This Week's Astrology

Can you feel it?! The potency of invisible, cosmic forces at work! We must ALL deal with trauma, blockages and the right (escape) plan! Another week of twists & turns as Saturn and Pluto descend into their South Nodes! Major!! Delivering us to exactly where we ought to be. A very important week to step up, embrace truth and reclaim lost power. With both Venus & Mars in Mutable signs we might find our communication healthier and less coded.

With Saturn on the South Node until October, we are being tested on our mastery! In Vedic Astrology; Saturn rules the North Node, however, right now we have the South Node/Saturn aspect in the crux of it all. This almost always deals with unresolved past relationships and our multi dimensional karma that moves with us through generations. Saturn ONLY rewards for hard work or highlights where you haven’t done the *proper* work, so this week could be about structuring things around you so they have strong + steady foundations.

When the planets contact the Nodes it means we’re going to be working more consciously with the lessons, challenges and gifts the Nodes bring us.

Astrology is an Art / Science. This is why, if you read my weekly scope’s you’ll know that April is a massive turning point to our year. Right now we have to keep navigating ourselves back into our creative energy source and help restore what is truly important to us. We are in a great time of change, as a collective, working on our trauma, wounds and pain. It’s vital we begin the work as it hold’s peace and engages us to better our future.

Be kind to yourself throughout this month and move forward, elevate higher and love once more, always once more!!

May your cup runneth over..

With love,


Aries: March 21 - April 19

Vibrations are changing, Aries. Holding onto some of the energy you’ve got going inside, needs to be let out. Don’t keep squeezing it inside, stomping on it, hoping it doesn’t come up. Whatever’s going on let it move through you, be clear on this. This week can be unpredictable as it brings forward new elements, changes in relationships or just understanding someone in a different way. If you feel restless, vent energy with exercise. Just be sure not too hurry as shortcuts can cause problems now. Don’t get so caught up this week, you’ve got to liberate and uplift yourself as you are the only person responsible. Trust the moves that are happening now, something is coming through. Union between family, friends or lovers are significant now. Drop the ‘martyr' mentality and enjoy the light surrounding you, when you uplift others; you do so for yourself. Things that keep you small need to be banished and usually it is our thoughts that bind and limit us. If you’ve got many people demanding your time, know that you’re building up the momentum surrounding you achieving a goal. Rid yourself of any illusion's that you set up for yourself, just have that increased desire to show up for outside demands, when and where possible and you’ll tune into what life is showing you. This week from the 10th onwards, focus on the potential to move out of a job and into a new dynamic, the right shake up occurs.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

Things are being looked after, Taurus, it’s not always up to you to hold everything together. This week, definitely promise me one thing!? Don’t over commit. A slower pace allows you more time to gear up for a new direction. Big transition on the cards for you, be optimistic about what is coming. Whatever has unfolded already this year, know that things only delve deeper now. You come to know yourself and things start to take root and flower (!). You know what change is upon you, you can feel it with every breath you take. The universe can’t bring you gifts until you’ve moved on from old thoughts, beliefs and platforms. You’re entirely changing internal patterns, life style habits and all. You’ve been creating something in the background of your life for some time now, from the 12th onward, you’re at the point you want to reveal how and what you’ve been doing. This week, you throw off the mask and be true to you. Don’t be frightened to leap, just share what you’ve been working on as the world need’s more of it. You can be a sign of great procrastination, step into the light, avoid falling into a funk! You’ve got what it takes to pull this off, trust me! Reflect and ruminate and do what you can, let the rest go.

Gemini: May 21 - June 20

Growth & stability, not a bad image. All that’s needed is some concentrated effort, Gemini. If you’ve been procrastinating, now is the time to move on and look ahead. To be fair, something has weighed heavy on you for some time, the burden on your shoulders was mighty. However, things flip around and you sense the finish line is near. The end objective is for you to set off on a new path, news is coming in but not how you expected it too. Line up the ducks, so to speak. Don’t take on anyone else’s issues, keep clear in your own business. Don’t hesitate just embrace it, another window is being cracked open and that’s what fate is. Right now, you’re quite content with what is, even if it seem’s like a lull. A growth within can throw you, because things can happen so fast, trust yourself and know that you are ready. Don’t stretch the truth now, life is a rollercoaster for everyone, so it’s normal that even you get crazy emotional from time to time. Ignore what others are doing or where they’re at, just move through and keep going at your pace. Other people’s stuff is not your values, dreams and desires. Be aware that you’re not like anyone else, you’ve got your position, use it wisely. Hold on firm to what is. People can give as much unsolicited advice as they like but whatever unfolds for you, especially now, is opening the door to a brand new situation. The cream on top. A question could spark a new line of thinking, so reconsider a possibility if at first it seemed “too out of the box”.

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

You’ve been busy, Cancer. These past few weeks you’ve kept your head down, working hard on inner dreams/beliefs. You are not the easiest sign to emotionally detach and when you do, you find yourself a little overwhelmed by the situation. If you’re feeling bored by something, let it move through and out of you, focusing on stagnant energy harbours it for a little while longer. Try to attain inner peace by just letting it go, life is flux. You’re juggling a few different opportunities and it’s important to nurture yourself in the process. The last person you give time too is yourself, you love to fix/save other’s and this month is asking you not too! Forward motion usually comes with a few hiccups, March was slow with Mercury retrograde and life picks up again now. Charge ahead as things begin to move with & for you, seek out balance and try to walk the straight line. A sense of victory within your personal life is achieved now and you seem to gain a sense of clarity over a perplexing situation. You’re coming into a period where you hear news you’ve been waiting for, I do believe it is attached to work life. You’ve set down the foundations of something you’re quite passionate about, it could reveal around community or the voice of others. Something turns this month and with it, lot’s of little sequences come to play. Thank your lucky stars, a green light is given.

Leo: July 23 - August 22

Calling the shot’s is always appealing, Leo, to a degree, that is. I know for you it depend’s on the time and the place.. and the person. Like the entire collective, a massive transition is upon us. However, what you’re moving through last’s more than just one month, you are one of the major sign’s the year impacts greatly. Trust that intuition is helping you read between the lines. The previous structures you upheld are thrown away now, whatever 4 walls you’re used to, just don’t do it anymore. You’re being asked to chuck out old thoughts, beliefs and limits. Stop dwelling on minor irritations and focus on being the person you want to be NOW. Life doesn’t start at some date in the future, life is pulsating now, through you and with you. Life style choices are up for revision too, especially in the name of health. Don’t hold onto anything as the more you do, the more aggravated this new chapter can be. You’ve got to make space for transformation and all the stars connected to fate & destiny are here for you. Let go of confined and limited beliefs, don’t be worried, you will get through this and you are moving through this. You are already in the portal of changes and have been for some time, you’re having successes and now you are seeing how thing’s are bringing culmination. Life is methodical, even in it’s own bizarre and crooked way, so know that the things you’re ticking off, have a place and time in life. A new connection comes through and it feel’s quite karmic, could be purely friendship based, like a collaboration or business connection. Union’s are at the top of the page this week, embrace them.

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

Trust that quiet voice within, Virgo. Go right inside and feel the situation out. Old narratives and constructs must be deleted now, something new eventuates when you learn more about yourself. You’ve got some entrepreneur energy moving around you and it signifies a new role or just a inner motivation that pushes you to higher status. Good things appear when you are just living life and not giving into ‘worry’ mentality. You feel quite upbeat this week about a conclusion that has wrapped up for you, insights and guidance come through from this. A relationship may need sensitive handling as it could easily become messy. If someone pushes you back, trust that things will iron out by themselves in the right time. Take some time to organise your work space, it keep’s things on an even keel for you. Step away from people who rock your boat especially in regards to jealousy or petty behaviour. In the same breath, a coaching mentor is inspiring even when you feel a little wobbly. Always balance sacrifices with a little tender love & care, just get back to yourself. You always know how to fix whatever strife you’re in. The ship is coming in, believe it!

Libra: September 23 - October 22

Rejuvenate and rest, Libra. If things have been a little mad, don’t doubt you can pull it off. You can, you’ve got all the resources! Many of you have been working on something or are almost ready to launch a new project, working hard has been brilliant and good for the soul. When nothing made sense, I feel you had security within business and career. If you’ve been pulled off track due to ailing health, or just letting up on people around you, be firm in your position now. Don’t let anyone trample over you. This moment in time, is more about getting in touch with your true feelings and not worrying how you look in front of others. Many things pan out for the best, you just have to be optimistic. Health, mindset and habits have been closely looked at recently and you’ve been harbouring some things to yourself. This week, you might want to talk about a few things and connect it to your purpose. You feel a little down in spirits, as if everyone around you has reached some invisible line and you’re falling behind. Move your focus away from other people, connect back to the inner source that is yourself. Ignore what other’s may be doing, start back on your priorities and your own timeline. Thing’s will then move forward for you. The energy may have felt a little heavy lately as if you’re not as centred as usual, look to meditation, exercise or family time. If friends invite you out - go!

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

Things happen out of the blue, Scorpio. Every so often when things feel a little unstable, you find some strange sort of comfort. Lucky for you, one thing that’s not unstable is business and your attention to detail this month. You’re motivated to get things done and past labours reap rewards now. Things feel tangible and everyone begins to see your progress, whatever part of the journey you’re on now, it wasn’t quick. It wasn’t easy, now is the time to reward yourself. Things are working out finally. Changes come in many shapes and size’s but something practical is shifting into vision and it’s insightful. An answer from a Libra, Leo or Gemini given fit’s into the jigsaw of life and you’ve got many ‘yes’ scenarios that set off into fruition now. You’re driven and uplifted in this week and business is enterprising. You have reached a certain level, look back and think to yourself ‘brilliant’, because it is!! Your life purpose is highlighted, something that is in your heart & soul can be captured. There is a tendency now to get wrapped up in the negative in regards to social circles, if a situation reminds you of a past situation, don’t spiral into a pattern. You’ve got major activity in your 5/6th houses, with Venus here, love opportunities are strong this week especially from the 9-11th. These are wonderfully creative aspects for you, so do what you enjoy and explore what you love. Venus travels with Neptune and makes it all feel like fun & games.

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

Pour passion into everything, Sagittarius. New beginnings as far as romance is concerned occurs this week, you are in a better place than before to make some serious statements and decisions. You are the most jovial of all the sign’s, let go of anguish you have regarding personal relationships and just embrace it. Jupiter is in your sign until December 2nd, this means it’s your turn to be the favourite this year. Jupiter is your ruler and therefore now is the time to stick to your plan and work hard at getting the money. You have been frustrated at the ‘comfortability’ factor you haven’t managed to crack for some time now, the struggle of income, hard work and harvesting the two together in fluid motion. If the month is asking you to reshuffle priorities, take it. Social outings can wait, plus you need to be savvy with money from now into mid May. Your 5th house and Saturn are pushing hard for intimacy and context within a relationship. Such as, where is it going?! Family? Kids? The dirt get’s kicked up now. Every step you’re taking is getting more normal and more true to who you are. You’ve come back into yourself as for a while there some thing’s were verging off track. I think a reminder is in order, people love you for all your quirks. With Mars also backing you now, you must go for it. Whatever is in your heart, trust and go for! If a significant relationship feels too demanding now, it’s your turn to call the shots. Work from within!

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

Step back and get some perspective, Capricorn. When you’re constantly doing, it’s hard to see progress, your’s or that of others. Generally, this week may seem quiet or slow. Something you don’t mind a little of every now & then. You’re carving out a new path for yourself and a few different opportunities are coming toward you because of this. The universe is nudging you along being the angel on your shoulder, the message is that whatever is happening, is right for you. Collaborations of any kind are heaven sent now because you’ve been so intuitive lately, you’ve got a massive desire to give back and create opportunities for those new in the game. Things feel fated for you now until October, something is starting now and it’s going to bring you much joy, sweet moments and happiness. Success comes from offers made by new work colleagues. You’ve got great luck and the doors that open now are linked heavily with travel, children and foreign places. Don’t be all work and no play! Things are looking up and a decision on how to stop frivolous spending makes an impact. If involved in sales, you could be talking through negotiations and winning. You receive a pat on the back and with it, new possibilities emerge. Maintain your philosophical & accepting attitude to let things come in their own time.

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

What’s your mission statement, Aquarius? Every step of the way, you’re getting closer to who you really are. Don’t let anyone push their agenda on you. You’ve been working hard on your mindset, business and inner emotional world. Someone is helping you by inspiring you, it’s super important to have someone to look up too. You’ve got a desire burning now to make life more comfortable and your mind may be on how to balance it all while remaining cozy. You’re determined to call the shots this week and April give’s you a spurt of confidence and independence. Aquarius is the sign of mental consciousness, it hardly wavers and it won’t disappoint you in unfamiliar territory. Right now, it’s best to fill in any gaps with your own experiences and trusted wisdom. It’s been a bit of a process to get to where you are now and thing’s still have a little while before a completion occurs. You’re in a clearer disposition in regards to your objectives, morals and beliefs. You have a few choices and decisions to make and something is asking you to stand strong in your roots. Whatever you may be working through, keep on keeping on. A relationship might be hanging by a thread yet you’re not ready to give up. You’re asked now, to look at all the facts and get a sense of what may be wrong in the picture. What’s in your heart & soul is about going within yourself, the answer is always intuitive. You know it before you have to ask.

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

It’s up to you to make the jump, Pisces. This week, a very strong message comes through that with so much energy rushing through, you’ve got to just go for it. It’s a month of action and all systems go, you must hit the ground running and not turn back. Business life is mingling with creative expression and you’ve got to push forward now that you have one foot in the door, don’t let anyone take this power from you. You can make it happen, you know you’ve got what it takes. Abundance within creative work, or whatever work makes you tick, rewards you. You know how the energies are piling together to work favours for you, you’ve been in the background consistently working and now you’re in this place to make it happen. Often, you doubt yourself and it’s your biggest downfall, self awareness although is intrinsic for you in regards to others, can hinder when you turn the light on yourself. Don’t let it transpire now, just go with the unexpected! The events that take place will now be sudden, like a flash of light, things are a little different to how you imagined but that’s the beauty of life. Things are very fated for you now with Jupiter watching on from your 10th house that rules achievements, hard work and reputation. Finances once again, play a big role in your immediate life this month and you must try to do all that you can to increase your income. The weekend of the 13-15th April will be a sweet one with the Sun & Jupiter in exact alignment - Saturn & Pluto are going to put you to work from now until Mid May, you will be asked to concentrate and get those finer details in perfect check. Venus in Pisces until the 19th is keeping you romantic, mystical and looked up too. Are you acting in a way that honours your priorities? Help is on it’s way to you via cosmic energy shifts that come to perfect the position you are currently in. You’ve concentrated on hard work for some time now to start seeing some of it manifest into real life wins! Family plays a big role from now until June and implications within tight knit families are noticed now.

This Week's Astrology

This Week's Astrology