This Week's Astrology

This past week, I have been reading up on American Astrologer Steven Forrest who describes this last week of October by saying– “We are now in final exam phase on what we've potentially been healing for the past three weeks. If you have not done the work, then there is likely to be some kind of outburst now – anger, an accident, words you wish you could take back.”

Heed that advice and don’t hang onto what is past, slowly, we are moving in the right direction. Turn your attention inward to awaken the silence that you are! The planetary stuff goes on regardless; don’t be put off by whatever is moving around you. Just focus on yourself and bring the light wherever you can. This week, it’s about remaining calm and feeling protected, knowing that the angels have your back!!

Mercury turns retrograde on the 31st, in the sign of Scorpio, ending on the 20th of November. The last retrograde of the year, we made it :) Not a time to assume anything is final. For Aries it falls around joint finances and valuables. Taurus is affected by partners, both former and current. Gemini will have an increase in workload as well as adjustment to daily routine. Cancer will circle in on babies, potential partners that turn into parents. Leo will be about home life, family and land value. Virgo is affected by the internet, media and communication. Libra needs to watch out for finances, business and how they’re labeled. Scorpio is image focused, reputation and profile. Sagittarius will have a harder time battling inner demons, beliefs go hand in hand here. Capricorn is affected through the friendship circle and social life. Aquarius might have problems with career, unpaid work and social status. Lastly, Pisces during Mercury retrograde will deal with things like education, foreign places and the way people do the same thing, differently across the globe.

Overall, Mercury this time around will focus on overdue business, cash flow and negotiations. Things are malleable and about to be reshaped. We are in questioning mode; why, what and when? Scorpio who rules sex, death and money means things will get personal and intensity will rise high in relationships. Scorpio in the 8th house during Mercury retrograde magnifies that we need to be particularly cautious of agreements; especially as we are unlikely to see a straightforward or clear outcome right away.

! We are in constant flux; no one can predict anything ! Be prepared to dance in the storm as it’s about the only thing one can bet on…

“What we take to be the world is an electrochemical phenomenon occurring in the folds and creases of our brains. Only a play of images. Only a dream. The objective universe evaporates. All that remains is a vast network of subjective reactions. All that remains is a dream.” - Steven Forrest

May your cup runneth over..

With love,


Aries: March 21 - April 19

A clean slate is felt as early as Tuesday this week, Aries. You breathe new life into an existing situation in terms of business, housing or money. Life has been unpredictable and that’s an understatement; but what has gone is now ancient history. Move on with the changing tides as fast as you can get accustomed because there is no time for melancholy. It’s never your best look anyway, you are not the victim here. Right now, you to need to be real and engage with the new cycle before you - you cannot treat a situation as if you’ve lived it before, because chances are, you haven’t. Things are new and there is total freedom in that, you have room to move - this is true excitement. In love, think fast so you can adjust accordingly - things are not as they were two weeks ago, right now an endless ocean is the real possibility. Find a way to laugh at yourself & remember Mercury retrograde can be exasperating but it doesn’t mean you’ve got to put the heat on others. Completion of a deal that you’ve been negotiating for a while arrives now. Venus & Jupiter join together in union in your 9th house on the 2nd, giving you a nudge to publish something or voice a matter close to heart.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

Allow for changes in your love life, Taurus. As Mercury sets into retrograde your partner or past love is put in the spotlight. Decisions must be made but the time isn’t really right for it; this then means you’re in somewhat of limbo for the next few days. Somewhere in your life there is huge imbalance and you just begin tending to it now, how come it took this long? If someone in your life is just very different to you; maybe it’s you that’s changed and for the better too. Since May/June last year, you have undergone radical change and shift in life; how you react, view and decide is different. So is your reputation, which can bring about it’s own parting of ways if that’s what the relationship needs. Basically from now until December, someone will leave your life, to be honest, they’re just not right for you - or to put more precisely, you are not right for them. And I mean this because, you have embarked on a ‘new’ you, a better more refined you. Life is asking you to take charge now and to remain professional too; as this could have just as much to do with business as it could love. Twists and turns are apparent, you need to be prepared with Mercury retrograde for a combination of break downs or delays.

Gemini: May 21 - June 20

Experimenting is the only right answer throughout November, Gemini. Life is a journey not a destination, so don’t rush it. You can guess as much as you want but you won’t know the way this story ends, don’t assume, just enjoy- it’s much sweeter that way. Mercury your ruler, is in Scorpio going backwards in your 6th house that rules the daily life zone. Great time to care about physical health and well being, are you moving in circles? You need a new approach. Thoughts affect biology; you can bring things into perfect health and vitality by being gentle, kind and loving to yourself. The spiral path you’re about to embark on is a little unusual, it’s not the regular path but that’s what great about this. Your soul and spirit are calling out for something different and true growth is both forward & backward, one step at a time - stop putting this off. You are being liberated and only you know what from. That’s all there is to say, some things are private and held in the heart space for long that you become way too accustomed with the wrong way to live. Whole heartedly you cannot do this in halves, 2020 calls for you to step into the true essence of what you are and who you were always destined to be.

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

Plans alter at rapid speed, Cancer. Yet, it’s only set to continue, but by the time 2020 rolls around - you should be at the inner core of whatever issue you have and you should be setting yourself free. This message is something new and different for you, it can be rather confronting, no doubt about it. This week, deep feeling and emotion is felt that centres around children in general, your own or someone else’s. Or maybe, you’re working in community with youth and it’s really gratifying, yet you seem to be at odds with yourself. The good work you’re doing is marred by the constant self pity and neglect. Another alternative, comes possibly because of a relationship you’re currently in or were in, the bigger picture here is about someone who you could have it all with. The inner dream only you know of; the one that centres around a happy family and a nurturing mother. With so much Scorpionic energy, (sister sign) you have begun writing a new book but you need to be real about the delays that will inevitably come because of Mercury retrograde in the sign of Scorpio that begins on the 31st. The big picture is about your social life, friendships and daily involvement, it requires courage and honesty, not a fake smile. You must be in charge of liberating yourself, otherwise you do a wonderful job of trapping yourself. Venus and Jupiter on the 2nd fall into your health area; a light turns on in regards to physical wellbeing, make the changes you’d like to make.

Leo: July 23 - August 22

Give others time and space to seek out their own answers, Leo. Nothing is final anyway in this time, so no need to be controlling. Life has revolved consistently around career, work and ambition for these past few months. Things fell into place and more often than not, whatever you wanted transpired. This week, in case you didn't get the message the first time, you are gifted again - with tim, money and luck. Everything you least expected has had a habit of happening this year and right now with your ruler, the Sun opposing Uranus, be ready for another stroke of good luck to come hurtling out of nowhere, somewhere. Whatever feels right is what you should be doing but I know a few of you are hanging on by a thread, being shaken side to side is not always as fun as imagined. From now until December, what looks like upheaval could really be a blessing in disguise, basically anything that is unusual, unconventional or unlikely is what you need to be going for. With Mercury retrograde centring around family/home life, you can expect everything to be happening all at once in this sector. Selling, investing, moving or departing for good, and while the New Moon just past may have you feeling fresh and new, wait until early December to really set things into stone, right now you really can’t be sure that the decision is final, or rather wise.

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

The only person that has a thorough Plan A & Plan B tucked up their sleeve is you, Virgo. Use it wisely this week as life suggests you’re in a holding pattern that centres mainly around business. Yep, you’re a certified workaholic at the moment, at the expense of your soul & spirit. This retrograde hones in on your 3rd house which rules technology and promotion. It’s a wonderful time for righting your wrongs, the 3rd house loves righteousness. Your ruling planet Mercury is moving backwards until November 20th and this means you should assume nothing and question everything. Not only should you write up a Plan C, you should also be concocting a Plan D. That’s just the stormy weather we’re in for. For you, it centres closely around projects, plans, communication and information. Something isn’t adding up and the bigger the picture gets, the more confused you are. Life has been building since 2018 in really monumental ways, your point of view is changing and how you philosophise beliefs has truly altered, for the better. You are in a different space from before and you dread being locked up again, but the only one that was stifling was yourself. Don’t hold onto yourself so tightly, let go and live a little. The only person that can hinder this promising progress is yourself.

Libra: September 23 - October 22

It’s time to make a run from the past, Libra. Right now, the cosmos is encouraging you to break up with what was and cast your eyes to what is. Mercury the ruler of communication is retrograde in your 2nd house, this house deals solely with money & finance. What’s worth it and what’s not. You should be taking a whole new direction when it comes to business, housing and shared possessions - you’re in this cycle and the best thing to do is keep it simple. You are being pushed down new pathways and if you’re nervous and uncertain, you’re doing it right. Life right now is all about sudden stop/start’s. Offers fly through the door and you need to be sure which one’s to say yes to, of course in the same merit, rejections will be taking place if you are not right for a certain company or role. With Mercury turning direct on the 20th of November, it’s best you get into the spirit of things and set yourself free before the Universe does it for you. Right now, it’s imperative you adjust your attitude and realise the ground is shaky, for everyone. You don’t have a guide book to this but neither does anyone else, so take comfort in the fact we are all going along with things as they happen. Give yourself plenty of time to finalise as December will bring about a real crunch time you won’t be able to turn away from.

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

It’s time to step back from a situation and see it in totality, Scorpio. Whatever you feel is correct is right, so acknowledge the pattern and encourage yourself to either etch closer or walk always totally. A time of real benefit if you know how to use it, as Mercury retrogrades in your own sign in the 1st house. This can only mean one thing for you, it’s all about a rebirth in a sense. You have been reinventing yourself over the course of the year and what you have to show for it is how you express and collaborate. Thing’s are just different now and everyone can see it just by looking at you, a leaf has been turned. As always, this retrograde is full of completion and culmination. Adding onto the fact we just passed the Scorpio New Moon, something definitely ended in order for the new phase to begin, if it’s not apparent yet give it a few more days. Mars will come into your sign late November, giving the go ahead and moving with whatever your hearts desire. Mars favours proactive behaviour and plants the seed for 2020 - develop more skills, look for ways to make passive income. Also, opposites attract this week, so whatever is foreign is here to teach you a thing or two.

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

Something is no longer predictable, Sagittarius. Or, should I say - it once was but is no longer. This year has been different for you and that’s because you were rapidly adjusting to the insane amount of change. The big picture here is all about your soul, your inner psyche and how life has impacted your physical and mental wellbeing. With Mercury turning retrograde on the 31st, & happening in your 12th house you are given a wonderful opportunity to complete something in your life. It’s not the best week for signing contracts or getting into something new. Another pair of eyes will help you to see more clearly, just make sure the person who’s advice you’re taking is intelligent and gracious. Lately, you’re discernment hasn’t been as intuitive. Spending alone time is virtuous as the internal self may be crying out for some silence, balance. Connecting to the deeper being of oneself equals gratification. Nurture and pamper yourself; as the light is predominantly on you and will magnify when Venus enters your sign on November 1st to 26th. Romantic adventures, as well as a straightforward–even blunt–approach to love, are on the agenda. Gone is the complexity of Venus in Scorpio, truth and higher meaning are things that take priority with a fire sign such as yourself.

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

You’re in the process of incorporating a brand new set of values and ideals, Capricorn. Life is pretty much a winding road right now and it’s set to remain that way until early December. From mid last year, you’ve been intolerant to those who aren’t growing with you and for good reason. You don’t need people bringing you down. Negotiations are complete in this Mercury retrograde that begins on the 31st and falls your 11th house that is all social circles, friendships. Basically, you shouldn’t jump to conclusions right now and you shouldn’t listen to the talk around town either, give everything some time. The house of friends, colleagues and people you know is so potent in this time, it’s all about how you connect and what reasons for. Scorpio season always spurs on questions for you- ‘what’s the bigger picture of my life?’ Opportunity to reassess everything that has felt ‘up in the air’ and really get acquainted with those you hold near and dear appears. Lot’s of thinking to do that’s for sure and it’s always heightened when Mercury is part of the picture, issues such as past trauma come up; helping you get in touch. So much running around this year that has left you overwhelmed, November asks you to find the space in your life, that sacred space just for you.

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

Staying sane requires staying out of it, Aquarius. Your ruler Uranus, is opposing the Sun today in areas that rule your home life, family and ambition. You’re more interested in career or education right now yet everything has a way of crossing over with one another, that’s the tapestry of life. New beginnings arise tentatively and they come to fruition early December, so for now enjoy the twists and turns because nothing is final. Something is completed on the course of this Mercury retrograde that begins on the 31st and ends on the 20th of November, leaving you feeling rather eccentric. More than usual you seem to be putting energy into the world to bring in what you want most. Motivating & inspiring energy this week or confronting, depends where you’re at and what prevents you from feeling happiness in daily life. Be sure to triple check things over as your 10th house is highlighted on the 1st & 2nd which makes you rethink career direction, communication generally. Opportunity to rethink relationships and if they are moving smoothly; what could you improve? It’s very much a time or revaluation and relaxation, just make sure you’re your own boss; otherwise nothing will get going the way it should.

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

Something comes to shake you awake, Pisces. This week with Mercury retrograde happening in your 9th house; more meaning is felt in the mundane areas of life. In some sense, you’re deep in a spiritual journey; teaching and learning, you are both the student and master. The 9th house rules publishing and relates to Sagittarius, so a fire sign could have a lot to say this week. Mercury spurs you along, bringing the heat and rearranging the list in your head. Foreign projects or commitments encourage you to think rather differently, you are correct in imagining the world wants you to truly see something unusual. Remember to listen to what someone is saying to you; even if you disagree. Venus & Jupiter join together on the 2nd highlighting career, general interactions and how you earn money. Harmony is felt through this week; expansion and growth are two patterns that follow well into December. Something you haven’t been seeing may come to late in regards to finances. Or perhaps, you need to go back and study; technological skills that bring you out of your comfort zone. Right now, it’s about stretching yourself to fit into the new mould you are making for yourself. You have to do the hard yards to see the results that surprise others and thrill you.

This Week's Astrology

This Week's Astrology