The solstice whips around and we find ourselves climbing the rocky mountains of Capricorn season. If we gain anything from the energy of a Capricorn, it should be that of keen interest in the events of the past, and a profound understanding of the ambiguity the present brings forth. The mountain goat has the extraordinary power of adaptability, I should know, my boyfriend is a ’typical’ Cap who you could take anywhere, any time, and he will ease right in, making the whole thing look effortless and simple. It puzzles me every time. But, that’s Capricorn for you. They are known for their tenacity, diplomacy and ambitious nature. Their constant desire to breath in some sort of challenge provokes many encounters, both good and bad, but hey, that’s what life is for! Let Capricorn's nature influence this week as you come together with family & friends in celebration. Don’t take anything personally and keep moving forward.
As I write, the Sun forms a direct trine to Uranus. This is electric, anything could happen now. If you believe you missed an opportunity, that is the way it will remain. If you take the risk and get back to the path, the universe will conspire to help you. It’s just the way it works. Mercury and Jupiter are in Sagittarius making love expansive now too, it couldn’t come at a better time. Don’t forget ‘the heart whispers, the mind shouts’..
May the energy dwell in you.
I wish you all happy & safe holiday’s with those you love and adore.
May your cup runneth over..
With love,
Aries: March 21 - April 19
Many new beginnings await, Aries. Your growth and strength is expanding each day, harnessing personal power is what life is truly about! A few of you have been preparing for this and with so much masculine energy this week, you’re inspired to take the first step. Throughout the year, you held onto some emotional baggage that really didn’t do you any favours. If you have been holding on now is the time to let go. You need to start the new year with a fresh approach, something unlike ever before. If a situation arises over the Christmas break that makes you see you haven’t been going toward the direction you need too, start by flipping your internal conversation. You have been in training for something and the time is really upon you to launch it. With Capricorn’s earthy energy coming into play as their season begins, many family members or friends will be visiting now. It seems to be very healing, happy vibe and you’re overjoyed to see faces you haven’t seen in a while. You have very clearly been on a journey this year and there is always things to work on but there is a huge sense of pride now, within you and those looking to you.
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
What you allow yourself to say comes up for revision now, Taurus. You should feel confident and able this week and it’s because you know what you’ve been through this year. You’re eager to build a new platform from which to work and progress into 2019, you won’t let anyone make a fool out of you again. While there are plenty of reasons for optimistic thinking, your mood is a little cautious and realistic. Capricorn energy colours your every day life and you’re more logical and less emotionally driven. Something tells you that what you want is attainable. If you are unclear about how it will all happen, just remember it’s part of the process. Acknowledging your short comings holds power over this Christmas period, don’t ignore what your intuition is telling you. Don’t dull down the emotions of those around you also, if you love someone tell them. Be open to the idea that it's time for a new direction, or start thinking more seriously about options you would like to pursue. If you've been thinking about making a business move, you may find it easiest to break free next May.
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
Make things happen, Gemini. With this ‘time of the year’ upon us, you could be travelling to family this week. Many of you are feeling ‘whole’, renwed and strong in your mind & body. If you are sure now of something you didnt believe you’d come around too, congratualtions. Things start to settle and the dust is cleared. If someone reaches out to you now, it is with passion and fire. It’s a great week to feel the way you’re feeling, because with so much going on and a lot tugging at the heart strings it will be an intnese type of energy. This year, for you has been about release. Karmic cycles were at work and you should be feeling a sense of accomplishment now. When a sense of self assureness washes over you, the key that unlocks it all, get’s thrown away because you dont need it anymore. Something romantic may be coming to fruition this week, an unspoken understanding is pregnant with possibility. Communcation will be a theme now too, an Aries, Sag or Leo wants to send you a direct message. You have a clear direction of where you want to go from here and even though the year has had it’s period of pain, balance and justice come into view now. It’s about bringing in a element of viewing from the ‘outside', don’t take it personally now but don’t stay somewhere just to keep the peace.
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
If something needs work, it doesn’t mean you should give up Cancer. Understanding and patience go a long way. If you felt this past month you had to fight for your happiness, unexpected change blows through the door now. You must stand your ground if you’re not feeling heard now, there could be some BIG differences between you and your partner but that doesn’t mean it’s futile. A surprise could be right around the corner if you’d just relax and go with what comes more than you fight it. A second chance somewhere in your life also takes place this week after the Full Moon in your sign nudges you slightly. Don’t walk away from where hope still resides. Someone who was paranoid of afraid of opening their heart to you, does so now. If it feels risky, things get stalled. Speak your truth and if someone shows you their real self, believe it. A possible apology from someone who wronged you, don’t wait around for it and it will arrive quicker. Self-discipline grows stronger over the next few months. You make new priorities; diet, exercise, finances and career. For the moment enjoy family time and let them know how much they mean to you.
Leo: July 23 - August 22
A fair bit of contemplation is going on, Leo. This week is about thought and reflection, as well as a little Christmas cheer. Your 4th house is lit up and pretty sparkly, so I know you’ll be looking back on your year, making a list of the positives and negatives. You’re in the mood for reconciliation and looking at the benefit in whatever situation you find yourself in. All experiences are neutral, you just need to incorporate some wisdom. You know on some level what you should be doing but you’re not allowing yourself to consciously accept and trust it. This Christmas period, with SO much going on and family vibes everywhere you look, it’s ok to admit to yourself whatever is necessary. Accept it, acknowledge it. That’s how you move through it. Circumstances show us what we need to change and you finally understand, what is keeping you up at night. This time of the year spikes all sorts of emotions and lets you question what’s going on around you. This is normal, we are spending copious amounts of time with family we don’t see all too often. Apply yourself and be appreciative, we all have ‘crazy’ families, if you want to take some sort of action, reflect first! Be guided by that higher voice that stays calm while everything else overwhelms.
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
Things are different now Virgo, and it’s all for the best. You’ve come to the understanding that things have moved on and you’re not the same person you were this time last year. Despite rough patches this year, you realize that some things could have turned out a lot worse. Opportunities you may have rejected re-appear in a different light in a few weeks. You panic often and then things make there way back to you anyway. Be sure to understand potential costs and downsides of any decision or commitment. Even though a business situation is not ideal, you can live with it for awhile longer. Keep an eye on spending now, you need to recognise you’re seeing things from a different perspective now. Social life is strong and people are in lining up to see you. Try to stimulate new energy in an existing friendship, don’t let someone bring drama to your door. Listen to your emotions and acknowledge them, sitting on the fence in a certain love situation now won’t do anyone any favours. Call a time out, experience what you’re feeling when it comes.
Libra: September 23 - October 22
You’re feeling the pull to do something creative, Libra. This week has a tone of excitement and you’re front and centre around those you love. You’re in understanding of what you have to offer and you feel better about yourself than you have in weeks. Whatever you want, you can make happen. Comfort and security make you feel in control, but don’t stay anywhere longer than you’re meant too. It is in your birthright to have what you ask for. You’re feeling much more settled in your work life and whatever dream occurs, you just make the right choice and everything continues to stay light hearted. You may also be getting some sort of recognition this week, not necessarily business related but potentially coming from family. It is about even give and take, recognising your value and going in new directions. An Aires or Sag could be instrumental these holidays in pushing you forward and helping you propel into a new group of creatives. If someone from the past comes back with an apology, let the conversation happen. You’ve come into a few realisations that can unleash some arguments this week while spending more time than usual with family. It seem’s a little karmic, but you’re confident in knowing what you want.
Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
Whatever situation you’re dealing with, progress is flowing Scorpio. At least it is in your business life, new perspective in regards to finances lead to positive developments this week and well into 2019. Something unexpected is happening around you however, and you’ve really been trying in a relationship for things to grow and move. If someone in your life is over analysing their feelings for you, the energy around you feels very opposite now. When something isn’t feeling quite right, take some time out to go through your thoughts. Having an epiphany means you sense the choices you could make and the paths it winds down. Don’t be tempted to give up on something before it’s time, you don’t want to come to regret. It’s about looking deeper and using intellect over emotion. Events outside your control this year may have taken you on a wild ride. However, in looking back you can see unexpected benefits that have brought a silver lining. Even in the darkest moments, you could always draw upon your inner faith. Fix your karma, new emotional beginnings happen when you’re ready to see the truth.
Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
The message is pretty clear here, Sagittarius. With so much going on beneath the surface, at least you now know exactly who you are and what you can do. It has been a difficult year for many of us, and it’s (truly) getting easier. Huge changes are abound for 2019 especially for you, discomfort breeds change. It’s the knock on the door before you’re expecting it. The overview of life now has some common threads to past mistakes but with each passing year, it lessens. There is a person in your life who is fighting themselves, it feels like an inner struggle and it could be linked with a water sign; Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. Something seems to have been delayed between you two but there is a sense of victory eventually. If you have been your own worst enemy this month, as far as your love life goes, step back from the game playing. Take care of your love life as things will turn out unexpectedly good soon. Seeing the picture clearer than every before is both a blessing and a curse but slowly you’re discovering yourself and the foundation you’re building on is authentic, so it can only bring forth love and compassion. I can’t put it in any other way then to say, you’re not afraid anymore and what you’ve been through is apart of who you are, it won’t ever go away but it's completely changed and moulded you.
Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
Happiness surrounds you this week, Capricorn. It is Cap season after all, where the mountain goats slow & steady win each and every race! What you put your energy into, flourishes. If there is a lot to juggle and there is, in the end success will be yours if it really matters to you. This week, feminine energy is aplenty. You’ve observed what you needed too and you now have something because of those experiences. You have manifested this year, many things close to your heart, now you’re growing and sharing what you’ve learnt. A lot is going on behind the scenes and you’re focusing on family, it it worth the focus. Many of you are coming from a place of vulnerability and perhaps, in the past this brought out fear based mechanisms. However, now it's rewarding you as others join you in authenticity and a new platform is built between you. If you are struggling to see anything for what it is, this holiday week nudges you to accept things. Take a chance, you never know what may happen. If you make a confession, there is no escpaing it. A siutation will arise to encourage you to make new path ways. The universe is telling you to reach out and scratch the itch. Next year is going to be a massive Cap/Earth energy year, you will work very, very hard and reap benefits like you never saw before.
Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
You have to take the lead here, Aquarius. You’re creating your own reality so be careful what you dream up. This week, be cautious with a decision you make. Even though you are feeling empowered, healing in a relationship is still necessary. If you’re the one that’s bringing up issues and giving out ultimatums, stop it! Don’t be your own worst enemy and play with fire, be cautious in your dealings with love & romance. The Cancer Full Moon brought out a twist, if you have a tricky decision to make, take the high road. The message is coming in fast and strong that you should not get yourself wrapped up with anything that doesn’t resonate with a ‘higher’ good. Don’t compromise your energy even if the situation is complicated and, it is. Be patient this week, give life time, this end of the year ‘vibe’ is tumultuous as we spend much more time with family, we try so hard to move away from. Stay in a self confident place, movement happens this way. You could find yourself avoiding someone who gets under your skin. If you don't currently see a path forward yet, it might be because you’re looking in the wrong places. The time will come when you will know when to act.
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
You’re invited to do something different this week, Pisces. You can’t keep relying on tried & true methods, it becomes stagnant and that’s when you mentally check out. It’s not pleasant for your relationships or those who love you. Understanding how you feel is important now, then in turn balancing it with your head and equilibrium is essential. Things have changed for you, many of you don’t feel like you once did. You’ve had clarity and see yourself a long with many situations, differently. Your emotions reactions are expressive this week but you’re feeling very spiritual. If you feel something is uncharacteristic of you, go ahead and explore it. You’ve gone through a transformation and it’s so evident that things have shifted for you. A probable opporutnity for a conversation takes place this week and reconciliation may be on the cards. You’ve been processing things and exposing yoruself to the streghts and weeknesses in someone. Being more aware of why you do what you do, especially in love is the key here. Taking action in a romantic relationship brings a smile to your lovers face. Pisces, your best qualtiies can be your intimacy and honesty, go through the notions now and suprirse yourself every once in a while.