‘The most spiritual human beings, assuming they are the most courageous, also experience by far the most painful tragedies: but it is precisely for this reason that they honour life, because it brings against them its most formidable weapons.’ - Friedich Nietzsche

Leo Season roars through it’s trip around the Sun - naturally gifting us all with a little more confidence, self-expression and joy. We are all ascribing to new views about nature, state and society. Times are tough, there is no doubt in that and each of us is navigating our own set of challenges. But, I feel like I say this every month. Leo in general takes the mood up a notch - it’s really about reaching that climatic transformational level. After all, it is the Sun - and our earth moves and revolves around its orbit. Although Leo is personable, gregarious and unique - within them lies a ‘higher morality’ that does critique even the most distinguished. This makes the month of August subject to certain characteristics - especially available to us if we choose to walk the path of self realisation. Leo’s purpose, through the zodiac, is to journey toward the ‘divine’ - engage in its pain, beauty and misery - and come out the other side. It also rules the 5th house - the house of pleasure, confirming that to remain ‘playful’ is key to grasping the true nature of reality. Leo’s heart creates and sustains experiences that are at the evolutionary process of unfolding. Leo radiates life. That is August’s mantra. 

Let’s talk about the most important transits - on the 8th/9th a New Moon in Leo merges with the Sun and Mercury (both in Leo) symbolising strong personal identity, independence and renewal. There is a very tense aspect to Uranus in Taurus but the larger developments that occur touch on the magic of the lions gate portal. Every year in the middle of Leo Season, Sirius (the star of mastery) rises and becomes visible over the eastern horizon. The 8/8 symbolises the infinite, cosmic nature of numerology present within everyday life. Every year on the 8th day of the 8th month, there is an active alignment occurring between the physical world and the spiritual one. This peak of power lasts until the 12th of August, so try and live your highest vibration in the following days. Think good thoughts, do good deeds, love thy neighbour and unshackle yourself. Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron and the North Node are all retrograde - we can be feeling insecure early on in the month, but try hard to hide it. Venus moves into its home sign, Libra on the 16th, bringing harmony and good fortune to intimate connections. We’re more appreciative for what we do have - and we can appear gentle regardless of our current situation. Mars is in Virgo, driving ambition, intelligence and the need to progress. Chiron in Aries corresponds to global reckoning, and many of us are actively seeking to settle old accounts. In the words of the Maharshi “There are no levels of reality; only levels of experience for the individual”. That in a sentence perfectly encapsulates this month's theme..

On the 18th, Jupiter and Chiron meet in a semi-square. This is the second meeting of three that occurs throughout 2021, the last one happening in November. This aspect is primal and it’s interesting it happens 10 days after the lion’s gate portal. There is a huge tie to karmic lessons, past lives, self-improvement and the bridge we all come to - between the spiritual and the physical. Chiron can be pessimistic and dark at times, urging us to look at the disproportioned side of humanity. Jupiter is much more mellow, and Aquarius chooses healing. We can be projecting a false livelihood during this time mid-month, or perhaps just in a serious fantasy. Regardless, this transit does give way to some serious energy for action. Choose expansion in all its forms, but mostly in how you speak to yourself. 

Uranus (known as the Great Awakener) is in the feminine sign, Taurus until 2026, and will turn retrograde the very next day - making the 18th/19th/20th potent for authenticity. Shifts will naturally begin to occur now as Uranus is toppled on its head, bringing the tangible into effect and marking the beginning of a more conscious, sustainable, organic approach to lifestyle, food consumption and general wellbeing. Uranus does retrograde every year, and is not something to fear - instead it can push us to giant personal growth, as we face up to internal challenges and changes we need to make. Events happening around the 22nd, tie in well to what was occurring for us at the end of July. Known as a Blue Moon, this is the second Aquarius Full Moon in a 29 day cycle. Both July and August’s Full Moon in Aquarius are closely linked to the February 11th New Moon. Aligning with Jupiter and Saturn, life’s occurrences can feel deeply spiritual, intimate and perceptive. In a sense, people are becoming aware of that ‘which already is’. The Full Moon occurs on the last day of Leo Season, meaning that the Sun and Moon are in opposition. Aquarius and Leo are the axis of ego - this makes them rather captivating. As fixed signs they share compatible elements - fire and air, confirming that this Moon will stimulate spontaneous enthusiasm for the ‘other’. Enjoying someone for their completely opposite, compelling life approach can greatly influence some of us now and overall, there is a very positive, very freeing mood to this Moon. Mars makes a trine to Uranus' driving desire, we can be especially daring, perhaps sending a risky text or finally making that call on someone or something.

The next day Virgo season begins, and external pressures can mount. There can be some conflict or crisis we have to avert throughout Virgo’s run and we won’t feel as instinctual as we did early on in the month. On the 30th, Mercury leaves Virgo for Libra and enjoys the social presence and diplomatic nature of this air sign. We can be effective in our communication, cunning and flirtatious even. There is something rather fair-minded about Mercury in Libra and we choose to stay out of crude and callous arguments or conflicts. Libra knows it’s ‘my way or the highway’, so they don’t stick around too long when they feel their authority being questioned. This month is about liberation, and on a deeper level about value - where we place it and how we hold it. Our inner world is full of phantoms, the will is one of them. Sometimes it is absent when we need it most, sometimes it surfaces with our consciousness. At this present moment, don’t be too casual about things, instead choose responsiveness. This will create a transparent energy to you, leaving everything and anything on the table.

Peace, Love and see you next month…..


Aries: March 21 - April 19

Creative solutions, Aries. That is the name of August’s game. You’ve faced many high’s and low’s throughout the last few months, and the challenge to remain confident on your path forward has gone a little askew. For some of you there has been a pressure to perform, to succeed, for others - it has been more intimate, like a long lost lover you assumed would return to you one day, and now face the very real circumstances of them moving on for good. You’re going through a bout of revolutionary challenges, and they oppose your heart and head. The divide rails you off road, but the full impact of this cycle is actually here to show you something much greater than what you believed to be true. August begins with both Mercury and the Sun opposing Saturn, leaving you to feel burdened by certain observations. There is a lot being stirred up for you in the season of Leo.. but mainly you tend to focus on the importance of the 5th house over these next few days. Mars is in your 6th house until late in the month, focusing on responsibilities you have to yourself. Measuring up to expectations features heavily with the 6th house, and you need to acquire the tools to overcome these tribulations. There can be conflicts with friends as you notice some very awkward differences, but for you growth and development are now at the forefront of what you choose to do. Don’t stick around if you don’t like what you see. 

A Leo New Moon meets Mercury is in your romantic 5th house, activates new paths to open in your life on the 8th. Recommitting yourself to a person, plan or network can be in your best interests. Nurture others but give them permission to also nurture you. If love is taking an unusual turn for you, be mindful of compensating and putting out false realities. Sometimes, we have to learn to let things be. Pluto is empowering in Capricorn, adjusting you to a mature outlook. From the 16th, Venus graces your 7th house of commitment and relationships. You are charming mid-month, using it to your advantage to make up for lost time somewhere else. The 7th house is always willing to choose affection, compromise and peace. Are you? Everything is more prominent in the latter part of the month, as you try hard to remain objective. An Aquarius Full Moon demands attention on the 22nd/23rd, merging with Saturn in your house of friendship. It’s all about the people that matter to you. The ones who will show up when you are feeling a little upside down. On the 31st, Mercury meets with Venus in your 7th house of love. You will be interested in security and stability - especially after the 22nd when the Sun enters Virgo. Earth energy works well for you, but Virgo rules mental health and anxiety, so with this comes a whole range of business propositions and promotions. As we come into September, you’ll feel more ambitious to get it!

Dates to watch; 3rd, 11th, 20th, 31st.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

You come to appreciate routine, Taurus. August can feel dramatic at times but you choose to invest your time in secure familiarity, seeking out the privacy of those who know you best. Times have been tough over the last 6 months, as you’ve traversed back and forth through a long-standing issue with a partner or family member. August both builds and breaks apart this situation you find yourself in, so the first 3 weeks of the month will be more quiet and slow, exactly what you need. Mars and Venus join together in your 5th house of creativity and fertility, working in harmony with your love life. You will feel more creative, choosing to upgrade perspective and situations instead of staying tied to what you previously thought. The incredible thing about humans is that we are free to change our mind at any given time, use this to your advantage now. A New Moon in Leo merges with the Sun, shifting into your 4th house of home and family members, aligning with that urge to interact. You continue to play around with new ideas, but it’s important not to force anything. 

Draw on your easily accessible talents on the 11th, and you may make serious headway. On the 17th, Venus moves into Libra and the 6th house aligning you to better health and emotional expression. There is empowerment through taking your career seriously, and mid-month may revolve around collaborations and cooperation. The 6th house will also have a look at your mental health status, sorting clutter within your psyche is an important part of this transit. There is more activity than usual, and you may have more contact with authority figures. From the 30th, Mercury will also join the 6th house - which it rules, making it an excellent time to be detail orientated. Uranus has been in your sign for some time, and will continue on for some more - on the 19th, it begins its yearly retrograde 5 month cycle. Over the course of the last few months, you’ve been more direct and attracted to transparent people - this is because when Uranus is in direct motion, in your sign, there is a sense that you’re on the precipice of something big - something cutting edge. A 2nd Full Moon in Aquarius shows up on the 22nd, working with Jupiter in your 10th house of career. This can be an extremely assertive position for you, and self-confidence is well received at this time. Be enthusiastic for other people's wins, it will help you in the future. 

Dates to watch; 8th, 11th, 17th, 22nd, 30th. 

Gemini: May 21 - June 20

Don’t be too rigid about how things should proceed, Gemini. August can invite you to walk away from arguments that lead to anger and angst. At times in our life, walking away from those people who deliberately choose to put us down or undermine our peace is really the only way forward. A burst of energy ripples throughout your life in these early days, as things feel fresh and curiosity is awakened. Mars is in your 4th house inviting you to think deeper on home and family matters for most of the month, and you tend to diversify your focus on a few different people. There have been some difficult moments with the cohesion of a family ‘unit’ and most likely you’ve had to bear the brunt. This means that the first half of the month can feel quite emotional, illuminating a decision that needs to be made closer to September. A Leo New Moon joins the Sun and Mercury in your 3rd house, meaning that business negotiations can begin. You’re happy to collaborate and give others the benefit of the doubt, yet the 3rd house may have other plans in store. The 3rd house is very good at exposing fake people/situations - and what happens around this date may confuse the identity of something you thought was rock solid. 

On the 17th, Venus joins Libra, your sister sign, in your 5th house of fertility, romance and joy. You can expect to feel playful, so enjoy the circumstances you find yourself in. Themes around security and privacy can connect to the 5th house, as you wish to retreat with someone who leaves you feeling harmonious. You will be charming under this influence, desirable even. A new love opportunity may present itself to those who are single, with another Gemini or Aquarius. Jupiter in your house of people and places signifies that this individual could be really out of the box, even for you. This particular friendship could take you well and truly to January 2022, so whoever you meet now has some miles to traverse with you. On the 19th, Uranus stations retrograde, where it will also stay until Jan next year. You are leaning more than ever into an authentic way of life, feeling unapologetic for the things you do like and the choices you do make. The Full Moon in Aquarius is the second in a row, and will occur in your 9th house of ‘journeys’. You can take a break from routine around these dates, and refresh yourself by starting up something new. It’s simple - like trying tennis with friends, or going to a painting class. Something for you to gain a wider picture on your life, and where your ever-changing interests may lie. 

Dates to watch; 2nd, 12th, 23rd, 27th.

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

If you’ve been waiting for a green light, maybe this message could be it, Cancer. You’ve tried hard to break away from the road you were going down, but somehow, someway - you keep coming back to a person, a place or a poison. August can be refreshing, if you don’t believe everything you hear and are cautious about making assumptions. The month has good potential for business and routine, and yet you’re seeking more than what you currently have. Mars encourages your 3rd house for most of the month, enhancing your network and making you known to people who ‘matter’. Skills, hobbies and communication styles will be refined, as you step out with a different set of intentions. There is an element of possession here - especially when Venus enters your 4th house of family from the 16th. Before all of that however, we have an unexpectedly sweet and sexy Leo New Moon, for you occurring in your not so sexy 2nd house of finance. There will be some sort of negotiation in regards to contracts and/or ongoing business deals. Merging with the Sun and Mercury here, it’s very much about attracting a certain type of ideal situation, with very minimal work. You place value now in luxury, comfort, beauty and status - and your immediate friendship group seems to be key in climbing the ladder. 

With Jupiter and Saturn in resourceful Aquarius pushing you to achieve, you can feel like an emotional cry-baby at times. Their impressive influence over you stays until December 12th, so it’s important to get used to the constructive criticism both planets dish out. All month you choose simple pleasure, you’ll take your kicks where you can get them. Know what I mean? The latter part of the month gets busier, as people come to expect more of you. Your attention span can feel short, favouring excitement over anything substantial. Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus on the 19th, where it will stay until Jan next year. You can use this period to go back into yourself, stop impulsive spending and eradicate restless, hedonistic behaviours. Uranus is the wild child of the zodiac, but Taurus prefers heart - over head. A Full Moon in Aquarius rounds off the month rather creatively by shifting into your 8th house of mystery and union. This is known as a Blue Moon because it is the second one in a 29 day cycle, following from July. Financial matters can come to a head, maybe you’ve been spending way more than you should. Or it could be that you owe someone and they come looking for you making things highly uncomfortable. Either way, in the 8th house debts must be paid - in all forms. You also may be looking for intimacy in silly places, something the 8th house succumbs too when it feels lonely or misguided. Reach out to people who connect you back to your authentic nature - don’t just hang around ‘yes’ people. 

Dates to watch; 3rd, 8th, 13th, 19th, 22nd. 

Leo: July 23 - August 22

Happy Birthday, Leo. August looks rather cheeky for you, and there are some good prospects if you’ve chosen well in the past 3 months. When it’s your season for celebration you can feel rather popular, as if everything revolves around you. Early on, it does - with Mercury, the Sun and the Moon joining in your sign. The 8/8 is particularly important as it signals the cosmic magic of the Lion’s Gate Portal - which opens every year when the star Sirius rises above the eastern horizon. Every year on the 8.8 - the symbol for infinity, the universe is activated by the powerful alignment of the Lion’s Gate - it embodies a time of spiritual healing, across the realms. Occurring on the evening of a New Moon in Leo, in your 1st house, this day is considered one of the most auspicious and luckiest in the year. It is time to manifest desires, speak your truth and live free.. and of course, this will really affect and resonate with you most! On this day however, there is a tense challenge appearing as the Moon makes an awkward aspect with Uranus. People may drain you or worse, shock you. Jupiter in Aquarius embraces this moon energy - so there is more working on your side, than hindering. 

Mercury is in your sign until the 11th, so your communication can be rather frank or blunt, you say what you mean and don’t mince words. After the 12th, you’re invested in business, collaborations, contracts and performance. The Sun is in your sign until the 22nd of the month, so pay attention to whatever intuition is telling you. You will take a good look at your physical and internal ‘appearance’ now, and the primary objective is to stay mentally focused. Mars is in your 2nd house of finances most of the month, giving you the momentum to keep working hard at it. This house also rules personal belongings, values and the services you offer, so making connections or going out of your way to show someone what you’re ready to do - would be a smart move. Saturn is the momentum carrying you forward, while Pluto in Capricorn pushes you to do a handful of hard work. Love is a big topic, as always for you - and if you are single now there is a BIG possibility you meet someone you’ll carry through until 2025 with. If you are already in a relationship, it seems very plausible that tremendous new memories are formed between you both. The Aquarius Full Moon on the 22/23rd shines a special light on your 7th house of true love, commitment as well as enemies and rivals. It is a cycle of marriage, engagement, total and utter commitment to one another. That same day, albeit a little later in the time frame, Virgo season begins and relieves you of the pressure. Not that you mind all eyes on you. Profession, status and reputation rule September, something the Virgin is meticulous at doing. 

Dates to watch; 8th, 12th, 22nd, 28th, 31st.

VirgoAugust 23 - September 22

Let the universe work its magic, Virgo. As the birthday month draws closer and the month progresses, you’ve got plenty to think about. The Sun and Mercury forge ahead in Leo, the sign before yours, making these first 3 weeks a significant time of rest and reflection. Your attention is elsewhere as the month begins - projects, people, past emotions tend to come up as you clear out the cobwebs from your psyche. Someone is making a strong impression on you, making you more emotional than usual. Mars spends most of the month in your sign making you productive, popular and magnetic. You wonder why things feel good? Because Mars is pushing you to radiate that energy you so often have closed up inside of you. On the 8th, a New Moon in Leo shifts into your spiritual 12th house, helping you look back on what you’ve so far conquered and what more there is left to tackle. On the 12th, Mercury follows and shifts into your sign too. There is a conclusion coming to one chapter of your life, and the conversation it may start is both bewildering and brilliant. The cycle for health and wellbeing is also one to mention through August, you have worked hard over the course of the past 6 months. With the merging of Jupiter & Saturn in your 6th house it confirms that mental health should be a priority, especially if business deals or career motives have left you feeling strained, anxious or depressed. 

From the 17th, Venus moves into your 2nd house of money, service and personal values. Money problems can appear now, so it could be time to seek out a professional in the field to help you spend less and save more. Tackling things all on your own doesn't make you a hero, sing out when you’re drowning, there are support networks everywhere. By December, you’ll have more of a helping hand - in the way of an intimate partner or family member. Someone is about to show up for you in a multitude of ways. You are reshaping how you want to live your life, how you handle your duties and where your heart really lies. This will feel very personal, and the long term effects of the 6th house carry onto all sort of ‘lifestyle’ matters. Where you live and how or who you live with can be taking a very unexpected U-turn. Mars makes a challenging aspect on the 18th, so be careful of not appearing selfish or egotistical. In some ways, your self-reliance is wonderful, in others it’s too much for people to handle. You may feel competitive in the latter part of the month, but really, the only person you’re in a race with is the shadow side of self. The one who always seeks perfection. Uranus begins its retrograde the next day, making this particular week more of a balancing act. On the 22nd, the Sun lights up your sign and its birthday time!! The same day an Aquarius Full Moon merges with Jupiter and Saturn in your 6th house. As you can see there is a lot of energy this month and on this lunation centred around the 6th house of daily routine. You will begin to feel powerful, in control and in tune - don’t digress from the path. 

Dates to watch; 7th, 8th, 17th, 19th, 24th.

LibraSeptember 23 - October 22

You’re up to your ears with work, Libra. August draws on mid-year corrections as you prepare to make significant changes - some that you wouldn’t have imagined in January of this year. So much is on your mind currently, as you experiment with new people, places, ideas and approaches. A large chunk of this month is projecting onto your fertile 5th house - especially later in the month, when a second Aquarius Full Moon brings cosmic energy to children, partners and pregnancy. Realities are intertwining, and with the added power of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius (your sister sign) you feel ready to expand some sort of ‘internal’ horizon. But first, the month begins with a New Moon in Leo shifting  focus to your 11th house of social happenings and collective collaboration. You are giving much thought to friendships, networking, acquaintances and long-term goals. For some of you, it’s about refining what type of ‘friend’ you are to others. For others, it may be about streamlining who you let in and out of your life. There seems to be mature insight into this part of your life that you have not experienced before. Through relationships, you gain clarity on who you really are. After all, Venus is your ruler, and partnership/intimacy is what makes the world go round. 

August is also very much about Mars in the 12th house, gifting you the time and space away from obnoxious and outdated people. Mars doesn’t engage well with the 12th house however, as it can't comprehend privacy and silence. It is by nature big and boisterous - yet for you, it’s transit for most of the month will give you a chance to rest and reflect on what’s next on the agenda. Venus then enters your sign on the 16th, intriguing everyone around you. You are charming, sexy and charismatic - dreams will be telling, and encounters will be enriching. Mars can have a tense day on the 18th, involving you with something that’s really not for you. Be careful of acting egotistical or dependant, let everyone come and go as they please - this way you can do the same. Uranus stations retrograde on the 19th, for a five month transit. You can develop greater coping strategies in this time, especially if career has left you disorganised. Conflicting agendas can halt progress, but face the facts. On the 22-23rd, the Aquarius Full Moon lights up the sky, is ambivalence interfering with your love life? In quiet moments take time to see a situation for what it is. What is the writing on the wall? On the same day, Virgo season begins - detoxing you from all the social happenings of August. From the 30th, Mercury moves into your sign in preparation for birthday time - helping you communicate with ease.

Dates to watch; 4th, 8th, 16th, 18th, 22nd.

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

Do the right thing, Scorpio. If you do, August will reveal many opportunities in which you can turn back the clock and start over. There is strong emphasis on groups, social outings, profession and meaningful connection. This is because for most of the month, Mars and Venus join together in your 11th house of friendship, keeping you very willing to be in the public eye. Matters close to the heart feature heavily, and you may be burdened by a lover and/or friend who’s an earth or air sign. Something rather personal may have occurred between the two of you in the past 6 weeks, and you’re now putting new plans into motion that will showcase what you’re meant to traverse together. There is a lesson here, make no mistake. A New Moon in Leo (8.8) happens early in the month, the day of the cosmic lion’s gate portal, shifting in your academic 10th house. Aligning with the Sun here, you meet potential business deals through old acquaintances. The Moon encourages you to ask tough questions in regards to career. There is plenty of powerful energy surging around this date, and you should manifest and express it with freedom. If you do, you could hear good news by the 11th, that’s how potent this magic is. 

The Sun sits at the top of your chart until the 22nd, so you will be more in demand. People know about you, and what you’ve accomplished. You are keen to be a ‘teacher’ for others as you merge closer to the metaphysical world. Venus moves into Libra on the 16th, and your affections are strengthened. You are amorous but private, something that’s rather usual for you. Uranus stations retrograde on the 19th, in the sign of Taurus in your house of partnerships. This further confirms that inside of you, introspection about your love life is occurring, you are going through a period of examination and what is reflected back to you in August, begins to bear fruit in September. The Aquarius Full Moon culminates in your 4th house, on the 22nd, activating the axis between the 4th/10th houses. It’s evident that family, home and friends take precedence in this time. Some may be renovating, improving, moving, buying homes. There is a nesting quality to this transit, so home and familiarity will empower you. This is where you find your peace. Roots and background also come under this - and a far away land may be beckoning. Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius remind you to keep opening doors, especially around childhood trauma, it is the key to another forum all together. 

Dates to watch; 8th, 11th, 17th, 22nd, 30th.

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

Trust the gut, Sagittarius. August has plenty on your plate - professional achievement, financial decisions and legalities. Although you usually thrive on challenges, there’s something about the hardness of this work that has you ready to chuck in the towel. In general, the first week can feel tiring but that’s just because Mars is all guns blazing in your 10th house of award and achievement. Venus is here too putting responsibilities and reputation at the top of your chart, helping you explore a more refined status. If you play your cards right in the first 2 weeks, the latter part of the month can feel balanced and enjoyable - focused more on adventure and spontaneity. Eventually you’ll see the great potential of having both Jupiter (your ruler) and Saturn in Aquarius! A Leo New Moon joins the Sun & Mercury, in your 9th house of travel and spontaneity, on the 8th of the month. The magical Lion’s gate portal pushes something out quicker than you’d imagined, a conversation, an apology, a reunion? You are expressing how you feel and wanting to be heard. There is a thirst for ‘new’ knowledge, friendship and love. 

After the 16th, when Venus enters Libra, you find yourself in deeper harmony with your love life. This transit is richly rewarding if you give people the benefit of the doubt. Or, let your guard down long enough for friends and acquaintances to see something of your heart. Uranus shifts into retrograde on the 19th, where it will stay for the next 5 months. In Taurus, this cycle can help you make sense of long forgotten questions. It can trigger health related issues however, so the focus will be on your mental health, as well as your lifestyle and routine. Authenticity is imperative in these months ahead, as I sense there has been too much ‘faking’ going on in a certain area of your life. You may have been acting as if on the surface everything is fine, when deep down you’re a mess. On the 22nd, a Full Moon in Aquarius shines a light on your expressive 3rd house, allowing you the gift of being seen or heard. This is generally the busier half of the month, and while the 3rd house rules conversation, it also rules something much more intimate; interpersonal relationships and sibling connections. Factor in that not everything may seem logical, and if you’re having second thoughts about someone - listen to your intuition. Have faith that you know what is right for you. 

Dates to watch; 8th, 10th, 16th, 18th, 22nd, 30th. 

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

Settle your accounts, Capricorn. That way if financial drama occurs, you won’t be too shocked by what you see unfolding. But, I don’t mean to scare you - August is actually an outstanding month, full of emotion and passionate cosmic aspects. In fact, you are giving yourself completely to a person or a project and with the Leo Sun in your 8th house of intimacy until the 22nd, it’s apparent that whatever occurs has your full attention. You are absorbed by someone or something and you enjoy taking time to explore this personal part of your life. All month Mars sits closely to Venus in your 9th house of wander, travel and opportunity. Lending you a helping hand when you need it most. You are encouraged to showcase your emotive side, something that isn’t your natural ‘go-to’. A Leo New Moon merges with the Sun and Mercury in your mysterious 8th house of partners, shared finances and contractual agreements. On the day of the magical Lion’s Gate Portal, anything you wish up can come true. This Moon is intuitive, blurring the lines from fantasy to reality. There can be many opinions going around at the moment, yet Pluto in Capricorn keeps you on an even keel. 

A pinnacle moment of engagement may be coming mid-month, where you feel deeply in tune with a partner, friend or parent. Venus enters Libra on the 16th, so it makes sense that you’re more amorous and loving. In you, something wishes to start fresh - especially if pain and jealousy has accompanied a current relationship. Your 10th house will be activated at this moment however, so career and professional goals will come into the picture more than flirtations. Mars moves in harmony to your sign, and you will begin to feel assertive - especially around the 15th. On the 18th however, there is a tense square that will throw you way out of your comfort zone. Usually you are unbreakable, but the excitement of a new path has you trying outlandish things. This is both good and bad. Uranus stations retrograde for the next 5 months on the 19th, slowing down your progress in a creative collaboration or community project. A Full Moon in Aquarius occurs on the 22nd/23rd in your money house - the 2nd house, where it will be merging with Jupiter. This transit is shaking up the way you earn, save and invest. Editing and planning can be part of this transit - and it’s smart to step away and look at what loose ends you have. There are many options with the 2nd house - but the good thing is that Capricorn feels comfortable with cold hard cash chat. 

Dates to watch; 4th, 8th, 12th, 22nd, 30th. 

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

Choose integrity, Aquarius. Immerse yourself in everything this month has to offer, and absorb yourself in the Aquarian age energy that has been sticking beside you since December last year when Jupiter and Saturn came together. Relationships are a main theme, as the New Moon revolves around the 7th house of commitment and partnership on the 8th. You are emotional and attracted likewise to people with transparency, they motivate you to dig deep inside of yourself. In a sense, these first few weeks show you how you appear to others. What you seem like in someone else’s eyes never plays much into your psyche, but these days because you’re so infatuated, it takes on more importance. What’s interesting is that Mars and Venus also meet in your mysterious and provocative 8th house energising your emotions, finances and partnerships. You’re focused on lasting connections, one that nourishes your soul more than your social status. There is a huge focus on lasting lovers, soul mates and karmic ties with the Leo New Moon, which falls on the cosmic Lion’s Gate Portal. Although this lunation opposes your sign, you still feel the beauty surrounding you. 

Money matters appear, as they have been, rather challenging. Career or lack thereof, can feel nauseating as you’re unsure of where to turn to next. The 8th house is fuelled by Mars but it requires you to stand up and fight if you expect anything good. Over the next 2 months, more progress will be made in terms of your profession, but it may have to go backwards in order to go forwards. This makes sense, considering there are 5 planets retrograde, and Uranus joins them on the 19th. You will feel more private, exclusive - seeking to reorient yourself away from prying eyes, especially because this transit will take place in your homely 4th house. Uranus is your ruler after all, but in Taurus, where it will transit until 2026, things feel a little too ‘serious’ for your liking, and you could be dealing with very real issues relating to a father/sibling. Venus in Libra shifts into the 9th house from the 16th working well for your sign, and you will be encouraged to love hard. The 9th house doesn’t like to have its feet firmly planted to the ground, so whatever happens around this date can have an otherworldly quality to it. The 22nd/23rd are important dates to consider, as the second Full Moon in your sign occurs, running up your emotions! Aligning with Saturn and Jupiter, but opposing the last of the Leo Sun energy, there can be very real and urgent decisions to consider. This is all happening in your 1st house of image, reputation and self - so the breakthroughs will feel unique and individualised. What you’re going through is purely yours, advice from others doesn’t even skim the surface. Don’t listen to anyone, forge your own untrodden path. 

Dates to watch; 4th, 8th, 12th, 20th, 22nd, 24th, 30th.

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

Appreciate routine, Pisces. The simple moments will bring a sense of confidence and optimism to your month ahead, as you play around with some new ideas for the future. With Jupiter and Saturn in your private and spiritual 12th house, I’m not surprised you are on some sort of inward search. Although when aren’t you exploring your soul? It’s basically your M.O forever. August is pleasant in a lot of ways, because self development is so huge for you right now. You are in a period of recalibration, with 6 planets retrograde, it’s time to focus. Mars and Venus merge together in your 7th house of relationships for most of the month, giving you so much enthusiasm and energy for true partnership that strokes the ‘soul fire’. You are craving love, attention and company - and an earth or fire sign could be giving you a run for your money. A relationship is moving in a direction you’re unsure of - stay brave, you shouldn’t have to ask twice for something that you need. A New Moon in Leo connects to the Sun on the 8th in your healthy 6th house of routine and wellbeing. Linking up with the cosmic Lion’s Gate Portal it’s evident that you’re feeling overstimulated, and perhaps having late nights or early mornings. Prioritise your health, in doing so you can change how you support yourself and others. If you need help, ask for it. As that’s one thing you’re never truly comfortable with, but need to get much better at. 

From the 16th, Venus enters Libra it’s home sign, confirming it as another favourable time for friendship and communication. Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus for its yearly 5 month cycle in your 3rd house. You could be exploring the psychic side to your personality, and dreams are especially vivid now. Uranus retrograde can be repressed at times, so it will be up to you to remain clear and concise. Around you people can be getting tired - especially if you’ve been egotistical or selfish about a business/career matter. Someone may be attempting to get through to you about health and you’re just not interested. On the 22nd/23rd, an Aquarius Full Moon comes around for the second time in a 29 day cycle, known as a Blue Moon. This is unusual and it will shift gears into your 12th house of psychic realms, enforcing rest and recuperation. If you’ve been burning the candle at both ends it will be evident in the latter part of the month. This lunation can feel especially nurturing as it drums in the same theme it did in late July. What transpires for you around the 30th when Mercury moves into Libra, leaves you feeling charming or flirtatious. On the same day, the Sun leaves Leo and enters the virgin Virgo, your opposite sign. There can be some imbalances felt as critical Virgo attempts to take charge. If you remain focused on ‘we’ more than ‘me’, you’ve got a good chance of winning this month. 

Dates to watch; 7th, 8th, 12th, 22nd, 27th.