JULY - Treat the whole month with a ‘wait and see’ mentality. Life right now is not meant to be big movements and finality’s - everything is up in the air and no one is privy.
The Cancer Solar Eclipse is welcomed today by radically opening up our heart’s. Solar eclipses always bring bold beginnings, blasts of unexpectedness and out of the blue information.
Eclipses are known throughout history to be wild cards; this one is no different. Although, in the sign of Cancer; the Moon is in her own sign, in her own North Node. It’s a powerfully emotional time fraught with much fertile energy; as Cancer after all is the all encompassing MOTHER. Questions such as ‘Am I living with intention ?” hit home now. Life and it’s happenings are drilling into our soul and we are consciously asking for more; love, friendship, peace, understanding. It’s a magic time, don’t forget that!!!
This week, focus on making new connections, as we now sit in the Eclipse series between Cancer/Capricorn well until July 2020 - it’s all about merging the solo act with the playful integration of the ‘other’. That could well be your partner, friend or business acquaintance. Collectively and individually were all going through something…Don’t sideline your efforts.
The challenge is to balance; to mature and to step into growth and evolved energy. It wakes us up from our slumber - shift’s us out of the routine we are in; purpose is to make us pay attention. Are you alive in every moment or does it take something external for you to feel as though you’re truly living….?? This is it, there is no other life, chance or moment.
The notorious Mercury is in Leo leaving us strong, commanding and communicative. Mercury however, is also retrograde from the 7th of July until the 31st. Cancer brings the passive side to Mercury out, so despite the headache of a retrograde, this one should be fairly timid, shy and mild. The retrograde begins in Leo forcing us to look at health, wealth and addictions. When thing’s get crazy, slow down and compose yourself. The first leg of Retrograde is always stressful as it comes to mess travel plans, electronics and communication. Restore yourself by spending time in nature and avoid rushing around..Also, Retrogrades bring back the past. And, from the 19th the retrograde moves out of Leo and into Cancer. This shift of signs means we see unfinished business from last year’s cycle pop up. This also mean’s more than a few ex’s could turn up, stirring the pot, asking some strange questions that perhaps you’re not sure how to answer. As always, tread carefully, lightly and meaningfully. Try to remain calm and observe life. Be grateful in every moment, life is glorious and you are here right now. Living, breathing, feeling and knowing.
Good luck & All my love for July and this wonderfully, wild cosmic dance.
May your cup runneth over..
With love,
Aries: March 21 - April 19
You’ve got so much opportunity for transformation and change, Aries. The wave is all encompassing and playful. Mars (your ruler) is in your 5th house and is accentuated on the 2/3rd with the Cancer Eclipse, don’t get hung up on plans and the routine A to B. The 5th house is about romance, family and children. It seem’s as though some sort of ‘soul karma’ and debts we must re pay are appearing in major way’s. Life can be a bit of an obstacle course now and you need to take time & space to complete it properly. Once you feel as thought it’s complete - enjoy everything and throw caution to the wind. You’re a trooper, you can do this. Do something nice with where you are right now. Feel the magic in the air, thing’s are turning and you really feel it. Mercury also retrogrades in your 5th house, it’s asking you to truly reassess the love you have for your life - what is it that need’s to be removed for more joy to enter? You will find yourself coming back to a creative project- you begin to take something up from the past that you truly enjoyed. Much change in work and career is felt throughout the month of July, you begin to structure your time and your soul purpose becomes evidently clear. This is because, later in the month around the time of the Capricorn Eclipse your 10th house is accentuated. This rules honour, enterprises, business.
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
You’re in the midst of a Capricorn cycle, Taurus and it’s critical and immensely intense for you. There’s no other way around it, then to bow down and let it come. Many have been in this place before you and you need to get real and get through. You know what to avoid and what not to avoid. There is wisdom in your heart, so sit and listen to it. Unfortunately, in the month of July - there is no fast or easy escape route. Something comes to fruition this week and ideas/beliefs and subjects ask you to look at where you are. The 2/3rd Cancer Eclipse falls in your 4th house - this triggers new beginnings, a desire for change, travel and movement. You are restless and everyone can feel it. Venus joins the Sun in your 3rd house and classically rules navigating, communicating and connecting. Mercury is retrograde in your 4th house - family and home life is at a crossroads and you need to take care and take time. You’ve got some roads to navigate. How can you be a more effective communicator, don’t respond to ex’s or new love’s too quickly. You have Saturn, the South Nose and Pluto (heavy planets) lined up in your horoscope - this all rules travel and how the mind moves from destination to destination.
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
Switch directions and move with intention, Gemini. You’re in an unusual position and much needed changes that will make you happier in the long run are highlighted. The Solar Eclipse in Cancer falls in your 3rd house today, joining Mars and Mercury here too. It shines a light on everything to do with learning, studying and being. Your ruler, Mercury is retrograde from the 7th of July until the end of the month. Are you making yourself crazy - running here, there and everywhere? Are you grounding yourself? Re-define what it mean’s to be you. Look for issues that come up around power, Pluto, Saturn and the South Node are very karmic and will hit peak intensity throughout July. What do you owe, what is owed to you? Expect delays in paper work, ideas and words. Whatever you thought you knew, this month will show you - you don’t know anything. These past few months have just been the dress rehearsal for the real show. You will face many deep emotions and you will begin to feel lighter as you start shifting trauma, blame and defence. Mercury retrogrades in your 2nd house which touches finances and rough outlines of a project. Life start’s to show you a strange pattern and it’s up to you to decode it.
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
It’s your Solar Eclipse, it’s your Birthday season and it’s a wild month, Cancer. In July, take yourself seriously - so much hang’s by a thread and it centres around your former, current or past partners. It karmic and with the Node here; it impacts your soul. Something need’s to be settled, once and for all. Things come to life and you begin to understand what’s going on, like REALLY going on. The Solar Eclipse falls in your 2nd house which rules finance, projects, business. Your skills, gifts and talents are highlighted, something is developing within you and you’re creating a new element to yourself as whole - to your personality. The light within is embrace and unveils. Venus enters your sign and harmony in relationships is restored. You feel in love with life, yourself and the notion of what is yet to be. You feel very spiritually; as if you’re connected to the source. When Mercury turns retrograde on the 7th of July - it goes between the 1st & 2nd houses; again money and business come up. If you feel abundant, you will have plenty - if you feel unworthy, you will notice the lack very much so. Mid month 7th house is accentuated, love and romance are crawling on your skin; you can’t not feel the depth and energy of things. You cannot see reality yet, and you do not know - so tread carefully. Pace yourself.
Leo: July 23 - August 22
You’re turbo charged this month, Leo. The Solar Eclipse falls in your 1st house and it’s pushing you to centre stage. You sense your progress and it’s only going to ramp up as more planets enter Leo as July moves on. Inner demons can come out to play now and you will need more time and space to work thing’s out - nothing is fixed or final. Everything is changing in every moment for you. A subconscious ‘letting go’ phase begins; you sense the metaphysics of life and fall into a trance that take’s you into a peaceful, placid place. The ‘invisible’ becomes visible with Venus in the 12th house, it’s an intensely personal time for you no matter where you are. You have faith and an agreement meet’s you halfway now. If you’re stuck on a romance, make a first attempt. With such mixed energy now that Mercury retrogrades in your sign; you’ve got to keep a ‘what if’ mentality to everything. Be utterly honest with yourself, because if you are not, everyone you encounter will serve as a mirror; and you may not enjoy what you see. The 6th house mid month will be a path way from body to soul, you’ve got your own story, don’t let life write it for you. You must do the work, whichever way you know. Be conscious, be aware, if you feel a reason to pause - rest and give your mind and body a break. But, don’t compromise and play with the devil.
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
Take is easy, Virgo. In this major month, wherever you are, the cycle will find you and it will claim you. A deeply personal month that looks at relationships, fertility, children and family. You will need to exercise great patience, effort and persistence if you want to get the job done. You are the worker bee, but question’s tend to pop up now, tugging on your heart strings; Are you happy? Are you living the life you thought you would? Something is blossoming from within you, use your experience. You’ve been here before, but maybe didn't take it the entire way. You must do the hard yard’s now to reap the rewards in January 2020. You will feel empowered once this cycle is over. Venus joins the Sun in your 11th house, always ruling other people, friendship and secret messages in relationships transpire now. It can be about community, like minded people and connecting with the cycle. Your ruler, Mercury is retrograding around your 11th house also, so try not to start new projects. Completion in this time, is all the more powerful and so are past lovers, friends and acquaintances. You also have Pluto, Saturn, South Node and the Full Moon all moving closely around you, life will repeat and rewind itself, it will resolve, just keep the power within.
Libra: September 23 - October 22
Something in your life is continuously pulling the insides out, Libra. This month is a work in progress, remember that and try not to dwell so much on the inner working’s of your brain. July is a cautious month that requires patience for complications that are set to arise. For most of you, it will be felt in career, contracts and negotiations. The final edit for thing’s will come much later, like November or December this year. So, with such a fair amount of karma in the works, you must allow for changes, reversals and delays - yours and others. This week, you want to be stimulated mentally; new debates, many things to talk about. A few of you are working with groups; co-creating, this is super favourable. Romances that come from friendships are now likely, feel’s like a past life connection and you’d be right to assume that this has been building for some time. Since you are a cardinal sign, you will feel this ‘everything goes around, comes around’ energy most directly. Your 11th house is accentuated ruling; partnerships, new friendships and connections. Venus joins the Sun in your 10th house tomorrow - naturally, as Venus is your ruler, achievements at work are possible, big strides in reputation and social status. Mercury goes retrograde in your 10th house also, so the usual things apply - try not to sign contracts now, no matter how important. Reassess and re-evulate everything; this way life direction and your ‘spiritual’ destiny will become clear.
Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
Life is constant flux for you, Scorpio. Just as you think ‘aha, I got it’, it eludes you once more. July is full of spirals, surprise and a need for space and time alone. This week, be careful not to make assumptions as you’ll surely be wrong. In therms of eclipse energy, that what you would suspect is usually completely wrong. Things could feel peculiar this month and you just can’t put your finger on it. That’s because with this wild energy right now, everything is a little off course, off track and off kilter. The Solar Eclipse falls in your 10th house and bring’s a new direction to career. You want to step out and into the light and opportunities arrive now as if tailor made for this. Hobbies, projects, something you want to share with the world. Dig deep and juice those creative apples. Venus joins the Sun in your 9th house and gives you that sense of wanderlust; you feel alive with possibility and it’s a wonderful time for learning. Mercury retrogrades in the 10th house also, so you have an opportunity to reassess life direction; when and why are you moving in this certain way? Are you doing it for yourself or other’s? You feel restless all of a sudden, and it becomes evident that perhaps, you’ve been playing it too safe in a certain area of your life. This is your chance now, to jump, leap and hop out of the comfort zone. Let your inner wisdom drive you.
Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
A major turning point in felt this July, Sagittarius. The Solar Eclipse falls in your 9th house this week and all month; it’s an important factor in how you live life. The 9th house rules travel, new experiences, knowledge and spiritual development. You’ll need to exercise some patience however, as you are being made to wait. This is the only way you’ll see who is on your team and why. Facts and figures come up now, real money and numbers - make you retrace your steps. You have both Nodes (South & North) in your cash zone, so thing’s will feel quite karmic and you should be aware not to spend more if you don’t have. Venus then joins the Sun in your 8th house on the 4th, so something tends to get deeper now. You genuinely dive deep into the layers of another and life leaves you humoured. You begin to plot your next chapter, but if you haven’t finalised the last, you won’t get away with anything just yet. It’s not all bad, it’s just important to note, nothing goes according to plan this month so you may as well relax. Mercury is retrograde in you 9th house too on the 7th, nothing will stick, especially writing so make sure you read the fine print. July hones in on the truth of a matter; this year for you, release and relief will be felt in a MAJOR way. A little common sense goes a long way.
Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
Being a Cardinal sign and the other major player in this Eclipse month, it’s safe to say that everything is about you and it might feel like you're being dropped into a deep fryer, Capricorn. Many area’s of your life are affected, a wave of development hit’s integral spot’s. The Cancer Solar eclipse falls in your 8th house today, you begin to discover the unseen world. You dig, delve and get to the bottom of something. You have wanted to understand this paradox for some time and this week, it falls in your lap as if a gift from the god’s. Exciting projects swirl around you on the 4th, Venus joins the Sun in your romance house.This makes you charming, popular and social; relationships bring harmony and are profitable now, you renew a sense of purpose in your love life. Let things unfold and don’t play the ‘boss’ card so often, you’ve had time to learn from your mistakes but just as much you need to remember what you’ve gotten right before. Things tend to get progressively easier from August, but you have to survive this month first. Let me be sure to add that Mercury will retrograde in your 8th house from the 7th, so areas of finances and how they’re linked to family or partners come up in an interesting, out of the blue way. You’ve got a lot of time to reflect this month, to reassess your behaviour and stop and decipher how you respond and how other’s respond to you. Your current life is a mirror of your inner beliefs, values and dreams.
Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
You likely find yourself in a position now that is more satisfying, more promising than before Aquarius. The Cancer Solar Eclipse touches your 7th house that rules relationships, new beginnings and renewal of existing friendships. With such strong Moon energy, changes need to be made. How you react, respond and behave around someone you deeply love is looked at now in a major way. it’s been a long journey, one that began in 2008 and it has not finished working you out. Spiritual matters that circle around faith are important here; with Pluto, Saturn and your South Node in the sign of Capricorn they are pressing you hard. It’s required though, to gain understanding on what makes you tick. With such intensity this month, you’ll cry out for alone time, rest and peace. Saturn is a hard task master and he has not been gentle with you, but prosperity takes patience and a certain amount of hard yard’s. On the 4th of the month, Venus joins the Sun in your 4th house - business, career and the good news that develop from working hard comes through. You begin to notice the patterns of your life and it would be smart to also pay close attention to basic health, energy and comfort. You will get to see what’s what now and in some way, gain a inspired perspective to keep swimming.
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
A new order is set, Pisces, now you need to pace yourself and do what is required. The Cancer Solar Eclipse falls in your 6th house joining Mercury and Mars highlighting service to others, health and new environments. You feel a renewed sense of optimism and it’s a good time to dance, move and bring your body to vitality. Venus joins the Sun in your 5th house on the 4th, so romance is scorching hot. All month, love and how it intertwines is subject to change, surprise or shock. Life is not normal right now, so allow it to send you off track until Mid - August. After that, you’ll understand where it’s touched your life. You are developing a product or service and it’s wonderful for creative expression, playing with your inner child is imperative now. We have Pluto, Saturn and the South Node in your friendship sector coming to a giant peak; it’s about using self control, will power and only connecting with those that serve your highest good. These past few weeks, you may have felt pushed, pulled, prodded by a certain someone. This is karmic in a sense and it’s a spiritual issue for the soul, you’ll know how to handle it when it appears or reappears (depending on your soul cycle). Something you began in January, comes to fruition from the 8th. The journey continues and you see the funny side to thing’s, keep the humour - it will help you in week’s to come.