This Week's Astrology

Life is interesting and this week adheres to the absurdity of things, with so much movement in the night sky we’re bound to feel some type of way. Mars moving into Scorpio, which signifies a ‘coming home’ of sorts as Mars is Scorpio’s co-ruler. What are you coming home to? A person, an idea, a feeling? Time of renegotiations, business talks and looking forward, even with last days of Mercury retrograde we are more deeply in touch with what we really want. Liberate yourself by cutting cords and opening new path ways, it’s all about the becoming of you. Situations that arise where you notice partnerships may be a bit lopsided, cause compromise and decisions. Structures are important in these last weeks of November, as we are coming to an end of Sun in Scorpio, moving from water into fire, how very biblical!!

Use your time, energy and resources wisely. It’s a beautiful life, only when coupled with beautiful actions, values and morals. Blockages and frustrations have been felt, we’ve all snapped at others during Mercury Retrograde and it’s not over just yet, even though ’technically’ it’s finished on the 20th, Mercury leaves shadow period on the 7th of December. After this, we’re done with retrograde in Mercury for the year!! We also have Jupiter coming into Capricorn early December which will set the tone for almost EVERYTHING in 2020. Allow the scary things to come up right now if they are trying to spill out; don’t stomp them back in the ground, because it’s best to let them flourish and grow into what they should be as later on in early 2020 the stars are a lot more intense, intriguing and vulnerable.

Don’t jump the gun ! Whatever commitment you make, you need to be 110% sure.. as things in the future are a’changin. As Bobby Klein say’s in his I ching report this week; ‘Know that this is the path to a free mind and an open heart’.

May your cup runneth over..

With love,


Aries: March 21 - April 19

Karma plays a huge role, Aries. It takes a long time to make sense of everything but you’re doing a pretty good job at connecting the dots. Right now, things feel suspenseful - so much can happen still. And, so much will happen in the next 9 months. 2020 will test your limits, a few detours will be made on the journey of life. With plans forming at warp speed you may need to compromise - especially if it’s to do with a family member. Stay committed to fulfilling an obligation and know that this will lead to a reconnection of sorts, after all Mercury retrograde still has a surprise to gift. This week, as the Sun enters your sister sign of Sagittarius, you are extra social. Delays could occur in getting some sort of message across, so don’t put pen to paper just yet and sign the deal. People you have in your life are extra nourishing now and that’s got to do with the fact you’ve hand picked your tribe with sentiment and thought. If someone shares a secret, respect and guide. At times, people are asking for your acceptance and understanding; not advice. Choose to keep it simple and choose to listen with your heart.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

Trying to appease others only burns you out, Taurus. With so many questions and not enough answers, this week can feel extra weighty. However, life takes a practical turn and the influence around you is productive. It’s about time you own your power and assertiveness, regardless how much you may feel nervous or frightened. Rationally, you’ve got nothing to be scared of, the less you hide the better the results will be. Pluck up the courage to move forward in a path that’s opened up pretty effortlessly to you. And, remember to chill once in a while, life is suggestive - take the hint. A true source of power is in the unseen you feel every day, you are coming more into alignment with yourself. This week, there can be miracles! Consider that possibility and know that at times, delays and restrictions can actually work in your favour. This has to do with a partnership or a creative endeavour, it’s something that gives much personal fulfilment. If however, you’ve been putting something on hold; could it be out of fear? Either side can now resonate, take what feels right.

Gemini: May 21 - June 20

It’s your time to go out and get it, Gemini. I like that you’re in a place of willingness, to step up that is - not to being a doormat for others. The passionate energy carrying you is directed outwards, to the world and to life itself. A fire sign could be helping you here, attracting you to all new things. In essence, you’ve chosen someone and they’ve chosen you right back. You are using your head and reconciling heart and soul intelligence, in many ways however, you’re still trying to find the logic in something. Curiosity complicates you always, don’t overthink it and rearrange the opportunity. It’s your time to receive a present from the universe, you are more than deserving. A feeling of joy is so apparent, don’t wish it away with over thinking. December will be a wake up call, in terms of deadlines, expectations and schedules. So know that, in this particular time of your life, you’re meant to be here; with these people. Also a great time to listen to your intuition, you will need to make a decision soon - early December. If your body is giving you warning signs, pay attention.

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

Illumination and success are the key words here, Cancer. However, so is patience. You’ve got to stick with something long enough to witness it grow. These things don’t happen over night and I know your peace of mind now seems to depend on feeling in control. Good luck with that! You’v had enough of the unpredictable energy yet this week stirs up a little more mystery for you. It’s highly possible that you have been afraid of success as much as you’ve been afraid of failure; this has in turn kept you in the middle. Being mesmerised by fleeting opportunities come from your need of power, what is it you really require to go forward? To take the right step? It isn’t anything outside of yourself, it’s solely up to you. Write it down and then start walking. You are in two minds about someone or something, the backwards & forwards is all getting a bit much. There is an air of keeping things to yourself in this time also, being your ‘own’ person in such a private way can confuse others. The preferred choice is making itself apparent and it could do more with a goal than a person or career.

Leo: July 23 - August 22

Allow the natural course of events to unfold, Leo. In this way, you’ll be pleasantly surprised with what transpires. Although, it also means you have to be very honest with yourself; something you haven’t been willing to really do in this time. Ironically, a setback could bring a better option to the table; stuff happens for you to pay attention. This week, some tension can be felt from over working, if you have to bend over backwards to make amends don’t resist. In a sense, everything that’s happening now has to do with emotional fulfilment, something you’ve been dreaming about. If you’re wondering why someone hasn’t called, maybe it’s time to shift gears and prepare a background check. For you, right now there is a element of fighting destiny, something wants to come in and you’re unnerving the natural flow of life. You’ve got to do things differently to what you’ve done in the past, throw the old rules out the window. Rigid anxieties placed on you by others; family or friends also needs to be removed. In order for you to flourish and be your authentic self; the divine asks you to ‘unstick’ yourself from what no longer serves. Any resistance by you is fraught with negativity; so be mindful!!

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

Feeling a loss of power is evident, Virgo. Insecurities come and bring about some major shift, so you’re not like everyone else! Who cares, you don’t fit the mould, make your own!! You need to change gears and feel confident in the going forward. This week has you feeling quiet, poignant. Memories come flooding back and you are preoccupied with feelings of joy, regret and loss. These moments make you fill in the gap’s that were previously empty; things just make so much more sense. In many ways, your life is more stable and comfortable and that’s why you can contemplate these deeper moments of life. Negative self talk needs to be thrown out, when you judge yourself too harshly you demise the progress. Getting out of your comfort zone is a good place to start and so is a conversation with a friend. Enjoy the solitude while you can because when holidays start, it will really be all action. The time is near for you to start opening yourself up to people and rejoining social events; in this way something unexpected can find you. Not such a fan of changing circumstances, you like to hold onto what you know. But, real magic is found in new people, experiences and scenery.

Libra: September 23 - October 22

You’re not aware of a situation as you should be, Libra. Generally, you’ve been so preoccupied that now you feel as if you’re running out of time. Delegate what you can; someone might be better at the job, and keep your sense of humour. In this period where you are questioning and wondering, you also stay skeptical. Consult with others and look around for the synchronicities, because they are there. The more you can focus internally and see what is and what isn’t working, more wisdom and experience will be shown. A toxic situation can lead you to hear something upsetting or negative, it’s just the chatter of people and the fact you wander in at exactly that moment. The better aspect of this element, is that you could have a revelation; something is brought to your attention that you really required, to piece the puzzle together. With this unusual incident taking place mid week, self acceptance is just as important; you don’t want to hide a reality anymore. Some conflict can be felt in the sense you believe people want the other you, the ‘masked’ side. Unfair comparisons can be made with Mars in Scorpio and competition is especially strong.

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

Starting a new journey and waving goodbye to the past, Scorpio. You tend to fantasise this week and spend time in quiet pursuit, if you feel lonely even with other people around, trust this too shall soon pass.Right now, water signs are very ‘future' orientated, everything is about the ‘next’! You have found people who recognise you for your uniqueness and in this sense, life can truly be abut career right now. You’ve found the right tribe who value your talents, value and ideals. Patient and understanding partnership is also felt, no one is imposing anything on you and you are free to make up your mind as you please. The journey is unknown for 2020 but trust things will turn out better than expected. Don’t let worry overtake you; you are so guided by your inner light, family and friends in this time. The cyclical nature of life means that you’ve completed a cycle and all you can see is forward, where things have been stagnant or placed on hold, you begin. Because of this, outcomes are resolved in odd way’s without much help from yourself. Life is in motion and with the end of your season, we welcome fire, so expect either a Sagittarius, Leo or Aries to be very beneficial now. If someone has been away from home, they come back soon.

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

Be yourself, Sagittarius. People like you and they embrace your qualities, but most importantly you need to know that you can be brave enough to be your own wild, self. With so much in flux this week, an unexpected event can offer you to pause for thought. Whatever soothes your soul is what you should focus on. That and family ties as someone has a desire to rock the boat and you’re concerned with the aftermath. A Earth sign is coming in a major way; Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. With them, comes a decision as they arrive, an upgrade of circumstances. If you’ve felt no love in your life recently, make sure you’re ready when this person appears if they haven’t already. Take the time to recognise that higher learning aspect of life; use that intuition. Potential partnerships are allowing you the opportunity to remain who you are and excel in collaboration that can propel you forward. There can be some pessimism around someone you’re spending time with and it’s rather depleting, energetically or emotionally. Don’t sit back and dream, begin manifesting by having the right people in your corner. Look for people who share your enthusiasm! Upgrade what you can.

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

You need to investigate your choices, Capricorn. Do they really resonate with your heart? Low boundaries can be a result of these choices. If it’s an internal thing, you’ve got questions you need to answer and the only person that can help you is yourself. The brooding energy around you isn’t pleasant and the darkness only focuses on the past, this really signals some karmic change that’s about to go down. The energy is both winning and loosing, you need to focus on future success and stay calm, cool and collected. If you’ve felt in one way or another that you’re loosing grip, it’s because you haven’t seen clearly the situation that was. All you can do now is maintain focus and integrity. Life is lessons learnt yet something keeps repeating; how do you view team work? Are you sure it’s both people or do you play a role? Pay attention to the needs of others as you make these choices, your harshness is not needed in such a situation. Whatever break downs can come back stronger and better, but the universe won’t let it keep going as it has been. Sacrifice helps you see things in a different way, engage in the complete culmination and surrender to change! Then, build again.

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

Cause and effect, Aquarius. Make sure you accept the energy around you as time is running out. The window is small but it is open and inside it, abundance awaits. If you’re distracted or not paying attention, start by drawing in your wisdom. You’ve got a lot on your plate currently and things are on the back burner, if you keep too many things going, one is lost. If it’s two people or two options, one will have to leave your life for you to create space for the option you should be focused on. A new idea is renewal, there can be an element of escape - self sacrifice may be required during this week, especially Thursday on. Love and tenderness come up now and you feel more alive, in tune. The need to jump of the fence and make a decision is difficult, when you listen to your intuition the message is crystal clear. The general day to day life is busy, you’re responsible for so much and there’s a lot on your plate; if you are stressed, you burn yourself. Delegate and cut things out, you are overworked in a sense and the emotional connection to this mayhem circles way back to the past.

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

You’re looking for something to fill the void, Pisces. You wanted to reconnect something from your past but it’s bad for you. Dangerous even, yet you seem to think they’re the balancing point. Dreams are one thing, reality is another. If you’ve been feeling neglected, a relationship builds on the reverse; the potential to start something new does dawn on you. What you require is tenderness and someone who will go the whole way with you. The problem is the information coming to you is all third hand, miscommunication can break down any positivity you may be feeling. A need to get to know someone is apparent, anyone who doesn’t know what they’re doing is no good right now. Try and focus on the beauty of life, choose yourself above all others. The situation you have in front of you is rather unique and it’s not so much of a test as it is a lesson. You can pass regardless in flying colours just use a little emotional detachment, as it will help with what you project onto others. Focus on getting out of this loop and remain curious with a sense of integrity.

This Week's Astrology

This Week's Astrology