A Mars-Jupiter semi square today tenses things up, we can be a whole range of emotions. Anything from impulsive to combative or perhaps just easily excitable. Basically, now is not the time for hasty decision making. This energy could make us vulnerable to manipulation by resonant astral intelligences that are able to deceive or delude us. Without rest and recreation you will crash & burn.
It’s a big time of breakthrough especially with so much Capricorn energy floating around - we must honour our code of ethics and strongly focus on the present moment. The Moon spends the day in Leo harmonising with the Sagittarius Sun. Getting things organised helps smooth out crinkles in your moods and a healthy dose of micromanagement is in order.
Again, the main topic here, one you can’t not observe is the fact that next year is a big year for karma!! So much is happening in 2020, we have 6 eclipses and Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn. We also have this ‘maternal’ energy bouncing within us and that is linked directly to the North Node in Cancer until May - so for many of us in the collective, we are running away from materialism. 2020 requires much deeper reflection to get beyond the surface meaning that we attribute to life’s nuances. This ‘wave’ of astral forces is going to make us all listen up and recognise what so deeply has been aching inside us.
In the words of Bobby Klein and his weekly I Ching; "This chunk of time, as short and intense as it may be, calls for balance, and what balances hard work is rest. So, you must be rested and clear when you arrive at a tipping point. This high place is emotional and contains a sense of place. Take time to be good to yourself.”
Don’t let this sacred cycle pass you by! Love yourself and love others, that is where true joy resides.
May your cup runneth over..
With love,
Aries: March 21 - April 19
You’ve detached from the old, Aries. In effect, all month has been fun, surprising and exiting. Opportunities may have come through quick - the way it’s all unfolded has been rather intriguing. For you and for those looking in on you, it’s just been an innovative month filled with fresh, positive ideas. This week is no different, starting today with the Leo Moon spending some time in your dream sector, exciting your heart and soul with the present. Don’t overkill the vibe by insisting on things, it will only make trouble. On the 10th of December, Jupiter met with Uranus in your money, resources, gifts house - the universe wants you to say ‘yes’ to whatever can propel you forward; even if it seems a little daunting to begin with. We are all on our unique path but what’s clear is that you’re on a tremendous new journey that brings freedom. To be clear, pushing yourself just a little today could be very smart, think about what it could do for you and your business.
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
A strong sense of release is felt this week, Taurus. A period of self expression is strongly influenced by today’s Jupiter-Uranus transit - it’s all about what you believe is possible. In fact, you will now being to see opportunities where you previously saw obstacles. Someone in your life has come to upturn old rigid, limiting beliefs - you can thank a practical fellow, earthy sign. Be purposeful in your integrity, this will make you reap rewards. As 2020 begins to unfold in front of us, it’s offering something quite unique to just you - and it’s only the beginning of what is to come. So any situation that may highlight original thinking or learning new things is something you should be chasing; you just cannot afford to lay stagnant anymore. Reaching out to solid experiences and activity is favoured here, the 'same old’ is not going to work and you won’t feel the fated powers conspiring to bring you your highest good. The planets currently are in harmony with your sign, this in itself is significant and it speaks of igniting your purpose.
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
When you take a moment to clear out the psychological clutter, the universe thanks you in a myriad of ways, Gemini. So much is happening next year, we have 6 eclipses next year and Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn. For you, harmonious energy flow with Uranus has peaked all month but there’s something special about today, this confirms that you can end 2019 in a very positive way. Life is showing you constructive feed back and it’s super exciting, what’s happening here can be fated or feel destined. You have accomplished a lot and the space you’ve created has brought so much insight into your own inner workings. You’re walking more confidently and opening up to the fated influence that comes over you; sudden events that give you a new chance at life. Mars sit’s in your health sector so work on streamlining daily routines and work enthusiasm. Try not to take costly shirt cuts, it could make things longer than if you just did it properly. Use any conflict to stimulate your old patterns, just be motivated to improve yourself as you have been. This will ground you and release any pent up frustrations.
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
A paradox bamboozles you, Cancer. It’s time to find something that lights your fire! With such a harmonious aspect today between Jupiter and Uranus, partnerships can be strong, successful and intellectually stimulating. You’ve been working hard towards long term goals with someone and this person can help you realise some of your most deepest wishes. For you, this week is about a soulmate connection - it’s time to explore, take healthy risks and emerge with serious, heart vision for you and another. If you’ve been too distracted lately, now it’s time to rest and recharge and focus on freedom of thyself. A Mars- Jupiter aspect can bring up unsettled disturbances, don’t jump to conclusions about someone or something. It’s important for you to focus on passion in your life and know not to rush matters, what is solid takes time to stick. In many ways, 2019 saw you going over the same issues that haven’t necessarily resolved, you repeated them time and time again. It’s time for a different approach, especially next week with the Capricorn Solar eclipse that sits with Uranus - your awakener.
Leo: July 23 - August 22
All month you’ve had the harmony of Jupiter and Uranus, Leo and today it’s exact, making for even better cosmic gifting. You’ve progressed leaps and bounds and more often than not, you sit in clarity with who you are and what you want. It’s a strong day for practical matters and for recognising hard work, skills and team members. They all conspire to help achieve your goals, so give them a pat on the back. In many ways, 2019 haas been a time of liberation from old routines and confining circumstances. Venus is helping smooth things over in your personal life and reminds you to connect with others, people who love you have invaluable advice to show you. What is true for you may just be in the stories we tell, remember to be alert for any opportunity to grow and advance. You feel these shifts more than others, and today Mars - Jupiter transit may wear you down. This is an excellent period to be in pursuit of health matters, find ways to unblock feelings. Uranus (planet of shock) is liberating you, everything you need to do is about authentic expression - just don’t react to other’s expression too quick.
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
Too much rational thinking makes you blind to your emotional psyche, Virgo. Don’t be afraid to open up and show your sweet side - a person in your life has a choice to make and it would help them to see it. Jupiters trine Uranus is exact today asking you to sink your teeth into something! While most of December this transit has influenced us, today it’s particularly strong. In this period, you can see the ‘glass half full’ and recognise you’re in exceptional shape to connect with others both spiritually and romantically. Whatever you need you can bring right to you with this energy. Quietly you’ve been making headway, reaching and exploring new territory, it’s been very significant for you and new people can serve you well now. The upcoming Capricorn (sister sign) Solar Eclipse will broaden your experiences, what is coming for 2020 is even bigger than our minds can comprehend. Your life is about to be transformed!
Libra: September 23 - October 22
Too many balls in the air means something eventually drops, Libra. You have applied yourself to something that is creative, innovative and forward thinking. Right now however, it’s not time for distraction. The Jupiter-Uranus transit is exact today and this indicates gains and intimate connections that propel exciting changes. It seem’s as though you have had sudden epiphanies on personal matters, past, present and current. This week will give you a powerful feeling of moving forward, you recognise just how liberated you are and this in turn, set’s the ball in motion. Support from home/parents is felt, something unusual that this year hasn’t manifested much off. With Uranus here, a sense of luck in real estate, investment and living conditions is also felt. Basically, this week is setting the foundation for financial and moral support, you gain a sense of accomplishment. People see you as a stabilising force even though you yourself aren’t feeling this currently, it’s OK, 2019 got the better of you but 2020 won’t.
Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
You’ve had a strong financial situation this year, Scorpio and 2020 will only see resources grow further. Keep it practical and grounded, especially today with the Jupiter-Uranus transit in full force, you will see a keen development in projects, friendships or partnership communications. You are still shedding some fears and this may require to take a risk on a social level; you don’t need limiting attitudes or people around you! Keep it positive, as these are sweet stars - life can improve a lot more in the next few days. Work on whatever can grow your life and forget anything else. Mars in your sign also makes you braver, so much processing on the revelations that came to you mean you must connect with people. Mars is a mirror in both mental and physical ways - so no doubt, this week will also be tense but beautiful. When you find ways to strengthen things out as calm as possible, you get gifted ten fold. With information overload happening at work, make sure to always look for optimism. The upcoming Capricorn Solar eclipse will sextile Scorpio in the zodiac, which means growth, creation and abundance. Eclipses clear what is no longer meant for our destiny, it’s bigger than us - so let go and go with it.
Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
Life has been productive, Sagittarius. As well as innovative, new and improved. Communications, writing and speaking have played a big role for you throughout December, it’s a social time of year and it’s beneficial for you to network and connect. People are giving you valuable feedback, an answer within is still unsolved - seek practical people who know and love you. To be real, this week is about lightening the load - especially before the Capricorn Solar Eclipse mid next week, this will be the final Solar Eclipse in Capricorn before they move into Sagittarius which is VERY significant for you. The tools are at your disposal, the opportunities are unparalleled and so worth it!! Everything you contribute is enormous now, you must rest fully before the surprises of 2020 begin appearing. Your resources, money, gifts and abilities are in major focus here - especially today, Jupiter (your ruler) is in transit with Uranus, bringing sudden events that give you a new outlook on life. It can be money, prosperity or an undeniable offer that is a new chance at life.
Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
You’ve mastered a new way of doing things, Capricorn. Jupiter in your sign today forms a harmonious aspect to Uranus, influencing your sense of commitment, adventure and vitality. It’s the best and worst of times at the same time, that’s mostly because a lot of stars sit in Capricorn gearing up for the Solar eclipse mid next week. In light of the positive, advances begin to happen with lovers, family and business partners. You must draw upon courage, creativity and personal expression! You’ve really come into your own here, celebrate it. Jupiter in your sign is so good at this, it just makes you feel empowered and therefore developments in wisdom and attraction triple!! Lately, you’ve had this spirit of openness and you’ve grasped things that were quit tricky before. With such a unique vision for 2020, you must continue increasing the imagination - keep yourself fertile. It’s truly about you and the new life ahead for you in the coming months, there is a lot of hope and optimism before you. Don’t be faired to take risks and go after what you want.
Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
A significant breakthrough focuses on your highest ideals, Aquarius. In this time of your life how are you using your resources to speak your story? Today, a transit between Jupiter and Uranus helps release pent up feelings, igniting a sense of liberation. It’s time to tell a story you haven’t been ready to tell yet. With this transit in your emotional, intuitive house - you will also have more charisma that expresses effortlessly from the outside in. It’s a good time to thank people and show appreciation for the people in your life, you’ve got friends you can count on! This week, seek personal opportunies particularly ones that are related to mental, emotional health and healing. With Mars in Scorpio your profession and reputation in the world is also improving, don’t misjudge the amount of energy it takes to get things done. While timing can be little off right now, things are forming quickly. A power day on the 19th helps you be direct and forthcoming to a business situation that requires it! Discipline yourself to ask for what you want!
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
You’re trying to keep up, Pisces and you could really win the race now. Have you put in the time, have you made the game plan?! If you’re willing to work within the boundaries, the pay off will be major in the next decade. The Jupiter-Uranus transit today is at it’s peak helping you communicate, negotiate and compromise. You must be practical, calculated risks are what pay’s off now. Don’t even bother gambling! In due time, your perspective on something changes completely, in a positive way and that’s all to do with greater freedom and inspiration coming from friends and lovers. This transit encourages you to show the world what you can do, you enjoy freedom of thought and fresh ideas come out of the blue now, possibly life changing ones. An offer sit’s on the table and it’s about an advancement toward a dream. Your emotional fulfilment is top priority until the 21st. No need to engage in any sort of competition, someone is tempting you but you might need to let it go, seem’s chaotic in the situation, more facets than you can see. Strip away immaturity from your psyche; it usually creeps up on you in the most awkward times. Expand in new directions and you will see your wishes come true in 2020.