Our emotions colour our thoughts more than usual this week and we’re a little more open to what’s going on around us. Many of us for the first time this year are awakening to where we actually are, the story and the experience. It can be a scary or traumatic revelation, all depending on where we are down the line and how far we’re yet to go in the karmic cycle of things. It’s significant to understand that we’re being washed over with powerful, truthful, wild events. It’s a very authentic time, collectively, emotionally; people are more open and sick of pretending, smiling and being something that necessarily they may not be. We are in a time of tense, stretched energy. Saturn, Planet of boundaries and Pluto, Planet of death/rebirth cycle are intwined now. Deconstruction and reconstruction, we are in a time of metamorphosis. No one knows how it will play out ~ and to be honest that’s a great thing!! It mean’s anything is possible..
Here we stand, at the tail end of a Gemini moon, which always means we thrive on new- people, things and locations. In Gemini we have a variety of experiences; from there we can pick and choose what we feel most aligned with. From this New Moon, something of opportunity will come. You’re about to overcome something you’ve long been dealing with; leads to abundance, peace in mind and heart. Leadership - recognition, collectively, but of course all on a different level depending what effort we’ve contributed and how we’ve played the game of life.
The Moon continues it’s transit in enthusiastic Gemini until we move into Cancer later this evening. We spend the day craving connections, close encounters and sensual private moments. Trust that you will make it and that everything will turn out for the best, anything that get’s cleared from your path is for the right reasons. Even if you can’t see that now or don’t want to, believe in it.
May your cup runneth over..
With love,
Aries: March 21 - April 19
Be patient with the process, Aries. This crazy energy does create uncertainty and especially from the 11th, a relationship will be on the spotlight. It seems complicated and most likely a two way street in which someone has deeper feelings. This situation will ask you keep an objective mind and let go off the rest, the situation does have chemistry but it need’s to happen on it’s own, when it’s ready. Throughout these small side play’s of life, the bigger picture is developing. This month, you’ll definitely be on your toes. The Gemini New Moon gave you a burst of confidence, but Saturn is a hard task master, so you’ll have to do the hard work, not just hope things work out. Communications are more open minded and forward than usual and you accomplish more, you are very busy this month at home and in work. Things have been a little uncertain lately and I feel many of you have stabilised career and work but forgotten about home & family life. Separating those two is essential now, it can be hard work but if you want to see a peak moment come through in November you must act now. If you want to reach for something expectational, you’ve got to stretch things out to the max! If something is too good to be true in your life right now, it usually means it is! Trust your intuition and build structures, foreign places have your name stuck all over them and if you are persistent, the path to success and a very intriguing, different relationship beckons.
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
Knowledge is power, Taurus and this month you are examining many things. This week, you let go of a difficult behaviour. Light among the shadows, the process of realisation. You’re in a time of powerful gains - although in the beginning, we may not like we discover, the path to growth comes in may shapes and forms. until the 8th, you may find yourself in the spotlight or just with a few admirers. Mars continues to transit your 3rd house and Mercury & the Sun also join as we progress into the month. This means, learning, communicating, connecting are all themes that motive you to define what you want and how you plan to get it. You’re focusing on long term security and you can make headway if you listen closely and speak wisely. Jupiter's energy let’s you off lightly somewhere, and you sense where true loyalty and true trust must be placed. The Gemini New Moon is all about life budget and the likely outcomes of your finances in the next 6 months. Time to dig deep and make improvements, especially where the feeling of lack or loss has suffocated you. This whole year is a big give & take and more so than ever, you’re asked to compromise. The imbalance within your internal life must be made right again and with things speeding up, particularly from the 14-19th, you must choose a mental pursuit and focus entirely on it.
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
How deserving do you feel, Gemini. When you feel good, you let others feel good in your presence. Remember this now and later. This is a good time to be upfront because we have the Sun, Venus and New Moon in your own sign. The message is one of love and you’ve been thinking for a while on whom you want to show it too. Recently, a decision has been made and you will undoubtedly be in the spotlight. A rebirth of sort’s follows the New Moon in Gemini for 10 days after the 3rd, that ‘A-HA’ moment - in a huge way and it’s about harmony! You’ve been laying the foundation for some time and you’re dedicated to the hard work ahead, things are stable when it comes to work and a next level opportunity might bring about potential on the 17th. Jupiter is in your 7th house all month, so the chemistry between you and someone heightens. You have to come to terms with someone about something and roles, responsibilities and shared obligations apply. Just be sure both of you agree to the terms and conditions because most likely, you will live with them for some time. Is this truly the path you want to go down? In order for you to heal, become clear in your mind of the optimism the future holds. You are being supported by those around you, just ask for a helping hand and it will appear. Take their assistance and move with it.
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
You are ruled by the New Moon, so this week affect you more than others, Cancer. The sprout is emerging from the earth and it’s something for you to build upon, June is a cycle of waking up to the possibilities that are well & truly here for you. Only you know what your soul desires, listen to hopes, wishes and inner dreams and act on them. This month, you have a wake up call. The Sun is in Gemini and almost always exposes what’s true to you, a period of stagnation crumbles now. Mars transits your sign now and brings with it some danger of pushing yourself too far, physical or otherwise. However, it also helps improve confidence - you are being noticed now. Either you’re receiving attention from an ex or a potential partner. It’s up to you to decide whether or not you take this opportunity that presents itself very early on in the month. This energy is like a fresh start for your soul and from it new beginnings emerge for your private, hidden, secretive side of life. The 7th is about sustaining your soul and what it takes to fulfil it, by November you could be living your highest vibration, only if you do the hard yard’s now. Take apart every single detail in a situation that takes place over the course of June, see things for what they are, not for what you hope them to be. You want something to conquer, what feel’s like hurdles keep us moving toward the highest goals. Be appreciative and let other’s do the same for you, when you shine your light out, it’s very attractive to others.
Leo: July 23 - August 22
Clear away the cluttered energy, Leo. Then, follow your heart. You want to rebuild something and with it comes love, emotional fulfilment. Something better is calling you than you’ve previously known before. June is essential to your progress and it’s especially true if you’re in a relationship that honours parenthood potential, or if you already share children. There is a higher vibration around you now but something is stopping you from connecting. Perhaps, addictive energies? The most important dates this month will centre around the 12, 14 and 17th - the night of the Full Moon in Sagittarius. You’re going over what will be the right course of action for you, it’s about putting a plan into action and then awaiting the results. Future successes are strong points this week and you are very much going to have to do the work for it to work smoothly. Ceres the dwarf Planet, is sitting with Jupiter in your 5th house of romance, babies and guidance all year, so pregnancy or parenting are major. These two planets are quite different, so although Jupiter is very expansive, Ceres is about the things you cannot change. You need to communicate to someone that you’ve set your sights on a new order. Friendship is important this month, old and new friends are both as important as each other. Life is calling you and you are truly feeling it now.
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
You’d like to be able to do more, Virgo. This month, you will branch out and see beyond the illusions. These early days of June are very important for your career, you have a fresh start that wasn’t possible 12 months ago and you are flying high inside. This month is strong for your imagination and has a very deep emphasis on your career and public image - both these things are linked closely to your social face and how you present yourself. If someone is not rooting for you, you may found out now but it won’t matter anyway because you’re winning. Look, the work continues and you’ve got to level up and surpass any negative comments. Friendships could intensify this month and they make you rather anxious, perhaps plans are being set in motion that you don’t really have time for. Life is abundant from the 14th, with minor hiccups as always also visible. Whatever obstacles you face however, you’ll likely succeed. When you do what you’re best at, you become visible. With such intense, wild energies around us all - some personal matters may be left up in the air. Try to get clear on manifestations and hopes early on. You can bask in the Gemini energy but only if you be ‘you’. Sometimes being frighteningly individual is our only super power, be confident in your authenticity. This is the season that is ripe with that energy, it is good for you. Also, take into account you need rest - then give yourself sufficient time for it.
Libra: September 23 - October 22
This is about as true as it get’s, Libra. It can’t get much realer than this, so whatever you’re dealing with; accept it.. finally and move on! You deserve this new sense of optimism that is coming for you, the Saturn - Pluto energy I speak about in my introduction is especially true for you. This month, it’s not about anyone else but you. What feed’s your soul and what can you do to make each day feel like a blessing. By November, you will understand why things had to be so hard, for so long. Life now suggests change, something about new journeys or new places all together. This is the time for sales, writing, video and communication, you have the best stars in ages to say your piece and cut deals. Right now, everything is about compromise. Especially, with the Gemini New Moon, we can’t have it all - but neither can anyone else. So find the easiest way in which to mould and the big picture will open up. However, also be aware of prematurity and pushing something (like a relationship) before it’s ready. Know how to play the long game so that you get what you want out of it. From the 9th onwards, you’re in a good position for finances, studies and exploring new options. Maybe it’s time for a sea change, a new group of friends or exploring other interests? Express yourself fully and see what blooms.
Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
Rewriting what is possible, Scorpio. You’re moving out of your comfort zone this month and creating a handful of new experiences for yourself. Plans now centre around education, exploration and travel. You will only gain from a life budget and this week it seem’s fitting you’ll be calculating things. June is a cycle you have not witnessed for 12 years, so extra emphasis is being placed on what you have, need and want. What can you release? What perhaps needs to be reassessed. Jupiter sits in your 2nd house of money and possessions now so just be aware that there is a flow and it usually comes with 6 degrees of separation. Wherever you can help someone out, do so and it will come back ten fold. Partnerships continue to be smooth and normal, people tend to love you and want to help you. They seem to bend toward you and not the other way around, more intimacy in a relationship may cultivate from now until the 27th. Supporting and developing contacts in favoured all month long. You’re in a strong position with the help of Mars giving you a boost, to face any obstacles and handling things with grace and delicacy. You get a real sense now that things are moving forward and the Jupiter - Neptune square next week can make you feel stronger, organised and ahead of a personal project.
Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
Things might not make sense, Sagittarius but they will eventually. June always centres around relationships, and in these first few weeks the Jupiter - Neptune affect touch your life deeply. There is huge focus for you this month on other people. It is enthusiastic energy and it’s good for commitments, but things tend to be over the top now and misleading information can drive you up the wall. Your profile, title and role is set for a relaunch, less is more. You’ve got to take the next level seriously, especially in career as these star’s will only climb higher and stronger. There can be a fair bit of negotiation this week and despite the hard work you put in, it’s not over yet. This year, you will gain, there’s no doubt about it but first the rug will be pulled out under you. First, you’ll have to work! Your partnership sector is lit this month and can motivate you to build on your shared resources, this takes determination and self discipline. It’s strong to see yourself through others eyes, so try that a little more. Mars is making an awkward accept to Jupiter and other people’s money - so if you don’t know how to fix something yet, don’t make any concrete decisions. The Gemini New Moon is a strong time for setting intentions and getting out into nature is super healing for you now. Focus on connecting with others and experiencing them for who they are!
Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
Things feel a little illusive, Capricorn. June is a month of work, health and routine - Saturn (your ruler) helps with the long view and the schemes to get you there. Saturn will get you there, anything you can dream now, you can achieve. You find yourself on top of things in your life this week and it boosts morale in a big way. Watch out again for being ‘right’ instead of being ‘honest’. The Gemini New moon fell in your 6th house, which rules lifestyle, loyalty and who you look out for. Jupiter is involved in a good way and makes you enthusiastic for the things that are yet to come that you’re building consciously on. Watch out for relationships, as Mars hits your partnership sector all June, you could oversaturate and get in your own way. Stay focused and complete what need’s to be completed as next month there is an Eclipse in your sign and you have a major re - set in a really good but unexpected way. Love life will be stimulating now and also a little competitive, the dates surrounding 14-19th are best to keep quiet and focus on shared goals, not your own. You are sailing along and people rely on you, more than ever you’re attracted to a intellectually stimulating partner who contributes verbally to the conversations you bring up. Your intention should be focused on creating, balancing and resting. You’re both practical and imaginative and this celebrates both sides of your diverse personality, don’t sweat the small stuff and let go of the need to be right with people.
Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
Deciding to put an end to a situation, Aquarius. For some reason, the past keeps playing in your mind with a certain relationship. This particular situation, you have a lot of love for and it can be hard to let go off. You have been working on some inner peace within yourself; your patterns, beliefs and thoughts have been rearranged within. You are embracing the ‘new you’. You are rolling into peak age of ‘Aquarius’ that will culminate in November if you do the work now, and the work will be hard and long. But, as always worth it. A certain situation is not peaceful for you and a few people around you are not happy with a choice you make, if you choose to walk away. By the end of this week, you begin to feel at ease, the weak boundaries you used to have, grow stronger and things are truly changing. In life, once you hear that inner wisdom, you can’t unhear it. That’s the energy of this month and this year for you. The 9,10 & 11th are extremely important dates for you where a door opens, as a result from following your gut instinct. June won’t be fast nor easy, but it will empower you. Broaden your vision and get ready to launch for January 2020 as life will be very different by then for you. Profile, reputation, title and the right idea’s are all closely linked to this new horizon - being in the ‘buffer’ zone for now is good for you. You need this ‘time in between’ to be sure you’re coming from empowerment, not weakness.
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
Expect things to become lighter, Pisces. Recognising your power and ability to heal are themes for this week and until the 21st home & family life are most active. Watch for impulsive decisions as it can cause concern for security in the long term. The Sun - Jupiter opposition coming next week will be rather interesting, it highlights what you need to know to understand about some destructive patterns, people or places. You are in a spring cleaning frame of mind and you want to rid yourself from anything that isn’t authentic or sparking joy. Ego comes up, especially in terms of significant relationships, unfairness perhaps, even if you felt love for this individual. In some sense, maybe you screwed up. However, you’re brave and forward thinking and romance does heat up in areas of your life, especially as Mars transits your 5th house. The 14-19th can be tense dates that frustrate you as you see time and time again, you’re just not on the same page with a loved on. You have tried again with this individual with the notion to be ‘better for each other’ and it’s just not flying as it should. You have been unsure for a while on the circumstances and for some now, the fears subside and for others, you realise the truth. Take things step by step, day by day, trust that you’ll get to all that you need to in good time. An energy comes up quite strongly for you this month, someone has not let you go, they are clutching at straws for you and you’re finally, after much delegation moving in another direction.