Something is about to break wide open...
Quite a few things going on, maybe why I’m so late with my Astrology post! My apologies, another week of looking at our own karma, family and past. It’s time to feel our feelings and open our hearts. A big week with Jupiter retrograding, Venus moving into Aries after it’s sweet & dreamy time in Pisces and of course, the 2nd Libra Full Moon in the last 35 days. We have so much Neptune energy swirling around too, thing’s appear different to what they really are..
Plus, we welcome Taurus season beginning on the 20th! There is a huge influx of karmic, interwoven cycles appearing now. The Libra Full Moon forms a Grand Cardinal Cross to Pluto/South Node of Saturn/Node of fate. Cardinal signs; ( Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn ) are dynamic, pioneering and take no prisoner’s believers.
This will feel like an electric shock and bring down all illusion’s. Expect, a huge power surge and the energy to be turned up a notch. A week of pure possibility around values, love and fated meetings. Communication may not be very clear now, so look with your heart and not your eyes. If someone spring’s an unwelcome surprise on you, avoid heated confrontation in this moment. Just keep on keeping on, it’s all process - there is no such thing as failure in this life. When one door closes, another door opens…
May your cup runneth over..
With love,
Aries: March 21 - April 19
Struggling with old karma suggest’s you’re in a time of release, Aries. Where do negative attachments form and how do you serve them up in daily life. The energy is slowly shifting however, and you begin to review commitments and the week progresses. Avoid certain people who drain you and make more time for yourself. If you’re puzzled about a decision you must made, monitor your thoughts and that will gain clarity on how you truly feel. When intuition speaks, listen and then follow it up. Perhaps someone need’s you to reach out and just say hi! If you’re telling yourself in romance that you don’t want somebody, when you do. Change is coming, you have been stuck over someone and now you see what comes up. The end of April brings a quietly intense period for you, so focus on renewing and rejuvenating existing relationships. It is a confusing time, we are all feeling it in our different ways. The Libra Full Moon on the 20th has got you wondering if a business relationship is right. Focus on one - on - one discussions and gaining the right material for a technical/creative project. Don’t alienate the important people in your life now, with Venus about to enter your own sign on the 21st, you are changing your story line. Great communication makes others feel good so relish this time of movement and change, it is powerful and it represents expansion.
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
There is a definite urge for movement, Taurus. What will you do with this, now that you’ve got the opportunity!? Life now is about consolidations. What do you take and what do you leave. If you’re getting ready to take the road least travelled, know that you’re in a period of good luck in many various forms. Good news on the 20th has you jumping for joy. If you’ve been apart of a few false starts, that begins to melt away now. When life begins to actualise, many unexpected encounters leave you inspired. You are in a process of recognising the feelings that have stopped you from moving forward, with Venus still in Pisces, you’ve broadened a few of your horizons. Now, it’s time to broaden a few more. Things could heat up in a romance or become very emotional. If you’re after a reconciliation with someone, you may find you’ve mistaken a conversation or thought. Still, a past romance makes contact and you spend a moment in gratitude for how far you’ve come since that time together. When you’re acting authentically, your internal emotions reflect your outward motions. Take time to ponder on that and continue to engage with others and jump out of your comfort zone. It’s Birthday time from the 20th and Taurus season is where you revel in the endless flow of abundance in your very own life.
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
An injection of energy comes to shake up your life, Gemini. The energy is as deep as it is wide for you now, the emotional experiences are there for the taking! Step through the door and remember to embrace your boundaries and show people how you expect to be treated. It seems like you’ve been creating the opportunities you need to move forward, this is good. It shows compassion for oneself, don’t decorate with bullshit. Charity begins at home, with you! Start outlining why you are doing the thing’s you’re doing. Are they authentic? Have you overcome some past guilt’s. Claim new opportunities and know that life right now requires, courage. You have to tame the heart and the mind and acknowledge that two sides of you exist. We cannot always be happy, fake and shiny. The journey you’re on this year is real and raw, there is pain mixed in with the pleasant. Take the new opportunities given and stand up for your own capabilities. You must overcome an uncomfortable situation and release it, once you acknowledge you’ve been there, you won’t need to go to this place again. You’ve been a very dedicated family member and your hearts been in the right place. It’s difficult to please everyone so why not end the drama’s by just focusing on pleasing yourself. This will manifest by the Full Moon in Libra on the 19/20th so be sure to keep things cool & calm. Don’t get caught up in the heat of the moment, you’ve been there and you’ve done that. Focus on your god given abilities and keep tracking.
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
The energy has shifted for you, Cancer. It feel’s light, as if you’re breathing easy. Commitment is a major topic for you this week and it moves in circles that require you to look back on past romances. Reconciliations of sort’s begin to pop up and you’re committed to producing something. You are ambitious when you feel responsible to the universe, you begin to see what was suppressing you in terms of a love connection. Don’t listen to any other inner monologue, just the authentic inner voice. It is quiet and never shouts. You know what you need to cut out, stop and start. The Libra Full Moon on the 19/20th returns the colour to your cheeks. If someone has inflicted pain inside you over this year, it freezes in time now. You are releasing these negative emotions and anxieties, many of you have carried for some time. The energy is palpable now, life is moving and what may have been a revealing couple of weeks, start’s to settle and take shape. You begin to feel it, could be very passionate energy, perhaps a love relationship - has your solar plexus buzzing. Anxieties that have had you quenched with fear, move from below ground to above now, everything is connected. This means, you are in free flow to move through stagnant energy. Finally you can sense forward movement delivering this next chapter. It is in your DNA to be hard on yourself, and I hurt that water sign’s can fall into the worthless feeling trap, so easily. Please remember this week, you are good enough!
Leo: July 23 - August 22
Listen to the rules and then make the choice if you want to follow them, Leo. On Sunday 21st, the Sun makes his annual crossing of your Midheaven-the very pinnacle of your chart-beginning a new cycle of life direction, purpose and career. This week, life feel’s good even if a bizarre Full Moon zaps your energy and warps the new horizons and expansion you’ve created throughout Feb- March. So, instead of sitting back and hoping for something to happen, make it an absolute priority to upgrade your creative base. Social circles further knowledge, you have the urge to move and study. Meeting new people and opening your mind to much bigger possibilities is a prerequisite for change. The greater your interpersonal skills and cooperation, the more options you will have. Be at cause, not at effect and if you’ve been realising for some time that your ladder is up against the wrong wall, now is the time to do something about it. This potent energy is palpable, embrace the permanent endings and clearing away what you’ve outgrown and outlived.
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
The writing may be on the wall this week, Virgo. Something you have been in denial about is suddenly crystal clear. If reality seems to be crashing in, it’s likely linked to career or finical decisions. Just clear out the heart drama and the universe will help you heal from any inadequacies you may have felt. Your job this week is to stay centred and rewind the inner monologue, make adjustments in quiet times and let the little stuff go. In the long run, most likely in mid June, the situation will improve greatly despite appearances of the contrary. With the Libra Full Moon on the 19/20th, relationship issues may become power struggles. Interpret it as you go along, whatever you need will be provided. So, don’t project some harmful idea’s, just learn to go with the flow in this week, month, year - as nothing is promised but everything is possible. A week of opportunity and productivity, you just need to maintain a sense of humour. In career, you’re asked to be assertive and make practical (duh!) decisions. Whatever you’ve been ruminating on, if you’re scared to speak out, now is the time. Time is almost of the essence and it link’s directly to authenticity. Another Virgo or Pisces may help you realise, it’s time to take the opportunity - very interesting time’s ahead.
Libra: September 23 - October 22
You want to offer yourself to something new, Libra. Many signs especially Air; (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) are having a tough time in 2019 as you are evolving hard & fast. Growth can be uncomfortable but you need to stop rationalising your feelings as this is more than that. Life is beautiful when you give into it. When so much is being asked, there is much to gain and of course, much to loose. This week, think of the famous quote ‘As above, so below’ and connect the intrinsic elements of yourself. There is no avoiding of emotions in this time, especially in this week for you, with the 2nd Libra Full Moon on the 19th. Notice how you feel and let it pour out, lean on friends and family and take the time to squeeze out of this blue period. It’s not forever, it’s just for now. Thoughts & feelings are two different things, you can differentiate the two and make them work in your favour. Life is taking you on a journey and you must accept where you’re at and where you’re yet to go. Re-establish the foundations of life and where your boundaries are at. If you’re nervous about something and not sure of the outcome, just take the opportunity and see what unfolds. If your heart wants it, it cannot be harmful to you. Life now is necessary to what unfolds soon in the future, leave behind negative emotions and recognise they exist. They do not define you.
Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
If you’re stuck in a cycle, this is a week to break free, Scorpio. You’re being to hard on yourself and some way’s of thinking, especially about yourself need to be banished. Forever. It’s time to take a decisive action based on some clarity that’s come through from conversations. If you have been struggling and you kept secrets from those close to you, now it’s time to transform out of that and let your anxieties be heard. Listen to the inner guidance and act on it, when you express how you feel, people come out of the wood works to unburden you from your struggles. If others are generating drama, remain neutral. An urgent impulse makes you committed to your truth and the Libra Full Moon on the 20th, is generally optimistic for you. You cannot control everything, so drop that illusion. It’s the ego’s power play that makes us grasp onto things, when it would be better to just let life play out as it should. Despite your busy schedule, make a point to relax and spend time with those you love. The energy is palpable and you will feel the urge to move in a direction, as if your feet are not in coordination with your brain. You don’t need to know the outcome to a situation just yet, feel strengthened that you have been through some up’s & down's and have overcome it now.
Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
You’ve put a lot of energy into something, Sagittarius. If you’re disappointed in the end result, know that it’s about a bigger transformation taking place within this crazy year. You are being pushed to act in an authentic and real way. With Venus still in Pisces until the 20th, the universe is helping you heal. The heart in particular is being looked after, you are connecting the dot’s in the mysteries of your life. Right now, I feel you’re disappointed in regards to an area of your life. Is it self esteem issues? Trust, intimacy issues? You are making the right steps into acceptance and it is helping you express who you are more easily. Many of you have been claiming your power and owning what you want, do more of this in this week. You’ve got to be discerning now and honest. Don’t doubt the process, it is long and winding, for a long time it may not have made sense. However, I truly think you’re in an excellent space now for a time out. Bring yourself back into awareness, whatever has transpired since February was meant to happen and nothing could have changed the cards dealt. All you need to do is commit to how you see a certain situation and continue on the path of least resistance. The 2nd Libra Full Moon within 35 days comes to light on the 19/20th and it’s indicating something to do with self expression. Security doesn’t lead to happiness, always. True self expression within your career or business life, leads to greater stability and security. When building your inner walls, make sure they’re mixed with things that make your heart sing.
Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
The universe celebrates you when you take the right risks, Capricorn. You can feel the energy moving around you now and the future look’s bright. Life right now is very emotionally charged, healing and new experiences start setting into stone and you feel elated that this is your current reality. When we get what we want, sometimes we feel overwhelmed. Now is not the time to move away from passion, but move closer and engage! Take up the offer presented and you’ll find something you’ve been searching for. We’re all on different timelines, keep that in mind when other’s feel your rush. You are learning a new appreciation for the hectic energy that surrounds, you are getting good at dealing with these emotions. With your 5th house of romance & love being lit up for you this week, you will feel a sense of urgency with the one you love. The Full Moon in Libra helps a promotion take place or some sort of knowing in business. It can be scary when you begin to understand your destiny and space in the world. What you put in, you get out ten fold. It’s your solid, resilient energy that carries you through to business opportunities, always. You’re on the right path and you are beginning to see rewards, this is your year - especially in term’s of love. There is tangible, real manifestations coming to find you and nothing can stop it.
Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
In some aspects of your life it seems you are moving backwards, Aquarius. Is there something you have left unsaid that is niggling at you. You are evolving into your full potential so with that comes some uncomfortable growth. You must engage with the emotional aspects of yourself and heal them as you now have time. The things you, know, feel and think, recognise in you that you are maturing and changing. It’s a beautiful energy for you and with the Libra Full Moon on the 19/20th means you must stop fighting the feelings within, whatever is trying to get your attention needs to be spoken. Not suppressed and fighting down the urge to show the reality. Evolution in relationships is necessary and the Universe is standing with you, trying to help you flow with it. There is nothing you can do to stop this new chapter emerging, fighting it will only make the process harder. Embrace your emotions, acknowledge them and look to the past on where you may have slipped up. Venus enters Aries on the 20th and it’s about not feeling guilty for how and what you feel. Take action and listen to that inner voice, it’s important to act on what you know to be true. You will feel so liberated, trust me! Just feel the magic in emotion and you’ll see this injection of energy.
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
You are getting somewhere, Pisces, even if it feel’s like trudging through mud for a little. Venus in Pisces has been helping you heal and bringing forward some new emotional experiences that was essential to where you find yourself now. We move this week into Venus in Aries and it shakes things up; as usual, you know deep down; you can handle whatever life throws. The beauty of this process, is that life forces us to look at our emotions and our feelings. Even though, it’s something you’re quite comfortable with, it’s asking you now the bigger questions. Does security insure happiness? No, our happiness ensures our security. Think on that and let it sink in. You have been healing from something for some time now and the key is mindfulness. You just need to remain present and everything will start to make sense. I know, many Pisces have been in troubled waters this past month, you are trying to sustain your stability and the ground is shaking beneath. These traumatic times, for many water signs, link right back up to family matters. It seem’s like there has been a huge focus on the contrasts in your life, this is now bringing you enlightenment, no matter how hard it can be to fall into place. Please, remember you are in a time of deep healing and it is necessary for things to be stripped back, in order for you to breath the future in. Don’t let life happen to you, don’t just plod along, you matter! Your dreams, hopes and wishes matter.