As we set to enter Capricorn season later this week and move forward to the last Full Moon of the year in Cancer on the 22nd, we are being led to our next destination. The Moon will be in harmonious union with Uranus. The elements this week are coming together and bringing a real clarity to what is right in front of us. Cancer Moon’s are usually strongly related to family, home and belonging. We may all be a little prone to emotional fluctuations leading up to the weekend. Be easy on yourself and others and bridge the gap that splits you.
Capricorn energy can be demanding and maddening, but let’s not look at it like that. Instead it’s here telling us, you’ve had time to dream, imagine and feel. Now, put one foot in front of the other and show up for it. Act on it. Capricorn wants to see you work. They love intent and action, bravery is beautiful to them and they expect you to worship what you dream enough to make it come alive.
Stop selling yourself short! Stop diminishing your value! If you have something in your heart, choose the thoughts and actions that honour it so that the whole world can enjoy it with you. No short cuts, no half attempts, that’s not how Capricorn show’s up to the party and that’s why they are some of the most successful people in the world. They manifest when it’s time. Don’t get me wrong they love to dream and ponder, however, they embrace the goal when they wake and create ways in the work place, home place and self to execute them in serious style.
We all come to be in our own time, no rush, just happiness.
May your cup runneth over..
With love,
Aries: March 21 - April 19
This could be a battle you just can’t win, Aries. That’s ok, walking away when it’s time too has it’s very own personal power. With a little earth energy around, you may be deciding between two different people. Going after what you want and jumping out of bed in the morning is challenging at times; but you still need to get the ball rolling in regards to a business venture. This will help you get out of your head. You’re keeping an eye on someone and it may be time now to talk with them. To get ‘closer’ to them, it’s about making a well thought out offer. Time is needed here to figure things out, once things are all said and done your offer won’t be refused. Take time this week to get everything together, there seems to be a restrictive energy in the air. You haven’t clarified exactly what you want yet and it’s bugging the smoothness of things. When you know, the path will open up with ease.
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
Something is keeping you up at night, Taurus. It seems a little obsessive and could connect back to a fire sign. If you are feeling like something is missing in a relationship, be weary of shutting down. It’s just about making a conscious effort to speak differently when you’re in the same situation over & over. You are not giving into the pressure of what someone is placing on top of you, it has been a battle of getting up and moving on. Trying to pull away from someone if usually for good reason, the intuition kicks in around the 20th and you see through someones charm. Take control of the inner stability on offer to you, realise you are capable. Financially you will do ok this week, try not to overspend on christmas gifts. People know you’re generous without the extra face cream. You are still recovering from the Venus retrograde which did house cleaning for you, it was efficient and you may have cut ties with a few people. Believe it, the New Year holds great things.
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
You’re trying to make the best decision possible, Gemini. You’re looking for answers and want to see the work put in by those around you. You value emotional openness in a person and you may be finding it hard to get clear on what someone wants. Getting a new beginning of the ground can always be a challenge but soul mate energy always come through no matter how slow it took getting here. Someone is offering you something sincere, you might just need to test the waters first. This week as we draw close to the Cancer Full Moon, someone let’s you know they care about you. It could very well be a person from the past coming back with valuable information on why it didn’t work out. Cutting out the nonsense and getting straight to the point is on the agenda, you are ready to get ‘real’ with someone. If anything is hidden, the light will cut through it now. Come to think of it, you’ve been waiting on some answers for a little while. Don’t worry too much, you only grow from truth.
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
Going where your heart is, that’s the theme for the week, Cancer. You can at times (most times) wear your heart on your sleeve and with the Cancer Full Moon energy peaking this week, expect intuition, friendship and love to be at the forefront. You are in a state of healing a situation even if there isn’t much communication between the two parties. A decision to follow your heart and reach out to someone is most likely, but it seems like you’re making a choice between two places. If the feeling feel’s final and scary, that’s exactly when you know the stars will align. Wanting a reconciliation with someone from your past may be on your mind majorly, it is about examining the risk that comes with it. The pro’s & con's of following your intuition and what it tells you, in hindsight can be a little nerve wracking. In essence you almost need to do this, what’s complicated for you, may be very easy for the other to do. Let the chips fall as they may. Be gentle in your approach and try your hardest to practice patience.
Leo: July 23 - August 22
You’re putting in a lot of time and effort into a situation, Leo. You’re completely focused on one individual and it’s the one you want. Usually when you zero in on something, you always get it. I’m not so sure if this situation will go to plan. The vibe around you is a little more difficult. This individual may be closed off to you or in regards to relationships in general. In general, this week could bring back a lot of memories. You manage to get the most important things done. Phew. If you’re feeling a little practical, remember romance is fun too. If you're refilling the love cup for someone but it keep’s going empty, maybe it’s not you but them. Think about it. It may be about trying for a new beginning here, the passion you feel for someone is unprecedented and what you two feel for one another is super tense, super real. Don’t play any games now, coming from a sincere place is the only way a honest conversation can take place. Don’t leave candles burning on the dining table.
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
If you’ve been going through a tough time, victory is peeking through the curtain Virgo, trust me on this. You had to walk away from a situation and the conflicting thoughts that arose from it. You wanted to fix something and you just couldn’t do it, I think the focus now is on not looking back from a situation. The emotion is drained and this week may be the first chance you breath a sigh of relief in one way or another. You are in charge now, the faster you hop into the drivers seat the better for everyone around you. Don’t listen to opinions, you seem to be blocking any negativity now anyway, move forward and regain your strength. Quite a bit of ‘fiery’ energy around you so a Leo, Sag or Aries can be instrumental in helping you now. Whoever around you was wearing a mask is now uncovered. Virgo’s see through bullshit quite slowly, purely because they don’t have the time to think you’re not in it for the right reasons. The emotional support comes with the Cancer Moon on the 22nd. Start by calling in affirmations and visualisations, charge ahead and don’t look back.
Libra: September 23 - October 22
Find something different to do this week, Libra. Although, what you’ve been doing has been mighty successful and I know many of you are beginning to reap many benefits. Inspiration may release an ‘aha’ moment at the least expected moment. Once you get into the flow of accepting things you cannot control, you find it easier to finish chores. This week is heavy on social interaction and ignites a feeling of support and friendship around you. Love is in the air for you now also, appreciate even those that give you a little trouble. They deepen character and strengthen your resilience. You're so charming when you want to be. Again, I feel like the message of ‘taking care’ of yourself even when life is busy is something you need to hear more often than any other, especially this year, especially now. If you experience an internal tension more than usual, speak out and let someone you love know. Get in touch with your inner truth and those that know you best, sometimes just having a conversation can go a long way.
Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
Don’t over extend yourself now, Scorpio. Do what you get paid for then get outta there and stay inspired. You tend to feel a little more quiet this week and you’re focused on your own thing. Keep life simple, there doesn’t have to be drama for you to be excited. Enjoy each moment for whatever it brings. It’s also possible this week you strengthen an existing relationship by learning something new about each other. You have a strong sense that things are shifting now but not sure in which direction. Instead of taking action now, reflection is probably the path. If you feel like putting your hand up to host a family activity, why not. This new year will uncover many truths for you, personal ones and it will grow you to be the person you were always meant to be. Have faith in the process and that you got lucky now with a potential partner, I know it’s been a rough road for many of you. Absorb the love around you now and give thanks for it.
Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
There is HUGE potential for a budding relationship you have recently begun, Sagittarius. It’s making you feel all types of things and the fire is burning inside. Decisions made with the head and not the heart can cripple what you have here now. You can’t seem to stay away from someone and it can be hard for you to keep allowing this person in but it almost feels imperative. You are a passionate sign, who negotiates with themselves and usually win’s. You have been searching for the truth of a matter and finally you see the light. No need to be worried, things keep growing but don’t make a final decision until the new project begins. The back and forth in life means something is meant to be here regardless of rough waters. It has been a turbulent year for you but the potential of a new path is here for you. It can go one of two way’s. The final decision is obviously your’s and I can see you’re still deliberating what it will be. Things depend on your specific situation but it look’s like someone is coming back to ask for a second chance. Honesty, loyalty and communication are your best traits, just keep pushing them forward.
Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
A passionate conversation takes place this week, Capricorn. If something was stagnant, the ball starts rolling now. The decision now is the commitment, going all the way with this one individual. Challenges try to balance themselves out and the advice for you is to give it a little more time. You like to know all the info before a decision is made, you’re getting that chance now, even if you put the brakes on lightly. Trying to control your emotions and get things moving correctly means you need time to absorb the outcome, you do have a soul mate connection with this person. The situation is being guided, you just need a little time to figure out what your heart already knows. When you look at this situation clearly, you recognise that the two stories you both tell are very much in sync. Work on your partnerships now, manifest the love relationship you want. Work on you now as this next year will be all about it, notice where your energy goes when you start thinking in absolutes.
Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
You’re holding back a little, Aquarius. It could be in regards to a situation where someone is not letting go or you’re not opening up. A lot of fire energy for you this week which is akin to sexual energy. A new beginning in one way is coming through and it has to do with the attraction you feel. At this point, you can sense any dishonesty in this other individual. How deep are your emotions getting in this situation? You are getting more emotionally involved and you can feel the gap of the other. The law of attraction comes into play for you this week, put everything out on the table. You have the right tools to manifest new ideas for yourself. You enjoy making head-over-heart decisions, every now and then you can be mistaken for an unemotional individual. You can be all 'up in your head’ every now and then, tossing and turning over if this next level with this person is something you really want. It is up to you, passion doesn’t necessarily mean emotion. Nonetheless, someone is falling in love with you.
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
You’re trying to get out of some sort of drama, Pisces. You are moving towards your peace and a lot of lessons have been learnt this year. You are trying to carry on with what needs to be done, along the way there is commitment to others. If you are tied to a situation and don’t see how you can get out, just start walking in the other direction. This week really looks at finding your ‘power’ again, moving forward to what makes you happy. This is all about your confidence and self esteem. You are strong enough, you don’t need to engage in situations that brought you down previously. Head toward your passion, what you truly want in life. The universe is asking you to pay attention to love. Someone you have deep feelings for has those same feelings for you and it will heighten for the Full Moon in Cancer on the 22nd this weekend. Perhaps, it is time for you to take up a challenge of truly being vulnerable and not just pretending to be. A chance needs to be given, a real partnership could blossom now. Don’t let it keep you up at night, just go with it.