As the new week begins we find ourselves well & truly in Scorpio season. Lasting until the 22nd of November, we, as a collective are about desire. With Jupiter about to enter Sagittarius on the 8th of Nov, it’s very own sign, (!) expansion is well and truly a viable gift for all of us in the coming days and weeks. Jupiter is leaving behind the urgency and intensity of Scorpio, and you can bet we've all felt a little heated. It is important to pertain that all change is progressive change, no matter how dismal it may seem at first. Life happens to us and all things happen for all reasons. When something falls apart, it is usually because a window or door, however small, is opening up somewhere else in life. Room has to be made for newness, temperance is a beautiful thing because all feelings change eventually.
Scorpio is the sign of gentle sympathy and brutal honesty. It can be hard to see how these two could mix so effortlessly, but believe me they do. Ancient astrology refers to them as serpents, this symbol represents the conquest of self discovery and are symbolic to the behaviour and nature of a Scorpio. Not to call out Scorp’s for being sneaky, however; Scorpio’s are superb manipulators and when provoked react strong and scary. Now, as Scorpio season loves to invite us to challenge our strength, you can expect this week to really test your patience, strength and compassion. That’s ok, it be like that sometimes ;)
This week, don’t feel so jaded. Life can change in an instant, true love is real and you are climbing up the mountain. Let yourself arrive.
May your cup runneth over..
With love,
Aries: March 21 - April 19
The more open you are Aries, the better the week progresses. Uranus will go back into your sign soon until March next year, it is a final goodbye. You have made so many changes since 2011, life is feeling brand new in many ways. These last few days of October are a wonderful time for release, many possibilities in business are apparent this week. The structures and foundations of your life are out for review, a Scorpio could have been holding you back. Something may fall in your lap. New commitments are made this week. An idea that may be off the wall is great for money making, financially you need to stay calm and cool. Things are moving quickly this week and someone wants to get in touch. Someone is ready to talk and it is about time. Your anxiety can spin everything upside down, so meditate on what you want to say before you do. Take in the joy of finally hearing someone out and let your compassion shine above all else.
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
Presence is a state of no thought, Taurus. You over think and it creates havoc. Over thinking confuses you, when inside your heart, you feel clear. Your heart knows the cycle it needs to complete, stop getting in the way of that. This week, an unexpected message comes through, the energy feels very watery, so a Scorpio, Cancer or Pisces may be on your mind. The Full Moon just passed in your sign, it was a good time for expressing deeper emotions. Relationships in one way or another were a major theme these past 2 week, things are karmic. Something beautiful is on it’s way, take away guilt and pride. The Taurus full moon asked for flexibility, things happen as they are supposed too, not when you’re ready. From the 30th, to see things move forward, drop the ego. Feel the love, it is here.
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
You reveal a secret this week Gemini, something you struggled with potentially when you were younger comes back up to bite you. You are encouraged this week to let it out. Someone close to you is here for the breakthrough and they see and understand you. Something hasn’t been quite right this month, being conscious of how you feel and what you think is truly powerful, when you really engage in it. You are a humble and kind sign, your compassion towards others is always intuitive. Don’t lose that this week in the midst of this assessment. Something has to change with this energy, and usually it is related to your emotions. Don’t let your emotional baggage drown you, Jupiter in Sagittarius will turn around this energy but you’ll have to wait until the 8th of November. Some of you may be afraid to speak to a father figure in this time, be honest in your dealings with people. No matter how much time has passed, you can let go and grow.
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
You are going within to find something that is already there, Cancer. It almost feels like you didn’t realise the true emotions of a situation until it passed. It is coming forward now and even though it feels too late, it is a new beginning for you. It may feel quite psychic, as if things are coming to you now in quick motion, pieces of the puzzle complete. This week is great for cooperation, things are practical and people work easily with you. From the 30th, a story is being told. You’ve been working hard these past few weeks, a lot of effort has gone into a project and it is almost over now. You have felt strained and stressed, this energy is dispersing slowly. A lot of Crab’s that are in relationships are solidifying and strengthening things now. Weddings, babies, future plans are being talked about intimately. You are not one to shy away from this, so I think you will be happy throughout November too.
Leo: July 23 - August 22
The universe is shining a light for you, Leo. An experience from the past has weakened you, potentially an ending of a relationship whether that be romantic or friendship. It has happened and you’re carrying it around. A week of healing is upon you. You have been active but your actions haven’t made you feel harmonious. You’re feeling more aware than ever of the situation behind you and it is actually a positive place to be, it signifies healing. Going within, going deep and knowing what feelings keep you stuck and trapped are important to underline now. You are so strong and powerful, you can think yourself out of this. From the 29th, a mantra will benefit you. All it takes is encouragement to the self every day, it is as simple as repeating “I am healing” to yourself a few times a day. Do something you enjoy this week, new friends are easy to make and they sense your good heart. Let what lingers, fall to the wayside. New days are upon you.
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
Going through a period of reflection is important, Virgo. You’re contemplating potential changes and it’s a good month for it. It can feel confusing and you may feel stuck, however, the beauty is that all feelings change. It almost feels like you don’t want to accept something you know well. The decisions behind the choices you are making are interesting, to say the least. But, you are a complex, intriguing sign. Your commitment to something is unwavering, being so reliable is logical to you but maybe the commitment is wrong. You feel what you want within, there is a small voice and it speaks with you. Don’t silence it. If it is talking about love, business or friendship it is important. The 31st, a week after the Taurus full moon has an undertone of seriousness. Clarity, communication and connections are main themes. Taking action on an inner knowing is something you don’t exercise often, throughout November you will have the chance to really tap into your psychic abilities.
Libra: September 23 - October 22
A slow journey this year, Libra. You’ve made a break from something and it’s been a long process to come out of it. The changes we must go through because of our foundations and their inability for stability come to light. You’ve been in a long cycle of self improvement and for some of you this is continuing, but movement has been made. The box no longer fits. You could be in the pattern now of ‘I can’t believe i used to think like this’, that is great and everyone is sensing your progress. If you have felt stuck this year, in a relationship or just in general, know that many people around the globe connect with you. With Jupiter about to enter Sagittarius soon, November will feel like a breath of fresh air. A lightbulb moment is coming this week. It is time to go in the direction you know is right. What you think and what you know are two sides of the same coin, now that you’ve gained some insight to life and this year’s vortex, get some movement happening. New energy is spilling in, if you’ve felt left out in the cold, it is done now.
Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
Reunions and reconciliations are possible this week, Scorpio. I see your smile from here. The universe is trying to draw your attention to something, most likely to do with emotions. If you have felt stuck this year, this can change throughout November but you need to have conviction. Conviction for others and for yourself, you have been blinded by the negative thoughts you replay. You are able. You are more than capable. Real connections you have with people are tangible, both parties feel it. Trust in your magnetism. Many Scorp's need to recognise that to overcome this, you need to leap forward and stop looking behind. Many of you are reconsidering something and it is related to potential fire signs; Aries, Sagittarius and Leo. Very strong reconciliation vibes come through this week, whether you like it or not, someone is truly making a bee line for you. With your Birthday month well and truly on, paranoia and worry melt away. You’ve got to take the opportunity and walk through the door, be more open, be more truthful, whatever you feel individually you need to front up for. There is integrity in truth!
Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
You’ve come into some serious realisations, Sagittarius. Things feel clear as day and you’re coming to terms with the way you let others treat you. This is all to help you, however confronting it may be. A hard pill to swallow when things sort of flash before your eyes and it’s too late to work through it. It is too late for apologies and I don’t feel like you’re the one doing the apologising. If you have been wronged, let the embrace of home and family strengthen you now. Unless, of course the confrontation is familiar. It could very well be some family troubles bubbling up and kind of exploding now. Saggi’s are committed, since September your eyes have been opened. You are responsible for your happiness, you are the only person who can stand in your truth, I don’t know how else to say it but you see this and you know this. You are coming into your authentic self and letting your voice be heard. Something is new in your immediate environment and it can take getting used too. Perhaps, it is a new way of thinking. We all have feelings of unfulfillment now and then, it is the nature of humanity but never stop knowing that you are stronger and smarter that you know.
Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
You’re about to learn something, Capricorn. A new beginning is looming and it is time. Clarity, understanding and communication come out to the forefront. If you have asked a question recently, the answer is yes. This week, as you come into awareness embrace emotions. Lately, you’ve been very good at understanding how someone else is feeling, you’re picking up what their putting down. Listening to the inner knowing inside of you is something you should use more often, it always serves you well. Taurus energy from the Full Moon last week is lingering and it feels like differences are accentuated now. If you’re dating someone diverse, the vibe is to keep going, teaching each other and learning together makes growth continuous. New beginnings are the theme in November. The cosmic energies are supporting this, and a heartfelt apology of sorts may be issued to you. You’re committing to something you feel passionate about even though it might not make logical sense right now. If you’ve misjudged a situation, justice will be served now.
Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
Life could be feeling a little ironic, Aquarius. This month has been challenging and you've had to show your strength. The universe showed you where you were weak and you've come out the other side of the tunnel. If you were trying to stop something from happening, you may now be reeling from it coming true. What you do effects other people. This week's questions; Where do you put your energy? Is it ego? Is it to make others happy?. Stop putting energy into something that is not serving you, not even a little. It could be business and the fact that you're not getting ahead in a certain project. If something made you feel weak at the Taurus moon last week, let those around you support you. If you reached a milestone in October, take the time to pat yourself on the back. If you're not seeing a situation clearly, this week will open your eyes. Many Aqua's could be feeling exhausted, & it's for good reason, although this year has been unassuming, its taken a lot from you. The universe is here to help you, it's on your side and it is always showing you there are people who believe in your dream.
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
Something that you’ve been waiting to realise, hits you now Pisces. It could do a lot with a past relationship, betrayal or disempowerment. Sometimes we think back to the past and are bewildered with thoughts of ‘was that me, is that still me’. Allow yourself to feel human, all of us have our ‘things’. You’re coming into your awareness this week and it’s freaking awesome! You’re growing and you can feel it. You recognise your love for someone and it changes what you do and how you live from now on. Don’t let go of a creative idea, it is exciting and fruitful. This last week of October, zones in on someone of a higher social status, potentially a man who is helping you. You are climbing the business ladder and opportunities for promotion are growing. Jupiter your co-ruler, is about to change signs into Sagittarius which is super helpful in giving you a big push to keep going. Bring the light Pisces as you always do, everything else will fall into place.