Hafez, a famous 14th century Persian poet I have come to love once wrote ‘Every time a man upon the path does not keep his word, some angels grumble, and have to remove a few of the bets they had upon his heart to win’.
As I post this weekly horoscope on the eve of a Super Blood Moon in Leo that happens to also be a Lunar Eclipse majorly affected by Uranus, you’d be right in guessing that unexpected events and news is likely to cause quite a stir in your daily life over the coming week. I suppose that’s why the above quote is so important in this context, because in challenging times when life may seem more hectic than ever, one must have the confidence in going his path and the courage to accept change in whatever way it manifests, without loosing grace and patience. A Lunar Eclipse focus on emotions, family, home life and intimacy. It has a strong influence over our private lives and senses any disharmony or imbalance.
This week, many of us can expect to feel a little impulsive or jumpy. Take solace in the fact that the cosmos can cause a great deal of upset in all of our lives, and experiencing emotional outbursts every so often is just part of the journey. Don’t make sudden shifts and changes, especially in relationships and if you are looking for a quick thrill, make sure it’s with someone you know. Look at things from a wider perspective and believe in serendipity, the way things unfold tell you a lot about a situation and where it’s truly headed, in your heart, you already know the answers. Seek them out and remain flexible with the unpredictable energy we’re all about to be launched into.
It’s a beautiful life. No other way around it!
May your cup runneth over..
With love,
Aries: March 21 - April 19
You’re in fine form, Aries. You have Mars backing you and courage and adventure seem to be on the top of your mind. You’ve come out of a hesitation and I assume with you, it either has to do with money or love. The Eclipse in Leo on the 21st will be highly emotional and romantic, depending where you sit with a partner. Embracing your true feelings on a matter enlighten you now, you breath a sigh of relief. If you’ve faced issues with love, joy and passion in recent weeks, you seem to be highly enthusiastic now. Things are you seem fertile and you see the opportunity in many things. Self promotion works best now, don’t wait for someone else to talk the talk for you. If you’re going hard in the professional arena, know it won’t slow down anytime soon. It seems to be a matter or proving self reliability to a few seniors and you’ll have to critical moments related to reputation and performance. If you’ve felt a sense on unease or that you’re drifting, commit to taking a step in the forward direction. Friendships may drive you a little mad this week, you’ve got to give something extra. When worried, practice shifting thoughts and find something beautiful about the present moment. You have to attempt major moves if you want to get to a situation you’ve never had before. Think abundant thoughts and you’ll be the star.
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
Is it time to acknowledge something that honestly isn’t working, Taurus. Maybe it’s just time to stop trying to fix it. If you’ve gained insight on a current problem take an ‘I don’t mind’ attitude, that way you set a pattern for anything unexpected to occur, it may be better than what you had in mind. Channel your creativity and step back from any disharmony in your life. Every now and then you play into the drama of what’s going on around you. This week may bring many questions, concerns and things to deal with. Work is keeping you preoccupied and if you’ve got a chance to collaborate, take it. Chaos is creativity at work, especially for you, who works very well under pressure. Progress at times may seem slow, but eventually you see doors opening up. If a relationship needs a little TLC, avoid nagging to get what you want. If you find yourself in a very dreamy mood, indulging in fantasies too much can take away from the ‘reality’ right before you. Around the 24th, family and children need more time and attention. If you have to explain your actions your actions to someone, keep it short. Be glad for all the wonderful people in your life.
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
Life feels less frantic, Gemini. After much desired rest, you’ve reached an outcome and you’re set on the answer. Venus joined Jupiter in your 7th house and it feels so nice, especially in the love - commitment sector. Or, maybe even friendships that feel like family. The Lunar Eclipse tomorrow evening falls in your 3rd house, it really shines a light on study, projects and leaving no stone unturned. This week however, may require you to deal with an unwelcome issue. If something pops up, research to get more information and dig into past records, or just past memories. If you’re yearning for some peace & quiet, try to spend time at home with a good book and a phone call to a friend. You’re feeling a little sentimental and realise that complications arise when you forget to interact from the heart. If you fail to respond correctly to an intimate situation, it has the opportunity to hurt feelings. Despite recent challenges, you gain insight this year from the lessons learned and feel stronger than before. No matter what is going on, take time to love your life and relax into what is. You’re being asked to research something metaphysical and get better in touch with your mind. Money and resources could gain a helping hand from a friend who wants to start a partnership.
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
Face the music, Cancer. You have potential to open doors to good fortune. The most important thing is to surrender to the past, you have to reset the dial for that. Starting fresh, especially in relationships lift you into higher awareness. I feel a new relationship can come from this way of thinking, it injects a sense of ‘unbelievable’ in life. Many of you seem to have been working through a difficult life decision, you have planets helping you to tune in more easily. If you find yourself experiencing very mixed emotions, know that it has a little to do with the Leo Lunar eclipse on the 21st. This moon drives your finances and asks you to fine tune your talents. Your values have changed and who and what matters has changed in your story. Give yourself every chance to create something new and abundant for yourself. The 8th house is sparked around the 21st, something spiritual is deepened within you. During quiet moments, if curiosity or optimism arise, answers do too. Look at the bigger picture now and see how things link up. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes, if you feel a little haughty. Generally, these next few days require you to get serious about new developments and checking off the to do list. Always compromise where values are concerned.
Leo: July 23 - August 22
You’re finally getting what you want, Leo. Jumping into something new and exciting is upon you, it seems as though you’re out of troubled waters. A lot of personal transformations and developments are happening for you this week, mainly because of the Lunar Eclipse that falls in your own sign on the 20th. Mars is in your 9th house and signifies spontaneous trips and making new friends. Relationships are really, truly highlighted as the 21st Eclipse falls in your 1st house. This has everything to do with shedding skin, you’re inquisitive and curious about yourself and others. You want to know how people view you and is it true to how you view yourself? Creative energy seems to be seeping out of you and you’ve got your mind ticking on a few different projects. You want to be dynamic and you want a reset in a certain area of your life. Emotionally, you’re only improving as you start to look toward connecting more with others and begin to see clearly why past relationships didn't work out. If someone is costing you, you’re now asking is it worthwhile? Do they grow you? Does their gratification make you feel whole? A business venture leads to financial security in some way and someone you thought you got rid of in your life, is still sitting, watching. The outside energy is tiring and your feeling a little zapped by the 26th, be careful not to over work. There seems to be a raw sense of ’new’ and many possible scenarios are ripe for picking now.
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
You’re not feeling 100% like yourself, Virgo. It seems as though someone is unable to let you go and this week you could be on the receiving end of some emotional messages. If an injustice was done, someone is trying to communicate that to you now. If you want to speak out, it doesn’t seem to come out right and you’re juggling more than one thing at a time. Financial situations seem tight and you seem burdened. If you’re working hard to keep things going, know that obstacles are plenty and not unusual for all of us here. Many of you are trying to get some give and take happening, victories are possible even though it feels like struggling now. A happy situation will manifest closer to the 25th and it’s because you’re putting yourself out there. You’re such an objective sign, you try to get it perfect every single time. Learn to know the right time to let go, harmony at home can lead to good news about a family member. The Lunar Eclipse in Leo falls in the 12th house and asks you to look at the internal world. Everything comes from within us, as much as our external worlds build our lives with hustle and bustle, deep balance is created from calmness. The 25th Mercury and the Sun join your 6th house, a big reset comes for health and wellness. Be of service to others and help out in community for personal gratification.
Libra: September 23 - October 22
You’re feeling a little mixed up, Libra, especially when you’re around a certain someone. A lot of talk this week it seems but not much action. As an Air sign, I know you hate that type of commotion. Eclipses bring constructive changes to one’s life, so setting clear intentions of what you want in relationships, work and health is super important now. The 20th brings the Lunar Eclipse in Leo around your 11th house, so friendships and what they mean to you come up for revision. You might begin to feel you’re not connecting as deep as you’d like with those around you. Mercury joins your 5th house on the 25th, so business is good now. You have good stars for being conscious in love and moving towards a desired goal and outcome. You need to go for what you want in relationships, being proactive equals things happening. You must think about playing the long game and building for the future. Harmonious aspects only work if we do, so look at how you believe and nurture yourself first and foremost. If you’re too co-dependent in relationships, Saturn is here to create some balance. If something has been building inside you, be conscious that you could be at breaking point as the Leo Lunar Eclipse fades out from the 26th. You’re on the path and when you chuck and clear drama, inevitably things fall apart to come back together. New beginnings are essential to life and you need to be aware with eyes wide open for the good stuff coming in February.
Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
This week, the devil is in the detail Scorpio. You want to go out and have fun, but something is bubbling beneath the surface. It seems as though in a week or two, a communication takes place, if it is unpleasant know that the individual wasn’t giving much anyway. Take it with a grain of salt and move on with your head held up high. Being subtle can improve a business situation and it seems this week has A LOT to do with work. When you’re determined very few can be before you. A Gemini and/or Virgo could be important, they could be potentially juggling two people and you may get caught in the undercurrent. You must see something and discover it for yourself. When you do find out, don’t reveal too much right away. You need to be more clear in your communication when harsh words are exchanged. If you sense that someone around you is hiding their emotions or perhaps loosing hope in a particular situation, wait it out especially if an Aquarius is involved. The Leo Lunar Eclipse on the 21st happens in your 10th house and career is hot topic, you’re looking for something completely different, and as the year progresses you will go to all lengths and (countries!) to find it. If you want something new, try an international avenue, you have good stars as all planets are spinning direct. This year, you’re honing skills and getting crafty. How you interact and whether you’re being truly authentic is linked to your job - Sun in the 4th house on the 21st along with Mercury means it’s time for a heart to heart. If you feel more inclined to spend time at home, go with it. Regain balance and everything will be cool.
Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
You’re in the mood this week for mentally stimulating conversation, Sagittarius. Something you want to say, comes out now and you feel a sense of peace after. Your fiery, adventurous spirit simmers down a tad and you look for quality time with those you admire. Integrating your spiritual world with your outer world is important now, you feel philosophical and it gives opportunity for growth. Saturn is looking at your resources now, Saturn represents the structures and realities of your life. You are being asked to pay close attention to the consequences of your actions. Look toward your goals, try to keep the 'spaced out' to minimum and work on days where you’re focused. What produces success for you is eliminating those beliefs that squash down self worth. Every now and then, your judgement gets the better of you. No one likes someone that’s overly ‘judgy’, so don’t let the negative ego get the better of you this week. Doing anything that makes you feel good is important now, especially when the Lunar Eclipse in Leo falls in your 9th house; a short escape to nature could be exactly what you need. The Sun enters your 3rd house on the 21st, a great day to negotiate or sign a contract. You’re in the thick of networking and people want to know all about you. Business gradually picks up as the month progresses and a meaningful time for fresh ideas is all upon you.
Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
It has been difficult for you to communicate lately, Capricorn. If you’ve been facing several delays, it could just be a matter of ‘not now’ as opposed to a blatant ‘no’. The Eclipse season began this month and it gives you a super power as your 1st house is accentuated. It encourages you to go within, a time to focus on rebirth of oneself, releasing the old and surrendering to what life is now. It is safe to open your heart and come from emotion. Take advantage of the energy and go out and get it. I know I keep repeating myself, but it’s true, you’ve had major transformation since Pluto entered your sign mid 2018. This week, you’re focused on love. A passionate new start is all about the chemistry you share with someone. If an offer has been given to you, it’s in your best interest to take it and transform it into something worthwhile. Emotions are centred around the heart chakra now, your thoughts may wander to where you’re not showing commitment and how to go about solidifying something real. The Leo Eclipse on the 20/21st shines a light on the 8th house, resources, finances and taxes come up. You are in the mood to sort things out and being organised with what goes in and what comes out. It is also a really important time for letting the vulnerable side shine, the 8th house pushes you to open up further and to reflect that when it is uncomfortable, is truly the time for calling on expressive, intimate communications.
Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
A reconciliation is on the cards, Aquarius. It feels like someone has taken their time in contacting you and in the process healing occurred. Previously, the energy surrounding could have been stifling and heavy but now it seems like you’re back on the same page, it feel’s very watery so a Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio could be in the mix. A health issue may be close to being resolved now, the more ways you can reinforce the new learning you've experienced, the better. You have many wonderful opportunities in life now and you’re mind is unusually quick and clever. Your external world is a visualisation of your inner thoughts, you’re connecting to more people on a social scale now and you’re beginning to work with groups of people. If we don’t change, life creates chaos. As a fixed sign, who can be extremely stubborn, you only like change if you initiate it, but this year Aquarius, you’re pushed to change and grow without limitation. The Lunar Eclipse in Leo, your opposite sign, falls in your 7th house on the 20th of Jan. This means, relationships are highlighted, intimate and business, personal and general. This eclipse brings up whatever is deep in your subconscious, it ask’s questions like; how you limit yourself? Especially in regards to the sphere of love. If anxiety and fear come up, don’t hide from the difficult. By doing the work and working on your psychology, you do the inner work so that you actually like yourself and what you stand for.
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
Play the long game now Pisces, long term thinking is rewarded through self mastery. You are looking at having complete control over your emotions, reactions and actions. Hold your head up high and let the world know you are ready. This is the time to launch. Pisces are always great at attracting the right kind of people, so begin by promoting yourself and your talents. If you can feel yourself getting a little aggressive this week with what you want to eventuate, just rely on truthful presence and ask the right questions. The Lunar Eclipse in Leo falls in your 6th house, health and well being are up for examination. The energy of your physical body is up for correction, you are getting into health and healing in a huge way and your curiosity is spiked in all things holistic. The Sun enters your 12th house the very next day, peaceful time is important for you. Especially for you as most times you act like a sponge and inadvertently end up taking on others pain. Journaling, reading and taking a time out is imperative to health and it goes back to the 6th house being accentuated the day before. Don’t be the first to make sacrifices for others, own your reality by healing from the inside out. Don’t be afraid to tell someone if they aren’t holding up their share of the bargain, you cannot do it all alone Pisces. Don’t let others put their work on you, if those around you can’t sign on the dotted line, look for someone who can. Mars is in your money house all month, take action on a new project and initiate, initiate, INITIATE. Anything you believe, you can achieve, as corny as it sounds you are one of the signs with brilliant brain power to make things come alive.