This Week's Astrology

We are on the brink of a new year with tremendous energy abuzz! Everything around us is pulsating and we’re ready to tango with 2020. This dynamic, opens a rhythm to life unlike before, everything is fluid!

Events this week bring pause for thought, like today when Mercury moves into Sagittarius. Mercury is in detriment in the sign of Sag and therefore indicates these two aren’t a natural fit, but like all things in life ~ the show must go on. Expect to be a little restless and impulsive from this transit and also the upcoming Gemini Full Moon (12th). The last full moon of the decade, in airy and intellectual Gemini. With so much earth energy floating in our skies; we must pay attention to our minds.

It’s important to maintain our light and wisdom with all those we come into contact with, especially our families, as holiday’s tend to be a testing time of year. Don’t create obstacles and drop ego based actions! Even when it’s difficult, be the watcher of your mind. Set intentions for what you want to manifest, it’s a very important time of the year. The power of prayer is also significant this week. The answers are not always as clear as we’d like them to be, that’s why it’s important to listen to our heart and not live in our head. Leave room for dialogue, the Gemini Moon say’s! Keep talking, keep listening and know that without continued communication, we would be truly lost.

This week, remember the quote ‘between fact and fiction, lives our own personal truth’. There are no right or wrong answers, only what is right for us.

May your cup runneth over..

With love,


Aries: March 21 - April 19

Don’t overextended yourself this week, Aries. Life abundance in this moment means you’re set to have some fun over the holidays, just make sure it’s with people you love and situations you call for. Not knowing where you stand now will only cause major eruptions after Christmas, so wrap up loose ends. Venus will couple with Pluto on the 13th a day after the Gemini Moon (12th), and it will impact everything that sits in your house of reputation. Basically, whatever you’re calling in this world will be magnified and adjustments to an existing situation will be made. Release fears & ambitions concerning career or competency. Right now, it’s more about creating a firmer family life - this is it. We only get one shot! In 2020 you will be focused on your 10th house of career, as Saturn and Pluto transit and transform this area of life. When January begins you will have amazing energy to apply to finding your dream job or asking for a promotion, even unleashing your website or company into the world.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

Release the need to `know it all’, Taurus. It won’t help anyway! A sudden detour in the path gives way to a true heart’s desire. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and exhausted today or tomorrow, steal a moment for yourself. The Gemini Full Moon on the 11/12th is about dreaming, wishing and manifesting. Generally, this week tends to be busy, but you’re solving problems and doing a little creative juggling. Strive to develop compassionate communication and a more nurturing environment, this way you can get through the holiday’s with ease and grace. With family, always try a straightforward approach - it will help you not get caught up on temporary, irrelevant matters. And this time of year, usually brings about much of that. The next year sees you focused on your 9th house of travel and education, as Saturn and Pluto transit and transform this area of life. Use the amazing energy to go on that trip around the world, apply to your dream school, or start a creative project.

Gemini: May 21 - June 20

Life accelerates, Gemini. It’s that time of year and coupled with the Full Moon in your sign on 11/12th December, you bet the spotlight is on you! Use your magic and envision what you want to create for the next 6 months, it’s a potent time. Don’t get caught up with the Mercury in Sagittarius energy that presents itself today. Stick with those who make you feel useful and practical. Being a sign of mutable energy has it’s advantages, so this week manage time correctly and everything will turn into an opportunity. This Moon will bring some completion around a family or friend matter; it’s important to reflect. To know when to close the door on something or someone. Release your tendency to control outcomes; strive to cultivate a healthier self-esteem. 2020 sees you focused on your 8th house of shared finances & intimacy, as Saturn and Pluto transit and transform this area of life. This collective energy helps to apply for a home loan or pay off your student loans. It’s about making yourself happy and not falling into a pattern of people pleasing, this way you boost your romantic life too.

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

Release partners who limit or use you, Cancer. This statement is relevant as Jupiter sits in your relationship house; you just can’t avoid the elephant in the room any longer. In a week where you want to please everyone, please yourself first! Today, Mercury joins the Sun in your 6th house, so contracts and business are highlighted. You must learn to share some feelings in that department so you raise the vibration; more being, less doing. Interestingly, whatever you think about this week, appears. 2020’s powerful mood will assist you in striving to become your most authentic self, the need to freely express your feelings begins now over the Christmas period. Release the history and the pains of the past; you can do this in an existing relationship - it’s not necessarily something new appearing. 2020 sees you focused on a close personal relationship, as Saturn and Pluto transit and transform your 7th house of relationships. You are partnering up in all area’s of life, choose things that will nourish and sustain you over the long term.

Leo: July 23 - August 22

You’ve been up to so much, Leo. It’s important you don’t push yourself this week especially since Neptune pulled your energy out all weekend. Other people seem to have the answers right now and it’s time to reach out to an expert. A breakthrough has led to some perspective and you have made every effort to refine and polish the situation but to no avail. That’s OK, sometimes rubbish is just rubbish. The quicker you realise, the better for you. What you should be focusing on with the upcoming Gemini Moon is work habits & projects, do they spark joy? Or leave you joyless? Strive to cultivate your spiritual self through the work that you do. 2020 sees you focused on jobs, health, pets, and routines, as Saturn and Pluto transit and transform your 6th house of work and health. The entire energy in the next 12 months will shift toward career, expression and creative fulfilment.

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

Full steam ahead, Virgo. This is no time to hibernate. You are growing in a new direction and it’s leading you to the collective. To achieve your goals you must connect through vulnerability, when you share your truth, people gather around you. Although this week will be demanding with increasing professional appointments, something else appears to be bothering you. This whole year has been a wobbly lurch forward (and backward) giving you wide and abundant experiences to enhance your resilience. The Gemini Full Moon shifts financial conditions or professional status keeping you attentive, stressed. You’re in a deep place of thought; something either happened or didn’t happen how you expected. To let go of this sticky energy, strive to only be in compassionate company. 2020 will see you focused on romance, children, and creativity, as Saturn and Pluto transit and transform your 5th house. The next year it’s time to appreciate and honour what you’ve got and those who have helped you thus far.

Libra: September 23 - October 22

The beauty and perfection of life is all around, Libra. This week, it’s time for you to release the demands of family members and strive to nurture a career which may have fallen behind. You have many reasons to feel happy and one of them is the Gemini Full Moon; requesting you to ask for what you want! If you’ve been exhausted, don’t push. The energy is more ‘go with the flow’. Mercury enters Sagittarius today helping you share ideas and network that little bit better. All in all, this time of year will work wonders for you. However, something deeper seems to be going on - an inner adjustment requires patience- by you and those around you! Use magic to manifest what you want in relationships. If and when true grievances come out, try not to feel alienated; it’s not here to test your faith but to clear obstacles. it’s important to remember that the year 2020 for you is focused on home and family matters, as Saturn and Pluto transit and transform your 4th house.

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

A little adjustment can release hostility, Scorpio. It’s about taking care of you this week and not pushing past boundaries and limits. Just be practical in your decisions and you won’t screw anything up! Notice your dreams and what you think about first thing in the morning; you want to continue moving mountains this month! The energy is playful especially on the 11/12th with the Gemini Full Moon. You feel a pulse when connecting and networking with others and people in general are just vibing. Strive to expand and explore new avenues of learning and travel, as next year these subjects will be enormous for you. If you feel a little extra effort required with a love relationship, be firm but sweet. Don’t make any big decisions until the 26th! 2020 sees you focused on commitments, friends, and written and verbal communications, as Saturn and Pluto transit and transform your 3rd house. You can be powerful and effective without using any passive aggressive tendencies - drop ‘my way or the highway’.

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

Past all your thoughts and feelings, you know what to do Sagittarius. In fact, it’s quite obvious what you must do. So, how come you’re lagging?! This week, be restful and seek to express only acceptance. With Mercury moving into your sign today, a message comes through! Far reaching communications help you focus on your vision, just watch out for the inner confusion that Mercury can drag up whilst in your sign. Feed back is helpful but not if you’re hanging of every last word. It’s all about perception and moving forward especially on the 11/12th when the Full Moon moves into Gemini. Release negative self-esteem and work which doesn’t compensate you; strive to develop a healthier long-term financial plan. Throughout 2020 you will be focused on income and possessions as Saturn and Pluto transit and transform your 2nd house of money. Getting support from others will be invaluable in this time and can bring about so much adjustment in terms of business, money, valuable and investments.

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

Listen to the feedback of others, Capricorn. Jupiter is your healer this week and brings you rare control over life events. This is because so many planets sit in Capricorn spreading their warmth all over your chart. You have Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Venus and later next weekend, the Sun and new Moon. It’s time to discuss expectations and work together. This year has taught you how to work smarter and save your energy, when you focused on diplomacy, you won big. Your passions are ignited easily this week and spirit is flowing through you - everyone catches the spark in your eyes. To continue moving forward don’t be afraid of releasing ingrained patterns of despair; keep striving to cultivate a loving relationship with yourself and others. Life will only get crazy busy from now on, there’s no time to recuperate just yet! 2020 sees you focused on identity, personal plans, and relationships. Life will be one wonderful, new adventure in the coming months, perfect for launching a company, getting married or having a baby.

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

You are guided under some auspicious stars, Aquarius. Release stress and worry this week; strive to cultivate better health and work habits which honor your emotions. You are everything to so many people! The fast paced energy means you’re in the mood to share, mingle and laugh. It’s also a good time to remind yourself to just ‘keep swimming’. If events last week left you discouraged at all, you have reason to shift gears now. Whatever you’re daydreaming about can reveal a theme you subconsciously are working on, make sure it’s positive. In the madness, attempt to lay low in all the holiday consumerism, it’s never your thing. The next year sees you focused on closure, release, and rest, as three mighty outer planets throw a party in Capricorn and your 12th house of endings. 2020 will be the year to address any bad habits, mental or health problems you may have; you’ve used a crutch for way too long. You are foundation building for the next decade, only bring with you what you truly care to have.

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

A last minute switch up gives you time for something better, Pisces. You’re urged to rustle up routine and try something different, you just don’t know what yet. Inspiring change often comes from a state of 'not knowing', metaphorically speaking. This week, the Gemini Full Moon blesses you with support and satisfaction. Someone has recognised your quiet service and devotion, this aligns you to the right place and right time with them. To attain what you wish now, be at ease. Show your grace and style by loving the ones you’re with; quiet the ego, it only comes to sabotage the hard work you’ve done! Release friends and groups which limit you; strive to prioritise greater opportunities for fun and creativity. Life next year, will focus on friendships, goals, events, and groups, as three mighty outer planets throw a party in Capricorn and your 11th house. Philanthropy will come into your life majorly. So too will a new community or club. It's even possible throughout 2020, for many long held dreams and desires to come true.

This Week's Astrology

This Week's Astrology