Well, we’re deep in earth energy and not a damn thing can save us! Now that serious Saturn begins its backwards journey via the sign of Capricorn, exactly two other planets will be also be retrograde: Jupiter (in Sagittarius) and Pluto. With Saturn and Pluto both retrograding in Capricorn- you can bet your bottom dollar we will be focused, determined, serious !! Life will be intensified and both planets are IMPORTANT players in the cosmic layout of things.
Pluto Retrograde until October is usually a time when things slow down and we begin to absorb what we’ve changed and what is yet to change. Both Saturn & Pluto want us to think, plan, pause and perhaps - reconsider. Your energy needs to focus on something you’re passionate about whether it’s tangible or not (Pluto) and you need to be responsible and real with it (Saturn).
Jupiter’s retrograde is in Sagittarius and lasts until August. Jupiter’s energy field is so large it reaches through our solar system, after all - it is the largest planet in our solar system. This energy moves outwardly and it looks to expansion, luck and abundance. You will be inspired now to take the big leap and you will have faith that it work’s out. We are always on the path we are meant to walk, it’s just not possible to deviate. Whatever road you take will eventually take you down the right one.
Following this period we’ve entered we also amplify the expansive energy with the New Moon in Taurus on the 4th followed by Mercury entering Taurus on the 6th. Huge grounding energy linking to productivity = the inner critic - ignore it. Look at what IS working in your life and focus on multiplying this. Although it’s practical energy, allow yourself to feel it out. What’s trying to come through? The Taurus New Moon is very much about; if you refuse to take action, the universe will take it for you - and most times when you leave it to the 11th hour, it comes together in a drastic and dramatic way. So better to listen to soul self and do it in your own time & with your own words.
Everything leads to heart expansion…….eventually.. :)
May your cup runneth over..
With love,
Aries: March 21 - April 19
If you feel pushed to go in a certain direction, why don’t you take it Aries? It does seem a little fear based or as if you’re holding onto some sort of truth. Be diligent now and awaken within yourself, you’re going through quite a lot this year and it’s spiritually inclined. If you are gaining mental clarity and the fog is lifting, you are in good spirits. Something that wasn’t clear to you is crystal clear now. Feel confidence in that but I do sense a little pull back or perhaps just fear based pattern’s stifling your movement. Life has been a process and you’ve taken some time, the month of May is about our memories, thoughts and communications. You understand now, what you want to say and I suppose, why you haven’t said it sooner. Going forward as we soon enter the mid year point, appreciate the work you’ve put into a relationships, career or friend. If something doesn’t pan out the way you’d hoped & wished, that’s OK too. I feel like that what you need to hear right now, know where to put focus in order to grow. Maybe, what you had focused on, isn’t right anymore. Don’t be afraid to move in the direction of your dreams.
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
It can be a mystery decoding our lives, choices and destiny Taurus. You have to be aligned inside with your internal motives for it to come through in the real world. Throughout May, you have many opportunities - sometimes we don’t understand how karma truly works. It’s not always 1+1=2, life is messy and there has been plenty of ‘darker’ moments these first few months of the year. Now, as we stand on the precipice of mid year- you stop enduring and start living. Start by taking time to understand why you’re in the situation you’re in. Where did you slip up? Where did you give power away? When you’ve understood and accepted, things begin to explode - as if life was just waiting for you to come into awareness. With Pluto & Saturn retrograde, you cannot ignore anymore what direction you’re supposed to be going in. Balance steps forward now, with or without your approval. Having Saturn (planet of hard work & resilience) and Pluto (planet of secrets & illusions) go backwards, you can bet you won’t be able to suppress any more emotion. It’s been challenging and if you need to distract yourself by throwing yourself into work, this isn’t such a bad time to keep your head down & bum up. You are exactly where you should be, the quicker you begin to realise everything was moved out of your way for a reason, the better the future will play out.
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
Within us, we all carry some feelings of dissatisfaction Gemini. Don’t fight it, 2019 is a serious year with serious consequences if you don’t recognise what is going on! The month of May leaves no stone unturned, if you’ve felt isolated from life, now you’ve got the power to turn it upside down. Throughout this week and perhaps this month, it’s time to take a time out to recognise what we feel, know and understand. Taking some time out from people to go into hibernation is actually healthy and super therapeutic for you. When you realise what you want, it helps you understand who you are and gives you a sense of fulfilment just by that simple recognition. With Pluto & Saturn turning retrograde now, money will be a topic and you need not fight emotions. Be smart, calculated and practical. Yet, at the same time take care of your health. You’ve let things slide for a tad too long now and I see the situation coming to a boiling point. You’ve got a ‘tower’ moment, a realisation of what should no longer be in your life and what you need more of. Be brave enough to follow your instincts and heart as they never fail you. Let this week provide a golden opportunity and let it enrich your life.
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
You are beginning to see the value in something precious, Cancer. Know what you bring to the table and build on it. You have been one of the lucky signs recently, that has acted in authentic self and felt the support of others. May is a whole lot more of that and the essence is your belief in yourself. It’s what everything boils down too, if you believe you are deserving, you multiple the gifts and if you don’t you go back to square one. Remember that when doubt creeps in. You’re in a position now to get what you want, the work, money, healing. This week may shift previous plans, long range issues in career may require immediate attention. Just make sure you’re tying up loose ends and be ready to move quickly, creatively. You have a refreshing frame of mind right now, so avoid letting little things become big things. With Pluto (a low energy planet) and Saturn (a high pressure planet) turning retrograde now, you must see your life from a different point of view if you’re feeling vulnerable about it. Don’t cave in, up, down or sideways just change direction and learn to let in change as it happens. Things can be beautiful and harmonious, just don’t ruminate.
Leo: July 23 - August 22
Unexpected solutions usually are the best kind, Leo. What have you put your energy into recently that has manifested stability? Build on it, you are really trying to ensure your security and it’s happening. You meet someone in May and begin to feel some old feelings coming back yet in a whole new way, almost like you’re recognising. This months its time get current with your true needs, don’t let ‘what if’s’ rule your life. A situation is definitely coming towards you that is similar to a past event, you are wrong if you believe it will be anything like what you’ve seen or been in. You need to let go of preconceived beliefs, release them. The hardest part of a project may be over now and you’ve got time to follow up on other plans. Emotions will be intense this week and you should avoid overreacting. With Saturn & Pluto now retrograde, someone from the past could get in touch. There is some lovely energy going around but emotions are intense - don’t fear you’re repeating old patterns. Life is new now and wherever your trepidation lies, focus on imagining new scenarios. You are in the mood to explore and the uncertainty or questions asked, fall by the wayside now. Enjoy the things that are coming, they are better than what is gone.
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
Our life force animates us, in a sense it keeps us alive Virgo. This week brings satisfaction and a sense of compromise. The energy that has been heavy, shifts now and the New Moon in Taurus on the 4th brings forth a sense of confidence. Old habits are in question and you sense how behaviours keep you chained to appeasing people, instead of yourself. You’re in an excellent time of balance, what you need matters and it’s coming through stronger and stronger. With Pluto & Saturn retrograde in your sister planet of Capricorn, what you’ve been doing no longer cuts it. You can no longer suppress the urge to move in a specific direction - If you keep pushing this down but the more you do, the more it comes up in obscure ways. A financial outcome is better than expected and if you’re working, you seem to be moving up. You could be considering a sideline project and you’ve got doubt in the timing of things, stop! This month offered a chance to make great strides, things either blossom or fall apart - depending on your urges and needs. Wherever you may be at, a new element enters the picture now and it’s up to you to dissolve blockages.
Libra: September 23 - October 22
You’re going to have to make some difficult decisions, Libra. Endurance, it seem’s to be your word for the year. Diligence comes at a price but luckily for you, you’re great at persevering. You are obviously in a time of transition and May will bring questions, uncertainty and restlessness. It’s ok, it’s all part of the picture and the inherent feel that comes with life and growth. Unrest means you are moving to a new level, embrace it. Throughout May, especially on the Taurus New Moon on the 4/5th, be active and outgoing, good luck increases through chance meetings but you got to get out for it to happen. Logic isn’t cutting it anymore, you’re after a dramatic shift in love/life and - finally! You’re starting to listen to your emotions. You are heading to self acceptance and self love and I have to say it’s taken some time. You’re most definitely moving away from a certain relationship and into a union that’s completely different with someone else. If romance is shaky, stop glossing over the obvious. The tendency to be impulsive now only works with a ‘sure’ thing. So keep your focus on the present and what keep’s coming forward. Work with what you’ve got.
Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
It’s time for you to show the same compassion to yourself, like you do to others Scorpio. It’s a month to respond to your emotions and intuitions and act on them, if you see fit. The feminine aspects of ourselves come through now and you seem more aware of what and why you feel the way you do. This week, with so much earthy energy - you see saw between a desire for security and a desire for adventure. It’s a beautiful time for you now to keep focused on the present and avoid long term commitments, just for now! I think you need to focus on letting your curiosity take you somewhere new and not play out in the same old story. You are maturing and recognising what you have been through and gathering what impact it had on your emotions. Be kind to yourself! Be flexible and let go of old pattern’s - MANY water signs have a strong desire for change now or just downright want to leave a situation behind. It could be that for you now, especially with particular unions. You tend to be practical in thinking now and believe it or not, progress is made. Deal with the realities especially if you’ve been feeling some type of way.
Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
It’s time to get current with your true needs, Sagittarius. What do you need to live your truth? It’s either going to be yours or someone else. This month promises a move or new direction, circumstances may move you forward before you like, but ah well! Life! It’s time for you to commit to a certain situation or person. If someone from the past get’s in touch, don’t get sucked back in. You already have plenty to deal with, you don’t need unexpected feelings popping up. Don’t spend more than you have just to please someone. Use your common sense and let self confidence guide you. I see that you’ve been cutting of your heart chakra recently, not speaking your truth or lacking compassion for oneself. Be clear with your desire and it will live your truth for you. May is about seeing opportunities and knowing that energy and effort create the truth to live it. You’ve got unity as a major theme, if you feel like saying ‘no’ - thank them and move on. The Taurus New Moon on the 4th can hit you in the face with a tad of discomfort, you can’t sit on your hands anymore. You have to act and you have to know. Definitely a time of closure, which can be either sad or relieving. You’ve got some auspicious stars and the universe is gifting you with opportunities.
Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
You know which direction you want to go in Capricorn, will you go with it? Huge week of masculine energy, which is all about the external things we do in our lives. You are under so much pressure with life, work and love - It’s time to take the leap. Don’t stay tied down to where you’ve been. It’s time for that soft, vulnerable part deep inside you to strengthen in the outer world. By nature, Capricorn is a masculine sign and you are more prone to action that sitting back and thinking, if you have the urge to say something, be something and do something, now is the time to do it. You are responding to your destiny, bring it forward into the light. No need to keep how you feel hidden anymore, because with Pluto retrograding in your sign (who rules - secrets, illusions and dark inner sentiments) you won’t be able too even if you try with every fibre of your being. Decisions are being made and you’re weighing things up. It hasn’t been an easy place to get too but the journey has been worth it. May is about focusing on what you need; diet, exercise, creative expression, more love? Secretly, you love the friction life brings, because it pushes you to break down boundaries and get things done. Coming into a time of deep love/ affection as Venus rewards you and works things out for you after the 7/8th May.
Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
You already know if something is right for you, Aquarius. It’s difficult to express when something is new, take your time with your responses. This week, you feel cheerful and you sense what was necessary in the past is no longer fruitful to who you are. With the New Moon in Taurus on the 4th, you’re passionate and courageous - You are focused on handling affairs with grace & dignity. Who you want to be with seems illogical now, you’re grounded yet can’t help but dream of someone. Mars opposes Jupiter and your intuition is right on; almost any action will be successful. Be decisive as important decisions take place throughout May and it could help increase wealth. New energies enter your life and it’s no time to apply logic, just be present with your emotions. Saturn’s retrograde is now until September and it pays to have clear and simple boundaries set up. I have a feeling you’ll need to be persistent with something and short term escapes won’t be alluring. It’s time for consolidation and looking at the ‘shadow’ side of emotions. What have you buried inside and is the ghost of it all still haunting you? Life can be a hard time emotionally -but therein lies it’s beauty, the universe is making something obvious for you.
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
It seem’s you’ve given up on a fantasy Pisces and are now eyes wide open to the reality of life. You’ve got your wires crossed this past week and a miscommunication has screwed progress up in real time. Times are strange, that for sure - in a relationship you seem to be dancing around the real, tangible situation in front of you. An opportunity is ahead of you and it’s linked to living your truth and the wealth & abundance that comes with. When you feel ready to build and manifest, you feed your soul as you stick to your desires. Refine and recover your life force, what makes you tick and where you see yourself in 5/10/20 years in the future. Respond to the blessings you are given - even if you have to shut your eyes to know them. They are within and around you, things are happening fast. Even if something comes into being messily or unexpectedly - you have to know the intuition and feel it. If you’re asking ‘Am i ready’? You are. Think about achievements and where you’ve come from. Taurus new Moon all about production, broadcasting and getting a message across. In positive flow with Saturn & Neptune - inspired to do great things. Put yourself first this month, when you’re happy everyone else is around you too.