To know your truth is to be content with your own experience. November shapes us for things to come in 2019. The entire tune whistles differently this month as Jupiter moves into Sagittarius, Uranus is in Taurus, Mercury turns retrograde for the final time this year, Venus slips back into Libra making us romantic, creative and extra charming. Mars moves into Pisces. We feel radical, big changes in relationships, almost an alert sign going off!
On the journey we don’t have answers, we have to trust and follow our intuition and enjoy the road. The direct experience we are feeling now is, life as it is. The truth tastes like freedom, you don’t have to question when you ask, you feel the answer when it is spoken. Jupiter in Sagittarius is the classic quote of ‘the grass is greener’ - it’s how we piece together what this is all about. We’re on the road less travelled into the new year of 2019. This week, prepare for the Scorpio New Moon on the 7th which is in positive vibrations with Neptune.
May your cup runneth over..
With love,
Aries: March 21 - April 19
It is time to rest and recharge, Aries. Mars your ruling planet is set to change signs into Pisces on the 15th of November, so you’re about to feel very lazy. The Scorpio moon will pour some positive energy into a rather ‘yawn’ type of week. It is all about emotions and feelings which can slow down a fire sign like yourself. This week try to be a pioneer among those around you. Great time to teach, learn or upgrade skills. Friendship fills a large place in the emotional life of an Aries. In regards to a specific friend, you don’t have all the information just yet. Receiving money or support is possible this week, especially from your partner. You’re feeling more tolerant and understanding, you’re charming to those around you. Venus goes back into Libra and a contract that may have been disrupted comes back to be completed.
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
It’s nice to be sentimental but don’t cling onto it, Taurus. The new moon in Scorpio will be supportive and loving in regards to existing relationships, it’s as if a fresh start is possible everywhere you look. You need to release some emotional blockages that are coming up. You don’t like to let go of past memories. November can make many Taurean’s feel uplifted. More outreach in a creative project and a deal goes through, this will be Jupiter’s gift. Mothers and elderly female figures will be important this week, as Venus will move into your 6th house. In regards to work and business competitions, results come through, if you communicated correctly you will be satisfied. You will start to see results in health/diet now the 6th is illuminated. This week, appreciate feeling balanced in general and more normal.
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
Friendship changes are apparent now, Gemini. You are bringing new people in your life and letting others go. The Scorpio new moon means it’s time for rejuvenation. Jupiter enters your 7th house this week and brings with it good fortune. Gemini, you have much positive energy this week especially in health, bask in the glow. Jupiter and Mercury bring light and information to some misbalance. Something is improved this week and good results are seen at work, first part of November for you, is always about relationships. If you have manifested positively, November is going to be such smooth sailing. Romance and fun feel like themes now; entertainment, performance, mystique. Venus is in it’s own sign, something you’ve already been working on remerges and gains a fresh audience. This week, you put the finishing touches on.
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
Romantic start to the week, Cancer. November sparks an idea to explore something completely new. Perhaps, creative performances bless you in many ways. If you’re feeling triggered, try not to do anything out of the ordinary that can create breakdowns. It seems as though someone is depending on you, you don’t want to let them down, but you need to do what works for you. If a family situation was out of whack, something improves. Venus in Libra always creates harmony in the home, especially being in your 4th house this week. You really want to focus on something small and intimate. Redecorating or moving someplace new might be on the cards this week. It is about re-balancing yourself as you’ve felt a little off kilter lately. Also, these next few days might see you revisiting a place, emotionally you will begin to feel more peaceful; sometimes going home can be just as powerful as deep exploring.
Leo: July 23 - August 22
This week requires attention to things you may have put on the back burner, Leo. Your 3rd house is accentuated especially when Venus goes retrograde, someone from the past gets in touch with you. Someone is really thinking about you and how they may have screwed it up. If you feel overwhelmed try and streamline. The more focus you have on outer hobbies, the better you’ll fare this week. If you’re looking to make a change in your life, keep a quiet eye out for opportunities. Tension gets rebalanced and team work is effortless, you may be asked to collaborate on a project, especially; writing, speaking, advertising. You may be going on a trip this month, regardless if it's small it will revive you. Media and communications are themes this week, you could be in the spotlight and it feels like your name gets mentioned frequently when you’re not around. All good things, so take a breather and march on.
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
Your work this week Virgo, is to make one or two decisions that increase your well being and peace of mind. Jupiter and Mercury’s conjunction will trigger work affiliates and partnerships. You receive some news and it fits into the puzzle, you’re feeling very practical and trying to get all yours ducks in order. Something could of shocked and surprised you recently and you’re now coming to terms with it and feeling positive, even excited. Venus moves into your 2nd house so resources and balanced finances come up. You are thinking of value and investing. You’re thinking for the long term now, you and your partner are reworking the dynamics in your relationship and its ok, it will be better for both of you in the long run. You are treasuring the time you have this week as it won’t be like this for much longer. Don’t get nostalgic, what is coming is better than what is gone.
Libra: September 23 - October 22
In general, November is likely to turn up the volume of your life, Libra. This week though, financial gifts manifest, family and close people around you are important now. The 2nd house is lit up, so it’s about the family we create ourselves. Who do you let in? Who know’s you when words are not enough. Recognise your secret resources, faith, intention and determination. Venus goes into your sign, retrograding back into your sign means big shifts in consciousness. If you’ve felt moody, it has to do with self image. You’re looking to get rid of a behaviour that harms you, balance is coming throughout November. Jupiter and Mercury in your 2nd house are good for finances. It’s about you this week more than any other sign, so something personal is on the cards. Embrace surprises that pop up on the road of life, they are usually the destined gifts we are bestowed with, and can look back on in awe down the line.
Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
The law of attraction is always at work in our life, but this week its especially working its magic for you Scorp. Its been a fruitful year and this week is a good opening to new beginnings in your life, the 1st house is lit up and sparkling. Some clarity on the direction you intend to go in the future is unveiled. Venus enters your 12th house and the pressure eases, relationships seem to be more stable now. Although you've worked hard to get it here, you’re feeling like retreating. Healing yourself emotionally is doubled when you have a good foundation from which to jump. Contracts take more time to come through, a good week to ask for a holiday break at christmas period. A secret comes to light this week, something that was about escaping reality. Something you’ve forget about comes back to resurface, and perhaps a woman this week is really helpful. Timing is important now, in general this week you enjoy doing something spiritual. Prayers, meditaitons of sorts benefit you now.
Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
Huge potential for you this week as Jupiter enters your own sign, Sag. You are on a travelling road, embrace it. Jupiter and Mercury manifest travel and powerful dreams. The message you’re receiving this week is about higher knowledge, you are feeling psychic. Liberated from a secret, it is not painful anymore. Take in what is. Jupiter is in your 12th house, be weary of business partnerships and someone keeping something from you. Agreements, contracts, a lot of important information comes to light this week. Venus in your 11th house early this week, making new acquaintances and reconnecting with old friends. You’re kicking goals and Venus in November is manifesting money for you. Gains become visible from the 2nd week of November but it is something you’ve been working on regularly. This doesn’t just fall out of the sky, you’ve been putting in work and now you’ll reap the rewards.
Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
This week, life gives you many reasons to feel optimistic, Capricorn. Personal advancement is likely to bring a smile to your lips. Profits, receiving something from your efforts, titles and honours are in 11th house this week for you, you’re gaining something superb. Good times with friends and happy social events take place this week. Trust that things are working out just as they should. Try to relax and continue moving forward with life as Venus enters your 10th house, especially if you feel a little scattered. Improvement in work situations are viable and help from those above you come in hot and heavy. Reputation and recognition move your status up, you love the sound of that. Your desire for connection is strong within your relationships, be as involved as you can in intimate life. You have to work extra hard throughout November, stay alert for anything that captures your attention.
Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
With Mars still in Aquarius and much movement cosmically, you are in a time of growth. You have taken a lot of stress on lately, you’re more reactive that usual. Let it slide, nothing is that serious. Moving forward with projects is important now, don’t postpone otherwise you’ll never get it done. Social status and being noticed is apparent now, something good is happening here. Authority figures are taking a liking and you’re manifesting leadership qualities that people love to lean on. Career is mainly the theme this week and you’re preoccupied with that. Venus is retrograde in your 9th house in Libra, so it is positive even though it is backwards. From the 15th, foreign countries will be important, perhaps a place you went to recently - vision for the future on how to get back there emerge. You have clarity and direction, when an Aquarius is feeling inspired, nothing in this world can stop them from the top. Someone who is familiar comes to help you this week, it’s nice to lean on others every now and then.
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
Things tend to come in twos now, Pisces. In general, this week is best handled with diplomacy. And, if you have two decisions ahead of you, go with the one you dream most about. Jupiter and Mercury manifest in your 9th house from last week; teaching, visualising, a higher dimension for the future opens. You’re seeing a new direction to life, don’t be hesitant to follow it. Someone from a different country could be very helpful in seeing your star rise now. A much more optimistic week, Venus turns into your 8th house for most of November. Something is returned to you this week, perhaps a ring you thought you lost. A repayment of some sort comes on the Scorpio Moon.Your moods may swing, so don’t push yourself. Deciding to let the universe take care of the finer details, leaves you with much more space to dream and I know you prefer it that way. Keeping a low profile now is also much better, especially when working on something close to your heart. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, it will be great! It will be grand!