This Week's Astrology

This week, Jupiter and Neptune lock into their second tense square for this year on the 14th, so it’s wise to keep your advice well and truly to yourself. Neptune in Pisces (who will turn retrograde on the 21st) can encourage us to live in denial and perhaps this week, we see where we have idealised our relationships, career prospects or family surroundings. We have Mercury in Cancer making us more instinctive, objective, personal. Venus is in Gemini which means we want a finger in each pie ;) Curiosity moves us and we tend to be attracted to words ~ we pursue mental stimulation. Twin flames & soul groups feature heavily and excite us with new perspective. With all this energy it’s so important to let the quiet developments of life make headway…

Even if you’re not living your ‘perfect’ life - trust that the universe is conspiring on your behalf. Accept this and gather more inspiration, this is a week for charging ahead.

Allen Ginsberg says it best and in true Gemini form; ‘Our heads are round so thought can change direction’.

Take the chance, change your mind, make it work, dream the impossible dream!!

May your cup runneth over..

With love,


Aries: March 21 - April 19

Blood, sweat and tears Aries, but only for a few more critical moments. You need to do things on your own and in this sense business/work might be asking you to take on more responsibility, stand in your power and go it alone. Any areas of life where you’ve been overbearing or perhaps, overdoing become super apparent this week. They almost underpin the whole month, with the Sun and Jupiter in opposition you feel the need to release pressure more than usual. Your greatest success comes from you being your own person and aligning to your higher self, aim to simplify and something you have yearned for will happen. The Sun is in your communication sector today and keeps you mentally stimulated, you’re dreaming, scheming and plotting. A brand new person, possibly someone connected to your work, will give you an incredibly influential connection to utilise. If financial worries and pressures are still swirling around from May, make adjustments quickly and downsize. Collectively, many Fire signs have strong unity in their charts and today the Moon is in your romance sector and tends to increase a connection with potential to babies or kids. These types of transits increase desires, layers for relationships. Something that feel’s like a 'meeting of the minds', you are being protected and maybe best not to read too much into this particular situation.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

You’re swimming against the current, Taurus. With Neptune in Pisces you’re being asked to keep it steady while gaining momentum. That’s life I guess, the juggling act of all our ‘stuff’. Very slowly but very surely you are coming to calmer waters. Friends are important this week and someone seems to be ducking in and out of your life. Life is progressing and you get a sense that you’re moving in the right direction, so why aren’t you happy? Expect to learn whats clear or confusing in a situation come Friday. Be your own person, take more responsibility and step more into your power - the only person who can change it all around is yourself. Be assertive in relationships and don’t rely on others to do things - opportunities to be leader come up strong now. Think about YOU! If you need new rules or boundaries, set them so that others don’t cross them or that you don’t. You’re more productive and things come quite naturally in work and business, the rhythm of life means people around you seem to be in sync. A feminine energy is acknowledging your communication skills and personal experiences - perhaps a mentor type energy. Life is not always fair or just but this week you can achieve personal growth by building new connections and furthering your insight on past events that shook the core of your being.

Gemini: May 21 - June 20

A boost of independence is well suited this week, Gemini. You’re in a happy, joyful place and it’s connected to groups (soul and otherwise) that move around you. You’re setting things in motion to achieve a certain something, different ways to look at it as this is collective - but something quite significant is happening for you. Getting to a state of balance can be challenging but rewarding, you’re closing a door and walking away from something. It’s time for checking in with yourself and not overdoing it as this month may leave you a little exhausted, in a good way. You’re searching how all things fit and how they are vital to your future success, profound inner changes can be felt this week with Uranus in your privacy sector, try and go with the flow and heed the lesson; not all the answers are here yet, but you’re certainly coming to a conclusion on something. You might feel tense over a situation that left you guilty or neglectful - this will pass quickly as the Sun and Venus are in your sign and it’s your time to shine. Just keep building the base and increasing self discipline, you’ve got many opportunities for freedom, new people and changing job’s in your life. Take the time to consider all angles and keep your adventurous attitude.

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

An angel sits on your shoulder, Cancer. A week of perhaps dealing with inner demons that brings forth forward movement. The Moon in Libra transits your introspective sector giving you a sense of comfort and security. With so much movement in the sky, it can be easy to move to the extremes. You need to be balanced now and not turn suddenly so that things don’t topple over. Mars and the North node mean something is occurring, the door is opening in a part of your life - you sense the journey is beginning. Do something a little daring and free yourself from old baggage; in this way emotional renewal occurs. You are more connected to your independence and courage this year, as the North Node sits in Cancer all year. What’s meant to be will be and many of you will be overcoming existing fears and begin to trust instil more. Go it alone, this way you will see significant change in a short amount of time. Sudden realisations in relationships come about now and they’re to your benefit. With Neptune in Pisces (your sister sign) playing up you begin to notice something quite obvious. It can come as a surprise and you wonder who’s agenda it was to begin with.

Leo: July 23 - August 22

The universe is trying to reassure you, be sure to listen Leo!! A few of you could be dealing with a tough time and it’s connected to justice, decisions and love. If something is happening in your life now, know you have exactly what you need to carry on. In a relationship; children, pregnancy can feature prominently. This is a week for smelling the roses or giving some, soul/heart connections are profound and you have a sense of ‘I see you’. Don’t over blow frustrations, things will go well but of course, in life we all have last minute glitches causing us to regroup and re-centre. Possible legalities taking place now too, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, look for it. Things are ‘go, go. go’ - a situation releases energy and it could be unexpected or very rapid. When pressures mount, take a walk or talk with someone. Just make sure you’re reality checking the situation for fresh thinking, you thought a certain way but the universe get’s it’s hand and things unfold out of the blue. If you are thrown, don’t worry too much. Changing, adjusting can feel like an uphill battle but remember this is all internal - it’s about you and even though things may seem about someone else, it seldom is. Things can cost more now too so take practical steps and highlight budget adjustments.

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

Feelings of love & happiness are flowing now, Virgo. The fog is clearing and you’ve laboured hard to get it. Your inner world is enthusiastic, perhaps going something alone? Very independent energy in your chart right now. A connection can boost your confidence and nudge you to learn and grow. Today’s Moon is in Libra and for you, it’s very relationship focused. Share your light and magnificence. Whatever is going on has the ability to shift an aspect of your life, this kicks off now and manifests in the coming weeks and months. You’ve got excellent stars for applying intuition to business, career life and your mission in life - you’re feeling stable, emotionally strong and some new’s comes forward now. You may be waiting for a resolution, whatever it may be, it’s gaining momentum. The 9th house rules order, expansion and our geography - it’s pulsating for you right now so expect organisations/ business arrangements to be a little wild. Activities that support long term interest capture your heart now and you see something in a rather different way, a conclusion that is slightly out of sorts for you may be possible. It depends on how you read this situation but it will please your practical side; definitely a mind set is changed and it requires you to come back to your self.

Libra: September 23 - October 22

Find common things to laugh about Libra and everything will run smoothly. Today, the Moon sits in Libra connecting favourably to the Sun - you feel encouraged. You have been slowly achieving things through the month of June - you seem braver than usual. It’s important now to have a strong sense for the future and what you’d like more of so that it can motivate you to move further. Things are cooperating in your life so be thankful for that. However, as always frustrations and conflicts arise when both parties are stressed and tired, so be patient and keep the attitude down a degree. You’ve got green lights to push forward, so just keep the momentum going and avoid being overly cautious. This week, a meeting of heart’s happens and big possibilities of reconciliation and taking things into a new phase. Although this energy is unpredictable, everything will work out for the best. There is a different layer to a relationship that proves to be rather beneficial, albeit a little unexpected. If I have any advice for this week; it’s to be open. Despite concerns over every day things, you feel rather good. Your goodwill in matters of the heart, makes a difference, truly. It’s all systems go in this cozy week.

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

A relationship is your all consuming bubble now, Scorpio and it feel’s so good. Although the water’s can still feel a little choppy - you have ahead of you a very powerful week. The Moon in Libra today sits in your 12th house and you feel inclined to hide away or hit a pause button in an area of your life. It feel’s like whatever is coming to an end refreshes you on an emotional level, no need to panic or worry. It can come in many different way’s as we all have different timelines; but it is very real, very concrete. Whatever wraps up encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and to push some unusual boundaries. Big transformations for you have been occurring over the course of this year and you’re right at the beginning of something grand. Play into the energy around you and this will help you get ahead - in work, love and life. Neptune is in great aspect for you this year and the issues it brings up circle around leadership, guidance and the younger employee. It also rules relationships that have parenthood potential, so marinate on that. Another layer, another vibration or frequency also comes to fruition now - centred around a move - countries, states, homes. Whatever it is, you’ll find out this week.

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

Some information comes to light now and it causes an aspect of your life to fully transform, Sagittarius. Big choice or decision required very soon, or perhaps already happening. Find channels to express your needs in creative & unique ways. Stand more in your power and take a leadership stance, that’s what’s required. Work is good if you freelance, or perhaps step into more of a senior role. If you’ve relied a lot on people in life, now it's about making your own decisions and not consulting, bringing others into the fold. This week, the Sun is in your partnership sector, so if somethings comes along suddenly, you may be thrown of course. Definitely a decision is being made at month’s end - you’re definitely more compromising, social and sure. There may be a tense time in regards to money or business decision, it’s quite temporary and fast moving, so don’t worry too much. Definitely in this month, a lot of changes come rushing through. If you see errors, work on fixing and repairing as fast as you can, rather than wallowing and allowing them to bring you down. Choppy waters and stormy sea’s are falling behind you, just be open to exiting detours and a little upheaval that ultimately leads to peace.

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

Life could be a little chaotic, in a really nice way Capricorn. You’re in the groove and rewards usually follow, requirements at work could have you succumbing to pressure but you’re not putting up any front’s. Many connections to creativity and intuition, you just have to take the time to notice it. Aligning with higher self isn’t psychic mumbo jumbo, it’s super important to be in tune with what you’re about, what you want. You are drawing these things into your life - truly ‘law of attraction’ type of thing. Ambitions are typically stimulated in June and the Moon is sitting on top of your solar chart, reminding you to better your environment and consider the long range. You’re right on it now, you know it and so does everyone else. Take away any facade and delve into those beautiful, synchronistic surprise’s that life offers up. This week, it’s important to ask the right questions so you can study the answers. You like to do things yourself but now you’ll have a better outcome if you ask for a little help. This is very much a 'behind the scenes’ type of energy. Anytime you need to increase confidence, just think back to moments of strength. When submitting idea’s, be sure of the facts as you’ll likely face a hard bargainer.

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

You could be feeling dizzy from love or grieving over loss, one or the other, Aquarius. If something isn’t going quite how you had planned, the universe is telling you it’s ok. It’s also asking you to listen to know when, how and why to do what you know you must do. This week, something is going on where you’re trying to push for an objective and it’s just not working. You’re deep rooted in one certain path way and you need to open your eyes and look at a few different options. A turning point in a relationship this week with the Sun- Jupiter opposition we just had - and it’s bang on! It’s not exactly what you had expected but it’s intuitive to what you need. If feeling overwhelmed with work/creative projects - time to make adjustments. Don’t compare yourself to others. You have so much to give and you’re doing self sabotage with thoughts, patterns and those inner sub-concious poisons. The Sun is transiting your creative/romantic sector - shifts, moves and opportunities coming in. Some tension involving Uranus and a tense aspect and it revolves around resisting change - better to let things be. Impatient with routine in life and you’re keen to approach things with a open mind, let the universe guide you. The Moon’s square Mercury shifts your focus and it’s all steam ahead until end of June.

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

Approval rating’s are soaring, Pisces. This week, the focus is very much on doing what you need to do in order to do what you want to do. The possibilities are endless but the situation remains the same as Neptune is in Pisces and we have Chiron in Aries. The juggle between ’normal’ life and ‘dream’ life. Unburden yourself, free yourself from any final ties that constrain and restrict you - this is always about the narratives we tell ourselves and the mental patterns we play out time and time again. There is no such thing as outrageous, so let go and you’ll get too where you ought to be. Basically, mid June is about sorting out residue of the ‘old you’. Freedom and liberation are major in your star’s right now - tread lightly and let go of those old constructs. You’re not the same anymore!! Only you can lift yourself up and within this new layers open up and a new door appears. The Sun & Moon harmonise today in your emotional, hidden sectors and you are particular about feelings and needs. Expression through creativity is strong and you want to integrate things within your energy field. You’re finding it easier to connect to information, people and goals - things are turning in your favour. The signal, so to speak, right now is one of wholeness - you’re getting to completion, one-ness - revel in your light!

This Week's Astrology

This Week's Astrology