This Week's Astrology

A very demanding week which asks us to modify and grow. The more conscious we become, the more compassionate, forgiving and authentic we can ultimately be. Become so centred and strong within that you do not need other people to support you and tell you what you are and what you are not.

We had the Moon conjunct the North Node, opposite Saturn over the weekend. !! I mean, energy is pulsating in all areas. With both Mercury and Venus moving through Scorpio we feel ‘oh so’ deep in our feelings, our romances and our daily nuances. Modifying energy, remodelling - plans, relationships, ideas and commitments. Everything is moving forward again, big push thanks to Jupiter. It’s the return of projects, goals and energies. We are traversing some new territory; ready or not - movement is felt! A great time to speak in ‘I’ terms - I need, I desire, I hope and I accept. We are all mirrors for each other, assisting each other to see what we cannot see. This of course, is uncomfortable. We’d all prefer to do what we’ve been doing forever, but this hardly ever brings about transformative change.

A significant New Moon in Scorpio is coming and as it is opposite Uranus, things can be so impulsive, erratic and restless. Scorpio rules the 8th house which concerns secrets, sex, masks, death and transformation of all types. Change can now come in unexpected, light bolt ways. It’s about taking off the persona, the mask and exposing our shadow element. North node is in Cancer, as well as the node of Jupiter in Cancer - a LOT of WATER energy going on right now that ‘attempts' to maintain control. So with both Cancerian/Scorpion energy swirling like a giant whirlpool you can expect fireworks to explode, under water!! A cosmic sea change is upon us and every aspect of earth as we know it. We are all running the race - and Uranus in Taurus has just begun to show the effects that will bring about mass change in land, housing, money systems. The emotional relationship to ourselves we cultivate is the way we can feel inner peace; be conscious in what you choose, so you have less regret later.

Also, Mars slowly moves through Libra square the Moon’s nodes today; it’s a major aspect for the week. It can be rater difficult and relationships in particular will feel the effect of any underlying anger or frustration. Be careful not to explode and have things break into a million little pieces that you cannot patch back up. Then again, this is actually a really wonderful week as we have so many opportunities to become aware; there is beauty in chaos, you just have to adjust perspective to see it (ha!)

I also wanted to THANK YOU all for this past year of support, love and connection. Opening up @SRNAVERSE to the world has been a joy and a gift that keep’s on giving. It show’s me how when you do what comes from your heart and truly live it; people come together, to support and collaborate. I so appreciate you following the journey and hope to continue travelling this madly beautiful path together..

May your cup runneth over..

With love,


Aries: March 21 - April 19

Emotional alignment is out of whack, Aries. You are convincing yourself you just don’t know what you want or what you deserve; but you see what you’re missing out on and now something inside you is raging a little. Basically, there’s an emergency and the leap that is required is rather far & deep. It’s about you this week and expressing yourself honestly, only this way can you be surprised by abundance. What you want most is hardest to express at times but you are seeking the freedom & safety in which to say it out loud. For the long term, you’re seeking commitment but of course, this comes as a sacrifice to something else or someone else; it’s just how the cookie crumbles. Relinquish power over someone, it has had it’s advantages but the sun comes to warm your back now and you must be creative in your self expression. A lot of ‘down to earth’ energy that gives of a desire to get organised and you look at cutting back expenses. With a little patience you can master the repair, replace and recycle vibe going on at home, minor set backs do occur because of Mercury in Scorpio, but look for the silver lining.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

What’s familiar can cause pain right now, Taurus. Dig deeper and you can scope out the element of concern. Thinking practically can show you the potential of what’s out there, something new is coming in and with it brings a lot of ‘problem solving’ energy. You want something, anything to come into your life and bring with it creative self expression, it’s really important in the next couple of weeks for you to go a little silent on power dynamics and control games, you need to put it all away as everything is coming to fruition on it’s own. Don’t take a proposal at face value in a career front, make sure you are doing the background checks. Co-workers can prove jealous now or just dealing with their own problems that invariably become part of the collective vibe. If a opportunity feels like it’s ‘now or never’ let it happen naturally and don’t let impulsiveness override common sense. Socially, a friend could be bad vibes, don’t throw everyone out just because of one bad seed. It’s easy for you to ghost and something you’re a natural at, the knowledge of betrayal may circle around a Gemini or Leo. Maintain peace of mind by staying organised and down to earth.

Gemini: May 21 - June 20

Pivotal change as far as emotions are concerned is felt, Gemini. Between two people there is a desire for action right now, there has to be a flame for the fire to burn. In that sense, are you holding onto something that extinguished it’s flame long ago. Before you shake your head, give yourself time to really, truly sit in honesty with yourself; then you go from there. Starting a loving conversation invites helpful information; there are many way’s to be together, are you doing it how you want or how society expects you too. If you feel like you’re falling this week, it could just be that you need to check yourself! When Gemini is in their feelings, things can turn hostile because it can be too overwhelming for you to handle. Essentially, now you should be following up your intuition with action. Around you, people are in the mood for unsolicited advice and on the tail end of Libra season, everyone likes to offer up their 2 cents worth; don’t be offended with what comes up, just laugh it off. People are not being malicious but more don’t know where to draw the line with you, so you must draw it for them. Go for a walk or challenge yourself to engage in a new activity, the weirder, the better for your mind to just zone out and chill.

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

Something is not having the affect it’s supposed to have, Cancer. In this way, you are confusing others and people feel like they don’t really know who you are. To be honest, you’re a little withdrawn and that’s because you know you’re misunderstood. The giving spirit you harness has been bruised in some way; choose to show yourself, but only to those who are worthy. Open up to people who don’t need ‘help', you needn’t be the ‘mother/martyr’ figure to all relationships you have. In that sense you could be feeling lonely even if partnered, because there is a notion that you need to rethink developments in certain partnerships. Somewhere the balance is way off; it could be that you are perhaps the one constantly asking too much of others..? Right now, high motivation to power through chores, ‘to-do’ lists; you are subconsciously aware of the potential for a better approach to your situation. Just do what you can and focus on what feels right, if nothing feels right then wait. Ghosts of the past in relationships could come up to bite now; don’t be offended by it and there is no need to rush through it, a new development could free up space in your life both mentally and physically.

Leo: July 23 - August 22

There can be a dangerous tendency this week to think ‘I’ll just do it myself’, Leo. Right now, the energy is really black and white and you can be tempted to demonstrate how indispensable you are; you are committed to the cause yet not everyone else seems to be. Don’t let anyone take away your fire, be compassionate but have those sensible boundaries. Big energy coming from someone that you really like being around, potentially someone with a big ego but it’s intriguing. Aquarius, perhaps? You also have responsibility to family ties, commitments and family are highlighted now. Avoid too much time with people who love to talk about troubles, problems or past issues you’ve moved on from, it will only bring down the energy you’ve worked hard to lighten. Heavy commitments force you to delegate. If a bit overwhelmed, look for ways to streamline your schedule. If you had to change directions, it was because you were not happy. Your current situation makes me wander who hurt you so bad? You were making great progress before you let this person do what seems like, a second stab at you. Slow and steady but it’s the right time to move from this situation & individual.

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

You deserve that next level in the game, Virgo. You are gracious and smart, you are relied on in ways even you’re not aware of. An aspect of your life has kicked off and you’re doing well, the foundation and roots are solid yet you can’t maintain the momentum in other areas. An opportunity to review brings about personal shift’s, when you stop and take stock you can readjust future plans. Your own truth means cutting out the excess of what no longer serves, you need to have laser focus on those other areas that are not flowing so smoothly. Basically, the Scorpio Moon will show where you’ve stepped to one side; reviewing and pausing for much too long. If you had a bit of a moment last week or even this month, a deep profound inner trust is backing everything you do. It’s just so strong in your chart, as is the ‘feminine’ energy this week - perhaps a mother or authoritative figure really get to the heart of the matter. You have reached an objective in these last days of October that pushes a certain milestone; reap the rewards of your hard work - it’s happening!!

Libra: September 23 - October 22

If you’re really honest with yourself, something ended a long time ago Libra. It happened and this week - could bring about intense emotions or memories. Something is tying you in knots and you need to wrap it up otherwise you’ll miss the opportunity for greatness ahead. The tendency to wait so long to make a decision is getting old, you’re the only one resisting here. The universe has already made the next step for you, urging you to get ahead; yet you secretly wish to sit back and watch the scenery pass by. The situations that define you have ended and because of this I think many of you are overwhelmed, to rectify the situation; some truths need to be told. If involved in a dissolution with a partner, a settlement is close by. Don’t stun people with your words as you may shock yourself, try to stay clear and be definitive in your actions. A Leo could be a important sign you deal with in terms of expansion, or maybe they just need some understanding and acceptance from you. New fresh opportunities that centre around creativity bring you together with super talented, well educated people, potentially ‘high society’. Take things in your stride and let your truth bring you good luck.

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

It’s ok to start from scratch, Scorpio. What message are you getting now loud & clear from the cosmos? A major inner desire for simplicity, quiet and downtime. The New Moon will bring about communication that has to do with ego, pride and things you don’t really want to be known as public knowledge. There can be a tendency now to wish you didn't say something in the past, it feels like cosmically the planets have pulled something from your control and perhaps you should learn to keep secrets to yourself. With birthday season upon us all, you feel the pull of your season; you want to nest, romance and reconnect. There can be overwhelming feeling now of ‘protection’; either you protecting someone or someone protecting you. In some sense, you are very patient toward a personal development , whatever is left unresolved in your heart- impending family matters may not reach conclusion just yet. If someone familiar seems out of whack, you might need to answer an important question; this could be a Leo or other fire sign. Stay logical and remain serious, sometimes the daydreaming and doodling leads you to all the wrong answers.

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

Take a breather, Sagittarius. Whatever is stuck can only get unstuck if you want it too! It’s possible you are dealing with a complicated issue over which you have little influence and you know this. Your energy right now is distracted, perhaps by an Air sign. All in all, you may not entirely be where you want to be, but this week, don’t give up on the path. To coexist and co-create, you need a little food for thought, some stimulation to take something and make it into something else. You have the ability to reimagine things into something much more suited to you, Jupiter (your ruler) is pushing you along bringing down it’s luck for you to hand pick. Remaining skeptical over everything is only keeping you hesitant, stop comparing yourself to someone else. A sense of dread revolves around someones motives, focus on getting crystal clear about power/money issues. You want to be at the top of your game yet it seems like the parallel’s in life revolve around sound business deals which equal practical thinking. This in tune, means you’re stuck somewhere, so rock out and do it the way you want too.

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

Career wise, intuition is 'bang on' this week, Capricorn. Things have gone on for a long time that saw you suffer, the need to focus on self is really top headline now. At your core, you have levelled up, you sense the magic of your time coming. Basically, this week can have luck finding you in surprising but useful ways. There is so much you need to say to certain people, it’s time to get into your feelings. It will be fiery but it’s necessary. An ultimatum of sorts might be coming, from a water or earth sign. Right now, think rebranding, be full of vision for your future. Feelings of growing wiser, older are often felt in October and to be honest there is quite a lot going on in your life. Creative part of your chart is highlighted too, self confidence - true love, romance and risk taking. Tremendous support from universe, and emotionally this is a very sweet time for you. You’re falling in love with someone all over again; you see how much more in tune you are and this makes you extra affectionate. With Mercury in Scorpio you can feel as if people are getting in your way, find a way to thrive in the crazy times. Focus only on your plate, not others. Empowering and grounding energy as Saturn asks you to be practical -time to be open and vulnerable!

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

A time of advancement that has likely kept you busy, Aquarius. Circumstances now tend to slow down the action and give you space to question, analyse or just look over choices made. With such a turn around in energy, you’re efficient and this let’s manifestations come into play. Metaphorically speaking, in regards to ‘inner self’ you are closing the door on one thing and opening it to another. The ‘mother’ energy is accentuated and your intuition is highlighted, whatever was tough & hard is coming to close. You want a little more of whatever you have and you have it all because of your brilliant mind. This week, don’t self sabotage with old memories or past wounds. Life shines through with adventure and opportunity, and many of you are so absorbed in a relationship or just family matters. You have embraced the ‘go- getter’ inside and it’s likely initiated an improvement or move just the way you’d hoped. If plans change drastically, a deal will fall through so make sure you plan thoroughly. If business wise, things are at a stale mate, you can do something about it now! In the past, you may have not known how to deal with it, communicate properly or get yourself out; yet it was still apparent, this is your chance to engage in the shift and move through, once and for all.

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

A rekindling of sorts comes for you, Pisces. Before you get excited about a past love(r), it could just be talking about you reconnecting with your inner self. That part that you may have compromised for someone else or just long forgotten about. You are in the mood for reconnection and it’s joyful & happy. The thread that is transpiring within you, is that you are grounding your dreams and goals, more so than ever feelings of productiveness are everywhere. You are trying to make things happen for yourself and the intuition that comes with is so apparent, bringing creative self expression in your life circles around making it tangible in the real world. Brilliant ideas leaving you satisfied, business is fast moving - think before you speak. It all applies to one another, you are brilliant at achieving what you want; you know how to make it work for yourself and then reap the rewards. Be like water and flow around the rocks in your way, you know how this all works so have fun with it. Father type figures or authority can be difficult now, seems like they want to advise you but they don’t mesh with your core value, in any case; listen up because it can cause breakthrough shift you wouldn’t have imagined. Trust issues in relationships, someone seems to be on the ‘surface’ and they are not putting themselves out there; it’s getting bland for you. Plenty of intellectual curiosity guiding you towards something big and because of this can elude to some drama or chaotic event in the near future, search for peace and don’t avoid problems. Never fear what you can easily switch around.

This Week's Astrology

This Week's Astrology