As I post this week’s horoscopes, the Last Quarter Moon occurs, with the sun in Aquarius forming a square with the Moon in the deep waters of Scorpio. Venus parallels Mercury on the 27-28th and it’s a great time to take a diplomatic stance and appreciate your friends and loved ones. Communications can feel a little awkward now, if things feel superficial, tone down the sensitivity factor.
Every morning when I have a shower I love to think about the message on Dr. Bronner’s lavender soap. It sounds weird I know, especially if you’re unfamiliar with what I’m talking about. Since it’s inception in 1858, Dr. Bronner’s is an American company renowned for their fair trade Castile soap. If you're wondering why I’m talking to you about soap on an astrology web-sight , it’s because this eco friendly company preface their products with such simple and sweet messages. It makes me smile every time I read one!
I thought I’d share one of the messages that really stand out for me; ‘To dream that impossible dream! To reach that unreachable star, ’til pure chaste from afar! To try when your arms are too weary to reach no matter how far! To fight for the right without questions or pause, to calm when I’m laid to my rest. For I know that all will be better for this: united, All - one, we are!’
Have fun, enjoy the ride!
May your cup runneth over..
With love,
Aries: March 21 - April 19
You’re definitely making moves, Aries. With Mars in Aries for another two weeks, it’s about delving deep into the finer details of life. You are moving energy and starting projects that are very important in weeks to come. It’s about having the tenacity to complete what you begin with gusto. You like to have your hand in all the pies, sometimes you clearly manoeuvre interest from one to the other. Money and talent are huge this week coming into February. You must begin to focus solely on finances, as increased business comes from self promotion and knowing what’s worthy. You have some great potential highlighted and where you network and with whom is up for evaluation. You’re always popular and it’s comes effortlessly for you to link all the people in your life together. The next 4 months are crucial to making big decisions and no one can make them for you. Let other’s know that you’re available, accept invitations and make plans. Use the active energy that is propelling you forward, it is so strong that it can even make you, a little uncomfortable. Growing pains are good pains to have! Higher self conversation = higher conscious awareness. Meditate to calm down any erratic energy, always think to yourself ‘What am I activating’.
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
Rest while you can, Taurus. Before you know it, you’ll be in over your head. Work with the tremendous energy around you and don’t cross the line of sweating the small stuff. If an insight comes now, a current problem could abruptly disappear. It’s about decisive action and being proactive enough to go out and get it. In all area’s of life, especially matters of the heart, learn to take a risk, not a calculated one. It looks really good in the area of love for you, it could be very healing especially if you channel your creativity into a bold statement. Something you never thought about before, becomes a topic of conversation now. Things start heating up in all areas of your life in the coming weeks, where life is taking you is being closely inspected. Business ideas are cooking, use this time to move with grace. Regardless if the experiences are behind the scenes or not, people will be looking to you for the right way. Situations may appear now that spark interest from a wider audience. Leave anything that needs to be saved to the god’s, if someone wants to lean on you, that’s ok, but don’t let it overwhelm you. These coming weeks are about karma, so make sure the challenges you face are for your greater good, not someone else’s.
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
Only keep what is essential, Gemini. You’re about to explore new horizons and the god’s are favouring you. You begin the week thinking about some taboo topics that are plaguing your mind, how you act in regards to; money, sexuality and possessions come up in a major way. Whatever new thing you want to begin, start now. If someone is very different from you, take advantage of it and move forward together. The energy heightens when you’re with someone who challenges and prompts you. February is going to ask you to take your time in regards to business ventures and almost be ‘too picky’. Don’t second guess yourself and don’t let anyone undermine what you’ve built this past year. If you begin to feel anxiety from a certain energy, know that it’s dissipating now. Later this week on the 3rd of Feb, we have Venus entering Capricorn. It’s about trust, other peoples values and releasing the fear and anxiety that come up for you in regards to love. Things seem pleasant at home and you can take your mind off previous apprehensions. If you keep being triggered by a past hurt or worry and sense a looming overwhelming feeling, talk to someone and restructure it. Don’t chase a fantasy, live the reality, it can be just as good.
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
Breaking out of a pattern can be hard work, Cancer. You’re making someone feel good and the energy the other way around feels very stuck, you might begin to question at what expense? The time now is for action! Things are ever so slowly heating up, that’s why this week is important to find quiet time. Being in nature or by water will do you a tremendous amount of good now, especially if you have something big to meditate on. A business relationship may be super helpful now and consulting in a creative aspect can catapult you to new dimensions. You’re being asked to open up a little more and perhaps face a few fears with someone professional. If you keep falling into the same story, especially in relationships, intimate or otherwise, this week might be a good time to question, why. You’re certainly after a partnership and will go to great lengths to get it. If you have a fifth sense on where a situation may be heading, keep the cold hard facts in mind. Try to remain objective and logical! You’ve got opportunities to work with your 8th house from the 25th and Jupiter’s in the mix too, giving you positive energy flow. Focus on what can be done, not what you can’t.
Leo: July 23 - August 22
You’re more of a team player, Leo and it shows. It’s possible many of you are reeling from the Lunar lion eclipse this past week that affected relationships and how you view love, friendship and privacy. The Sun and Mercury met on the 25th in your 7th house, so this coming week means your inner work is to find balance with new relationships that start forming. Mars is in your 9th house, spontaneity feels good, especially if it involves a short trip. You’ve outgrown a powerful identity crisis and have broken free from the shackles of the past. Apply your desired outcome to every opportunity and things will happen for you. Career is dynamic this week and your values come up for revision, what are you willing to lose in order to win? Partnership is finically benefiting you, so the stronger a collaboration is, the quicker you see finance come in. Jupiter is bringing you love and blessings, use your charisma and intelligence to swerve any situation to meet your needs. Also, with Mars in your sister sign Aries, true romance/creative self expression and sex are on the brain. You are feeling more joyful and optimistic, you have a clearer sense of what you want. Seek out experiences that reward confidence, take the bull by the horns and enjoy the challenges that present themselves, there will be many, don’t get it twisted!
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
Building a strong foundation only improves future plans, Virgo. If a relationship recently began be precise in your communication, boundaries are healthy. So many good things are happening for you, it’s a dynamic period of activity these next few weeks. Some interesting propositions are being made, think before you say ‘yes’ to projects, business or otherwise. Adjust profit expectations this week and set intentions for what you want to create more of. The next cycle leads you to nourish a few relationships, someone might be in need of a little TLC. It’s possible you could be feeling flirtatious after meeting someone out of your usual ’type'. It’s all about moving forward in this new direction you’ve carved out and tuning in only means the cosmos’s works with you. Practicality is usually your middle name, but this week there’s a little devil-may-care attitude toward it all. Uranus brings a sense of excitement to your life, and as the planetary ruler of Aquarius, who loves to think global, cast a wider net. Breathe fresh air into an old hobby, and focus on flexibility. It seems like circumstances are changing rapidly especially in regards to risky business ventures. Many of you are riding high now and you have an increased desire to keep it light and cheerful.
Libra: September 23 - October 22
What you say and what you do is very visible now, Libra. Make sure the two add up and that your values sync with your purpose as mid this week, you’re thrust into some sort of spotlight. Venus your ruler moves into your 4th house on the 4th of Feb, so security and stability are questions that need answering. Venus lightens up the mood and approves a potential move. If you felt distance between a friend or family member, the gap closes in now. As a cardinal sign, when you switch the daily routine up, life feels fresh and gives way to new creative ideas. An existing relationship is growing and it feels vibrant, it activates a part of you, you’ve long forgotten. Late last week, your 5th house was highlighted. You have beautiful stars to trust your intuition, an easy way to open the flood gates of receptivity is to engage in physical exercise. You have Mars resonating in your 7th house with Uranus, it’s asking you not to sit back and wait for it to fall in your lap. If someone made an impression on you recently, snap them up. The mind of a Libra is always busy, find that peaceful place and work on internal growth, this week is very much a time of cutting patterns and creating new, healthier ones.
Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
The last 18 months have been all about business, Scorpio. You must remember to be spontaneous and improvise where necessary. Late last week meant that Mercury joined the Sun in your 4th house, this shines a light on home & family. It seems as though a positive change sweeps your most nearest and dearest and a project could occur with 1 or more individuals you really look up too. This week it's quite important to maintain balance, if someone is all up in your grill, make some space in your environment so that you can peel away. On the 4th Venus joins your 3rd house, communication is wonderful now and people are likely to say yes to anything you ask for. It’s great for learning something new and sharing with others. Your love life may feel a little electric this week, a little touch and go there for a moment. Do something proactive, don’t wait around for the other person to communicate their wants. Put energy into anything creative that makes your little heart sing, if an avenue doesn’t work, keep trying until you find the right one. This next month is great because all the planets are still direct, this means that whatever you need to conquer is concievable. Step out of your usual routine and widen the perspective, that’s where growth stems from.
Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
So many new things on your plate, Sagittarius. You’re in a complex 'tug of war' of the mind, it could be business related or it could have to do with a past offer coming back to haunt you. This week is asking you to seek new things/people in your life, you need to find strength over something.The energy surrounding isn’t so much that someone is walking away from you, but if you did something in the past, consequences may come to scare now. Pay attention to your gut feelings and get in touch with your intuition. Business, money moves and new opportunities flood you, a Leo could be regretting not taking you up on a past offer. On the 25th, there’s an international flavour to whatever you happen to be doing. The Sun and Mercury are in your 3rd house that day so signing contracts are super charged in a happy way. You connect easier to everyone around you, things seem to flow and pleasurable pursuits keep you light on your feet. Slow and steady is the tactic to be used, you’ve worked hard and you begin to see some results that are favourable over the coming weeks. A Taurus or Capricorn could be offering up big help and a partnership may eventuate. Divine plans and karmic contracts are up for review, it seems as though you’re exiting some sort of ‘triangle’ that brought you a lot of grief previously.
Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
Compulsive feelings leave you a little crushed, Capricorn. Don’t let previous flaws such as running away embody what this year could be for you. ‘Give and take’ in a healthy way is the topic over the next few days, highlighted dramatically on the 28th. You must press forward even though success is not assured. If a wave of nostalgia hits this week perhaps, instead of ruminating on what went wrong, focus the energy on how you can prevent it from happening again. Although, a generally positive week, it seems as though a family secret comes out. Sensitive information is being shared and I sense Virgo/Aries energy involved, or another fire/earth sign embroiled in the mix. Business contracts with positive outcomes are likely now, it feels really major, like the next big step. Be aware that there are many ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’ around you, so keep things on the down low until you’re ready to launch. An exhausted energy is surrounding you, try to rest any chance you get. You want a little ‘alone time’ and you’re craving space, the vibe is that there are many envious people and it can get a little manipulative, even from some of your nearest acquaintances. You are a very successful sign but even you can get stuck in the ‘in between’ phase, the head or the heart. If you’re holding onto something so tight that you’re squeezing the goodness out, that may be because Venus is set to enter Capricorn on the 3rd of Feb. Stand back so you can see what you need too.
Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
The heart wants, what the heart wants, right Aquarius. It’s been about 2 years of constant change in life direction, and this week is the ignition key for anything that felt stuck. Stay optimistic, you’ve got a lot to choose from. When you’re taking action and putting the pedal to the metal, that’s when things start too fly. We have a month of planets moving direct ALL of February! It’s all systems go. Aquarius is the group leader, when you team up with others, success is instantaneous. Work will be a happy place this week for you and the ones you come into contact with will drive you strongly. You’re on a new mission now and it feels karmic; grounding, de cluttering your life will help you feel in control at home. There is a high chance of burning out before you even begin thanks to Mars's lasting impact of its retrograde in your sign for over 6 months. Make yourself a priority before anyone else. It’s so important now to keep working within that sanctuary that you loose sight of every now and then. We as a collective are well and truly in Aquarius season, so allow what needs to come, come. You’re trying to offer a higher level of commitment to someone, it feels like a tremendous opportunity to connect and there are rewards if you open yourself up. Jupiter is on your side these next few weeks giving you a push in the right direction, that’s when you want to initiate anything new.
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
Unfinished business comes back to bite, Pisces. 2019 is a year of expanding business and fulfilling life long dreams, you need to get your head straight and there is a sense of urgency you do it before mid year. Stand up for yourself, this is a time where Saturn is judging us, especially in your friendship sector. A reckless attitude bites you on the bum Pisces, you must be focused on what you’re responsible for and not get swept up in anything else. Last week on the 25th Mercury joined the Sun in your 12th house, it’s an important reminder to find quiet time and be near water. I know how much a fish loves to procrastinate, your mind is racing and you’re picking up a lot of other energies. Don’t let anyone take advantage of your good nature. If something is happening behind closed doors, but you know it’s happening in your house, unlock the door and trust your instincts. Try some tunnel vision and really shift that ‘martyr’ vibe you often fall into, even though you’ll be sensitive this week, you got to clear out what’s not yours. If something isn’t about you, it shouldn’t be in your immediate environment, taking up so much space. Boundaries are super important this week, for you and your opposite sign Virgo. Be present in what you’re doing. You can still be sweet but firm, it does exist!