The intense energy of late June begins to swirl beneath, around & within us. In astrology terminology this vibe translates to a Full Moon conjunct Jupiter, which is usually positive. The Full Sag Moon just past intensifies and emotionalises Jupiter’s square to Neptune, which is likely to bring mass illusion/delusion to the collective. We also have some tense aspects with Mars conjunct Mercury in opposition to Pluto. When Mars & Mercury are opposite Pluto it can make us all go a little mad, it feels very much like an internal struggle for thought, concept and feel.
Penny Thornton writes ‘Jupiter’s move through Sagittarius chimes with a Three year in numerology and the year of the Earth Pig in Chinese astrology. The number Three is an harmonious number: it promotes optimism and stimulates communications.’
We are inquiring this week, we want to deeply understand - we are intense in our nature and feel deeply philosophical. On June 18th, Saturn will sextile Neptune exact, this aspect first formed in January and will be perfect again in November. The sextile aspect brings far more ease and flow than a square, so in the case of this transit, Neptune dissolves defences while Saturn describes the nature of our defences. Make use of this time to soften the rigid places within you that have been causing you emotional tightness. On June 21st we have the June solstice when the Sun reaches its most northerly declination. Sun changes direction 4 times a year: at equinoxes and at solstices. Needless to say how important that is. Our natal chart, our planet and everything else in our solar system revolve around the Sun.
These last few weeks of June are about getting to the root of who you are; being unable to avoid the truth of ourselves in the most authentic possible way - we have learnt over these first 6 months of the year, much of what we never knew. It’s been intensely personal for all of us, no one is exempt. We are all going through the notions of life, don’t forget that. We are all human. Prepare yourself as best you know for the Solar Eclipse coming in early July; things are set to get wild yet wonderful…
I wanted to leave you with the words of late, great poet Frank O’hara that embody this tumultuous, intriguing energy we’re all going through;
‘Now I am quietly waiting for the catastrophe of my personality to seem beautiful again, and interesting and modern’.
May your cup runneth over..
With love,
Aries: March 21 - April 19
Something you’re not ready for appears now and blesses you in all sorts of ways, Aries. A second chance to express yourself? Perhaps, it’s time to do something you rarely do. The blindfolds have been removed and you could be surprised at how you behaved. You are overcoming previous hardships and the key energy moves around love, cooperation and justice. If you’re tackling a situation head on, be fearless. The situation was previously risky yet somehow you’ve managed to manifest something entirely different out of it. No matter what provoked you, let the dust settles and don’t play all your cards. In the past, you may have been traumatised by a relationship - you weren’t aware at that time of your value & truth. Now, that it’s come around again; you want to reveal another part of yourself. The 19th/20th are dates to discuss a new professional opportunity, burning bridges can be an occupational hazard of yours; and this time of the year is a little like a minefield so play it cool and safe, this advice applies across the board.
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
All or nothing, Taurus. This week is about patience and recognising there is an area or space you need to put your energy into. Unfortunately, life is a little like sailing; storms pass and then they rise again. Two things are pulling you in opposite directions; but more so than any ‘outer’ circumstances; you’re pulling yourself in two different directions. I know it’s a headache. You seem to be rapidly reaching a tipping point, your anchor point has been floating about and now it’s time to be decisive. It really hasn’t been there for you this year, but there is a massive change in perspective coming. Many of you, haven’t wanted to fix or help something, even though it was on it’s last legs for some time. Now, you can’t look away. The time we spend realising something can be all consuming and much of June’s theme centres around ‘knowing your worth’. A close look at finances is required and I sense a new source of incomes could be on the horizon, don’t let others undermine your worth, especially now that you’re working hard on personal value, integrity and honesty.
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
You’re getting a better grasp on yourself, Gemini and it’s always magnified when birthday season rolls around. The combination of Venus, Jupiter and a Sagittarius Full Moon suggests happiness and decision time in love. Although much of this week can leave you heart warmed, there does come a hard aspect with potent Pluto. Things tend to be sweet now and you get to know how you truly feel about someone, first however, you’ll have to negotiate some uncomfortable intrigues you share. A month with Venus in Gemini such as June, is always a plus for you. You’re more charming than usual and even when things don’t pan out perfectly, they’re still good enough to eat. Catch my drift? Not a lot can go wrong these next 2 weeks but money gets tighter and business gets tricker from the 18th. Know that not everything is set in stone, your actions have consequences and we all make our own choices. Be inspired by Jupiters pass through Sagittarius and move out of your comfort zone.
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
To say that this week is dynamic, would be an understatement Cancer. Put energy into understanding your healing, there are some things you cannot control and that includes people who have their own self interests at heart. There is an integral link this year between Capricorn/Cancer as we delve deep into the Eclipse season beginning from the 4th of July. This means, this is a huge time for transformation, manifestation and it's specifically affecting you. Both Mercury & Mars are in your sign which will take you far but opposing Pluto, it can also make things slippery. Definitely a break in a long and difficult path, you begin to see, feel something new. You see the things that have worried you and what you’ve pushed down in regards to relationships; remember the river runs deep. Mars is urging you upward and onward, it will awake your competitive spirit and help fight insecurities. From the 21st you’re no longer in the fog of the 12th house that rules secrets, spirituality and silence. If you really push hard enough, you will unravel the secret that lay’s in front of you. Tread carefully and don’t put your faith into the appearance of things.
Leo: July 23 - August 22
The title of the book should be ‘No one said it would be easy’ Leo, and that’s true for you now and throughout this week. We can know when we are not giving ourselves fully to a relationship, job, lifestyle. We push down the turbulent waters within and pretend they don’t exist, however, there is no more hiding. It’s time to make the most of everything we have and everything that arrives to us. A new beginning can feel quite confronting yet still be super healthy. You have an inner knowing that everything will be alright and you’re very much correct. The direction you walk in is fruitful and you’re standing in the light. First and foremost, be prepared to admit your part in the story and then aim to build stable ground. It’s very karmic energy and the situation comes out of left field, a relationship can emerge stronger from a crisis once you unite as a team. This is poetry in motion in regards to the karmic effects, new things that come into being from these types of stars could change your life in way’s not believed possible early on in 2019.
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
Balance is restored, Virgo. But, balance like anything else, is in the eye of the beholder! This week can be weird & wonderful, if you are apt in dealing with curve balls. Part of the Pluto experience that we now find ourselves in is that revelations pop up from no where and you may very well discover the real truth of a matter. Within a male dominant relationship something ’new' is experienced now; sometimes the more you dwell on a situation, the more grey it becomes. Jupiter square Neptune will challenge what you believe in. Jupiter is what we believe to be true, no matter what. From the 21st, you’re asked to put love first - whatever that may mean for you - romance, family, friendship time. An isolation of sort’s has left you mystified perhaps, however it has served a purpose, to help change your perspective. First, establish how you feel about it and then like a true Virgo, examine the facts. Another aspect to this could be, a way of presenting yourself that maybe wasn’t truthful.
Libra: September 23 - October 22
For many Air signs, but you in particular, life could be rather difficult and at the same time transformational, Libra. Pluto demands much from us and we are being asked to really look within now, there is no break here and no separation from what could or may happen in the future. The wisdom gained from the turbulence you’ve been experiecing means once again you could be up against yourself, the old versus the new. Sometimes, we get stuck in ‘practice mode’ and forget about actually giving what we’ve been working on a go, publicly. Now, is the time for you to unleash what is in your heart, especially within a creative aspect. Don’t doubt, a balance is now coming forward that will clear the fog. Family/home life are a combination of energies that can be challenging influences throughout June, as we enter the last 2 weeks of the month, letting go won’t be easy but is necessary. Many Libran’s are being called to distant places and a real need to ‘get away’ is being felt. Your themes for this year as always centre around relationships, reflection and compromise; try to connect all dots before you move away.
Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
Energy is all there is, Scorpio and energy never lies. Jupiter in Sagittarius now transits your self worth house and requires you to put one foot in front of the other and keep believing. You are in a vortex of positive developments and enriching experiences, you’ve just got to keep letting your heart guide you. Always take the high road, it suits you best. Romantic developments in life are very sweet and intense and you arrive to an understanding; this in turn cements and builds bridges within existing partnerships. Clarity in what you’re achieving - rather matter of fact energy. When you look back, you sense your identity in romantic relationships is a little skewed. Don’t deny the impact people/places have had on you. For much of the next few weeks, finances are highlighted and so is diligence and focus. How everything fits together isn’t something we necessarily get right away, you must first decode it in your own way. In general a time for renewal, in life you’re given two options, life your own life or someone else’s. Decide your dreams and goals are worth it, the universe will get behind you when you take responsibility.
Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
You arrive at a destination this week, Sagittarius. Money and love don’t mix well. Separate them from each other and you’ll make better decisions. Leading up to July and the Eclipse season, it’s important to recognise what you want in love. June has been a very important month for you, things happen fast and you see it through how you expected. Life right now is about expansion and understanding, you begin to recognise that new energy is abundant in your own life. You have engineered this, so use it wisely. The Sagittarius Full Moon may have driven some issues to the surface and endings can truly feel like beginnings for you now. Sometimes we get stuck because nothing ‘feels right’. Don’t be fooled by this. If something doesn’t feel right, this doesn’t mean you should abandon your goal. You should simply take another route. The mental toll of making a certain ‘decision’ has been quite harsh, we could be stretching back well into February- March. Jupiter (your ruler) is in Sagittarius now and this can have many positive aspects - there is unity in life again. Most likely, you will feel the balance within education, communication and comfort zones.
Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
Capricorn, it’s in your nature to enjoy the rocky terrain life offers up every now and then. It’s safe to say that this week is another long, intense spell and while others seem to be loosing their footing, you climb high and fast. Your foundations which signifies the 4th house is important now. What we’re built from, how we are constructed; self reflective energy and alone time is what you crave. Shift and change that comes in is from your attitude; you want to practice authenticity. When it comes to relationships; family or otherwise; share in a meaningful way. Dig deeper in your everyday conversations - do you know how to proceed when you’re vulnerable. Each situation is specific to oneself, you need to understand where you’ve been to know where you want to go. Be engaged to your current experiences, they’re here because you called for them. What you’re currently facing in your life requires awareness; you can’t avoid it. The key energies this week are the truth about how you feel on yourself and others. Jupiters energy here is comforting to you and gives you the final push to conquer what you came for, give it your best shot and something good will come out of your efforts.
Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
You don’t want to waste time, money or emotions on a situation that has no redeemable qualities Aquarius. This week, play it cool and think outside the box; two things you’re naturally best at. A new trajectory might be hopping, skipping into your life and you’ll need to reshape previous values, thoughts and plans. Last week, you were at the whim of other peoples decision - you had no option but to accept what they wanted. Things within a relationship may have felt a little unsatisfactory for a while, this doesn’t necessarily mean a love relationship; family, friends or business are more so what we’ve got here. Identity and how it correlates with your true self has been major topics and you now want to align yourself to something you feel strongly for. A change like wind is about to blow through, expansion linked to your authenticity self. It’s time to reveal yet another layer of you and it’s part of a cycle you’re well and truly apart of. Something is transforming for you, be vulnerable in a way you never have. You have arrived here after a long, slow road. Apply to your own life and karma, we all are playing it out in different way’s.
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
There is an aura of finality, Pisces. The Sagittarius Full Moon was on axis and therefore is closely linked to a change in life direction. We think change comes so fast but in fact it can take months/years for it to cultivate and culminate. You’re taking charge of a potential new beginning and the difficult first 6 months of the year that are behind us. A new commitment aligning with soul mates as we know them/ twin flame connections. For some Fish, there is tough moments and for others triumphant ones. It’s all about where your priorities lie, who stands beside you and the realisations that come with both. A change of circumstance that helps identity you’re ready for the masterpiece. Our upbringing, our families play a big role here as well; practical, out of the blue ways. If in separation from someone, perhaps you’ve given way to much power and control to a partner. It’s time to put your foot down and recognise if things are tough, they’re tough for a reason. To teach you and show you when things ought to be reigned in, only you know how to complete this cycle.