Hot on the heels of a chaotic yesteryear, we enter 2019 with a bang! As we set to enter a new year with a spring in our step we come right into contact with our first gift from the cosmos, the partial Capricorn Solar Eclipse on the 5th of January. Our lives are shaping up and all you need to do is be ready for the gifts that come packaged in all sort’s of quirky & unusual way. This year we also enter the year of the PIG, in Chinese Astrology, this sign is known to be blessed with beautiful personalities that attain great fortune throughout life. But, back to the topic of the moment! The partial Solar Eclipse happening this week in the earthy, dependable sign of Capricorn. With serious undertones of conservative hard work, Capricorn is about taking care of business! Saturn will be running the show most of 2019, the more you focus on achievements and success, the better Saturn will propel you into a dream like life.
We kick of a brand new phase of eclipses and it serves us an extra dose of the ‘real’ world, whatever that means. Growth and structure poke through the holiday vibes most of us are still chilling in, we, as always in this life are headed for bigger transformations and more major shifts than ever before. The pace quickens and it requires you to be sharp. The energy now is ambitious but it favours creativity and dream goals, not doing something just for the sake of it. Aries, Cancers, Libras and Capricorns will be most affected this week, so watch out!
For all of us however, this new year invites us apply the lessons we’ve learned and engage in an open and fresh way. The way you show up to life, is the way you show up to anything, right? So, after an incredibly tough and intense 2018, make the transition into a peaceful and prosperous new beginning by always following your intuition, showing compassion and crossing off your to do list.
Happy New Year, may you dive deep into love for one another and this big, beautiful planet.
May your cup runneth over..
With love,
Aries: March 21 - April 19
Embracing change is to surrender to great new things, Aries. If you’ve got yourself into a predicament, it could have to do with a little immaturity, think about it. When there is mental anxiety around you, you withdraw inside. Pressures from work and obstacles in the love life can be troubling, but that is precisely when to show your true character. You have been leaning towards the more spiritual side of life and when you’re not on the same page as the other, you don’t feel right to venture forward. If you feel unrequited love, understand the limitations you place on yourself. When you look at life, you have a very innocent way of looking at things, now is the time to take a very sensible, realistic approach. If you can understand your own limitations but keep optimistic at the same time, you are succeeding. Looking at the bigger picture, I see not everything has been said nor done. The Capricorn Eclipse on the 5th forces you to prove your identity. This week will favour creativity and encourage kindness, be ethical in your approach with others and all will be well.
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
New people could lead to many new possibilities this week, Taurus. This new year will highlight your inner strength and blossom into many unexpected opportunities that you haven’t had before. You have some really helpful conditions ahead that will create a much more efficient and productive environment. You love adventure and taking a time out resets your life for a new horizon. Move with self confidence and you can do no wrong. All things aside, you have had a ‘wake up’ call moment in your life and it’s directing you to a new way of thinking. If this year ask’s you to reassess your life direction, think properly on what beliefs no longer serve. What is worth keeping, what is worth throwing away? A balanced mind allows your ideas to flow easily into conversation. You have so much potential around you this week as the Capricorn Solar Eclipse brings practical, grounded energy to your door. Also, now an existing relationship could grow and flourish, you’re direct without being aggressive. If you are passionate about a new project, work hard now and your charisma will grow with it.
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
Collecting memories is something you do often, Gemini. Every now and then, you enter a new phase of life. With Jupiter squaring Neptune, a new beginning is upon you. Things don’t need to be radical to be felt, sometimes the smallest changes can make the biggest impact. You have released the past and taking all things into consideration are feeling lucky and light. Once you understand your own limitations, you find it easy to be realistic in life, Gemini’s are one of the most gifted signs in that sense, they come out of their confusion by gaining a true view point of what they are looking at. If you feel regretful for a situation, a breakthrough you were not expecting appears. Where you currently stand, there is an imbalance of sorts. Feeling complete is an internal feeling, liberating yourself comes from being more in tune with who you really are. Getting back control of your life, is about regaining some sort of stability. Self love, patience and ease help you take advantage of the new opportunities that come from the changing conditions ahead.
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
Try not to react to the ego, Cancer. You feel a little pressure going into the new year and it can make it more difficult to see your true purpose. This week is about bringing new talents to the surface, you really begin to find you feet in this year ahead. The heat is turned up now and the energy around you feels somewhat insecure. If you feel not up to the task, that is exactly when you should go. Fear is false evidence appearing real, if you find yourself in the middle of a break up of what once was, try to compromise and don’t push any agenda but the truth. The Capricorn Eclipse on the 5th speaks of clarity, that same day however, Mercury squares Mars and can be the most challenging time of January for you. Don’t rush thinking and don’t jump to conclusions! Please, listen before you speak and try to assert yourself with what is. View decisions with logic now and things will fall perfectly into place, regardless if it takes a few months. Dreams that don’t work out have a funny way of showing up in another area of life, without much energy.
Leo: July 23 - August 22
Time to see things as they really are, Leo. In life things can be black and white and just as equally as you grow, you begin to notice many of our personal hurdles are very grey. You come into reality now and it feels good, you see things as they really are. This week, things begin to clear up and as realism set’s in, you see how to move forward. If a colleague no longer wishes to put in work, look to discontinue entraining that type of behaviour. Sometimes, you can be on constant guard, but essentially you are a very confident, secure sign and that is how most of us see you. Every now and then it is smart to let that guard down and embrace your vulnerable side. With doubts and fears chewing up our brain space be direct and take initiate to re-balance yourself. I know that 2019 will increase energy for you and you’ll work hard on self promotion and reaching goals. The Capricorn Solar Eclipse on the 5th will bring you some excitement and contemplation. If something pleasantly surprises you, be open minded.
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
If you are not centred now, be prepared to blow away Virgo. You have the opportunity to make great progress in your life this week, but you must align with your core essence. Don’t take on too many projects this week as life is constant changing and the essence is to remain flexible. Throughout 2019, Neptune will be opposite your dean which can make you project onto people. This can be tricky as situations appear different to what they are. Begin now to clear up any misconceptions and have faith in what will be. You feel changed in some way and very recently a nice surprise made you quite happy. The Capricorn Eclipse on the 5th will have a conservative influence and it’s earthy energy will influence you to do better. If you feel like someone is watching you oddly or making a decision that causes you to be angry, avoid the tendency to loose faith right away. Things can take some time to get better, if you feel adrift avoid lowering standards.
Libra: September 23 - October 22
Departures are necessary to gain new perspective in life, Libra. Being bold enough now will reap many benefits in the future. Inner balance takes many forms, reflect on your choices and how they’ve got you to this road. Unseen forces are helping guide you. You’re leaving behind old habits as you enter 2019, and that can only be a good thing. If you have been lacking in clarity of mind to make the right choice, you get the push now. It’s all about movement and focus, don’t look towards the end game but all viable options. You see both sides to the story and you’re ready to test new knowledge in regards to a love situation, something is gained here. You are ready to take on the next phase of life, the Capricorn Solar eclipse on the 5th put the pressure on at work. People with big ego test your patience and your goals. Take the moral high road and you’ll reach success, there is no point identifying with hostility. You’re trying to lay a solid foundation and you will make your dreams come true with sensibility.
Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
If expectations are high, don’t beat yourself up over the performance Scorpio. For every action there is a reaction and this week is about navigating through choices. If you have misjudged a situation because of past failure, forgive and move on. It seems like you're wanting freedom from feeling trapped by circumstancial scenarios. Try to get ahead and promote yourself, self confidence in the work place should be very high. If life seems more hectic and fast paced than ever before, it’s because it really is! Practice self control in changing conditions. On the 5th the Solar Partial eclipse in Capricorn increases personal power and the spirit of fun. This New Moon removes barriers and you're a valuable help to others. If you’re seeking a new love opportunity, all it takes is enthusiasm. If an experience left you mentally exhausted, take the practical, grounded approach especially to love. You have great potential for healing now and getting back out there. If someone is offering you something and you’re doubting what they’ve got - be open enough to tell them.
Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
Your love of curiosity brings new adventure, Sagittarius. Taking direct action works in your favour now, someone thinks they are doing the right thing and important words are shared. A time of reassessment comes back to haunt you, at some point you have thought about surrendering and giving up. However, there is new hope now and as a new day dawns on us, you pick back up and put effort in. The fight you’re up against, is someone who believes in themselves and their fighting spirit overwhelms. You on your own are a very courageous person, you value strength of character more than others. Holding onto a love relationship means you won’t end it on your own accord, the energy tells of an unwillingness to move forward. It seems like releasing negative thoughts of how things were in the past without prejudice is so important now. Things are getting better for you, have a little faith. We all go through ups and downs within our relationship but brining a sense of fun back changes the attitude completely. Your broad outlook on life is something to value, don’t doubt things are moving to wonderful places.
Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
If you can’t see something, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not there Capricorn. This week you have the bigger picture outlook. Life challenges are how we learn, the key is to think outside the box. You haven’t felt well connected to the realism of a life situation and past wounds show up. If there has been confusion with decisions you made, it could be because you lacked the clarity to see truly. With so much earth energy in your corner this week, you have your own personal cheerleader on your shoulder. If someone around you is going through difficulty, you see the choices they’re making as wrong. Whenever you begin something, you intend to finish it. If you have hit a road bump along the way and doubts set in, perhaps instead of thinking you’re on the wrong path, a simple analysation of the new dimension you find yourself in, will work better and with much more purpose. You’re required to be open minded and flexible as you enter a stage of uncertainty. Providing compassion can be difficult to do if you sense bad choices are being made. Mental alertness will bring excitement to daily routine, practice self control and you’ll be more adaptable to the change in the air.
Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
Something has lost it’s spark, Aquarius. There are always reasons why people behave the way they do, judgement takes the innocence away from life. Ponder on that. Make the most of this week, an opportunity that is no longer there has formed into something new. The winds of change blow hard now, something new has major appeal. your direct and your competitive side flares up now. If you feel a sense of sinister energy, and are wondering what the next problem is, try to act on your instinct. You hold stability within your group of friends, you’re the ‘in for the long haul’ type of friend, share this abundance with others. The Capricorn Solar eclipse boosts charisma and love relationships flourish. Be encouraged by social contact and let your interests broaden so that they include more of a variety. Every now and then you can fall into a judgmental pattern that even you loose sight. You have been the strong one in the past, don’t be fearful of change and let your vulnerabilities show.
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
Time to declutter your personal life, Pisces. If you’re not proactive now life can get uncomfortable when it throws you in the deep end for not coming to clean up after yourself. An opportunity for something long term appears this week, it can provide you with something that lasts forever. You’ve brought this energy to yourself and whoever is around you currently, has previously brought stability to your life, is now being reassessed. You’re getting rid of things that aren’t working in your life, be logical and clear in your approach now. You really are trying not to act out of emotion, perhaps you’re reaching a stage where you know what you want now. If you plan to cut someone out of your life, it has an air of finality to it. You will not revisit this decision once you decide to cut it out. The Capricorn Solar eclipse on the 5th makes you want to spend some time alone, make your goals less complicated so that they are easier to reach. A common sense approach is now best, foot loose and fancy free applies to you only if you put all your energy into something new.