Pain always signifies major opportunities for growth. Answers do not come from power struggles, they come from silence, embrace and openness. September is all about the : Law of cause and effect : What is the reason for things showing up in your life?! Emotions can feel disorientating early on as Venus makes a square to Pluto on the 5th. There is some resistance and denial when it comes to facing and accepting truths with this transit, and life can feel unnaturally intense. We can be attracted to the ‘struggle’ in many ways, or perhaps just the person we feel we need to ‘fix’. There is a certain level of chaos on earth at this moment, and it serves certain agendas - but you must pay close attention to the ‘healing’, if it is to take place. A Virgo New Moon occurs on the 6th/7th, depending on where in the world you live. Virgo is the 6th sign in the zodiac, sitting opposite Pisces, its mutable sister-sign. Both Mars and the Sun are also in defensive Virgo, looking at routine, day to day life and how you ‘appear’ to take care of yourself. This trio is contagious and therefore the energy can feel reactive in how you handle yourself. Don’t be triggered, but if you are, come back into core. This lunation is in harmony (trine) with Uranus in Taurus - meaning that lucky, random surprises show up. There is breakthrough and change if and when you stop getting caught in the ‘reactivity’ of others. 

September has purpose, don’t be jarred by the mundane that appears to take place. Relationships are key to this month, as certain power dynamics are set to play out on centre stage. The next 4 months of the year are powerful and unique; they are connecting the dots that mark humanity. With the North Node in Gemini and Mercury in Libra, we may be feeling extra chatty and responsive in how we converse during this New Moon. Something solid is being created, embrace this portal and support others in their journey forward. Venus then enters transformational Scorpio from the 10th, introducing the archetype of the intoxicating ‘seductress’. Commitment is personified under this transit, yet everything is very much a double edged sword. We can feel raw, manipulative, even controlling toward our deepest desires. In our relationships, we can be especially sexually perverse. Love is a crucial aspect to this transit but if we’re not careful, it can veer into obsession. However, Virgo purifies Scorpio - so we may have more self control than we think. Virgo seeks to contain all that spills out of Scorpio’s whirl through Venus. Mars will be in Libra from the 14th, where it stays until late October, so we may not appear as assertive as usual. We fall back or let other people take the lead, mainly because Libra hates confrontation and conflict, even when it’s in an aggressive, authoritative planet such as Mars. Chiron is in Aries working on self-confidence, image, independence - it can feel especially personal this month, as Virgo’s traverse through the Sun is especially clinical. 

A Harvest Full Moon in intuitive Pisces lights up the sky on the 20th, connected to Neptune in Pisces. This Moon is a lot more relaxed than the New Moon earlier in the month. The Virgo Sun is polarised by its opposite sign Pisces, and although both are of mutable quality, they couldn’t be more different. However, on this lunation, instead of feeling a great divide, there is in fact, a great symmetry between earth and water. Pisces is self expression, sensitivity and corresponds to the mystical 12th house of intuition. Mutable and Cardinal signs will be most affected by this cathartic moon, bringing depth and reason to all that we do. This Harvest Moon is a peak moment with many Piscean qualities - as we sense our own presence within our own realities. There can be a stream of words, feelings and tears flowing from us. We may be philosophical, conceptual - as we recognise we are better off some people, some thoughts and some actions that keep us in purgatory. Capricorn (achievement) in Pluto is balancing the Virgo (hypercritical) Sun energy here, penetrating the theme of ‘spaciousness’. If you’ve been suppressing dysfunctional thoughts/memories, they have a tendency to come out under this lunation, as Pisces purges the ego within. You may feel delicate around this date, so be sure to consider some alone time - or get out into nature, near the water, and set a few intentions for yourself. It's important to remember that we cannot rely on the experience that other people have, as we must have that experience to know it. The fullness gets lost in words. There is an inward focus to this month, so we can’t just watch another do it and then vicariously experience it. We need to know it so ultimately we choose to live it. 

The Sun then leaves Virgo on the 22nd, to enter Libra, the sign of justice and balance. Libra season is defined by the Equinox that happens the very next day, on the 23rd, signifying (for us in Australia) that spring is here. The Libran energy is always social, harmonious, pleasant and beautiful. However, curveballs are thrown - so self observation is key to this transit that lasts until October 22nd. Libra’s evolution centres around the 7th house of commitment and partnership. Often masking their true goal, they emerge from personal situations victorious, whether or not it is ‘correct’. This is because they can read the room, and they are increasingly aware of the true meaning of the ‘other’. This airy influence will wash over all people, as we attempt to align as best we can our personality to our soul. All month, Mercury sits in a shadow retrograde phase - and on the 25th/26th, it shifts into its final 3-week cycle. Turning over in Libra this time, there is sensory overload affecting our conversation, judgement and efficiency. As we know, Mercury retrograde can feel like a period of trial/error, and in Libra it can be especially tricky or illusive. The inherent nature of Mercury is to methodically analyse, delicately take apart and understand. Until October 18th, Mercury in Libra can be extra judgemental, harping on about certain individuals' down-falls, without taking time to look at their own. This transit will be about recognising ‘self’ in everything that is human. The good, the bad, the ugly, it all has a space. Identify with love - and you can do no wrong. Finally, the Sun makes a trine to Saturn on the 29th, representing a feeling of determination and duty. We seek dedication from others, as we progress to a place of understanding, realising that there really is no ‘shortcut’. We will end the month persistent, full of promise and ready to take on the final 3 months of the year..

Know that the magic you were born with is indeed real.

By simply anchoring Love’s presence on Earth, you’re sending waves of healing and uplifting energy throughout Gaia’s eagerly receptive body.

As you emerge in this time, your gifts awaken and you empower others.

Utilising the tools of laughter, song, dance, humour, joy, trust and love, you’re creating the powerful surge of transformation that will transmute the limitations of the old myth of duality and separation…

The time is now, luminous Children of the Sun.” 

~ Ariel Spilsbury from the Mayan Oracle 

Peace, Love and see you next month…..


Aries: March 21 - April 19

There is a benefit and advantage to your current situation, Aries. September indicates that soul growth is occurring, as you, the individual, learns to achieve and balance a strong sense of personal identity, regardless of what goes on around you. The month begins with a New Moon in Virgo in your 6th house - bringing in much activity. The influence will strongly feature on your health, mental wellness and physicality. Mars, your ruler, and the Sun are also in Virgo, switching up your domestic world, routine and everyday lifestyle. You can pick something from the past back up rather impulsively, but it can feel like someone else is calling the shots in terms of this ‘return’. Virgo fills in the gaps, so early on in the month anything academic, ambitious will take precedence. You know to seize the opportunity as it comes, but make sure to have a strategy if you wish to go far. Chiron has been traversing through your sign all year, attacking some very personal issues you tend to come up against. There can be a lot of heat in relationships, as you think about ‘potential’ outcomes. You are very in your head at this moment in time, and it shows! Either a fellow fire sign or an air sign will be rather important in keeping you sane throughout this process.

Venus then moves into Scorpio and your volatile 8th house that rules karmic love and partnership finances. If nothing appears to be changing just yet, be patient! An old flame or acquaintance can get back in touch. The next 4 months of the year will bring into strong focus your social life, networking skills and communication style. You’re thrust into some sort of ‘home town’ spotlight by empowering others, not holding them back. There is emphasis on spending more time with those meaningful people in your life, and letting other friends who feel like a chore, maybe slip by the wayside now. Either way, Saturn in Aquarius, supports you by ultimately leading you to discover something for yourself. On the 20th, a Pisces Full Moon heals you through spending time in nature, water to be precise. Shifting into your meditative 12th house, you see the potential in forgiving or perhaps, just closing the door on someone/something. Part of maturing is knowing when to say ‘no’ and actually feeling comfortable with your decision, even if that doesn’t come easy to Pisces. It's rather evident that toward the end of the month, you’ll have a completely new set of priorities. On the 22nd, we wave goodbye to Virgo and hello to Libra. The energy shifts to something a little more fun and flirty, and you’re given a chance to express something from your inner heart desire. The 23rd welcomes Spring Equinox for those of us here in Australia, and reminds you it’s OK to be selfish every now and then. Finally, Mercury turns retrograde for the last time in the social sign of Libra, so you may be collaborating or adapting to another person's view. 

Dates to watch; 3rd, 5th, 9th, 20th, 26th.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

If you do the work now, you’ll be delighted by December, Taurus. September reveals habit patterns that must be overcome, if you are to remain victorious. Although much of the spotlight has been on career throughout 2021, now is the time to focus on building your romantic life. On the 7th, a New Moon in Virgo shifts into your playful and joyous 5th house. Joined by the Sun and Mars, your relationships have great potential for a new beginning. Claim your partner, as you wish to be claimed! Uranus, who has been in your sign for a few years, will encourage you to get personal - at times, this can be a stretch for you, but now seems like the way forward. It’s an erratic transit, because Uranus is so unusual and surprising. This can be presented in an array of random situations that crop up, on a karmic level, helping you to delve into some inner trauma or turmoil. Venus enters Scorpio early in the month, helping the magic unfold in your 7th house. Again, this house is completely and utterly about intimacy and commitment in love. A sense of dedication is rooted toward an air or water sign, and this connection can feel electric. Make sure you’re not continually reacting, and that you have time to ponder when dealing with this individual. 

Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius are in your career house, piling the pressure on to get professional. Over the past two years, you may have slipped between the cracks in regards to work, but now you have karmic stars for substantial rewards, if you can put your head down and do the work. A Gemini or Scorpio with some authority may help in reaching recognition. The Pisces Full Moon on the 20th, resonates with Neptune in the 11th house helping you connect with a team of people. You are in an expansive part of the year, where the outside world plays a big role. This lunation will be especially revealing, running up emotions and illuminating in who you place your truth. It’s a fruitful time that can show real results if you’ve been working hard prior. In Pisces however, something that was hidden can come to light, an unknown situation from the past can come back to bite - this is because Pisces seeks truth, although it is often disillusioned. Finally, the Sun moves into Libra, invigorating your senses with its renaissance qualities. On the 26th, Mercury stations retrograde and brings you back to something from a long time ago. It’s certainly a time to revisit fears, worries and people who have pushed you to the brink, remain cool - if you can. 

Dates to watch; 5th, 7th, 18th, 20th, 23rd.

Gemini: May 21 - June 20

You need boundaries, Gemini. To other people you possess the capacity to be a wonderful, fun loving companion but how much of your identity is tied to that? And does it create more mayhem and chaos than peace in your personal life? The month begins when a New Moon enters into Virgo, meeting Mars and the Sun in your domestic 4th house. You are encouraged to make things work, to forgive and forget. Alternatively, a few of you may be changing residences - or seeking out new house mates. Family members can make you experience previously unknown feelings, as a new situation bonds you together. Virgo is dignified on this lunation, and helps you strongly identify with where and who you feel safest with. You long to belong to a group, a person or community and may be restless in your search. On the 11th, Venus moves into sexy Scorpio and your holistic 6th house. Work, health and wellbeing are influential - it’s time to love life. Money prospects can improve as you settle down with finances. Take time as you navigate this cosmic weather, something raw and unfiltered is trying to make itself known in this Scorpionic transit. 

Until January 2022, you have the North Node in your sign, with the South Node in Sagittarius. Meaning people are interested in what you have to share - everything about your personality is evolving with this transit and it's easy to notice. North Node in Gemini teaches you to equip yourself with room to move, room to change your mind - room to be diverse. It is trial and error, and the faster you stop perceiving mistakes as something negative, the faster you’ll actualise the power of having the N.N in your sign. Keep a strong foundation around you, especially when a Full Moon in Pisces comes around on the 20th. Merging with Neptune and opposing the Sun, the energy can accumulate with those closest to us acting restless or random. This is because this lunation touches on the psychological, the experimental and the intimate. During this sensitive time, Pisces will illuminate in your life, that which you’re not aware of. There can be an element of pay back/favour going on - and perhaps the money talk needs to be had with an intimate partner. Are you or someone close to you taking for granted the good nature of someone?! This is a transformative placement that usually brings up out of the blue, shock and surprise. On the 23rd, the Sun enters Libra and your romantic, carefree 5th house - intensifying emotions. A time to reap the rewards when it comes to creative projects, and to brainstorm a new goal for the future. Mercury, your ruler, turns retrograde for the final time this year in sister-sign, Libra on the 25th until late October. 

Dates to watch; 5th, 10th, 22nd, 23rd, 25th.

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

Pace yourself, Cancer. Now is not the time to be psychologically insidious - or shall I say, passive aggressive?! Instead, September indicates that you must fulfil the needs of self before you fulfil the needs of others. September is about perseverance - and I would advise against being too risky in your pursuit for happiness. Instead focus the internal spotlight on wellbeing, connection, support systems and passion. On the 7th, a logical New Moon in Virgo shifts into your 3rd house. Joined by the Sun and Mars, you choose to put plans into action by making the call or sending an email. The 3rd house is adaptable and chooses to work in traditional ways to get secure results - you may be changing networks, signing contracts or meeting new friends. Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius are consistent in your house of intimacy, realigning you with strong minded people. You could be rather codependent on a lover, or perhaps it’s the other way around - either way, you come to some sort of personal realisation around the 10th that is powerfully honest. On the 11th, Venus moves into Scorpio and your playful 5th house. Happy moments uplift you as you focus on creative projects or personal enhancements. You have a chance for rest and renewal in regards to love; and a fire or air sign wishes to work on better relationship balance. Overall, even when union feels challenging, something behind the scenes keeps you pushing forward.  

Wisdom is expressed in a variety of wars; through speech, behaviour and actions. You are going through an exclusive phase of development right now and it will be spurred on by the Pisces Full Moon on the 20th. Joined by Neptune, and opposing the Sun, this lunation will occur in your 9th house of recreation. You can have some good laughs with friends, while something more spiritual culminates behind the scenes. This Moon harmonises well with your sign, so you may be redirected to goals and ambitions you’ve previously given up on. This Moon will illuminate things you could not see before, and even though things can feel uncertain, you’re more certain that you’re heading in the right direction. This energy can give you a glimpse into the future, because the 9th house is so philosophical and wise - so where you derive success from will be a main topic around this date. Manifest, be clear and concise and get set to experience a shift in perspective. The future may be unknown, but this Moon will light up little cobblestone pathways that lead you directly to the source. On the 22nd, the Sun leaves Virgo for fair-minded Libra. On the 26th, Mercury stations retrograde in Libra giving you a break to procrastinate. There is another angle to this, yet you won’t be able to see it early on in the month. It is the final retrograde for Mercury, and therefore things will now begin to move faster - approaching a pinnacle moment on October 7th. 

Dates to watch; 2nd, 8th, 20th, 23rd, 25th.

Leo: July 23 - August 22

Cool down, Leo. The art of September lies in learning the art of compromise, honest cooperation and consideration. You express your knowledge through love, wisdom and heart centre intellect. Yet, the experimentation that has occurred for the first part of the year, has not led you to the divinity you wish to encounter. A New Moon in Virgo drips with practicality and logic, something you observe, rather than practice. Appearing in your financial 2nd house and joined by the Sun and Mars, you’re triggered by others who seem to be further up the ladder. The Sun forms a conjunction to the Moon, and can take the form of a pay rise. This entices you to refine some of your inner most goals and values, aligning them to your true core purpose. The 2nd house approves of intellect that hovers between the abstract world and then applies it. Expertise and the power to ‘master’ yourself and your career also sits under this guise, so you’ll be focused in the first 2 weeks of the month, on cultivating tolerance and devotion to your values / techniques that garner cash. On the 10th, Venus enters sexy Scorpio and your 4th house of domestic living. The people in your life will be very important mid-month, and you wish to take charge of a current situation. A serious relationship could be getting more intense, but make sure you’re not sugarcoating feelings that need to be expressed. 

This month is strong for making commitments, partnering up and negotiating terms and contracts. You are in a significant part of the year, where pressure mounts up if you are around the wrong people. Love is getting serious for some, and personal status can be changed by a water or fire sign individual. You have non-negotiables in union, and it seems a long standing partner is very much in your corner, leaving you feeling safe and seen. Echoes of past recklessness still sound in you, as they do in each Leo, but you are maturing and the “I” is so capable these days in pulling you away from infantile situations. A beautiful Harvest Moon in Pisces, joined by Neptune lights up the sky on the 20th. Opposing Virgo, you yearn for some public recognition. You may be popular at this time of the month, yet have work projects pulling you away from the crowd. On a personal level, Pisces seeks to pull your true feelings out - and this Moon will illuminate what you should be doing with your life - but are perhaps too scared to do?! It’s a moment to allow past emotions to come up and be released. Surrender to being nurtured by others, and come into your heart space. On the 22nd, the Sun enters Libra stirring up developments to do with family, home and change. What begins to unfold can feel intense, but in reality, it is opening you up to learning, sharing and connecting in a ‘healthier’ way. Mercury turns retrograde in Libra on the 25th until mid-October, screwing contracts and negotiations. 

Dates to watch; 7th, 13th, 23rd, 25th.

VirgoAugust 23 - September 22

Happy birthday, Virgo. September works to bring about a positive regulation to energy flow within your physical body. In fact, the times ahead are rather pioneering, and you have a level of self-assertion that isn’t normally available. At times, you can be a spectator of life, observing mistakes made. For now, in this month, you come alive to consciously practice the virtues Virgo was given. On another note, it can feel like crunch time for this pandemic whilst we traverse your sign, mainly because Virgo rules health and the nervous system. At times, you may feel like you literally worry yourself sick - and that is a very real habit. The month begins with a beautiful New Moon in your sign on the 7th, harmonising with Uranus. Boosting your energy, charisma and karma - occurring in your 1st house of image and personality. It’s time to put the attention on you, so do things that beautify your life. You may have a sudden desire to try something new, and the Sun in your sign gifts you the courage to do it! Despite any residual worries, you think big and take action where needed. Mars ramps up the energy focusing all its attention on you. You may feel narcissistic or egotistical - but it’s not selfish to put yourself and your needs first. 

Venus then enters Scorpio in your 3rd house of communication, helping you go hard and attack the ‘to-do’ list. There is emphasis on your reputation, pace of life and emotional progress. Don’t be afraid to ask for help in sorting options out. Home and family closely tie in with your work and health, as for you, one thing blurs into another. Your lifestyle is all encompassing and you may be prompted to go hard right now, so that you can relax later. All month, you are motivated to perfect your public image, but it may require some reshuffling of plans. It seems like more pressing, intimate matters call your name - but that can ignite a fear of failure. The archetype of the Martyr sits within you, and therefore can limit you as you constantly seek perfection. An intimate relationship will remind you that the pursuit for the ideal, doesn’t really exist. Or if it does, it will undoubtedly be a very long search. Therefore, it’s better to enjoy the one you’re with. The Full Moon in your opposite sign, Pisces enters the night sky on the 20th. It’s shifting into your house of relationships, merging with Neptune, circling and aligning you to who and what you desire. Destructive emotions can stem from your time with Pisces, but in reality, what this lunation attempts to do is crumble the barrier between yourself and those you prevent from getting too close. Love is blossoming, and this is a developing theme throughout 2022. The month ends with Mercury, your ruler, entering Libra and its final retrograde on the 25th. This will hold potential for improved work/health that will come into play late October. Prepare yourself for the non-negotiables retrograde energy brings, but initiate a new set of habits, as you are in the right frame of mind to keep them going well into the new year. 

Dates to watch; 5th, 7th, 10th, 20th, 22nd, 25th.

LibraSeptember 23 - October 22

Achievements earn you recognition, Libra. With birthday season fast approaching, naturally there is excitement in the air. September will require a conscious effort on your behalf to incorporate the innate energy that lies within. A gift from the cosmos is hidden beneath the calm exterior of Virgo Season, so use this practical energy to make some practical magic for your birthday month up ahead. A big part of your personality that will be accentuated however, is the subtle manipulative streak you use to ultimately get what you want. For those close to you, this is maddening, and yet somehow you appear graceful. The month starts with a New Moon in Virgo on the 7th entering your 12th house of privacy and enlightenment. You are being encouraged to explore meditation, nature and silence. The first two weeks can feel slow and steady, almost as if they’re gearing up for something quite special later on. The 12th house is all about confessions, as it is ruled by Pisces, so you may choose to reveal a secret. From the 11th, Venus enters Scorpio and your financial 2nd house. Work with your most valuable skills - in this way, you may find out how to make more money through side projects and collaborations. 

Base the month around logic as much as you can, and with Mars moving through Virgo, it could very well be easy to sustain. With Jupiter and Saturn in your 5th house of romance and creativity, many opportunities around remaining ‘playful’ open up. Choosing how you respond and in which way you express yourself also come from this transit. You begin to feel a fullness that you haven’t felt for a while, because you are pouring more of your ‘real’ self and using less of the ‘mask’ people expect to see. The North Node in Gemini can cause some drama amongst family members, making it extra hard for you to see where everyone sits in the scheme of things. There is a devotional quality, and under this influence you wish to be around people of principle. A fire or earth sign can disappoint you, especially if you’ve been blind to their previous mistakes. A Harvest Full Moon in Pisces lights up the sky on the 20th, focusing on you and your 6th house of health and mental wellbeing. This house can increase work opportunities, perhaps creating one too many! If you’ve been neglecting yourself, this will surface now. This Moon illuminates things you’re unaware of, and in the house of health, can bring up underlying issues. This theme will develop strongly throughout 2022, as your recreational pursuits expand and develop. On the 22nd, the Sun leaves practical Virgo for your sign. It’s birthday time, where you are adored and celebrated and the infusion of these energies let your spirit soar. Trusting your response can help a new route take place that is designed specifically for you. This transit will move through your 1st house of image, action and direction, helping you to purge what is unnecessary and work towards awakening. The Equinox is the very next day, inviting Spring into our life here in Australia. Mercury shifts into retrograde for the final time this year, in your sign on the 25th! Until October 18th, you may return back to an old project, love or housing situation. 

Dates to watch; 7th, 12th, 20th, 23rd, 26th.

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

You see the world of ‘potential’ relationships, Scorpio. Through the interplay of interpersonal dynamics, you begin to engage with social structures that benefit humanity. If that seems too much to comprehend, take your time and read over it. September is a month in which you activate intelligence with your soul's primary area of growth; intimate relations. Life is moving fast and it’s coming up to your birthday season soon enough, before then however, let’s talk about what’s happening. A New Moon in Virgo occurs on the 7th. Shifting into your 11th house of social situations, you will have phone calls aplenty. Inspired by creative groups you have much in common with is empowering, and with Mars and the Sun here too, everything is emphasised. Solutions and opportunities will stem from other people but ultimately it’s up to you to lead the way. Boundaries may need to be reinstated, and if someone has been bugging you - it’s safe to say, they’ll hear about it around this date. On the 11th, Venus enters your sign - attracting good karma and popularity. You are keen to connect with others and give people the benefit of the doubt. This can be a period for launching into a new venture, and manifesting a perfect partnership that would nurture this situation. 

Saturn and Jupiter are in your 4th house of home and family, putting in effort on the domestic front. You may get a lot of joy from close family bonds, or perhaps be inundated with new births of nephews/nieces etc. You yourself may be planning to start a family, so there is a sense of solidifying a union and putting things into place for your future endeavours. A Pisces Full Moon is sublime, joining with Neptune in your romantic and playful 5th house. Again, the 5th house highlights fertility - so it’s safe to assume big things are occurring in your personal life. This process is very internalised, helping you go back to your childhood, and determining what you want for the future. This house is also about sexual relationships - a raw, uninhibited part of you is cracked open. On the 23rd, the Sun leaves Virgo for Libra and shifts into your 12th house of meditation and privacy. For you, this transit will be about rest and in a sense re-establishing yourself. Then on the 25th, Mercury will retrograde in Libra until mid-October, uprooting technological issues. This is the same old warning that comes with retrograde energy, don’t let it worry you too much and you’ll see very little impact. Throughout these next 4 months of 2021, you are ready to share your light with others in a way you haven’t felt comfortable to do so. 

Dates to watch; 5th, 7th, 17th, 20th, 25th. 

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

Your spiritual evolution unfolds, Sagittarius. September acts like an agent of balance, helping you discriminate between trial and error. Jupiter, your ruler, now back in Aquarius has reshuffled a lot of your private thoughts on home and family. In between hurt, you’ve learnt to erect firmer boundaries and enable others to do the same. 2021 has been strong for phasing out people you no longer wish to interact with, and in many ways this has helped you stabilise yourself. Throughout this month your perspective will change as you take on a new path related to sharing information, learning and communicating. It begins with a logical Virgo New Moon on the 7th, joining Uranus in Taurus. Entering your ambitious 10th house, it will be evident that work and career take precedence over everything else. There can be surprise news about your career, and it’s important to listen to intuition surrounding this situation. You feel driven to succeed and connect with useful authoritative figures who offer alternative methods. A water or air sign can be instrumental in helping you approach an unconventional job offer. On the 11th, Venus enters Scorpio, making love a little haphazard. On a soul level you seek out the divine artist, but your own destructive emotions can play a tick on you if you don’t keep them in check. The false self can be expressed when Virgo and Scorpio collide like they do this month, preventing you from acting with integrity. 

On the 15th, Mars enters your social 11th house, confirming it’s all about the people who surround you. Friends that feel like family don’t just happen on their own, you have to be a proactive and kind individual. Mars has a habit of swallowing people up and then spitting them back out, so be careful of appearing pushy and provoking. You are tested around this date, and it will have much to do with status and playing the ‘game’. How you respond will be vital. On the 20th, a Pisces Full Moon merges with Neptune in your 4th house of home, family and living. Some may be having a sea change, or perhaps just re-connecting with an old friend/family member. For many of you, family status quo has been a big theme this year - and you’ve come up against some rivals. The Virgo Sun will clash with the Pisces Moon channelling what feels like a reoccurring ‘groundhog’ day situation. Regardless, a new theme revolving around the bonds that tie us to family, roots and belonging are being established as you read this. It will blossom throughout 2022, especially in May, so expect a significant improvement. On the 22nd, the Sun enters Libra, making life a little sweeter. Libra acts like an agent for balance, helping tolerate things you rather would not. On the 25th, Mercury, the planet of communication, turns retrograde for the final time in flirtatious Libra. Use the first three weeks to sign any important contracts and negotiations, as early October can feel like a complete write off. 

Dates to watch; 7th, 12th, 20th, 22nd, 26th. 

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

Allow your mind to roam free, Capricorn. This is usually when you do your best work, by pondering problem solutions with calm and ease. The month begins with a complimentary New Moon in Virgo (your sister sign) harmonising with Uranus in Taurus on the 7th. The energy is extremely earthy as it shifts into your 9th house of education, enlightenment and travel. Meeting the Sun and Mars both in Virgo, there is a great persistence to make something happen. Mars sits up the next few weeks, giving out fast solutions, if you’ll stop and notice! There is passion behind a new project and it can feel like a ‘coming home’ of sorts. This lunation feels like a ‘dark night of the soul’, and it will illuminate certain goals and ambitions you hadn’t considered. The 9th house governs ambitions in life, beliefs and personal experiences - it is indeed a spiritual house, and so you may catch a glimpse of something close to your heart manifesting. The South Node in Sagittarius is also here, in this expansive 9th house of relocation. The friction that is caused may very well have to do with moving states, countries or apartments. Neptune in Pisces acts with opposition, helping you create borders and boundaries in regards to how you truly feel for someone. Venus enters secretive Scorpio on the 11th, shifting into your 11th house of friendship. Big groups of people will be important or perhaps you just appreciate having a lover that’s also a very close friend. You are in someone's corner 100% and expect the same from other people in your circle. 

Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius take the pressure off a little, and you feel compelled to act on your weird and wonderful fantasies. You are encouraged to make more, spend less and refine possessions. You have a lot of financial energy here, and you may explore being risky. Manage expectations - examine what you’re trying to achieve for now and in 2022, but above all, remain realistic. On the 20th, a romantic Pisces Full Moon harmonises with Neptune in your 3rd house of communication. You are trusting intuition, so listen to the messages you receive. A new theme is building from now until the end of the year, one where you are more at ease with expressing your innermost thoughts and emotions. In fact, a big part of you is softening, partly due to the person you spend most time with. This phase is special, and you’re joyous in where you stand with love and union. A few days later, the Sun enters balanced Libra, helping to increase self-esteem. The final Mercury retrograde begins on the 25th, joining the Sun in Libra. Don’t be deterred by it’s reputation however, as you will have a long list of things on your ‘to-do’. Attempt to get everything finished, even if you come up against technological road blocks. 

Dates to watch; 7th, 11th, 17th, 20th, 25th.

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

What is hidden in your subconscious mind, Aquarius? Throughout September it will be revealed and displayed as your true nature comes from the reactions you own. The last few months have kept you visible, making tremendous changes to your past in hopes of it alternating your current reality. In many ways you’ve succeeded, moving in a clearer direction than you have for years. A New Moon in Virgo joins the Sun and Mars in your intimate 8th house. Shared finances come under this guise, so partnerships play a big role in the first 3 weeks of the month. This cycle is about as real as you can get - housing all the intense, life changing areas of our lives - sex, death, assets and family inheritance. Your ability to remain detached is like a super power, but I feel that during this Moon, that won’t really be an option. Look on the bright side, it could be for the best to let emotions spill out. Saturn and Jupiter in your sign are covering old ground, and no matter how you feel when you look back on what occurred in 2020, you now have a new purpose aligned with both these heavy weight planets. There can be an inflated sense of self importance for some reason, but the mind continues to whisper and bring you back to earth. Venus in Scorpio on the 11th of the month shifts into your career driven 10th house. This is a great position to focus on hobbies, side projects or creative ways to make money. You seek to be the centre of attention, yet the 10th house only rewards those who are influential. 

The purpose of the higher mind is to penetrate and purify the lower mind, also known as the ego. Mid-month, you will experiment with what truth is being revealed to you through someone close to you. A water or air sign can lead you to some esoteric knowledge that reveals wisdom through it’s teaching. On the 20th, a special Harvest Moon in Pisces lights up the sky and your 2nd house of cash and values. There is always a third option when it comes to financial opportunity, so if things look black and white, believe me they’re not. Neptune in Pisces can be generally confusing, and the fact that Virgo is opposing the Moon here, it can signal that you are knocked about in some strange way by what comes to light. This lunation surrounds assets, family money and income - you may be saving for a big ticket item, or perhaps some extra money makes its way into your account. This Full Moon shines a light on your wallet - and it wishes to finish something off. On the 23rd, the Sun enters sister sign Libra and your educational, enterprising 9th house. You may shirk off responsibility, seeking out other restless souls. Libra is ruled by Venus, so maybe the 9th house will lead you to a lover. The final Mercury retrograde begins on the 25th, in Libra, affecting reality with its sluggish backspin. Do everything you can in the first 3 weeks to have a concise October. 

Dates to watch; 5th, 12th, 20th, 23rd, 27th.

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

A situation presents itself, Pisces. It could prove tough to push through but you are walking the line towards light. The energy of September is surrounded by a sense of breaking through to the other side, as the Door’s lyrics suggest. For many of you, something personal is wrapped up by the karma of life and even though it may come with some pain, a new day is dawning. A New Moon in your opposite sign of Virgo affects you deeply on the 7th, with the Sun and Mars joining in your 7th house of commitment and love, confirming it’s time for some action in partnership. A door is opened to an individual that was previously closed before. It’s all about the duo’s in your life - whether it be sexual or professional, the need to be associated with a certain individual is highlighted. This date is highly charged, so make sure you turn down the emotional temperature. Venus then enters Scorpio on the 11th, in your knowledgeable 9th house of philosophy and education. You are sharing ideas and thoughts that you are passionate about, and spirituality may be meaningful at this time too. In many ways, you’ve been building a quiet strength, a true resilience this year and that emerges from Jupiter and Saturn in your mystical 12th house. Many fishes are letting go of draining attachments - showing up as users in friendship circles or even within the home. 

You search for substance in those around you, and Mars in your 8th house of intimacy and money proves this for you from the 15th. From December onwards, you will begin to push boundaries on how you assert yourself. Having Jupiter back in your sign through 2022 will also help prove that you are not someone who is easily walked over. Indeed a new day is dawning. For the rest of the month, confidence is on the rise as your Full Moon approaches. The Full Moon in your sign merges with Neptune on the 20th, occurring in your 1st house of appearance, reputation and profile. It will promote you to the outside world, but it will also remind you not to feign superiority. A Harvest Moon brings in the Spring equinox, transforming your past recklessness to a more mature experience. Encourage yourself to put yourself first - without being apologetic for it. Neptune in your sign can create illusions around control and containment, but you recognise superficial when you see it. Overall, this Moon will launch you into the stratosphere of optimism. Internally, there is a lot happening for you toward the end of the month, but it’s nothing that will shock or surprise you. On the 22nd, the Sun leaves your opposite sign of clinical Virgo, for the sweet Libra. You don’t need to prove or seek validity at this time, the abstract just makes sense. On the 25th, a final Mercury retrograde occurs in Libra releasing you from past trauma, especially around love and sex. 

Dates to watch; 3rd, 7th, 17th, 20th, 23rd, 27th.