This Week's Horoscope

When it rains, it pours! Balance is called for in any situation especially the one that unfolds for us all this week. If it feels good and it feels authentic, you know you’re in the right spot. For now, wait for things to be revealed. By fully stepping into your power, you understand that gentleness goes a far longer way than forceful actions.

On the 15th, we have a semi square between Uranus and Neptune. We can feel restless and unstimulated. Many of us are tired from the long, intense year that’s about to close out. Themes of impracticality spark up now. Don’t over do a conversation and say too much, better to keep things tame and calm for now. In light of the Capricorn Moon while I write these, harmonise the energy you have around you by being confident, positive and determined.

Be grateful for family and union this week, in the midst of all this festive, holiday spirit, many people are without loved ones. Be open with others every chance you get, give thanks for what was and invite the future blessings it brings.

May your cup runneth over..

With love,


Aries: March 21 - April 19

There is emphasis on adventure now, Aries. Tying up loose ends is a theme this week brings, but it seems like you have other things on your mind. Coming into some realisations it means you’ve got a lot of ‘mental’ energy. This can be overwhelming but it is necessary. Be attentive to your health too, you need to take some ‘me’ time. With Mars coming through to your sign on the 31st, you have a lot to prepare for. You will be moving in directions that you’re passionate about and I know you love passion. You know which direction to head in, no one has to tell you twice. Taking charge now is imperative if you plan to get to where you need to be. There is much going on behind the scenes with a Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. You’re putting in work with a relationship. Your emotional world has some loose ends that need tying. Be careful of taking premature action. Things need to be thought through properly. You feel guided to practice more privacy, a conversation can open the gates to that. If you’re feeling so inclined to ask for guidance, some great people are around you, waiting to help. Creative solutions or detours happen when you speak your mind on the 13th. If there have been some relationship struggles, remember you choose the love you think you deserve. Finding authentic happiness comes from within and being with a great partner who pushes us towards our goals.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

If all systems are not - go just yet, don’t stress Taurus. The path is clearing, it’s just taking a little longer than usual. A relationship is set to deepen and you compromise better. Things started to smooth out in late November, but every now and then we have hiccups in life. Negotiations may be practical now and with Venus in your partnership sector all month, it may have to do with a very close relationship. This week brings increased pragmatism and exploration. Sharing personal stories with those around you can be very fulfilling, the road is very lonely when you’re always choosing to be alone. If you’re feeling like a homebody this week, gain inspiration by connecting with others at work. Someone could have more to teach you than you think. Work towards a cause and put your talents to good use from the 9th. The earthy energy defines you. Don’t be plagued by what you are, Taurueans are great actors, who can do what is necessary when needed. For some of you after the 12th, a past relationship could come up for review. It might be best to wait before a big decision is made, emotionally you need to clear a little more ‘inner stuff’ before you decide on returning.

Gemini: May 21 - June 20

You’re in limbo over a relationship, Gemini. If you feel like you’re stuck in a karmic cycle with your emotions, remember it’s meant to bring you into awareness. Things are moving forward and the course corrects itself. Relationships, health and life routines are highlighted now. This week tries to ease you forward, not just throw you in. It is your choice to accept or reject. Many of you could be feeling more ambitious than usual. You are focusing on an accomplishment and only you can lead the way forward. Understanding where you’re being guided is something you feel and know, regardless if you ‘see’ it. A lot has gone on in your 8th house this year, so that means your support network has been shaken in some way. Chances of smoothing things over a high now, you just need to know how to negotiate properly. With Jupiter and the Sun moving through your opposite sign, life focuses on relationships further. Revelations and clarity of some kind arise now, clearing the air with someone might need to happen. If something is difficult to deal with, you have great cosmic support on your side now. Even if you back track, you end up ahead. Life is ‘on and off’ quite a bit, it is the energy of things. You’re a very dynamic character, don’t let a little rain drown you now.

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

Taking care of business, Cancer. That’s it, that’s what this week is all about. You begin to move beyond any blocks now and your path is cleared as if a miracle arrived. Business life can be exhausting now and you may be pulled in millions of directions. It is about sticking with one and pursuing it the whole way through. Nourish the soul and you inspire others and in turn reach higher for bigger goals. There seems to have been a wait for someone, a separation of sorts. If you’ve felt not so good about yourself or the situation, have courage to try new things and focus on what’s necessary. You’re enthusiastic, you’re ready to walk the path. Many of you are ready for something that perhaps in the past you waved away. From the 12th, you’re in perfect position to kick some work and health goals. Conversations that started in November end now. You begin to understand how you feel about certain ideas. Venus is in harmony with your sign most of December, so you will feel a boost of happiness too. Personal confidence is growing and you feel the admirers stares. Broaden your horizons, especially if you meet an Aquarius.

Leo: July 23 - August 22

A sense of moving forward is felt now, Leo. With a strong focus on both work and play this week, any delays you may have felt in the past few days is cleared now. You have increasing clarity on a home situation. There is a continued focus on health, wellness and reaping the rewards. You are feeling quite courageous and it links to your intimate life, Mars travels through your 8th house until the end of the month. It’s about that gratifying love life that sweeps away any past trauma. If you feel divided between work/life balance keep things light and choose family this month. More than any other sign, you can be your own worst enemy. Old cycles that have plagued you come back to bite, they can be dropped. Letting go takes strength and you have a bright light inside to help yourself. You don’t have bad luck and you don’t attract ‘certain’ people, you make choices and they lead to other things. Be conscious of what you’ve gone through but you must keep moving forward. Being blindfolded only works for so long. Close relationships are animated now especially with a Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. Venus is moving through your family sector all month, so resolving a matter happens easily now. If you thought you’d resolved something, it comes back to bite now. Stay committed to thinking in a new way and feeling safe in the decisions you make.

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

We hold onto circumstances far longer than we should, Virgo. The energy around you is understanding the hurt you’ve been through, you want to move forward but you need to first understand how whatever hurt you may have grown you. This week, indecisiveness could be the name of the game. A Taurus or Capricorn can be helpful this week in weighing up a decision with you. The pro’s and con’s list is mighty long and you’re really deliberating over a situation with someone. Take the path least travelled, it will be the most authentic for you. If there is something you want, understanding the basis of your situation is key. It is a special time for family life with considerable advances in any “personal” blocks you may have had this year, especially with siblings. It seem’s like home life is requiring your attention more than usual, as soon as you begin problem solving things get easier. With Mars floating around your chart, things can feel a little constricted. This mostly has to do with Mars sitting directly opposite your sign. If you feel a little more on edge than usual, try not to get the defence mechanisms up and running. It is a month for connecting and meeting people, being active within family and restoring balance to relationships.

Libra: September 23 - October 22

You get a lot more with being pleasant, Libra. This week you have a tendency to push forward your way and it can feel a little aggressive at times. People around you can be deceptive now, if things look to good to be true, fair enough you’re allowed to get to the bottom of it. Take things with a grain of salt but don’t sever any heads in the process. The Sag New Moon was sweet for you, the planets were protecting you. Anytime you come from the heart, the universe helps you along. This week however, the energy is a little more intense. If you are being propelled further in life, conversation with community is essential. Just don’t let the emotions take over and bring you down. Consider, using this energy in a very productive (creative) way. With Mercury entering Sagittarius on the 12th, you’ll be the first in line for networking. People will be looking to you to give the last word. Keep checking in on your health and body, wellbeing is a major topic for you now as you did slide from the safe spot throughout November. If you felt like a mini or major breakdown occurred and you're just now moving on from it, opportunities to connect to the earth & the source are here. Don’t forget you’re in charge and the main actor of your life.

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

The beginning of something new is upon you, Scorpio. Oh yes, you’re going to be just fine. Vulnerability is part of newness but it’s all how it should be. What’s evident this week is that you’ve overcome a challenge. You’re seeing the fruits of your labour now, October and November were tough, so tough that you’re behaving differently to usual. It’s good, change is life. December is much more crusier for you and in turn you make it easy for those around you. Let’s face it, when you’re happy, everyone around you reaps the benefits. If you’re hiding something from a partner, you should ask yourself ‘why’. Mercury joins your 2nd house and re-enters Sagittarius which means finances are underlined this week. How you’re spending and how you’re saving should be looked at seriously. It is a good time to put energy into an existing business. Self appreciation and Self respect have very empowering energy when there is so much Sag energy around us, luck is within you and Venus is guiding you. If you’re feeling a little detached, let that feeling sink in a little longer, being unbothered by other peoples drama can only help you. Keep doing you, authenticity is the best way to float around any obstacles.

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

It’s time out, Sagittarius. From work at least, now is time for fun & play. Foundations and the structures of our lives come into question now. Have you ever heard of rest?! The energy around you is fiery, get the message out! The world wants to hear it and you’re excited. What is coming is better than what is gone. Remember that. You feel secure inside, a perspective has changed. You’re going through so much reflection and its leading you to enlightenment. You’ve gained so much understanding, even in times of discomfort. Change is coming and don't you worry, it will keep changing in 2019. Wisdom is gained through experience, get out into the world and be playful. I think for a long time you’ve been hauled up, in your own little world and it seems like you’re coming back into the world after some absence. When you’re joyous, their is no one better to spend time with. You need to go for it, tell someone how you feel, be a little lighter, laugh inappropriately. Everything we do is a choice, with the recent upheaval in your life and new scenery you’ve entered, whichever way it may be for you, whether it was a big move or a new job, it is always up to you what path you choose. Listen to your heart and with a pinch of logic, find your freedom.

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

What you want is someone to move closer toward you, Capricorn. Some great energy around you this week, all you have to do is get your ducks in order. You’re inspired and it has to do with love. You’re in a new area of life and introspection as the year ends. You want to move forward and with Mercury now direct, the foundation for growth is here. You are just ready! You’re active throughout the month and everything links up. A relationship isn’t moving as it should, it has to do with how you perceive it. Trust how you feel. You’re in huge strife over the current status of a certain relationship and a Taurus might be someone you butt heads with. If you’re realising a ‘conventional’ relationship just isn’t for you, sit down and take a time out. It is important for Cap’s to think about whether they’re in a place of love or fear. You have to change your thinking if it comes from an unhealthy background, you deserve love and one that is right for you. Recovery and healing are two sides of the same coin but you need to work through ‘what you want' first. The 15/16th in particular has great energy for you as Saturn & Pluto harmonise and bring you social love and easy communication. You’re influenced by love and feeling awake.

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

You’re feeling good about who you are, Aquarius. Pat yourself on the back for me, you’ve built a lot this year and it has to do with life security and where you want to go in the future. You have overcome some problems and you deserve this time of the year to be calm and cool. Whatever confrontation you had, was needed for you to leap to that next level. Earth signs (Cap, Virgo, Taurus) are doing some research you’ve asked them to conduct, it could be as flirty as finding out if someones available or not. There is an element this week of looking back, the heart strings are being tugged by an emotional past event. You have tried to manifest this into your present day but to no avail. It is ok. things aren’t meant to come around 2 or 3 times in this life. Sometimes, once is enough. Keep it close to your heart but keep it moving also. Someone may be expecting an apology from you on Thursday. Movement and expansion comes from temperance. Reflection comes from patience, when you start seeing for yourself what you withhold, you stop being passive and you allow for what you need to come to fruition.

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

A very successful week for you Pisces, all you need to do is practice a little detachment. Harder to do then say, trust me, I know, I’m a Pisces too! To get the best results its best not to get in the middle of anything. Things are flowing toward your destiny path, you putting one foot in front of the other is all that needs to be done to get you there. That’s all you will ever need to go, to go where you’re supposed to be. Doors are opening for you now and you must go in the new direction. Creative self expression is paired with risk taking and you’re always one to throw caution to the wind. Something very exciting is opening up for you, you don’t have to rush into anything with anyone, but go and see where it takes you. Chiron is in your sign, healing as always is the major theme with Pisces in Chiron. Things are truly moving in the right direction and you must trust in it. Career is about to be off the charts and business is going to be large. 2019 will be fruitful because Jupiter is on your side, so before your birthday next year a expansion is coming. Listen to your intuition, believe in your creativity, the new path is opening and it has many success.

This Week's Horoscope

This Week's Horoscope