is yet to repay you - if you sense a blind spot, you’re right. Not everything is crystal clear yet but throughout July, you will regenerate yourself through the powerful emotions that emerge in this Eclipse season.
Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
Creative self expression allows for the space to move in a new direction, Capricorn. Throughout July, you will be putting yourself out there and with good reason, it’s eclipse season and the 2nd eclipse mid month falls in your sign. This week, month and rest of the year ask’s you to feel your feelings, not bury them. Let go of the inner critic and speak from your heart. Karmic cycles are at play now, deja vu feel’s real and you repeat some situation you thought you’d finalised. Saturn is showing you so much in regards to your relationships, they are mirrors, and it has something to teach you. Right now and for weeks to come, the North Node and Sun swirl around intimacy, trust and the heavy lifting that comes in regards to a relationship. Where it fall’s in your chart; is what part of you are forgetting? If you only value yourself with ego driven realities; such as status, money, reputation, then you’re not seeing the bigger picture. You’ve got to meet in the middle and not get too judgemental with Saturn perched so heavy in your chart. The hand of destiny is moving you toward opportunity, perfect timing and current or potential partners. This week is about focusing on other people and what they may want from you.
Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
You’re feeling inspired to improve, Aquarius. The star’s align and offer you up a more positive outlook on what you’ve been dealing with and you begin to nurture yourself. The emotional support Cancer Eclipse will give our foundations is all about belonging, safety and the sense of home. We have to navigate all of this and also another Mercury retrograde beginning on the 7th of July. You are more nurturing this month, more soft, more sweet, more aligned to how the world works. You sense the hurt other’s carry and psychic abilities are heightened. The Sun sits in your 6th house of work, health and fitness - you begin to review the last 6 months and life in general. June was about a moment of truth, and July will be all about intentions and the new rules you set for yourself. There is a creative element to all that you do, be open now to the door’s that open - even if they don’t seem so appeasing at first. Workload and lifestyle must merge together now and if they don’t, your body will be sure to let you know. You now know, what you didn’t see last year. Watch yourself, don’t get overly passionate or overly angry. Mental health and wellbeing will be examined in July, listen to yourself and don’t let small things push your buttons.
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
Whatever you decide, make sure you set it in stone, Pisces. Avoid flipping and flopping all over the place; keep your feet firmly planted and move within yourself, not outside off. Hopes, wishes and the circle you belong too are super important throughout July; an extended cycle of creative expression moves with you this month. With such crazy energy, retrogrades, eclipses and transits - listen to your gut instinct. You want to complete karma with someone who you might not necessarily love but can’t move on from, a learning curve it could be looked at. Intuition is spot on this week and this month, your soul self knows. You keep getting reminded of past loves, fantasies and unions. In the cycle of Cancer, your sister sign, do nice things for yourself and nurture. Don’t hurry anything, just let it come and then let it stay. Chiron who rules your finances is being stretched in all angles - it might be time to see an accountant or pay off some debts. Although, money talk can make you nervous, Chiron is a wonderful motivator and if you put a little effort into it, doors open. Creative expression is bold, innovative and special right now - a fresh start is tangible in love, romance and self confidence. Put your energy into something worthwhile, something your curious about. By December, life could be so expansive - you finally get the big picture.