June is Gemini season, plain and simple. It’s also the re-introduction to Eclipse season - not so plain or so simple. In fact, this month has 5 retrogrades, distracting us and naturally bringing up sorrow, loss, angst and anger. The key to survival here however, is to let it! Let this gateway upgrade you as you stay open to receiving Gemini’s ‘left brain’ advancement. With Pluto, Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter and Neptune in retrograde motion at some point this month, it's evident we WILL see our illusions come crumbling down - challenging our visit here on earth, in a physical and mental sense. But, in the end, that’s all we are, just visitors … and this time (2020-2030) on earth can be linked to the liberation of past tyranny. Tyranny from a cruel and oppressive government, from the phones and electronics that enslave us, from peer pressure and herd mentality and from thinking that we’ll get further if we’re single and alone, as opposed to together and united. And yet, behind closed eyes, June makes it increasingly clear that no individual is trying to convert you to make a certain ‘discovery’, it’s on you to make that call.
EXPAND, HEAL, TOUCH AND FEEL - that is living, that is June, that is Gemini. Gemini has split personalities - therefore Gemini’s vulnerability can too soon become Gemini’s mania. Gemini rules the mind - racing from one thought to another, without ever realising they do so. It is also of mutable energy - along with Pisces, Virgo and Sagittarius. This means that more often than not, these 4 signs remain adaptive, chameleon-like, composed and changeable. The cosmic coupling of Sagittarius and Gemini make up the Eclipse energy of 2021 - as well as the North and South Nodal axis that we have with us until January 2022. Eclipses occur when a New or Full Moon is within 18 degrees of the lunar nodes. This brings me to my first topic of the month, the Gemini Solar Eclipse on the 10th June - which merges with Mercury creating a destabilising and precocious mood. Right now, we’re dealing with a mutable cross to Pisces, Sagittarius and Virgo - this can be a difficult configuration to adjust too, but it sure does develop strength and character. We, as a collective are going through intense emotional upheaval - the ripples of May’s Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse have begun to show - and we seek to understand the natural laws taking place. However, at any given time, we are all experiencing different life events - we are not on the same wavelength as those around us. Therefore, we cannot generalise on personal truths - because they cannot be applied here. Powerful unexpected events are likely throughout June - as the retrogrades encourage us to redirect ourselves and weather the storm. Pluto in Capricorn has been retrograde since April 27th and still has until October 6th to go. Saturn began its spin backward in abstract Aquarius on the 23rd of May, compelling us to speak up and stand up. Jupiter, the co-ruler of Pisces begins its retrograde on the 20th of June, announcing its return back into Aquarius. Jupiter in Pisces has special connotations this month - forgiveness, compassion, unity and soulful, soulmate connection are just a few themes that preside. Life begins to have some sort of flow, and we feel elated to be with the ones we love. Humans are cyclical and our environments impact our moods, libido, creativity, emotions and energy. To be 100% authentic we need to stay fertile in our consciousness - and lead spiritual lives. That is the essence of Jupiter in Pisces. In June, leading a spiritual life means staying open and transparent, to express what we’ve understood and to gather community around us. There are enough blessings to go around for each and everyone of us.
Mercury and Saturn retrograde bring up past patterns, ex’s and trauma, which have been restraining us from forming a new reality. There is meaning behind every little thing that shows up on your path this year, and the beliefs that are tied into what we think is important change daily. Pluto in Capricorn is in cahoots with Saturn in Aquarius, making the rich get richer and the poor stay exactly where they are. We sense the gross imbalance occurring across the globe right now, and people are aggravated! Healing shows up twofold in our lives right now - we are being triggered by our experience. The empaths who are in tune with the world see situations, events and experiences that have to do with control and fear mongering appearing in many stages. And it makes sense that our eyes are opened, because like I said - Gemini is communication - but it can also be the lies and deception, the ones we tell each other and the ones we tell ourselves. Between all the retrogrades it’s important to note the dates of some planets' moving signs - like early on in the piece when Venus leaves Gemini for Cancer on the 2nd - merging with Mars in Cancer on the 3rd. Venus loves to be in sensitive Cancer, and overall the first few weeks are sensual, feeling driven and devoted. We are protective of the ones we love, co-dependent too. From the 11th, Mars will leave emotional Cancer for fiery Leo where it will stay until July 29th. Mars enjoys being in Leo, although we can come to expect high drama with a touch of defensiveness thrown in. Expressions of interest will be large but it’s a good time to pursue romance and lust - everything can feel completely theatrical! As if we’re really on some sort of stage. However, Mars will enter a tense opposition with Saturn that can make this transit more of an episode than it ought to be. It’s absolutely worthy to note the Saturn - Uranus square that occurs on June 14th, the second of a three part transit. Life- altering, yes. Furious, indeed. Although it is a temporary collision, it carves out some chaotic resistance to change - one where we’d rather sink than swim. The fixed energy of this transit makes us immensely stubborn - so it can very much be a case of Stockholm syndrome. On the 20th, the Sun changes sign from Gemini into Cancer. Mercury then stations direct (23rd) in Gemini. Remain flexible and patient to all the changing scenarios and be weary of signing contracts, as there are still two weeks of post-shadow energy to work through. A Full Moon occurs on the 23/24th in the sign of Capricorn. Making an opposition to the Sun in Cancer, we can embrace what each sign brings to the table. The Cancer/Capricorn axis deals with concerns such as home vs. career, family vs. social presence and the real face vs. the fake. We are encouraged across June to be responsible for the things we say as well as the things we don’t say. No one can read our minds, so take back your power by owning what and who you want. That is Capricorn’s M.O - they are the ‘Daddy’ of the zodiac, and trust me it shows in how they choose to live their life. A day later, Neptune in Pisces turns retrograde where it will stay for 4 months. We can feel especially reflective or inspired, dreams speak to us as do our ancestors when we move silently, purposefully.
Overall, June is fired up - radiating and pulsating, reaching the crescendo of supernova vibes - things are coming to conclusion, once and for all, and we are better for standing by it - embracing it - and waving goodbye to what is no longer. I’ll leave you with this quote from a book called ’12 rules for life’ by Jordan Peterson - that imprinted on me as soon as I read it… “Attend to the day, but aim at the highest good. Now your trajectory is heavenward. That makes you hopeful. To journey happily may well be better than to arrive successfully…Ask, and ye shall receive. Knock, and the door will open. If you ask as if you want, and knock, as if you want to enter, you may be offered the chance to improve your life, a little; a lot; completely - and with that improvement, some progress will be made in Being itself.”
Stay well, Choose love, Teach peace!
Your friend,
Aries: March 21 - April 19
If you find yourself feeling out of touch with others, Aries - remind yourself it’s only fleeting and totally natural with the various retrogrades occurring cosmically. For you, June will be about quiet developments as well as questions and discoveries that prove essential in your quest toward something quite personal. There’s no soft entrance here - you are launched into the bold energy June emits - and you’ve got a lot of work on your hands, gathering information, facts and resources. Hello Mercury in Gemini! But first - Venus and Mars join together (on the 3rd) in your loving 4th house of family, belonging and surroundings. You so wish to manifest your own little pod, and dreams signal a want/need for sex, love and recreation. Something deep in your soul keeps you shackled to a place of domestication - maybe it’s a certain person or feeling, but from very early on in the month, you are focused on home and family situations. The Solar Eclipse in Gemini (10th) joins the Sun and Mercury in your 3rd house unleashing upon you new information to review. It can be dynamic or destabilising, depending on where you’re at with career and employment. As always in Gemini season, sudden developments create lightbulb moments. In fact, this kind of changeable mood that Gemini is known for can work in your favour, as you slide over what you thought you ‘had to have’ in order to get where you need to go. You may begin to meditate regularly in this cycle, as you learn to respond rather than react. Something that for you, will be a lifelong pattern to dissect. This Eclipse gives you an opportunity to come from a completely conscious place, even if relationships appear puzzling.
Your ruler Mars is in the sensitive sign of Cancer until the 11th, opening an expressive and sentimental gateway to love. Regardless of relationship status, there is excitement in union. If you are single, this month can really be stellar for meeting someone. If you are partnered, you are given a life raft to reach out and spice things up wherever needed. After this date, Mars enters Leo - where it feels much more comfortable - don’t be surprised if a relationship completely and utterly enfolds you from the 18th onwards. June is largely about ‘grounding’ amidst the chaos, as all the planets engage with the bottom half of your chart, helping you deal with your external environment. A Full Moon in Capricorn merges with Pluto on the 24th, your house of career and profession will be highlighted around this time, offering you a chance to really connect with some high flying players. You fancy yourself as some sort of professional in the field, or at least someone with much better taste than the average Joe. Because of this there can also be a competitive streak to this earthy Moon, and you definitely won’t be sidestepping to make way for someone else. It’s a busy month, and by the end you’ll really feel Mercury shy away from it’s retrograde position, inspiring you to step into your power and live without hesitation.
Dates to watch out for; 3rd, 11th, 16th, 21st, 24th, 28th.
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
Stay empowered, Taurus. It’s too late to give up now anyway - instead take June for what it is, organised chaos. The eruption of something much larger, much greater, much more suited is making its way into your life but first you’ve got to vibe with the obstacles the retrogrades represent. On the 3rd, Venus and Mars meet in your 3rd house of philosophy, higher learning and technology. It’s very likely you are focused on career, communication or collaborative side projects that you wish to develop - but this garden will need extra attention if you wish it to grow into something more. Media in all its forms is propelling you, but just know that Venus in the 3rd can be exceptionally slow to show real time results. The Gemini Solar Eclipse on the 10th, happens in your cash related 2nd house, which rules over values and possessions. During this cycle, it’s really important to think before you speak or make grandiose announcements, as Mercury is still retrograde in the sign of Gemini provoking you. In general, this retrograde will look into your bank statements, finances and the state of your material affairs. A doorway could swing open thanks to a reliable friend or previous client, it appears that your reputation speaks for itself and you would be smart to monetise on it.
From the 11th, Mars enters Leo, embracing your 4th house of family and domestic duties. The next 3 weeks are based around moving, renovating, nesting or engaging with parents, children or siblings. You may just get your wish fulfilled in the 6 months the eclipse portal is active, so hold onto your hats, anything is possible! On the 14th, the second Saturn square Uranus transit appears, losing you to some fundamental changes. This is very important for you, as Uranus is in your sign for many years yet (until 2026). There is a sense of urgency for you to heed its themes of revolution, originality, rebellion and freedom. Uranus is unequivocal and brings us a whole lot closer to our own ‘personal’ freedoms, and its retrograde in August will give you a moment to reflect on whether or not you’re etching closer or further away from where you’re supposed to be. On the 21st, the Sun moves into Cancer joining your 3rd house - showing you that a big portion of this month is about learning, creating and debuting what you’ve learnt. On the 23rd, Mercury stations direct. A day later, a Capricorn Full Moon merges with Pluto in your house of expansion, broadening horizons and your emotional offerings. There is a milestone coming on and around the dates of this earthy full moon, increasing charm and charisma. You will continue to build connections where they matter and compromise when you see fit. Just remember, these next few months are about successful solutions - not sacrifices.
Dates to watch out for; 2nd, 10th, 17th, 20th, 24th.
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
Happy Birthday Gemini, enjoy your month of creative growth, emotional drama and good fortune. There is a tidal wave of karmic energy coming into play for you and the winds of change are blowing. It begins on the 3rd, when Venus joins Mars in your romantic and committed 7th house. The essence of the 7th house is influenced by specific partners who’ve left an imprint on you and those relationships in which you were forced to grow. The 7th house seeks to expand your love life, so don’t overlook someone or something that’s been looking at you this whole time. The Solar Eclipse in your sign is the big news for you personally - appearing on the 10th in light of a New Moon, this lunation shines a spotlight on your 1st house of self, reputation, image, personality and ‘rebirth’. There is a 2.0 version of you coming in the next 6 months, and you’ve worked diligently at refining your better qualities. It’s a mighty transit that merges with the Sun, North Node and Mercury in your sign. A trine to Saturn in Aquarius will help you find that missing piece or perhaps fall into a chance meeting that changes everything around.
You are keenly developing your communication skills by the time Mars enters your 3rd house on the 11th. A few days later, Saturn makes a tense square to Uranus, and the logical component that you live by doesn’t seem to be there right now. You could feel irrational or hasty, reacting rather than responding to the issue at hand. Be careful of taking a radical position, as this cycle reflects serious extremes and not seeing what’s actually happening in the big picture. On the 21st of the month waves goodbye to birthday season, introducing a more sensitive and soft Cancerian mood for all. Mercury loves being in your sign, it’s at home here - as naturally it is your ruler. Therefore, this retrograde occurring from now until June 23rd, is really nothing new. It occurs 3x a year, every year muddling our technology, speaking, communicating and thinking - nothing more sinister than that! For you personally, it can feel like pressing a snooze button on all your chores and hobbies, while you take a time out, just to be. The Capricorn Full Moon is taking a relationship to a whole other level on the 24th when it moves into your house of intimacy. Soul contracts and transactions are themes from now until the end of July. This lunation can make you feel as though you’re thrust into the spotlight, as it also revolves around money, shared finances and/or settlements with previous or current partners. By July, you will have a new sense or purpose - remaining persuasive with your goals and dreams. The taste of things to come is here!
Dates to watch out for; 3rd, 13th, 16th, 20th, 28th.
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
Increased momentum helps you move, project and realise, Cancer. It’s almost birthday time, and you’re feeling a new sense of self confidence that 2021 has so far brought. June helps you acknowledge where your strengths lie, but there will be some uneasy mid-month corrections that have to be made first, before any true potential shines through. From the 3rd, Venus and Mars join together in your 1st house - helping you gain momentum on your health and wellbeing as well as reputation and image. You feel unstoppable, as Mars lends its energy and enthusiasm to your life, helping you regain some sort of dominance in a relationship or business situation. Venus in your sign until the 27th is sexy and sublime, and should be squeezed to the every last drop. You are charming and charismatic, but emotions erupt when someone can't recognise your progress. On the 10th, a Gemini Solar Eclipse merges with the Sun and Mercury in your spiritual 12th house of shadow work, psychology and inner healing. This can bring about angst as you relive a past pattern or trauma, likely realising you’ve still got miles to go before you can say you’re free from that particular memory.
There is a lot of unstable energy clashing in the weeks ahead, and decisions can stall until the 22nd. It’s likely a Virgo or Gemini play some sort of encouraging role this month for you, so keep your eyes peeled. Mars leaves your sign on the 11th for Leo, underlining financial woes for the next few weeks. A few days later, the treacherous Saturn-Uranus square rears its head for the second time, this year, seeking solitude. What you want may be hard to explain, but in silence you dislodge certain ‘bad habits’. On the 21st, the Sun officially enters your sign, meeting Venus here. It’s celebration time, focus only on what gives you pleasure and happiness. On the 24th, a Full Moon in Capricorn opposes the Sun in your sign, merging with Pluto in your house of partnerships. This is a significant lunation and it has serious cosmic powers to benefit commitment, love, lust, fertility and soul mate ship. Are you willing to risk everything for a prospective partner?! These aspects, regardless of your relationship status, make you willing to take the opportunity to be real in every part of your life.
Dates to watch out for; 4th, 10th, 13th, 20th, 24th.
Leo: July 23 - August 22
There is a sudden knowing that something special is around the corner, Leo. And, regardless of how unpredictable June proves to be, the circle of people around you comes to life creating many memorable moments. The month begins on the 3rd, when Venus and Mars join your mystical 12th house - helping you gain momentum in your spiritual life. There is major emphasis on secrets, ancestral trauma or past memories, and it’s all leading up to the emotional explosion around the Gemini Solar Eclipse on the 10th. This Eclipse will occur in your 11th house of socialising, merging with Mercury and the Sun also in Gemini. Many of you are feeling supported by friendships, business acquaintances or family members - this is because your 11th house of community is rallying around you to show you something that you may have previously missed. It can go as far as realising that a platonic friend is more than just that, and you could strike up an unusual romance. This lunation is very memorable because it merges with the North Node in Gemini, shifting priorities from me to we.
Mars enters your sign on the 11th, bringing enthusiasm and excitement - you’ll feel more powerful under this transit, as if you’ve got the whole cosmos clapping for you. Mars is dominant and doesn’t strive to make everyone happy, instead it looks out for #1, you. It will focus solely on your personal goals, as well as your mental agility and sexual prowess. On the 14th, Saturn makes a tense square to Uranus - creating some sort of optical illusion. Fixed signs such as yourself will be fun for a challenge that makes this really hard to navigate - allow yourself to adapt because the energy here will only strengthen from now until August, when Uranus turns retrograde for a few months. Mercury moves direct from the 23rd in Gemini, breaking up a very demanding, monotonous few weeks. Finally, a Full Moon in Capricorn on the 24th resonates with Pluto in your 6th house- applying pressure to routine, body, mind and soul. Venus then traverses into your sign on the 27th, preparing you for a special kind of attention. Although you are somewhat used to having all eyes on you, it won’t matter at all if the person you really want isn’t there. Develop a relationship with the divine, and maybe then you can manifest who it is you want. Regardless of what stands in your way.
Dates to watch out for; 10th, 13th, 24th, 27th.
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
June marks a period of development, Virgo. While the planetary alignments are tense, there are times of solitude, rest and relaxation. You just need to know how to play the game, and remain holistic in your approach with those around you. Jupiter in Pisces has been moving through your house of partnership since early May, and this month will give you one final push to favour romance, union and sex above all else. Twin flames are activated around Gemini’s dual nature and this will truly be your main focus. Mars and Venus join together in your friendly 11th house from the 3rd of the month, making you of assistance to someone socially. As always, people come to you to join the dots and connect them to other like-minded individuals. It’s clear that fun times are on the agenda, as it may have been a while in-between drinks. The Gemini Solar Eclipse on the 10th merges with the Sun and Mercury in your ambitious 10th house, giving you an insatiable thirst for career advancement and public recognition.
The mutable energy of these eclipses falls directly in line with you, as you yourself are made up of mutable spirit. This means that there will be an excessive focus on imperfections as well as embracing your own self critical reflection. Your archetype is one of self-purification, as you attempt to best serve others. This lunation therefore reflects your tensity with Gemini, and the fact that the North Node is here - because Gemini absorbs information so differently to you. Now is not the time for a rigid attitude, and remember that it’s not ideal for making a snap decision either. All of June gravitates toward the ‘Dress rehearsal’ with 5 planets retrograde motion. This is a rare cycle we find ourselves in - and much is concealed until the 22nd. Mercury stations direct in Gemini on the 22nd, but is post-shadow until early July. You will have to retrace steps and possibly go into reverse with someone. The month progresses with a Full Moon in Capricorn radiating light onto your fertile 5th house. Having Pluto here too can increase the destiny, bringing news of pregnancy or adoption. The Sun in Cancer is in opposition here so there can be underlying themes of family vs. business, but I feel you have been more lenient with yourself lately, in giving the time you need to those who need it. Harness the romantic, creative, playful mood - and use its sweetness to step down from the high horse and give someone your full attention.
Dates to watch out for; 2nd, 10th, 14th, 21st, 28th.
Libra: September 23 - October 22
You’re moving through it, Libra. In this palpable month, where anything is likely, you mobilise and energise - acting with intention. Throughout June, sudden changes appear, high powering situations of pressure and restlessness. Venus and Mars are harmonious in your 10th house of achievement from the 3rd. This can signal that you’re about to make two steps forward in your career, or something you’ve placed heart and soul into. It’s an active cycle of pursuing, but the Saturn retrograde energy can also have you working some damage control. It’s obvious that you are very busy this month, with deadlines and collaborative projects to meet. Venus your ruler will stay in Cancer until the 27th, softening the blow, if only for a moment. The Solar Eclipse in Gemini occurs on the 10th, consuming you with knowledge and information. It meets up with Ceres, Mercury and the Sun in your 9th house of purpose, education and intentional travel - making it highly likely you are dreaming up new long term goals with a larger picture now in mind.
The opposing energies around this lunation can have you scrambling, with little time to prepare. And, the only advice is to never agree to anything a week prior and a week after the Eclipse! If someone dangles an offer in front of you around the 14th, when Saturn and Uranus engage in a square, I’d be careful to bite back. With Mercury still retrograde until the 22nd, there can only be further headaches if you agree to it. Mid-month Mars engages with Leo, and your social 11th house, ensuring friendship and new connections. Someone you met 2-3 years ago could rush back into your life in a very surprising or titillating way. This month is incredibly karmic, and it’s best to cover blind spots as best you can. On the 24th, a Capricorn Full Moon merges with Pluto but opposes the Cancer Sun modifying your familiar 4th house of belonging. Harmonising with Jupiter, which by then is retrograde, it seems fair to assume that someone from your childhood or recent past comes back also. They may be on a mission to reconnect, but you’ll be too busy attending party plans. The 4th house is extremely domestic - so some of you may have recently finished a move, signed a lease or sold a house. It’s now time to wind down and ensure your family has you when they want you.
Dates to watch out for; 2nd, 13th, 19th, 20th, 24th.
Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
It’s time to focus on being the adult in the room, Scorpio. This can mean different things to different people, but essentially involving yourself with musings of a higher octave are most prominent. June is a wacky month, any astrologer will tell you that but there is also potential for good fortune if you play your cards right. Or perhaps, it’s not about playing at all - instead it’s more about ‘being’. Venus and Mars come into your 9th house on the 3rd, putting an international twist to all that you do. Mars, your co-ruler feels lost in Cancer but it changes signs on the 11th, into Leo, which is much more your vibration. You are attracted to new horizons and the allure of adventure makes you climb great heights for it. The Solar Eclipse in Gemini is the news to know about however, as it will occur in your mysterious 8th house, which coincidentally rules your Scorpio sign. Drama, illusion, intimacy and delusion can come to play within relationships bringing enormous frustration. You are evaluating your crossover with certain individuals, the karmic Node’s in close succession to this lunation have a lot to do with this. It goes back to the favour someone did for you, or perhaps what you owe a past lover.
Do not be hasty with those around you, as in the day to day moments you so unconsciously zoom through could be a special, destined partner to meet. If you wish to manifest fertility, the 22nd will be a fine time to do so. Mercury is moving direct from the 23rd, in the sign of Gemini, ending a tedious few weeks. Leave big judgements or dramatic conversations for a while, June is more about ‘dress rehearsals’ than anything else. Concerns around money can circulate later in the month, as you see an increase in debt. It may feel consistently as though you are giving more than others. A Full Moon in Capricorn occurs in your 3rd house, aligning here with Pluto. Ending a hazy month of back + forth conversation and misunderstood communication. You are switching gears at this lunation, trying to be more forthright with what you actually want so that you can stop materialising things you don’t. Understanding the story you tell yourself can trigger many shifts within, empowering you not only physically but financially. Sometimes the only way to step up to the plate is when push comes to shove, don't let it.
Dates to watch out for; 3rd, 10th, 16th, 21st, 24th.
Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
Karmic balance is restored when you face up to the facts, Sagittarius. The strategy to get through June can feel overwhelming in the coming days, and all the intense retrograde energy can make you feel as though you are on loop. There is a lot going on, especially for you, as the Gemini Solar Eclipse follows hot in your (Lunar Eclipse) footsteps engaging with the Node’s - the battle of duality. On The 10th, the Solar Eclipse in Gemini opposes the South Node in your own sign. This plays into your archetype of ‘expansion’, and interpreting the philosophical meaning behind all the dynamic connections you’ve recently made. The polarity of Sagittarius is Gemini - you are confronted by your ‘other’ in this lunation. The themes embraced will be diverse, but a reflection of self - love and confidence. It’s highlighting your house of relationships, committing you to take the plunge in romance and lust. Yet, Eclipses conceal, they are wolves in sheep's clothing, so it’s important you aren’t fooled by what you see. The first 3 weeks of the month permanently revolve around soulmate entanglements, previous partners and special unions - all of the cosmos is ensuring you approach relationships with some tenderness. But before the Eclipse, you have the 8th house to contend with when Venus and Mars merge together here from the 2nd.
Mars leaves Cancer for Leo on the 11th, bringing fated meetings as well as experiments. Engaging with your house of expansion, June is for propelling yourself in every avenue - even career. There is a special type of allure to your right now, so you may as well use it. The Saturn-Uranus square occurs on the 14th, the second time this year, preparing paperwork and option A + B. You don’t have the luxury of changing your mind for now, and this transit is known to be tricky even on a good day. There is increased risk of accidents especially if either of these planets make close contact to your birth chart. On the 23rd, Mercury stations direct in Gemini helping ease the monotonous feeling and you pursue more serious matters like education, media, collaboration and income. This mood bodes well for the Capricorn Moon on the 24th, merging with Pluto in your house of finances. You need to embrace new ideas and viewpoints if you are to get back on the horse. There is tension reflected late in the month because you exaggerate or embellish where you’re at financially, this puts pressure on you and the family. Your ruler Jupiter sets off on its retrograde in Aquarius after the 20th, gaining you a valuable experience and unlocking a new path.
Dates to watch out for; 1st, 10th, 14th, 24th, 26th.
Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
No more flying solo, Capricorn. June is for union, because chances are you’ll really, truly need it. New elements have you scrambling to adjust with little time to prepare, but that’s just part of this new journey you’ve embraced so there is no going back now. Instead, it’s time for completing outstanding cycles - Mercury retrograde until the 22nd means it’s all but a dress rehearsal for now. It begins when Venus and Mars join harmoniously in your 7th house of love and commitment, from the 3rd, igniting a flame in your love life. You are getting serious about a partner and for the first time in a long time feel as though there is a ‘perfect’ match out there. Mars is so dominant here that emotions can fluctuate, maybe not yours but theirs. Be careful of conflicts at this time, as too often they are hasty and chaotic. Regardless of your relationship status, this transit brings something for everyone - perhaps even a soul mate. The Solar Eclipse in Gemini on the 10th, and for you it manifests in the 6th house, influencing every day established routines. It’s not the best time for a check up or a procedure, instead allow a few weeks to go by, if it’s not urgent. The 6th house is compelling because it’s really an ‘all rounder’ it looks at everything and considers different ways in which it can invite variety and play.
On the 14th, a Saturn-Uranus square reassesses what is valuable and what is not. Saturn, being your ruler and being retrograde in Aquarius will feel a lot more out of control than usual. Everything around you is happening in such a concentrated way from now until the end of the year, that it can feel like you’re solely responsible. Although you're extremely versatile there’s only so much you can take. On the 21st, the Sun moves into cardinal Cancer, your opposite sign! There can be some confusion or miscommunication, as everything is heightened in sensitivity and shrouded with mystery. On the 24th, a Full Moon in your sign merges with Pluto, opposing the Sun, doubling the action in your 1st house of image and reputation. You are at a turning point in life and it’s evident to everyone who knows you. There is some sort of personal goal in sight and you’ll go to great lengths to get it. The week leading to this lunation gives a rare opportunity to strengthen a person's relationship - give it your all.
Dates to watch out for; 2nd, 10th, 11th, 14th, 21st, 24th.
Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
Personal relationships experience major shifts this month, Aquarius. In the coming weeks it’s about intention and prospering despite the odds, something you know how to do white well. The month begins with Venus and Mars colliding together in your 6th house of routine and health. This brings about a nice balance in regards to body & soul - aligning your energy. Keeping calm is necessary as the month progresses, aa a karmic Solar Eclipse in Gemini lights up your 5th house of fertile creativity and romance. This Eclipse can manifest with multiple collaborations appearing, helping you explore your creative talents. Charge what you’re worth! Love will also be on the brain, naturally because the 5th house embraces love and union. If you are single, a Gemini or Libra may strike your fancy and there is a BIG possibility of twin flame connection. The tense Uranus-Saturn square on the 14th will really hit you where it hurts, purely because Saturn is in your sign, and Uranus is one of your ruling planets.
For the 2nd time this year they meet in opposition, bringing a hectic wake up call that is especially hard to swallow because of how your energy is fluctuating. It’s best mid-month then to stay relatively close to home, allowing for rest and recharge. If a romantic proposition is made now you are likely to steer clear until you have your energy back to deal with it head on. Mercury is retrograde until the 22nd, but then we have 2 weeks of post-shadow to contend with. Heed the usual advice of review and recourse, but don’t be scared of much else. Attachments to a group or community can actually cloud your judgement now, making you think you’re more elite than other people. On the 21st, the Sun moves into Cancer, switching up the ‘moody’ mood of Gemini. A Capricorn Full Moon ends the month on the 24th, aligning with Pluto - in your 12th house of secrets and privacy. The cardinal energy of Capricorn/Cancer can have you reflecting on the natural laws of life and perhaps trying to convert others into your way of thinking. Don’t assume that how you interpret things is how others should too - that will only be of determent in the long run. Especially if this person is a member of your extended family.
Dates to watch out for; 3rd, 10th, 13th, 20th, 23rd, 26th.
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
June brings completion to an entire cycle of a previous life, Pisces. A powerful month to rethink and reassess, and yet in the shadows, doors are opening with Jupiter’s backing of you. Venus and Mars merge in your 5th house of fertility, intimacy and creativity from the 3rd, making the first 2 weeks of the month a wonderful time to entertain, engage and connect with others in your life. Mars is dominant here, bringing fire and passion to you, something that you’ve prayed for. Amidst all the retrograde chaos, somewhere along the way, you have arrived - this is because Jupiter, your co-ruler, is still making tracks in your sign until it retrogrades in Aquarius around the 22nd. The Gemini Solar Eclipse occurs in your cosy 4th house of home and family, meaning many of you are upgrading or renovating your own personal space. These changes can feel overwhelming but destined as they displace you for a moment or so. But, you don’t mind when your attention is to personal life - as you know that’s where you’re truly embraced. Career takes a back seat then while you busy yourself with domestic life, envisioning the small parts that add to the larger picture.
You are timeless, but the Saturn-Uranus square on the 14th disrupts your ‘go with the flow’ attitude. Confronting issues you’ve been avoiding is the only way forward, but don’t let others push you around while you do so. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed in this transit, but just remember it’s far from over - with the last alignment occurring in mid December this year. It’s very likely you’re not ‘getting it’ the way you should be and it is in turn frustrating those around you. This is because you process much more abstractly than those around you - and you attach importance to different things too. Mercury retrograde in Gemini can be spiritually tough, even though its mutable energy matches with yours. This is an immensely busy month, yet the 5x planets retrograde can make things feel as though they’re never fully moving! The archetype of the fish is closely linked to the ‘divine’, and in this mayhem lies an introduction to a pivotal step forward. The Capricorn Full Moon on the 24th merges nicely with your sign, resonating in your 11th house of social friendship. Meeting Pluto but opposing Cancer it’s obvious that you will attend some sort of event or party that throws your network into overdrive. Your best pitch is yourself, so embrace the god-given talents when you interact with other people.
Dates to watch out for; 3rd, 10th, 14th, 20th, 27th.