Hi, It's been a while.
I’m glad you could join me. For me, Astrology is an ancient art. One that can help us evolve and reach our full potential. I appreciate the idea that stars move in certain ways and obey certain designs and patterns. In my personal quest to investigate the mysteries of the cosmos, I have found myself deeply immersed in Astrology. My hopes in writing these weekly horoscopes for you, is to guide you to catch a glimpse of an individual’s basic characteristics, flaws, fears and the perfect imperfections that make us, us. I hope by analysing the position of the planets, the Sun and the Moon, I can show you where the wave is taking you. Mastering oneself raises the frequency higher and restores harmony.
This year the universe has taught us that in order to get anywhere, we must leap. Jeff Kober’s words ring in my ear as I think how far many of us have come and how far we are yet to go. To paraphrase his quote I hold so dear, Jeff said something along the lines of; "The universe operates on a fairly simple and simple to understand basis. Trusting our experience and getting a nudge from the universe that says ‘go here’ and then just going, trying, seeing, doing and leaping. And, if we don’t like it, we simply leap again.”
Earlier this year, in August, we had 6 planets retrograding. Elimination, power, break down, break through, pain and love were themes we all felt in one way or another. September came and went and Saturn turned direct and the number went from 6 planets to 3 retrograding. A far cry from where we’ve been and yet, there is still a lot going on. This month especially, around relationships and the choices you make in the lead up to the Taurus Moon conjunct Uranus on the 24th. With Venus in the mix also opposing Uranus, it’s time again to focus on change and expect things you never thought possible.
This week, you think you know how the story is going to end, but you don’t. You can see that we are getting into deep waters and this isn't even the beginning. We are all often unaware of the effect we have on others. Let that stick with you as you begin the week..
May your cup runneth over..
With love,
Aries: March 21 - April 19
You have a smart mouth, Aries. Then again, anyone worth knowing, knows you have a heart of gold to go with it. This week leave no stone unturned. Usually, the first weeks of October have you feeling shiny. All of your best traits come through. You'll be energetic, forceful and outgoing. Perhaps, September had you feeling hurt. Silently aching, something was amiss. Everything is temporary in this life, this week let that be a reminder. A relationship is on your mind, but you’re not feeling so positive about it. Tone down the flightiness, let the period of tension ease. Decisions feel karmic, whoever you're up against, there is history between you. Remember, the more love we give away to others, the more we get in return.
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
Small victories abound this week, Taurus. As a fixed sign in October, it usually means someone is coming in fast and aggressive for you, in the best possible way. Potentially someone from your past, a Virgo or a Pisces it could be. Keep your eyes peeled, in the work place someone is really showing you what they think. Prepare for threat, and while the opportunity is available, take it. Remember, that a Bull can look a tornado in the eye. You have a strong instinct to nurture, conserve, safeguard around the 24th. The moon in your sign is showing you that there is deep wisdom in just letting it be.
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
A lot of attention is on you this week, Gemini. Tame the inner chaos and it will help get your groove back. Time to step into it, whatever that may be for you personally, I know you’ll know what I’m referring too. Someone has put you on a pedestal and you’re finding it hard to act out their fantasy. The trouble is not so much in the individual but in the reality of not being entirely sure which face belongs here. This is where Gemini greatly differentiates from Scorpio, many Gem’s seldom know which of their split personalities is the real one. This week, commit. Commit to the real one. To learning, teaching, knowing and letting go.
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
Fire between heartbeats can be felt this week, Cancer. Your needs should be held above anyone else’s, are you adhering to that? As Venus has been retrograde from the 6th of this month, ruling your finances and relationships let tenacity be your word for the next month. It is really time to take responsibility for yourself. Past loves usually come back while Venus turns backwards. Those three important needs must be met; sympathy, serenity and security. Turn away from vulnerability and focus on what you enjoy. The Full Moon falls in your 11th house, friendships and how they cooperate. Always pay attention to trouble in situations related to beginnings, that will tell you all you need to know.
Leo: July 23 - August 22
Someone could be holding back from you this week, Leo. You’re tying to get to someone but a block of sorts is manifesting. Try not to cling onto past emotions. I feel like you’re sticking by someone very closely, let it go and with that free, the relationship can transform into something new. Something better. By touching the wound of someone else, you sense your own pain. Metaphorically speaking, of course. Venus retrograde brings a deal back, a renegotiation. Be on top of your finances. The Full moon will fall in your 10th house, shining a light on life direction and career. Perhaps, a big change. It seems as though its been coming all month, you won’t be surprised by what comes next. You’re ready to do that thing you have been thinking of. Watch as it begins to change for the better from the 25th.
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
You’re growing, Virgo. Venus has taken a close look at your relationships in these 6 weeks as it retrogrades. You’re getting all worked up over home, this can be an old story you tell yourself. For you, belonging is important. We’ve also just come out of Mars retrograde, through this craziness, internal peace is so imperative. Keeping reactions calm and understanding our shadow side can be eye opening. Release emotions without working up someone close to you. Virgo’s are creatures of habit. Common sense is second nature to you. New possibilities for business this week. Mercury, Virgo's ruler will go direct soon, so embrace the things you are. Sincere, loyal and dependable. This week, taking things/people for granted is a habit. A bad one.
Libra: September 23 - October 22
A week of reflection, Libra. One thing I know about Libra's is they must have peace and harmony in their immediate environment. So much so, you can shut yourself off to the outside world if turmoil is boiling up inside. What I mean is, even though Libra is a social and personable sign, they can have a hard time opening up to people around them. The planets have been doing a merry dance in the night sky over these few months, Mercury joined Jupiter on the 10th hurting your finances. It also likes to finger point and place the blame on others, be a grown up in this time and own your share. The Full Moon is in your 8th house, shining a light on intimacy and if you’ve opened enough doors to yourself recently, detachment when things don’t go your way can be a scary side to you, recognise that the world is here to help you, not hinder.
Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
An interesting week, Scorpio. You can depend on your typical ambitious tendencies now. But, drop the frequent suspicions things are too good to be true. Forgiveness is the magic key to every Scorpio difficulty. A deal you may have worked on a while ago, comes back. You want to declare something in regards to love, a heart to heart of sorts, in true Pluto fashion; make it brief, direct and to the point. Genuine communication shows courage, it will create significant change and you will feel it immediately once this conversation is had. Drama, You love it, we all know it. The universe is wanting to reward you. Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd, positive energy will be pouring later in the month. Followed by the Taurus Moon the very next day, don’t disguise your desire.
Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
You can’t sit still, Sagittarius. With Venus retrograde, you’re influenced by someone from your past. It could be super healing and a stepping stone into the next chapter of life. Whatever the circumstances are, I hope they make you happy. The larger the challenge, the brighter the fire in your eyes. Be consistent, be persistent this week. It will keep you on the straight and narrow. You will notice a sense of ease from the 21st. Don’t lose interest so quickly, just because your vision is expansive doesn’t mean someone/something can’t fulfil it. The Full moon is in your 6th house, centres around physical wellbeing. Being a mutable sign, allocate more time to dance, movement, meditation, anything that breaks you out from the norm of every day life.
Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
Unfinished business could be the name of the game, Capricorn. You’re re-evaluating right now; your 10th house has been lit up and a new course in your career is likely. Networking with a wider group of people is inspiring. You’re completing a cycle this week, something is changing in your romantic life and its not necessarily bad. It seems you're mulling over something. You’re moving slow in a relationship, but you like it this way, at least you're sure. Perhaps, you’re thinking for the future. The Moon in Taurus will light up goal planning. Dream big. Going within is important for you, but if you’ve taken time out recently, get out and show the world what you've been creating. You love to show people what you're made of, this week the spotlight is all yours.
Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
Aquarius, it seems as though you’re recovering from something. A signal comes through quite clearly for me, that a closing of a situation was needed to break free from someone or something, you became too dependant of. Now, you’re over analysing you’re previous position. You’re in love. Someone from your past is really bugging you, you want to open up to them but circumstances are not letting you. You also carry burden, break it down. Throw it out, it is of no use. Two options this year have been probable, and now your minds been made. Reach out to a mentor for advice, stay connected to the wisdom that everything is coming in exactly it's right time.
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
You’ll know it when you see it, Pisces. With Venus retrograding in our love sectors until mid November, the past is present. Mars is in your 12th house, so expression is imperative to your health. You might be feeling emotional in existing relationships, don't be afraid of honest communication. It helps heal, you walk free. A new opportunity in learning is possible now, you reach a higher, wider level. It's been a long time coming. Get out of over analysing. Pisces, its time to move forward. You know it, I know it. You can be easily provoked by your immediate environment that you're jumping at shadows this week. Chill. Relax. Don't repress anything, just say it how you feel it. That's why we love you.