This Week's Astrology

Growing up on my family fridge at home we used to have a magnet that read ‘If you can dream it, you can do it’ - this always stuck with me and in turn, I believe lead me where I am today. To be honest, this past week I have been marinating on those words - they seem so unequivocal for where we’re at. Collectively and individually - this sweet little quote leads the group into a very significant new year, one of mass unfamiliarity. We are passing over to the uncertain as old groundwork and foundations crumble beneath us.

Nothing will be the same again after December ends. It’s a pioneering time in our collective, the world at large is changing before us at rapid speed and we enter into a new decade where everything is bursting, flowering and in flux. We trail blaze into the unknown!!! Today, a shift in the paradigm is felt - once a year Jupiter the sign of luck & expansion changes signs. Moving into Capricorn after a year in it’s home sign of Sagittarius means we are reconnecting to our practical endeavours and encouraging others to remain reflective, poised and independent. The time is upon us to alter the journey if we have to, there are no clear guidelines or structures - but in our heart, if we listen carefully; we know what to do!!

As we prepare for the new year, we examine romance, business, friendship and desire. The energy keeps ramping up - higher and higher!! On the 12th of the month we have a Full Moon in Gemini marking the beginning of a new cycle. This Moon will oppose the Sagittarius Sun, as this mix always brings up the polarity of the little mind / big mind. Gemini always encourages logistics in both heart and mind, whereas Sagittarius focuses more on ‘inviting in’, the dance between the higher mind and how it elevates a wider audience. We are asked to focus on the here and now. Make sure you communicate on this Full Moon and appreciate the sense of adventure it brings. In all of us, something is building - discover it! Harness it! Love it ! This Full Moon will square Neptune and form a trine from Mars to Neptune, everything is intuitive!

After this, we move into a Solar Eclipse in Capricorn (26th) presenting us a time of great magic, we are asked to run not walk into the future. It’s a time to remain dedicated to your life purpose, your destiny and what you know in your heart to be true !! We tread lightly among our life at times, traversing back and forth over insignificant structures and expectations. 2020 is here to cut across any burnt, blackened energies and bring forth to you major transformation and major reward. Believe in yourself and pat others on the back as they pass you on your journey, there is enough to go around.

"In every act of true magic there beats this moment, this unnameable conviction that what we are doing is undeniably true, for it is this faculty that causes the magic to feel real to us, and thus to eventually become real in substance to others."

May your cup runneth over..

With love,


Aries: March 21 - April 19

Dissatisfaction in business occurs because you know you desire something else, Aries. Something that makes your heart sing - you’re a creative sign! Get it, got it! Today with Jupiter changing into Capricorn, life is all about bringing new ideas to the table. This transit naturally improves conditions, this is because Jupiter traverses where Saturn previously was - therefore duties, career and reputation were heavy. Everything stayed rather inconsistent but you worked hard and united in the narrow path. Results have been slow and in that sense, you were placed on the grind highly dissatisfied with the way things panned out. All of 2020 will favour manifesting your rewards, they will come from new career, new bosses, new colleagues. Combine the mutual support you have around you, so that it lifts you! Opportunities in the 10th house will be demanding but so worthwhile, the fruit it bears will be juicy & sweet. You are carving out your place in the world and your name will be known. A very important eclipse in Capricorn is coming on the 26th of the month so watch our for dreams, thoughts and ideas. Something special comes from this time and catapults a relationship or partnership. In the same sense - a thing has to complete before you receive this gift, be cooperative. When you’re ready to share, you get a taste of everything.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

A lost treasure is returned, Taurus. A feeling of warmth creeps up on you and it could be because of a Gemini, Libra or Aquairus. You need to deal with the truth of a matter; someone in your life senses your detachment, aloofness. I suggest, before January appears to clarify - what you want and what you need. The stars show you on the defence - what opinion have you reacted to strongly? Perhaps, the accusations surrounding a situation are causing you to be detached. In any case, someone is coming to you, seeking you out - there’s a lot of potential that this is an ex, past lover. Today, Jupiter is moving into your 9th house; known as the house of miracle, luck and blessings. Wishes come true throughout December and goals you’ve worked hard to manifest are fulfilled. This year has been tough with Saturn in your 9th house, everything was a little damp. In many circumstances, things felt suffocating; much to do with authority or ‘boss figure’. Tunnel vision, perhaps a job without purpose and an overall suppressed vibe in love/work. Expansion of mind has left you eager for the follow through. And, so i’m telling you that it’s here. The time for progress and not looking back is here, don’t wait to long to hop on the moving train - otherwise you’ll be the only one left at the station. As much as you like to think it’s other people, you’re the only one that keeps yourself running in circles. You are passionate about consolidating everything, and so you should. Let only the truth remain.

Gemini: May 21 - June 20

You’re really going through the motions, Gemini. The love has spilled out and I feel like you’re hurt or remorseful, either way you’re not satisfied in the situation before you right now. A disappointment has led you to set out on a new journey and this could all be because of a foolish move; maybe you didn't think before you spoke or understand the weight of your words. To be honest, it feels like some sort of Stockholm syndrome; you got used to some type of toxicity, poison. Now you see how you should of released this many moons ago, but life is not that simple; it appears this relationship is binding; karmic, past life. Maybe, I am mistaken, you very well could be in the reverse of a situation, it’s plausible that in fact someone did you dirty, karmic justice has it’s way and it never misses a beat. Either way, clarification has occurred; divine timing is at play now. Don’t turn a blind eye now, block whatever negativity tries to seep in. December is about what’s right for you! Make the decision - I see that you ultimately do it. A diamond in the rough, you’re getting ready to start new. You better side step any more commotion and begin to focus on the change up ahead; a Aries or Scorpio can be just what the doctor ordered. Throw caution to the wind and just do it - nurture your own self, you’re the person who you spend your life with.

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

Mastering the craft, Cancer. That’s December for you personally and the theme throughout 2020, you’re willing to put in the work and get it! Life is pregnant right now, you are being guided by a Libra or Gemini and in this way you’re growing abundant. However, as always a completion is set to take centre stage first. Where things have grown aloof or distant, you now get reprieve from a burden. Because of all the intense energy in December's changeable skies, it’s also plausible that someone who once humiliated you appears again to make a grand return. In some ways this year, a partner close to you was dissatisfied - this situation left much unspoken and therefore kept the energy stagnant. Today, Jupiter joins Saturn in your 7th house of others, partnerships and collaborative efforts. Support is now felt throughout any and all partnerships, presenting you with some much needed gusto. Inspiring connections bring about many new opportunities especially near the Eclipse in Capricorn on the 26th. Everything that happens this week is to advance you; the seed’s that have been sown begin to appear, growing and flowering. An internal shift aids you to make the right moves at the right time. Mercury moving into Gemini and your 6th house is also a source of interest; you will be talking a lot about health, wellness and daily routines. This aspect brings more organisation into your health routine, you’re more preoccupied to do the ‘right thing’ - whatever that may mean for you.

Leo: July 23 - August 22

If you know it’s no good for you, the time to walk is now, Leo. Or perhaps, you were wrong and are asking the universe for strength to return. Regardless, something is rushing to you and it demands clarity, facts and truth. It can be harsh and direct, but you need to hear it. You don’t want to bring any dead weight into 2020. Today the 6th house is lit with Jupiter taking Saturn’s place - Jupiter in Capricorn in the 6th gives you a sense of empowerment and health and mental wellbeing reigns supreme in your life. Have you been paying attention? Looking after yourself? These next, powerful months pertain a sense of order in life, you’ve got a certain way you want things to go and with a little effort and luck, it will. To be fair, you’ve already surpassed one big hurdle; what’s another?Just do so with poise and grace, you’re the lion after all. Work picks up in December and you don’t have enough hands for all the commitments that must be complete. Saturn put you to work this year but everything was slow moving now many opportunities appear from the 26th. If something turned nasty in the workplace recently; new inspiration and calmness resides toward the end of month. It poses the question of what side of the story you’re willing to listen too. Make space for the beginnings that are crying out to take place. The 5th house will also play an important role this month, from the 9th love life will be boosted. You feel a sense of enjoyment with family and communicate your desires easier.

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

You’re illuminated from inside out, Virgo. If you recently detached emotionally, it’s because you required peace the other could not bring you. The foundations of a new, solid relationship are appearing; someone who is a Sagittarius, Aries or Leo are on the come up! Now, the universe is calling for you to be patient, any decision you make needs to be a blending of the head and heart; you must be willing to compromise. In a different tune, justice prevails in a situation beyond your control. Family issues? Definitely linked to some differences, arguments and history repeating itself. Don’t trust anyone who sneaks off on you, they are not your people. Although there has been a dissolving of boundaries that potentially led to harsh love circumstances this year; things take a turn now as Jupiter sits in your 5th house of romance, lust and obsession. It’s like the sun shines after a long, harsh winter - it wakes you from your slumber and ignites the fire within. Self confidence has been unusual this year, causing havoc, you’ve been hiding away instead of sitting front & centre. Many responsibilities within workplace saw the desirable side of you take a back seat, now it’s time for nurture & pamper. The person coming in romantically could be older, wiser or just more authoritative. With Jupiter in your 5th house in your sister sign (Capricorn) - you regain a sense of ‘fun’. Move away from structured ‘romance’. Give yourself the creative self expression to vocalise what you want, need, require. You are at the helm of your life in 2020; no one else!

Libra: September 23 - October 22

Feeling a little emotionally drained is usual for this time of the year, Libra. In fact, you’ve walked away from a certain discussion and have discovered that the grass is not greener on the other side. For you, December has a lot to do with returning. Coming home to a Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces; you desire a committed, cosy time - you crave emotional fulfilment that you’ve struggled to achieve this year. You’ve been responsible for family in unusual ways throughout 2019. All sorts of resentments and past issues resurfaced and therefore, the getting back on “track" can take a longer time. Burdensome energy has kept you stagnant, Saturn in the 4th is responsible for this and makes everything difficult. You’ve made great strides however, and now Jupiter takes Saturn’s place in the 4th house; spending a year in this placement. From December onwards, you feel a helping, invisible hand coming to assist you. Life just gets easier and toxins are released from now until late 2020. You want to be productive for yourself, for your happiness. Emotional wellbeing starts to course through your body and you feel a vitality you haven’t felt in a long time. Mercury also passes through your 3rd house this month making you more alert, conscious of communication. Someones stating their truth and they don’t care how you take it, you must learn to distinguish between their problems and your own. The 3rd house is also about social gatherings; these will pick up speed and so will work commitments; get ready to hear from people.

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

It’s time to just go ahead and do it, Scorpio. If you wait forever, the moment is gone. The growing theme for you this year has focused on learning, connecting and motivating. You round things out now and in a sense, good new things begin to appear. When you are productive, ambitious and mature in your dealings, magic happens! This year could have been rather intense, you learnt a lot and the load was heavy to carry. Media/social work ramped up and this is because Saturn sat in your 3rd house; today Jupiter joins Saturn here and takes over for the year ahead. The 3rd house rules sense, media, communications - therefore you saw results in any new skills acquired here. 2020 is going to push for self made wealth and opportunities to expand your influence will really flourish. From the 6th you hold some sort of responsibility with a colleague that comes to an end, whatever hesitation was felt through the collective dissipates. When Jupiter forms a trine to Uranus, you move on from your own ‘crap’; whatever was limiting you melts away. It’s really time for you to focus on self improvement and look toward partnerships, friendships and new knowledge. This is what the paradigm shit of 2020 requires of you, especially because you’re so mentally alert this month. Promote your advanced self, you are not who you were when this year began!

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

Standing on the hill, looking down at the transformation this year brought leaves you feeling powerful Sagittarius. And, so it should; you regained a sense of independence, confidence and devotion. With the Sun in your sign until the 21st, it’s very much still Saggi time. You have been bursting with ideas, slowly building the house from the ground up. This was thanks to Jupiter’s energy, your ruler, pushing you along, even when you felt like you couldn’t go on. Today, there’s a change in temperament - Jupiter moves into Capricorn and a new decade is upon you. It’s a quieter transit and it’s exactly what you need right now, some rest and respite. When the mood is apathetic, you actually have room to self discover. So make no mistake in knowing, this month will push you to dig deep into practical affairs - those that include money, business and health. You must streamline the process and enjoy the relaxation that comes with knowing yourself a little bit better than before. 2020 will bring many rewards to your 2nd house where Jupiter will transit - energies related to money, belongings and resources will be boosted and you will regain a sense of ‘mine’. Everything in the new year is about making money, improving security and finding the sense of home, you’ve so been longing for. Everything you’ve waited for is on the other side of fear, open yourself up to it.

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

2020 is your year Capricorn, there is no other way to put it. Everything will be about your dreams, goals and manifestations. So, right now throughout December, take the time to get your bearings, to rest and reflect. Jupiter enters into your sign today where it will spend a year transiting, everything will be boosted from now on. From finances to motivation to pleasure, you will be busy and you will be engaged. Out of all the 12 signs, you will be required to feel the blessings with open hearts. New beginnings are not always easy and this isn’t to say that everything will just move smoothly, instead,the cosmos is putting you on the divine path and aligning you to people with purpose. Whatever is shed now is dead weight, remember that when fast and swift changes arrive. Throughout the year you’ve built up confidence, both spiritually and mentally. Your usual fears just don’t scare you anymore, life has shown you in subtle way’s that you must embrace it all; the ugly and beautiful to understand fully the real. A gradual overcoming of fears and insecurities has transpired and will peak in December. You’ve preserved and overcome many obstacles but in a sense you’ve compressed a lot and many karmic relationships have been and gone. Jupiter in Capricorn will boost your need for adventure and clear the decks for what’s up ahead.. and it’s a lot! A whole new season of your life is upon you and you’re learning to own whatever arrives. Embrace this enterprising time and repair relationships, with yourself and with others.

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

You’re in a spiritually sound place, Aquarius and it brings a lot of joy to your heart. This month is all about the outward changes that have prescribed a whole new life for you, things are different to even two weeks ago, let alone two months ago! You have had many interesting energies floating with you throughout 2019, and most times it’s been harsh and gloomy. Jupiter, today moves into the sign of Capricorn where he will spend an entire year. This transit will continue to bless you with inner peace, fixing anxieties and struggles and helping you take everything in your stride. Are you ready?! Life happens at the 11th hour, always with something unexpected and unanticipated. However, amongst all of this, you know you are protected. You have the cosmos on your side, improving things dramatically with little work on your behalf. Continue supporting others and trusting your intutuion this will always in turn bring forth your charisma and natural state of expression. The Jupiter/Uranus trine will highlight your emotional solar houses and sever attachments to people or past addictions. The upcoming Gemini moon will particularly lean towards family & home support. If you’ve been confined by others, your living conditions tend to improve in that week (13th). As Mars also sits at the top of your solar chart, you must keep a handle on responsibilities, just because a new sense of self have enveloped all that you see & do, there are still some rules and regulations to follow.

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

Recognise the value of being a team player, Pisces. As much as you can go it alone; some times in life, like right now, require the support of the group. You’re ambitious in December and that’s because you’ve got Jupiter moving into Capricorn in your 11th. Saturn has sat in your 11th house for many moons and it’s made work hard to fulfil. Financial rewards may feel few and far between but that’s all set to change in 2020. Truthfully, the hard work you’ve delicately hammered away at begins to bear fruit. You have a greater influence over people, projects and paid work. New friends will appear as the 11th house is massive for networks, circles and tribes. Helping hands come out of no where to build your business for you and with you; the door is really opening and it centres around your dreams, goals and unfulfilled manifestations. you’ve been restrictive with who you let in and what affect they have on you; this year has been lonely as you’ve learnt to cut the dead weight in your life. Lots of fire influence over you this month, socially you’re active - through this you can enhance a business opportunity. Career will play a big part too, things are working in your favour just do your bit. You will need to work harder than usual but it’s because you’re really at the crux of a spiritually, powerful time. Take pride in yourself - Mars will harmonise and back you all month long.

This Week's Astrology

This Week's Astrology