This Week's Astrology

Structures are changing because we have cleared lot’s of old negative patterns, emotions and vibrations. Many trigger points have escalated throughout this year and now as we wind down into the end of 2019, we are filled with light & compassion for how we’ve moved through everything. The frequency right now asks just to listen - listen for what step to take and when to take it. The cue’s are all there ~ it depends how connected you are within yourself and the source energy. Insight and inspiration is uplifting - keep all your senses open!! Messages are flying through and they are here to be downloaded, interpreted.

On the 23rd, mid next week - we move into Scorpio energy, coupled with a Scorpio New Moon that can only be described as shocking, unpredictable and erratic. It will make people restless, impulsive and even crazy. The best way to deal with this unpredictable influence is flexibility and a willingness to adapt to changing conditions. Although initially upsetting and you may resist, it may offer a better way forward if you keep an open mind.

In 2020, we have Pluto, Eclipses and Super Moon’s all in Capricorn - we are walking into a time of tremendous shift. When Ceres, Saturn, Pluto and faster-moving planets like Mercury pass across at the end of 2019 and start of 2020, you can expect a ripple effect from bigger shifts to affect you. January 2020 opens the gate to serious change. Be ready!!!

Recently, as I read Patti Smith’s book ‘Year of the Monkey’ - I came across a part that really struck a cord with me. It zeros in on the above and what I mentioned on listening and registering the cue’s when they get to you, in whichever way that may occur. To summarise, it talks of the connection two people have; and how a friend can say ‘I tried contacting you’ to which Patti replies ‘I didn’t receive it, my phone was dead’ and the reply is ‘not that kind of contacting’. This is all beautiful because Patti goes without any call’s but feels intrinsically she is needed, when she arrives she comes to understand she was required and hoped for. Sometimes we feel unexplainable things, but know in our heart they are real and not made up. The intelligence of the heart is tangible and so is our intuition and inner knowing, use it when you feel lost and you will come to feel things that are left unspoken, no matter the time or place.

May your cup runneth over..

With love,


Aries: March 21 - April 19

Protect yourself from gossip, Aries- especially if it’s work related. It could be you talking about someone else, so don’t slander anyone. A feeling of something being washed out; protect self from negative vibes. Communication is key in relation to money this week, Mercury is here seeing to that. You can be an attractor of light, when you open the channels. Make sure you’re doing the right thing at all costs, ask yourself what’s the best way forward? You have placed a lot of time and energy into a project or person, water based sign potentially. Do you still want to continue on this path, perhaps course correction is necessary if you see no way forward. Could be 3 people involved, not always romance focused, maybe someone at work is just meddling. The specific energies are up in the house of career right now; time of focus where you take talents that you’ve grown over the last 12 months - something new, cultivating a career in the chosen field. You’re on the brink!! Seeing huge amounts of growth, trust in that notion. Things related to home can bring happiness, spiritual family coming together - building community and casting a wider net brings everything toward you.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

Pour cold water onto the fire, Taurus. Clarity is a truth bomb that erupts and leads you to the water; you are seeking what is honest and must be patient in your involvement where things have gotten sticky. Energy may be fizzling right now, changeable times for sure - you’re just not 100% sure and it’s always to do with someone else. There is some sort of attraction/infatuation going on either you to someone or someone toward you; make sure if stepping into something that ‘realness' is a top priority. Too much in life, is fake, you don’t need it in love also. You cannot go into things making people believe in fantasy stories. Romantic prospects are the talk of this week, you have to remember to pay attention to intuition and what it tell’s you about specific people. Hidden information could come up now, revelations catch you in interesting moments. Just look out for red flags that seem to present themselves. You want a reward for your hard work and in the past, it hasn’t; therefore can be that ‘fear’ behind doing things that actually lead to breakthrough.

Gemini: May 21 - June 20

Open yourself up too life, Gemini. Looking to be creative and bring opportunity toward yourself; you’re active in these next couple of weeks and supremely focused on self. You are using talents, to achieve goals and people notice. Focus on the beautiful and delight in the small things, despite this - you could be covering up something or someone could be covering up from you. It seems the exterior doesn’t match the interior, perhaps someone wanting to take things from you; sense of jealousy around a so called ‘friend'. Time of assessment, the Mars energy is strong and wills you to use any tactics you can think of. Just don’t undermine yourself, effort that is put into something that hasn’t come to pass can happen in this time. Make sure the message you want is going through to the people who need to receive them; something better coming for you, all sorts of universe whispers moving through in all sorts of ways - are you paying attention?

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

Hard times lead to transformation, Cancer. Getting to a point of elevation - a long time after trying to make it work, now you’ve come to the resignation of a significant deal. You didn't want to do it, but you had no other choice and this is possibly because the choice was made for you. Always interesting when the universe goes ahead and does that; scary but liberating & I feel you find yourself there - between those two words. You seem to be taking things slowly, healing energy - you just want to wait, scrap that; you need to wait. Nothing in particular can be done about a certain situation, sacrifices in the past have been made. Chance to think about things more positively, don’t be so hung up on injustice. In time, perspective changes and you see there is something better for you, promise. Cut the blindfold and see the bigger picture, ultimately even though it feels like you ‘lost’ something, this redirection of your energy will pay off. A soothing balm for what is ailing you. Take action soon, from Mid November onwards things feel entierly different.

Leo: July 23 - August 22

Whatever you’ve been battling is almost over, Leo. Right now, it’s about thriving for the current chapter already being written. Imperative to build defences while you can and activate the crew strength within - emotional and spiritual transition is what this year has been about. Beautiful energy to enhance power; fortifying energy all around you. Finances seem good, Mars pushing you along in positive change. You seem to be building up your courage, more brave than usual. You are decisive and thinking with your head, wisdom that has been gained these past few months have tested you and you passed. Sitting in a place of strength right now with lots of air energy around you, means that you have become the honourable warrior that is fuelled by passion & doing the right thing. Judgement may have been clouded last week by the past, you see more clearly as you learn to be more objective. Seeing through what was hidden creates the light everyone notices shining around you.

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

Everything needs to be on the up & up, don’t do anything behind anyones back or be too stealthy, Virgo. You’re getting a bit tired of the same old, same old - just be cautious in how you go about arranging these changes. The need to be still, a quiet fragility around you in sense, some sort of delicate energy that is providing you with a new sense of self. This centres closely around love life -as work tends to be busy, tedious and stifling. Protective energy from someone around you, something has piked interest and pent up emotions could be felt. Finances tied up in something emotional, you must use intuition here. An important choice needs to be made, finding it difficult to make this decision. What information do you need to have to make it, tangible and in front of you - just pull the bandaid off, that’s how these things work. With this information - check in with yourself, free from destructive energy or individuals. Money is on the mind; stepping up to the next level and how you will achieve that. Refined taste and the need to surround yourself with beautiful things is the theme until December.

Libra: September 23 - October 22

Not everyone see’s what you see, Libra. The focus now is about being around people who you feel a connection too; the theme this week though could be one of opposition. You do place high value in relationships, you can always meet someone in their intimacy and passion. But, are you ever met in your needs? These questions come up now in a big way. Natural networking taking place, in a sense wealth is around you that focuses around connection. After the storm the sunshine comes and that may be true to how you are feeling. At the present, things may be a little chaotic or just confused, you don’t really know what is going on and it’s making you nervous. Conflict within family could a little deceptive, but it’s not truly what's going on- look with your eyes but feel with your heart. Competition with one person in particular around long standing issues - money, security, family gains. A disturbance is felt and could go against family, misinformation is going around. Find your joy, everything eventually leads to change and you can create the positivity in your life that you need.

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

The ebb & flow of life is rampageous, Scorpio. An energy of ‘student/teacher’ felt all week, imparting knowledge to the people around you, very much looking up to you, friends asking for advice. Refocus the energy on work - anything positive is what should be magnified now. Try not to stress over menial things, you could be feeling like you’re ‘lacking’ - this is so very wrong! There is opportunity for learning and growth if you just see it that way, perspective changes everything. Something valuable can come from this knowing; don’t feel as though you’re not available to get yours, something better than what you’ve had is coming but you must release the notion that hinders the process. Take advantage of opportunities and be appreciative, in this way gratitude builds in the outside world to shine through to your inside world. Very set on past memories in some way, recognise the new love in life and focus your interest. If you can’t seem to shake memories of past, don’t dwell, let them come and then let them go.

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

What’s the monkey on your back and why is it restricting you, Sagittarius. The issues at present don’t have much to do with you, yet somehow the attachment is on you. It’s unhealthy and serves no purpose, you are being asked to cleanse and purify. Authentic partnerships are the only way forward and for some of you, many of you, you’ve got a lot of junk people laying around. Feeling a little burnt out, worn out from life in general - you’ve had plenty on your plate. The need to step back and think is imperative now, perhaps you need to cleanse out toxic behaviours like addictions. A heavy feeling around, so ask the questions and do the cutting. Many fire signs could be over loyal to someone who doesn’t value you. Is it true for you? As a collaborator in relationships you flourish when the team work is equal. It’s not about being validated but about value and worth. The shadow self to certain relationships at the moment can be about recognising the gifts you give freely. Very Watery energy around you this week that is insightful and creative. Feeling more sensitive than usual is normal here in Libra season with so much Scorpio energy.

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

Simplify your life, Capricorn. An energy of ‘drama’ needs to be thrown away - surround yourself with people who are supportive. Use your head and feel what is true and what is fantasy. Short term gratification only lasts so long yet you sit in this place quite often, even when you lie to yourself you do not. Practical new beginning merging with your current status, you’re being asked to cut whatever is not necessary. Harmonious partnerships follow this, in a sense this week could bring about issues on power if you don’t seek out the right things. If you’re used to solitary, deep soul searching you might be interrupted - someone is asking for the reigns or control to your thoughts & emotions. Strong Air sign energy, who may be providing you with bad advice. The power of introspection, it’s up to you to get yourself out of a ‘funk’ - feelings around things not being good enough or not getting what you want are wasteful, yet no one can do it for you. Moving on from that however, you’ve got opportunity linked with someone who will help you achieve - be logical when you make decisions but use your heart too. You need to get better at mixing the two, life doesn’t ask for idealism but it asks for heart intellect.

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

Take the lead in your own life, Aquarius. You may not be ready just yet, so strategise and put a plan in order. You are sure of what you want yet action can’t be taken, empowering energy comes from clear and concise thinking. You are not inactive in this time, you are smart. For you, it’s important to maintain this level of organisation. An element of overwhelming energy only makes you get rid of things faster, yet someone is putting the pressure on. This week, you’re getting to an epiphany and see what needs to be cut, underneath it all a blockage occurred and you now come to realise what it is. Relieving yourself of something that’s become a burden just can’t be ignored anymore. The focus on love/relationships this week is about taking a risk, a leap of faith. You trust in the unknown and for a while you haven’t been ready to do this, you are approaching the right time. When you hold yourself back, it’s usually with good merit - you analyse self and other’s to the 10th degree. What’s working in love is that whatever’s happening is real, there is nothing fantasy driven about a certain water/earth sign you know. Freedom now is felt from ‘restrictive’ thoughts - self sabotage can be the very thing you fall into once you think things are ‘too good’.

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

Take no prisoners, Pisces. You’ve got more sting than usual and it comes from not wanting to get hurt, the barriers are up in a sense and you’re judging people by high standards. To be honest, there is a bluntness to you that stems from frustration. You work best when people sense the more feminine side to your character and leave the masculine on the shelf. At least for now, because things seem to be at a standstill - most likely in love or finance. You could also just be tired of the charm and show you display; you might be feeling more authentic and because of this, just more ‘real’. Find way’s to be emotionally open and willing to take things step by step, when you are not rushing; thing’s don’t flame out. Opening up to trust; a new path of life. Definitely, in the course of this year; it has been difficult to move from a ‘rut’, many things stayed stagnant for some time. Right now, have the follow through for what you truly want. Put the effort in and it will pay off. Team work comes up; an effort that is put in by multiple parties, brings great result. In past terms, you’ve given up without having something pay off and now it’s stifling you - the ghost of things gone by. A decision needs to be made and you’ve got to be courageous; working together with other’s is how dreams come alive. Find other people in similar situations and you will feel noticed, this energy is here to help you move forward.

This Week's Astrology

This Week's Astrology