Feel the magic in the air and the power in the breeze, life is changing all around us. As we etch closer to the festive time of year our patience can be tested. It’s an interesting week with the New Moon in Sagittarius on the 7th of December and Mercury going direct that same day. Sagittarius is the joyous sign of the zodiac, going a little extreme every now and then, blunt and to the point but that’s why we love them. With Mars and Neptune both in Pisces it is not a time to initiate new life stuff. The illusionary, deceptive energy that Pisces brings can make things seem better than they are. Watch, wait and don’t rush.
Chiron stations direct on the 8th, lots of cosmic back up comes through. There can be an element of sensitivity now, remember to take care of YOU. No matter how hard it can be, we always need to push forward. What else do we have in life, if we don’t go after the things we want. We have Venus returning to Scorpio and it forges communication between relationships. Mars is conjunct Neptune and life is still difficult and fraught with confusion and that murky, ‘ugh' stuff, but with every step we shake a little bit off.
It is a good New Moon to laugh it all off, this week with so much mutable energy, you must go with the flow. Grow with the circumstances, don’t let the boundaries limit you, get out and live the life you want; whatever that may entail. A giant re-set is coming up, now is the time for us all to collecitvely rest and recharge before we delve deeper than ever before.
May your cup runneth over..
With love,
Aries: March 21 - April 19
It’s been a long journey to get to where you need to be Aries, but you’ve finally arrived. Mars is in Pisces but soon to move back into your own sign, so this time is for pressing the pause button and just relaxing. The 3rd of the month means Venus joining your 8th house, investments and business are on the tip of your tongue. A financial situation that has to do with an ex or current partner has something to do with how you live your life. You’ve got nice stars for sexual happiness and passionate displays in life. You’re feeling a little fired up. The Sag Moon is when you should sign a contract, travel arrangements for the Christmas period are made now. If you need to forgive someone now is the time, there is a very strong energy around you and it centres around a return. If your offering an apology to someone and you’re worried about putting yourself on the line, remember the journey within yourself to understand feelings and emotions equal growth. Foreign languages may be highlighted around the 9th. It’s like a soul recognition. There is a sense this week for you of grand opportunity because of so much change that has gone on these past 4 weeks. You’re moving in new circles and the challenge is getting what you want.
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
Change is coming, Taurus. Venus your ruler moves from 6th house into your 7th, it’s all about peaceful relationships and listening to what the other person has to say. Communication is easier this week and when Mercury turns direct on the 7th, you have fresh eyes for life. The Sagittarius New Moon is about research, you’re exploring what makes you tick. Yoga and meditations work wonders now, especially if you calm any apprehensions about the incoming future. As you enter December it’s about confidence, the journey and trusting it all. You’ve experienced some anxiety these past few weeks and for someone on the outside looking in, it look’s all grand. Inside you may have crumbled a little but you can do this! You’re stronger than you know. An area in your life where you dismiss your individuality is where you loose power. The things you go through are being influenced by the moon and your 8th house. You’ve got some very big feelings for someone. If there has been a separation between you and the other, it could have left you feeling lonely. We can only loose what we cling too Taurus, so release any burdens. It is not your’s to carry.
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
You’ve been gracious with the change you’ve experienced this year, Gemini. You are the architect of your own life and you are going places regardless how it may feel. All the action this year has moved you along the path of life. You’re ready to be intimate with someone, it relates to a Virgo, Taurus or Capricorn in your life. Look back and see the distance you’ve travelled, more than ever you’re in your element. On the 3rd Venus joins your ruling planet Mercury in your 6th house. This week can be about doing what you and loving what you do. Any constructive work leads you in the right direction especially if you’re living out your dharma. When you love yourself, everything falls into your lap. New beginnings in your relationships and bring back the intimacy, a revival of energy and vitality. You have a wonderful new perspective and it grows you. You want to learn this month about life and the intricacies it holds. Great understanding comes from awareness, it helps create harmonious relationships. It is a chill week, where things should remain pretty calm. Recognise the beauty of the challenges you’ve faced, use the energy to jump through a few more hurdles.
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
The direction you’re going to take is a little uncertain, Cancer. You’re being encouraged to reflect on life as it is, this week is all about expansion and growth for many of you. Showing the world a little bit of your soulful side will really help you, you’ve had a challenging time this year and you were clutching at straws. Now, things are a little more evident to you. Very earthy energy swirling around you. You've learnt a lot about yourself this year, you must start recognising yourself without a partner present. It’s about using the energy within and shining a light on how far you’ve come. Venus is shining a light on your 5th house, this is the best placement for Venus. It means romance and entertainment are aplenty. It’s about having flair in what you do and not being afraid to show it off, don’t judge it, just do it. Engaging with the inner child enhances chance meetings. The New Moon in Sag on the 7th falls in your 6th house, don’t agree to anything until you’ve read the paper work. You’re going to be negotiating something and it only flows easier if you wait until the 9th. Be of service to others and look for new beginnings in business.
Leo: July 23 - August 22
Give your intuition the stage, Leo. Life is trying to show you your strengths, the cosmic angels are on your side. Self realisation has been tricky this year and you’ve gone through a lot of tossing and turning. You’ve been through the phases and gone back to re- try some and passed with flying colours in others. Disempowerment is only a feeling you give yourself, we control what we accept. With Venus moving into your 4th house, it is all about that festive spirit and engaging with family and friends. Some of you might be moving before Christmas, a change in environment is palpable. A reconciliation is also on the cards, I have said these past few weeks, you and a past situation keep going around in circles. The fire New Moon in Sagittarius for you is about fun, creativity, it falls in your 5th house so romance and love are the flavour of the week. There is cause for celebration now, you’ve achieved something, even if it’s a change of mind in a certain situation. The perspective we hold of ourselves is the most important of all. There is most definitely a moment coming Leo, that will show you exactly what you want and exactly how far you are willing to go to get it.
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
You’ve overcome something big, Virgo. You don’t want to worry anymore about someone or something. The energy this week is one of ‘moving forward’, you’re motivated to leave something behind. If a confrontation took place, a circumstance will arise this week that will help you see how you really feel. You’re becoming more aware of your perspective, a new way of seeing yourself is about going within. Being diligent in your responses make you more engaging, for a long time you’ve been up in your head more than present here in the real world. Venus moved into your 3rd house on the 3rd, so you can expect contracts, negotiations and business talks. After the 7th sign! Withhold for as long as possible because with Mercury about to end retrograde, the last phase is the messiest. You’ve been thinking about studying or learning something new, this week life pushes you in the right direction. The Sagittarius New Moon falls in your 4th house accentuating home, family and lifestyle. Plenty of opportunities throughout December for more grounding and the chance to come into your inner psyche.
Libra: September 23 - October 22
If there is a blessing this week, it may first seem a little confronting Libra. The internal fight is ongoing, however your energy is strong throughout December and it’s all working in the right direction, you must start believing more in your manifestations. Venus is your star, on the 2nd it renters Scorpio and its all about what you value. The talent you have is in harmonious flow with everything else going on. A good negation is coming your way whilst Mercury is still retrograde. From the 7th we have it station direct and the Sagittarius New Moon which falls in your 3rd house. Refreshing skills connects to the 3rd house and community comes together in some way. This year has been a year fraught with change, at some points you didn’t know whether you were coming or going. You need to start looking after yourself, you’ve been creating and starting up a business that many things have fallen to the background. Give yourself some space to just rest, don’t overstrain yourself with responsibilities. You’re working hard because you want to build something, it could very well even be a relationship. Things will start to fall into place like puzzle pieces this week, just don’t over do anything.
Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
You’re anticipating something really positive and it’s making you smile, Scorpio. You’re excited to embrace life and you’re looking ahead. You have some big plans and dreams, they’ve been coming into focus for some time now. You’re finally ready to act it out. Many Scorpio’s are just now seeing the bigger picture and with Venus in your sign all December, you’re feeling super intuitive. This week, stardom may be yours. The collective consciousness wants to help you, there is an unknown element to life because you are very trusting in this time of life. You’re being guided and so far, so good. A good week for completing paper work, good for moving forward with anything creative. Mercury goes direct the same day we have the Sagittarius New Moon in your 3rd house. This week will help you achieve some clarity, you’ve really started to change your mind on something and you can feel it. Venus is helping you a lot this month with abundance and cash flow so is the Sagittarius Moon. Letting anything rise into being is smart move, this week it’s is precisely about that, calculated moves that have heart behind them.
Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
It is a week of clarity, Sagittarius. You’re feeling festive celebrating your birthday and Jupiter is protecting, loving on you. There is so much to look forward to as Venus will enter your sign early next year, having renegades Venus and Jupiter working for you means only one thing, sweet surprises. Whenever you come from your heart, everything works in your favour. It’s like you’re thinking there is no going back now, you’ve turned a new page and so much wisdom on the past year has been bestowed to you. The energy this week is that you’ve gone through some turmoil with other people, letting go and moving on. Potential birthday travel this week along with job offers that take you away. You might make a shock decision thats a little unexpected and has others reeling. Moving in a new direction is a blessing and you feel the wish fulfilled in this first week of December. The New Moon in your sign on the 7th is uplifting and encouraging. Be careful of excess, don’t overdo the drinking and partying, it can hinder your progress and you want to enjoy the week not screw up the wonderful energy.
Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
The Universe is asking you to be consistent, determined and slow placed Capricorn. You have been in a situation recently that was challenging but through it, your authenticity shined and people saw once again who you really are. These past few months have been difficult, you’ve been finding your feet and life has felt new in some way. There is some great earth energy around you this week, you will be recognised and rewarded. If you’re feeling a little exhausted you will have a chance to rest soon. The rewards are practical and thats just how you like it. Balance in life is slowly being restored. Sometimes, we don’t want to see something, we shut our eyes and play games with ourselves. This first week of December is showing you the light. You’re not stuck to any certain path, engage with yourself and be truthful about the state of your life. Decisions and actions can be hard to take but nothing gets fixed, if nothing gets fixed. You are where you need to be, the faster you accept things are going right the easier it is to take the blessing on.
Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
Standing in your personal power is very much needed now, Aquarius. Beneath the surface you may have been struggling with something and it looks like you’re still in a tug of war. You’ve drawn some logical conclusions and will stick with that for now. Potentially since February, you’ve had a real hard slog. You haven’t been in control and the negotiations that went on, were not removed from emotion. The influences have brought up inner moods, that make you realise you’re actually a very emotional individual. The journey has been long but you’re here now, you’ve come through to the other side. Change in perspective helps you understand what needs release now. Things become solid this week, a relationship, a job or a change in home environment. An opportunity comes in but it is one you’ve given a lot of energy into. When a gift pops up and its perfectly aligned to what you want, take it and say yes. You’re looking to experience an awareness, perhaps about an event that left you feeling a little disempowered recently. You have courage to move in a new direction. All these things are coming into fruition because you back yourself.
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
Follow your instincts, Pisces. Life this week is about incorporating those inner feelings and turning them into wisdom. Whatever you’re experiencing now is for your higher good and absolutely part of the path. A settled feeling is the theme of the week. Even the worst experiences have beauty, the entire journey does. If a situation comes to fruition trust that karmically, everything has shifted and changed. You have a sense of victory, as you waited a while for the dust to settle in this certain situation. You understanding of your emotions is always correct, the pull inside can’t be store bought. Only you know what must be done. This week under the Sagittarius New Moon you have all the right conditions to make a name for yourself. Business puts you into the spotlight, the days that follow the 7th can be extremely influential for your professional progress. You’ve been doing the inner and outer work. It is an action orientated week with a little bit of fire energy to show you how strong you really are.