This Week's Astrology

A time of mental renewal; life seems to be moving at unbelievable speed lately - Don’t be fooled.

What will be great, develops slowly.

This week, the universe is likely to be playful with you if you are in turn playful with how you engage in every day occurrences.

It’s easy to fall into victimisation and play out the roles our parents have taught us and in turn given us; we are in danger of now playing out a perceptive story that is NOT true for ourselves yet because our family/past life, we replay it, like mad men. Over and over until finally something gives, usually our outdated mentality after many, uncomfortable whacks.

Structures are falling down in certain areas of our life right now and it’s for the better!! Some of us are doing it intentionally and some of us are letting it be done onto us. Don’t let a situation leave you stagnant, free yourself from the shackles that we often appoint ourselves.

Mercury entered Taurus today, along with Uranus, and soon Venus (15th) enters into the picture also. Mercury in Taurus is practical, we have more common sense in the weeks following and we are all about communicating with purpose. We’re more attracted to life, we find things to love about our current situation and it feel’s really good.

With the New Moon in Taurus behind us we merge with something subconscious; with the Full Scorpio Moon ahead of us (18th) we walk closer toward feelings, desires and meaningful exchanges.

As Goethe once said ‘Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.'

May your cup runneth over..

With love,


Aries: March 21 - April 19

Love is a battlefield, Aries. This week, you’re sincere and forthright and the appeal is strong. Balance of power in a relationship comes up now - income, resources and share debts. Adopting new habits in regards to finances are taken up and you run with a business idea that makes so much sense. With Uranus in your chart for a few years now, self made business and freelance work is super creative, super satisfactory. You’re an innovator by nature, enhance your life and finances in new ways - think on the spot. This week, shine a light on your interactions with others. A partnership may need to end or change to become fruitful - it’s a great time for dealing with this stuff so you can move on in a lighter sense. You may be looking to feed your curiosity. Just make sure a relationship doesn’t trigger an old out dated pattern, you’ve moved on from self doubt, let it stay this way.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

You get so fixed on a certain thing, you loose sight of what is Taurus. This week, you feel a renewed sense of enthusiasm and energy - love could be complicated or something is being kept ‘under covers’. The things you say are particularly strong from the 6th onwards and the opportunity you create for yourself is impressive. Something dawns on you now - you have the energy to invest in communications, ideas and new learnings. The New Moon in your 1st house on the 4th meant a 'new you’ emerged. While commitments maybe taxing, they are providing a framework and sense of meaning. This month, you feel revitalised and with Mercury in your chart followed by Venus in your sign on the 15th, you will be popular, charming and pleasing. You soothe and help others and there is tremendous expression coming from you. In any moment you can turn things around - you ought to be aware you’re getting help from the planets! The stars! So use it! Read the fine print on a contract and read between the lines, if your intuition is telling you something, take a temporary time out.

Gemini: May 21 - June 20

It’s possible that many of you have been going back & forth on a decision, Gemini. Pushing your agenda, with Mars in your sign has made you very animated. Reaching out to others and taking the lead -means you are mentally alert throughout this week - and the weekend is filled with ideas and possibilities. 2019 is a having you take another look at your options. Many Gemini’s are moving into a particularly awakened time - where life begins to make more sense. It’s strange, you have not foreseen this, it’s just crept up on you. But, now what you’ve seen, cannot be unseen. Life has many possibilities and you want to discuss them all. Last week’s Taurus moon hit your 12th house, it is all about balance. Lot’s of planetary action in your 12th house as both Mercury & Venus enter. The esoteric, the veil between worlds, the inner knowing. Feeling empowered even with the niggling bit’s - because you’ve received a bigger perspective on your life. Reignite a relationship or a current one coming together in a different way. Mars is still in your sign, be proactive, assertive and play confident - fake it till you make it as they say.

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

You’ve got the green light to move forward Cancer, so what’s holding you back. This week, a minor delay in business could raise doubts. That shouldn’t stop you, things often crack, only to get better than previously expected. A lot is going on in your 11th house which rules; new opportunities in friendships & new beginnings in existing associations. Focus on integrity and circle the highest priority. Be clear and honest in your dealings with others and express without trying to control or convince. An organisation that you share moral values with invigorates you - Mercury and Venus also together in the 11th house. It’s all about that feeling in your soul and co-creating with the inner voice of your heart. Mars is on it’s way to enter your sign and switch up the ball game, so definitely don’t push back an idea just yet. Stop yourself from seeing the dark side of everything, you have exactly what you need for the direction you’re headed in.

Leo: July 23 - August 22

You’re desiring a more authentic life, Leo. It’s all about seeking meaning right now and life purpose. Feelings of optimism, enthusiasm and vitality swim around you now and it makes the old lion purr with excitement. The Taurus moon last week hit your 10th house, so life direction is important. You come up with creative solutions to tricky problems and everyone is impressed by your point of view. Notice how naturally kids express joy over the smallest things and try to emulate that. When you do you’ll be surprised with the invitations that follow. You’re asking yourself some tough questions and changes in scenery begin to happen, from now well until later on in the year. You are busy in career and you truly love where it’s going, Venus enters your 10th as well as Mercury - so sharing, communicating, speaking is top of the list. You need to get out there and put yourself forward. Connections with creatives are on the cards now, especially unexpected encounters that breath life into innovative thinking. Mars in the 11th house ruling friendships and how you show up for people in your life, stick to a program and follow it. Many people depend on you.

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

A slight snag in the tapestry of life could have you worried, Virgo. With the 9th house accentuated; expect spiritual growth, which is usually uncomfortable yet always worthwhile. Many of you are moving on from a previous hurdle and with it gaining higher knowledge. This is a week for getting your ducks in a row and asking for a raise. Stay the course for eventual success, as commitment is highlighted in your chart now, it’s better to play by the rules. You gain a new perspective on something previously hidden and life is wide with possibility. Avoid all work and no play, you have recently been out of your comfort zone and it did you a favour, as a new direction has been produced from it. Boost of energy plausible now - sharing information, you feel inspired. Mercury and Venus join in the 9th house and you are being asked to go beyond the familiar. Keep searching - Mars in 10th house is all about solo projects, taking matters into your own hands. Team work will leave you impatient, remember to breath.

Libra: September 23 - October 22

A volatile period dissolves now and you begin once more to feel connected, Libra. For business or pleasure, you find yourself on the move, literally and figuratively. You may have made a decision on the spot and are now coming to terms with it. However, with life, changes may occur even when you thought everything was settled. At least, you’re becoming super comfortable with the one constant in life; change. You feel anticipation, trepidation; it feel’s good to be this alive. The 8th house is accentuated all month, especially this week as Mercury enters - the inner workings of the mind. Fears and emotions, shine a light on blockages - possible traumas from the past revisited now. With Venus in the 7th house; you sense new in your life, and you feel peaceful and harmonious with people you meet. Also, keep in mind that Mars in 9th house expands knowledge, bringing more meaning into your every day life. Get rid of mental chatter and just say yes when the opportunity presents itself.

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

If options are not crystal clear, delay decisions until you have a stronger gut feeling on what to do Scorpio. As your focus shifts to what others say or do or want, you may feel a tug of war between what you were planning and what others ask of you. Just establish that first and be courageous in the face of challenges, avoid feeling like you have to solve everything. You don’t, and you can take it all one step at a time. Right now, pursuing that deep spiritual inner journey, exploring, going beyond boundaries is what life asks. New and exciting experiences on the horizon - shining a light on what changes you need to make in order to have the flourishing relationships you need to have. This week, there will be an emphasis on associations friendships and unfolding relationships I think you like someone a lot more than you’re letting on, or perhaps it’s the other way around. The 5th house which rules relationships - new, old, stagnant is deeply accentuated now, just remain practical or neutral, whichever comes first.

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

Inner developments and the insights that grow from here, excite you Sagittarius. You can’t keep working in the shadows, so ask yourself a big question and then write out a list of pro’s and con’s. If the path is unclear now, chilling out may be the wisest option. It’s not defeat when it’s your decision. Think about that and while you’re there mull over what to say. You tend to hide feelings now and someone close to you seems less prone to make promises. With Jupiter still in your sign until end of year, you’re not seeing/sensing limitations. You instead are expanding boundaries, making sure you say ‘yes’ to all new experiences. Looking to new horizons and inspiring others to do the same - your 6th house is important all month especially on the 7th when Mercury enters then Venus soon after the following weekend. Trying new things and finding solutions by looking a tad bit further, show promise. A new job or new position is also likely now. Be in the moment, sit in silence and gain power from the clarity that resides in your heart.

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

Inner stirrings prompt you to take action, Capricorn. You turn a corner in a relationship and start feeling supremely comfortable. The desire for self expression is here now and you have great periods of joy in the coming weeks. The moon last week in Taurus - brought out your creativity in one way or another. The key is to bring progress in life and with Mercury and Venus entering your 5th house of child, romance & lust, don’t risk glossing over details. Be observant, don’t bite your tongue. When you do what you enjoy, you blossom. Finding a hobby and delving into it is required now- this then brings the element of lightness into your life. With Mars in the 6th house - even if some things don’t pan out, you know you made a good effort. Health and wellness is super accentuated all of May, but this week you begin to see where you’re downgrading. Building a healthy home, being proactive - Mars wants you to express energy daily in the house it’s visiting - watch out for ramped up stress as you have high pressure multi-tasking and the urgency to complete tasks. Connect to your roots and don’t give power away to others whom you think are more important.

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

Dreams begin to become reality, Aquarius. When you make space, something new comes in. A sense of purpose in the air this week, despite doubts; you set aside and look for options in the future. What you see and what you know, may be two different things. Act with compassion and kindness - if you have to postpone that’s ok. It will come around again, trust me. Mars in your 5th house now - business, consulting - anything entrepernual is good to go. What makes your heart sing, creative endeavours, focus on that. Mars is about taking action in something you love. You love innovations, learning and the unfamiliar. Even if you won’t ever show anyone, write, sing, draw or dance. It will help the energy flow move and shake, not remain stagnant and keep you in it’s choke hold. Career direction important this week, requires meaningfulness. Shining a light on interactions, how are you behaving towards the one you love? Also, don’t forget the 4th house (unity, family) is important this month and this week as Mercury enters on the 7th. Simplifying doesn’t necessarily mean cutting costs.

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

Rewards come from activities that engage your heart Pisces, and only then. Liberation, release and moving forward, that is the week ahead. Heart and soul connect and a new start accelerates - something you didn't necessarily expect right now. The internal journey - the freedom life brings when you’re following the right path. A lot of out of blue energy, just because things are different to how you imagined doesn’t mean they won’t astound and surprise you. Your 3rd house is accentuated this week, communication, learning, travelling for work. Mercury and Venus meet here and with it; new people, social connections and business meetings. It’s in your best interest to get out and move around town; making acquaintances. Venus brings someone you really resonate with, feeling restless this month - take a break, make a change. Don’t sit too long on your hands, otherwise knowing you, nothing happens. With Mars in 4th house - all about home, safe zone. This last Taurus moon coincides closely with what will happen in November, so a business meeting of minds now will initiate a big project lasting the course of the year. Confront things head on without using aggression, you’re at your best when you remain like water, calm & unbothered.

This Week's Astrology

This Week's Astrology