This Week's Astrology

‘Between the banks of pain & pleasure the river of life flows’ - Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

There’s definitely been some times..We all have some good days and some not so good days, connect to life and think of the good. Let it carry you if any turmoil is burning your heart. Today we have a Sun- Uranus link in Taurus, whatever it teaches, will be rather intriguing.

Mercury has moved into Aries automatically changing the dynamic of the way we are going to experience life. We are more assertive to take the right steps - now we feel courageous and have the desire to come into change. From now until May 20th - it’s an interesting window of time where we see a lot of things speed up. The Sun in Taurus means we set sail, there is no more stagnant flow of energy. New projects, new ventures and new cycles come forth. Just be still and let it in.

I just wanted to leave you with a little message;

‘Genuine love is friendship, it resides in the present moment and is privy to up’s and down’s. Yet genuine love never wavers’…heed that advice this week when things get tough. They will. But love, can brighten our day and hold us tight when the ground beneath us rumbles..

May your cup runneth over..

With love,


Aries: March 21 - April 19

Trust yourself now, Aries. Anything that no longer serves, needs to be thrown out. This new vibe isn’t something that comes out of the blue, it’s in line with your deep desires and dreams and you’ve been working with it and toward it. Change is a’comin!! And firstly, it will tap into your finances. Your 2nd house of money meets its yearly check up and money goals come into play now. Uranus can bring sudden changes and with Taurus earth energy mixed in, you’re being encouraged to map out intentions and move slow but steady. Don’t make rash decisions at work and snap at a co worker. It could lead to much more trouble than initially thought. You have been full speed ahead for some time now and could feel yourself slowing, that often happens before a transformation takes place. Don’t hit the panic button, just ease into manifesting and let the universe take care of the rest. Topics such as ‘what we sell our soul for’ enter the realm now, It concerns who and what you consider to be priceless or precious to you. If your value system has very little boundaries then May and the coming 5 months will ask you to stabilise and reconcile. Relationships you thought were solid could create curveballs if you don’t learn to adjust and communicate.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

The birthday baby! Mentors and guides are manifesting around you now trying to clear the path and show you what possibilities are here for you in the next year ahead. Be gracious in accepting their offers and know that knowledge doesn’t come from books we study or things we hear but from living, breathing and experiencing with humility and grace. Things are improving albeit slowly, Taurus. A reconnection of sorts comes through this week for most Earth signs but especially for you. Someone who feels familiar may change your mind on a situation and you’ll begin to see progress. Go within! It’s your birthday season and therefore, you’re required to really drop negative thinking. You’ve got to get yourself back on track, no one else can do it for you. If you’ve recently turned your back on a relationship, it doesn’t serve you anymore. The vibration is a mismatch and I see you making the call or already made, and not turning back now. The correct attitude at this time is therefore, confident and self assured. Keep generous and loving and you will soon come into realisation that you deserve the best. It’s not about coming from ego or any nasty place, just open to receiving. Drop the past, self sabotage and limiting patterns, you’re too stuck!!! Pick yourself up and know that you want this next year to be better than the last.

Gemini: May 21 - June 20

A new start unfolds and begins now, Gemini. A shift in attitude makes a world of difference to you and to others. It may have been difficult to pay attention to things this month if they weren’t significant relationships. If you start noticing some troubles with people close to you right now, you may have an epiphany where you realise you sensed it all along. Some sort go gnawing knowledge that you tried to squash down. Your best best now is to roll up your sleeves and rip the bandaid off, in which every part of your life that’s needed. I know when you read this, it will come to you. Things come together seamlessly and invitations are offered to you from the 28th. If an opportunity in a creative way comes through, take it! Busy time that’s for certain, you’ve got a lot to sort through and organise. You might not know where to start; this has most to do with your goals, dreams and wishes. It is connected to the change you’ve been carrying inside, with so much going on - you might feel a little startled. If your thinking is clouded, just prioritise and through it you’ll tune in to what should go first. With an open and fearless heart, make a plan for May and commit to the path.

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

You’re super focused and the head is down now, Cancer. The work that you are doing is fulfilling and moving for your inner world. The choppy sea’s have brought you a fair few emotions over the last month but now you are busily working toward something. If you’re not clear on your priorities or goals, this coming week will define them for you. The energy around you dissipated cloud and fog from view and you feel like you can see again. You are guided, truly! At some point you may be compelled to speak about what you know or think. Confidence, courage and clarity will come naturally. Unexpected consequences from out of whack perceptions might come through now, things usually take a few weeks to manifest so if you were very hard on yourself or just very blue, that may come through in a certain way now. Through your devotion to life and your meditations, you will get some inspiration from the universe and it will flow you along to the next chapter. If a relationship is strained, make the first move. Scattered feelings come naturally to you, but generally this week is optimistic. Whatever comes, surrender to it and go with it.

Leo: July 23 - August 22

Self sabotage is something you play with every so often, Leo. When things aren’t working out for us the way we’d hope, we get in our own way. This week, you need to come into awareness of how and where you possibly are doing this. The tendency follows you from a young age and is OK, we all do in some personal ways. No one is asking for perfection, they require authenticity and when you are true to you, the world walks hand in hand. It’s time to close a phase and basically reconnect with your ‘god self’. The place that pioneers the creativity of your soul and gets you in a good feeling space. It’s most definitely time to plan ahead and get organised. Financial matters may be a source of pressure, stand on your own two feet and harness independency. Separate the wheat from the chaff if you know what I mean. With such practical energy around you, you may have to deal with a knotted problem. Something that isn’t linear and have a very clear A-B-C. However, despite it all, as always luck is on your side. Business is closely linked with home life now and something quite enterprising comes about. Get feed back, think things through and make sure the decisions you make are not reactions to fear or frustration.

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

We all have little wobbles every now and then, Virgo. You know how to fix them, so don’t pay more attention than needed to small molehills. A reconnection of sorts happens this week and links back to soul self. True self and the inner life are prompting now, patience is required and so is poise. Good thing you’ve mastered both. May will have you up & running, things begin to shift now as we move into the 28th of April - it’s all about conclusions. When you say goodbye to something, it’s important to take small steps onto the next. Surrender to the inevitable now - if a situation at work isn’t one you agree with, maybe now you’ll have more understanding of the scenario. I sense that many of you may have been triggered recently, step away from the self judgement and into diplomatic thinking. You deserve what you wish for and misunderstandings only arise if you leave things unfinished. If a situation is cause for concern, step back and allow some breathing space. When you focus on the preciousness of each day we have, you start not to worry in advance. Heed that advice and do the best you can to settle your wild inner imagination. Things are OK.

Libra: September 23 - October 22

Resolution Libra, and the answer is yes. You have some very powerful and strong messages trying to come through, it suggest you’ve got a fresh start in this last week of April and it feels like an emotional rebirth. A shift internally stimulates new and exciting changes. So many planets are about to line up for you in one particular house, the 8th house. The 8th house has everything to do with the hidden parts of life, the unconscious and fears. You must shine a light on the trauma and learn how to transform the energy into something more palpable and something more useful. This week, stimulates a temporary plan. You’ll feel uplifted and even though a period of waiting ensues, it’s waiting for the right stuff. When in doubt about what to do, define the most important priority. That should define the pro’s and con’s so to speak. You’re 100% moving away from the stagnant, stuck energy that has kept you down these past few months. You’re about to focus on result driven achievements and you will reap the rewards too, and you do that very well. Even though you may not be where you want to be, try to understand the underlying forces or even come into appreciation for what is.

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

Something big is coming for you in the next few weeks, Scorpio. Yes, not something little, something quite transformative that makes a deep impact. Firstly however, you need to let the universe sweep away what no longer works and you yourself, need to clear out the cobwebs. You need to step it up in a part of your life and I think you will know which when you read this sentence. It’s about being quietly firm and knowing who you are. It’s not ego led, it’s not about running anyone over. If working on a project, the hard part could be almost over. You need to be practical and you’re definitely in no mood for frivolities. A new journey sets off and it suggests you’ve been laying the foundation for this for some time now. Internally you’ve been making some adjustments - soul, health, mental. It has been vast and you are inspired to keep doing the work. It’s time to inject something new into a relationship and awaken within it. Perhaps, you need to look back now and see where and how you inflicted your own self pain and how you can utilise peace in interactions. Something will definitely ‘open your eyes’ and look forward to what you want to create and feel, both business & personal.

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

Keep pushing forward in the right direction, Sagittarius. This week is for doing your own thing and trusting the divine timing of your life. Tread the middle ground and make sure you keep it balanced. It seems like this month you’ve siked yourself up and perhaps made exaggerations over something small. For some of you, a big decision has been made recently. If the decision recently has been made out of fear, this situation will change naturally and the right action will occur in the right time. We all make decision sometimes when we are pushed from fear, you deserve the best and you must learn not to play it small!! And you do, so often. You don’t need to answer to anyone else, take the leadership and own your power. You’re looking for the meaning of something and there’s a different way. Stop giving yourself a hard time!! When you trip your own self up often it hurts more than when someone else does. With Saturn in your 1st house, MANY changes occurred and we have discussed this over the course four time together. You’re in a new place mentally and through these weeks and months you seek council and what you need to hear comes eventually.

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

You’re changing into the 2.0 version of yourself, Capricorn. You have some beautiful stars for progress, travel and family. With such a fiery, independent energy swirling about you now - there seem’s to be an air of taking on responsibility and forging your own path, one that hasn’t been trodden on before. You are building something for the future and you want it to last, you need this solid, stable place to come back too. Self employment gives huge power now, this past year you’ve most definitely stepped out of other’s light and into your own. Thankfully, things are turning and moving around. You can feel it and so can others. These auspicious stars also have close links with money & recognition. While things feel generally good, you find yourself impatiently tapping your foot for someone or something? When circumstances create a bit of a lull, you face the situation and likely think ‘I could be doing more’. You are productive and making things happen take time, know that. Be OK with that! Come back to who you are and do it on your terms. Reconnection and rekindling is on the cards for a union, an old friend or lover. You discover a reason to look on the bright side from now until 20th May.

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

Someone features heavily in your life now, Aquarius. Some sort of beneficial relationship is really showing it’s worth now and successful roads begin to connect. I feel like this week, you’ve conquered something and it shows up in your life now. Fortitude, is a good word to remember now. If life is asking a lot, do whatever you can. You’ve got stars showing that you’re honing your craft, the energy that has gone into your craft, whichever way it manifests, is really showing dividends. It’s imperative you stand in your power and own your independency. Things are going on in the background, delays can work to your advantage. Just wrestle problems with poise and grace. This last week of April often brings the spotlight on relationship or family ‘issues’. Life can be hard work and I know you get in this emotional state because you are making progress but it’s been a long slog. If you’re waiting to see what cards come into play, step back, pause and then make a decision. An element of fate & destiny is linked strongly to this situation that occurs. By months end, your intuition is right. Don’t battle with yourself - just redefine what you really want. Read, research, walk and breathe.

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

You’re coming back into yourself in a completely different way, Pisces. You are about to enter a new level in reference to a very important relationship and you are being guided every step of the way. A life choice of decision is apparent this week, it almost feels like a cross roads. It has a lot to do with purpose and where you want to stand in the present and in the future. You are going to be given a chance and it’s very real, practical and concrete. You must be open to receiving from the universe and from others. You are worthy, yet when you hold things at arms length - then you are preventing receiving gifts. Get rid of limited beliefs, you squash yourself with them. In a realistic way, tied with money and prosperity, something is showing itself to you. Keeping yourself suppressed and oppressed is pure ego, getting in the way of who you are at your core. The layers upon layers we put in front of us, can usually be bullshit. Wade through it and own the power of your soul. This can be a very productive week for you, if you do what you do best. Expect some financial pressures, but the outcome will leave you pleased. Despite all our internal worries, things turn out better than you had expected. Go within, use your inner compass and don’t cave in, choose your battles.

This Week's Astrology

This Week's Astrology