This Week's Horoscope

We’re living in auspicious times. Individually, we all have our strengths and weakness’s that contribute to the tapestry of life. February is a pivotal time of movement, cultivating optimism and ridding ourselves of old patterns that form ugly habits. Set the stage for 2019. Be sharp in your authority and lead the way.

Emotions may be a little more complicated this coming week, as the New Moon in Aquarius takes precedence on the 4th of February. The Moon in Aquarius has a strong urge for emotional freedom. It is a very powerful, beautiful New Moon. The Sun, Moon and Mercury are sextiling Jupiter bringing lots of luck, love and happiness. What you dreamt about in April 2018 comes to fruition now. We will feel an increase in spiritual awareness and a more ‘go easy’ approach to life’s inadequacies.

There is major pressure in regards to business and you're being asked to step up to the plate. No one will be here to push you in the right direction, everyone’s busy living their own lives, you must trust when the time is right to launch. If you want to move outside of your comfort zone, this is a perfect Moon for it. You will have the ability to be honest with your true self; Aquarius is a crusader, so it is likely big group’s will entice you much more than going it alone.

However, before it all sounds rather sweet, I should warn, we do have Mars squaring Pluto, with Mars in Aries; it’s natural habitat. This makes for some good ol’ fashioned Aries impulsiveness and leaning more toward self orientation, so try to steer clear and be more about ‘we’ than ‘me’.

You’re on the right track.

May your cup runneth over..

With love,


Aries: March 21 - April 19

You don’t have to give an answer to the question immediately, Aries. Venus joins your 10th house and Pluto & Saturn, making it a great time to look into career opportunities and perhaps change lanes if required. Public fame is top of the agenda, along with your outward appearance and how people respond to you. Focus on friends, new and old. Aligning with organisations; getting creative; the arts are important now. Beautifying spaces, inviting people into your home and engaging in real conversation. Breaking down any fake/negative vibes. This month is a little quieter in the cosmos, so take the advantage of relaxation, rejuvenation. The New Moon in Aquarius falls in your 11th house of friendship and social language. You want to explore like minds, or just people in general. You’re inspired by someone close to you, someone a little older it seems. You are conscious of the community that surrounds and you want to dedicate a little of your time to a matter you find quite intriguing.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

Look within for that peaceful place, Taurus. Find a calm space to make you strong in this challenging week that brings lot’s of excitement. The 4th is an uber important day as your 9th house is accentuated and it has an international flavour. The Moon is asking you to invent the career of your dreams, exciting developments take place when you handle your life with your own hands. Publishing, writing or speaking in some ways are important this week. The Aquarius Moon on also falls on the 4th, in your 10th house of career and reputation. New networks and connections get wired up, you are out of your comfort zone in career, and the newer an observation is, the better for you. The 7th is also a great date as the Sun connects with Jupiter, this helps hectic conversations finally take place. You need to climb some sort of ladder and you’re weighing up the efforts in your mind. Work life is so busy, that you may not get any reprieve for a few weeks to come. Put yourself forward so you can be noticed for the effortless way you do business. It’s one of your party tricks really, being so very poised in business, people think you know far more than you do. Soulful interactions make you excitable, take things for what they could be!

Gemini: May 21 - June 20

Do the best you can to centre yourself now, Gemini. The train is moving fast and you need to be riding it, not rushing for it. The 4th of the month is an important one to circle because the 8th house as well as Pluto and Saturn are gravitating towards a financial bonus of sorts. That or your partner get’s lucky and you reap some of the benefit by receiving a gift. You’re feeling very intellectually stimulated, you’re following the creative hunch you’ve had for some time. Now is a great time to take centre stage on a project. A spontaneous trip could excite you and a lover or a friend. If you want to share something, it’s a sweet time for intimacy. An uplifting New Moon in your sister sign is all about inspiration and new perspectives tomorrow evening. You see things clearly and feel very optimistic. You’re craving new experiences and dreaming of far away places, that may because the New Moon is in your 9th house of adventure. You’re feeling rather philospphical and eager to be apart of something electric. Your thinking is usually quite wide eyed, it may be time for some serious study or signing up for a new hobby, channel it rather then letting it roam free and far from you.

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

Feelings come and go, but what happens to the one’s that stay Cancerians. Arranging and rearranging your life come into tangible effect. Try to prepare yourself for what's coming in the next few weeks, as it can seem a little unexpected. Your money house is highlighted on the 4th as Venus and Pluto come together. You seem to be consulting or soothing over any conflict that arises within your circle. It can be a very harmonious time, you are reaching out to someone and they are grateful. An investment comes through, positive news in regards to finances, if you’ve got some back up behind you. If you have little to no savings then it seems like shaky grounds. A lot of you could be feeling very emotional this week and having some deep thoughts about life and love, open yourself up to potentials as you might strike gold. Your 8th house is accentuated by the New Moon on the 4th and you’re desiring silent intimacy. Just that ‘look’ that say’s it all. I laugh as I type this, but you'll find shallowness revolting now and the connections that do deepen and what may evolve from them surprises even you. Wait for it.

Leo: July 23 - August 22

Find your balance, Leo. Getting alone time is very important especially when you lean a little too hard on friends. Venus and Pluto join your 6th house on the 4th, Venus brings good news about a promotion or new position. It’s an opportunity given to you too look after yourself, your health and mental well being. Perhaps, being honest about how you really feel within and not just putting a smile on your face will get real rewards. Fresh from your time in the 'lime light’, with the Leo Lunar eclipse now behind you, you allowed relationships to heal and inspire you. Don’t stop yet! Your 7th house is lit and healing further partnerships. Giving it all the good juice. It’s pressing the re-set button on love and a good time for clarity and communication. It’s a week of giving the 'benefit of the doubt’. You’re focused solely on one individual and you want to give them all your love, I guess it’s been like that for quite some time, whether you choose to admit it or not. With these fated stars, it could be business relationships that get a little extra TLC and therefore catapult you into a higher league. Whichever way the pendulum swings, just focus and get acquainted with the new path.

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

Priorities come up in a major way, Virgo. February is a month of balance and calm before the storm's of March descend. Venus enters Capricorn your sister sign, and it makes you feel sexy and indulgent. A spectacular day for creativity and romance on the 4th with Pluto and Saturn in your 5th house. It’s also the evening of the Aquarius New Moon which is great for business especially if it has creative elements to it. Exercise your flexibility at work and voice opinion. New projects could come up thanks to this moon. Your 6th house is lit, so location is very important. It seems like a fresh page in regards to where and how you work, something that was a long time coming. You hate making mistakes and February could be a clumsy month in regards to health and wellness. Look out for yourself and don’t just say ‘ok’ to everything asked. You are feeling strong mentally and it helped that you decluttered the mind earlier in January. Be real with your expectations of others and yourself, listen to what others say carefully and assess the truthfulness of it. Someone may be hiding how they’re feeling from you and it could be that they care more than they let on.

Libra: September 23 - October 22

Rejuvenation is important this month, Libra. Venus your ruler changes signs and falls in your 4th house meeting up with Pluto and Saturn on the 4th. Changes in security, where you feel stable and home environment is up for conversation. If you’ve hated your home environment for a while, it could all change rapidly now. Peace is possible and it may just be about taking the first step to reach out to a friend or family member. Venus is encouraging you to find beauty in the mundane, especially in the interim. Thing’s don’t stay the same forever, but they need a push. If you feel a little bit fenced in, be practical in your problem solving. It’s such diverse energy currently, being an air sign, you could be all mixed up in the wind. There’s no reason to rush, so maybe try to accept things as they are. The New Moon in Aquarius, your sister sign falls in your 5th house. An existing relationship is heating up and the Moon pushes you to be creative. Go out dancing and feel uplifted in the energy of the universe, get in tune with yourself. Listen to inner intuition when it comes to work, is it time to check out of a certain job? Co workers could be a source of discomfort, as you’re not seeing eye to eye.

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

Think broad now, Scorpio. Get clear on mutual goals with whoever you’re dating, it seems like you’ll need it for the future. The wider you cast the net, the more variety you have to choose from. It can be rocky throughout February as your ruling planets Mars and Pluto are in a square. This means, communication can be stifled and therefore bring in short tempers. Be careful not to manipulate or exaggerate a situation. Venus, Pluto and Saturn fall in your 3rd house on the 4th, talk is strong and that mean's business life is on fire. You’re in a place of authority where people seem to be hanging of your every word. The Aquarius New Moon is all about new beginnings and it falls in your 4th house, de-clutter your life. Decisions on long term living and whether or not you want to live closer to home come up for reconsideration. Friends that feel like family are highlighted, flow with the energy around you. Don’t push. Don’t go anywhere where you need to push the other person. On the 7th, we have Mercury connecting with Mars connecting you forward when you don’t feel like asking for assistance. Be open to receiving help if the load is a little overwhelming, when the going gets tough, turn to a favourite hobby and let it redefine you.

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

A month that feels like a warm embrace, Sagittarius. I mean, you’ve got a lot to attend too, more than any other sign, but demanding energy can be wonderful. Things are building up for next month as it will be a hectic cosmic time for us all. However, February is all about growth and that quiet space, when you get the chance. This week emphasises ‘doing the right thing’ and i think you know what it refers to. If adventure/excitement is calling you, follow the call. The 4th is a pretty special date this week as we have Pluto, Saturn and Venus coming into your finance house. Treat yo’self and buy someone else a little gift too. A great week for teaching, studying and signing contracts. A deal goes through and you breath a sigh of relief. The New Moon in Aquarius also falls on this same day, you might feel a tad sensitive, it’s warranted. Use compassion with yourself and others and bridge gaps, try to find closure, a certain situation is screaming for it. Good creative energy with these feels around, put them to good use by exercising playfulness. The Mars energy is fiery and helps you put a new regime into place, a good boost for physical well being if you’ve been a bit slack.

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

Good things are happening, Capricorn. That is because Venus falls in Capricorn on the 4th making you popular and dutiful, two things you love. The New Moon in Aquarius also falls that same day in your money house. Debts need to be paid off and finances need to be organised. A business idea falls from the heavens and it seems to improve your overall mood. You discover a new talent and are mesmerised by some of the dreams you seem to be having. Identity is strongly being looked at throughout February, being careless or unobservant can create problems - stay in touch with gut feelings. That being said, let pleasure into your life and evade responsibility after work hours are over. A wish fulfilled this week in a major way, an offer is put on the table. A business deal might come back to seek reconciliation. Regarding your emotions, you truly begin to see that you ‘know’ something. Things are changing and it’s because you’ve come into a certain type of awareness. You get some new information and it deepens a hunch you’ve had for some time. Slow moving energy in this first week of February is telling you to slow down with the party tricks and speed up the business talks. Integrating life, love and responsibilities, the trifecta. Work with the karmic energy of Saturn and what it’s bringing you.

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

The New Moon rises in your sign on Monday the 4th and you’ll definitely be feeling all of the effects and then some, Aquarius. Integrate and implement, two words to think of this week when you feel a little overwhelmed. With all eyes on you, try to make the most out off what you’ve got going. Venus falls in your 12th house on the 4th also, it’s a special day, so get out in nature and relax. It’s about the unseen, past lives and karmic cycles. If you feel a sense of unease, it’s because of energy that surrounds you and other air signs in this time. If you’re being forced to accept something, try it out and mould it into something new. You have many chances in this birthday month to reinvent yourself, so shift outdated thought patterns that no longer serve. Change your mind about the limitations you place on yourself. Negotiations turn out positive now and work. You are busy this week and it could link to home life, you’re efficient and quick. People depend on you. Get things completed and don’t half ass it. You’ve completely outgrown some thoughts and feelings - remove colleagues or friendships that keep you stuck. You’ve got to make the choice of going beyond what you know now. Get in touch with your own power, another year older, another year wiser. Let it be true and let it show to those around you.

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

Birthday season is coming up and March will be a MAJOR month in regards to planetary movement, Pisces. So, breath a sigh of relief knowing that February is gentle and sweet. With all planets direct, it’s a month to rejuvenate before the heat gets turned up a notch. Take your time, don’t let anyone rush you with certain decisions. It can be a very successful week, some concrete rewards are coming and they seem to be business linked. The New Moon on the 4th in Aquarius falls in your 12th house, with Venus, Saturn and Pluto hanging here too. If the reality is a little too harsh, step back and get a grip on what’s going on. Use emotional independence and adjust yourself around it. You feel very philosophical and more turned on than usual by crystals, cards and anything esoteric. If someone is giving you advice and it feel’s fake, don’t take it. If you are to stay committed to the game, you’ve got to play with some logic and tact. An apology may be on the cards and it’s because time out was taken to come to a big realisation. February 7th connects the Sun with Jupiter, this aspect makes sure you’ve got some lucky energy on your side. You are feeling nostalgic and you find your mind wandering; stop avoiding a thought. Let yourself feel what you feel, you need to connect with the bigger picture and harness it. You’ve got great cosmic healing energy on your side this week, a sense of victory. You’re slowly growing and therefore it’s normal for the outside scenery to change.

This Week's Astrology

This Week's Horoscope