March is a simple moment in time - that’s not to say it’s a slow-paced month, but it sure is more peaceful than what we just experienced throughout January and February. Depending on where in the world you live, on the 3rd or 4th, we will all experience Mars leaving Taurus to enter into versatile Gemini. Mars in Gemini exposes many of the sign’s mutable ‘airy’ qualities that are better associated with it’s natural ruler, Mercury. Alas, the show goes on - and we find ourselves motivated for conversation or debate. A wide range of subjects interest us in the weeks going forward, and everything has a truly abstract quality to it - even the mundane! We may therefore feel rather restless, excited or intrigued by those small, transitory moments around us - we are perplexed by monotony - and we refuse to resign ourselves to it. In Pisces season, everything tends to feel more poetic anyway, so don’t be surprised if you feel like drawing, singing, crying, dancing or just calling up an old friend/lover and expressing just how much you truly care. On the 7th, Pallas (known as the asteroid goddess) enters Pisces. In ancient mythology, Pallas was the daughter of Zeus, and in Astrology she represents art, wisdom, spiritual guidance and justice. In the sign of Pisces, Pallas holds deep compassion and devotion for all that is misguided in the world. The Sun is intensified by it’s conjunction to the New Moon in Pisces on the 13th, when this fluctuating watery, mystical energy dances entwined to release, surrender, let go - once and for all. Merging with Venus, Ceres and Neptune, we feel both sides of romance; the joy and the angst - we seek to be loved and to love in return. Pisces is always in flux; and a New Moon celebrates that notion, through rebirth and beginning anew. We can expect the days before and the days after to feel supremely intuitive, receptive and soft. Set intentions, re-align with goals you set over the New Year period and take a moment to calibrate as Pisces works it’s fertile magic. On the same day, Ceres is conjunct Chiron (who is still in Aries) giving way to some expectations - we can feel significantly sensitive - but unafraid. Chiron remains in Aries offering us a chance to work with our wounds, and heal them from the inside out.
A wonderful thing about March, and most of April is that the major planets (Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn, Pluto, Mars) are all moving in direct motion, giving us the will to power on through. On the 15th, Mercury enters Pisces too and joins the gang, keeping us humble yet coded in conversation. A lot of what we say is just to see if the other person on the receiving end can pick up what we’re NOT putting down. This can be nauseating for everyone around us, and self sabotaging too - but Mercury in Pisces is complex. As Mercury rules communication, the way we come across and internal logic. In Pisces it fails to apply analytical, calm thinking - and we are easily absorbed by our own memories, ideas and thoughts. If Pisces season teaches us one thing; it’s that feelings can be FACTS!
On the 20th, the Sun enters assertive Aries and the entire mood swiftly changes. The next day, Venus joins Aries and action, authority and enthusiasm is strengthened by the bucket load. The end of the month will be characterised by our need to get moving. We are sick of floundering in deep, dark waters - we want to express our needs, have them met and then engage in the “dynamics" the situation presents. On the 23rd, an interesting transit takes place between Pluto and Chiron. Many of us will feel this in a series of small, unique ways - as if something invisible sets about disrupting our natural flow for the day. When Pluto makes a quintile with Chiron, we have the ability for deep healing through receiving and accepting help from others - even if at times, it feels like the most daunting thing to do. This transit indicates the release of internal blockages, so, it will be natural to feel profoundly emotional, intense or dramatic. Let the wounds and traumas of our past come up, but don’t invite them to stay. That is the lesson in this mesmerising transit. As we wrap up the month of March, we have one more vital date to decipher - the Libra Full Moon on the 28th/29th. Opposing the Aries sun, this Moon is a culmination of everything that came before it. A sublime grand-trine will occur on this date, making it a very auspicious and beneficial Moon to set intentions too.
As Libra is ruled by Venus (and is in alignment to this Moon), it’s general themes rule over harmony, peace, justice and balance - but, relationships and the significance they bring, also come under this guise. It’s obvious that partnership will be a major headline during the Libra/Aries axis - as both focus on certain aspects of union - Aries in the relationship to self, Libra in the relationship to the community - the public - that one special soul. Mars and the Gemini North Node are conjunct on this date, and Saturn in Aquarius harmonises with the Sun & Moon, structuring and simplifying our circumstances. A buildup of unspoken energy can erupt now, and because Aries/Libra are ruled by cardinal energy, we can expect to want to ‘initiate’ and spotlight these certain feelings and conversations, regardless of how we think it may turn out. Yes, this Full Moon will crave romance, drama, desire and promise - we seek to be crystallised by our love for the ‘other’ - whoever that individual may be. Libra’s shadow side may leave us feeling nostalgic toward the end of the month, as if something is missing from our life. That one integral puzzle piece to happiness - yet that piece, is almost always within us. Just live each moment. And let the words of Stendhal ruminate ~ "Pleasure is often spoiled by describing it.”
Take care, see you next month!
Please check your Sun, Moon and Venus sign for these horoscopes.
Love & light
Aries: March 21 - April 19
Aries, everything’s felt rather stressful lately. March then, can feel like an easy transition into what the rest of 2021 ‘could' be like. What makes this month great is that we have no outer planets retrograde, we are yet to dive into the upcoming eclipse heaviness that will occur late April, and of course, it’s almost your solar return! You have very exciting stars and ambition is on the rise. Let’s start at the beginning, with Mars, your ruler, moving into Gemini on the 3rd. Business opportunities will be strengthened in the first two weeks of the month, as Mars engages with your 3rd house of communication, peer relationships and co-workers. Because Gemini naturally rules the 3rd house, you will feel really comfortable showing off your mental prowess and agility. The pace quickens in conversation, and you’re going a million miles per hour. Throughout Pisces season, boundaries will have to be crossed. So, the more self-expressive you are - the more honest everyone else around you will be. March is always a moment to wrap up (or come to terms with) emotions that occurred over the past 12 months, this is mainly because you’re getting ready for your own birthday year to commence. There can be a lingering theme of unfinished business between you and someone else, as Mercury’s post shadow is still in effect until the 13th. That date is quite significant because we have the New Moon in Pisces occurring at the same time, aligning with Venus and Neptune in your spiritual 12th house of contemplation, reflection and surrender. You will feel telepathic, psychic even, as the deep water of Pisces swirls through your heart chakra.
Use this moon to invite good spirits into your world - bless all that is unconscious or unseen, as they are the things we feel most at times. Even if you feel fired up, raring to go or frustrated with how things ‘seem’ to be working out, you need to remember that you are responsible for your reactions - in Pisces, it’s easy to slip. During the three fertile days of the moon, you will want to stay close to home, and deal with your nostalgia on your own. On the 15th, Mercury enters Pisces confirming creative endeavours are strong, as are artistic pursuits of any kind. Overthinking kills the moment, especially if you’re trying to adapt to something new. Jupiter and Saturn are expanding your 11th house, so a new acquaintance may become a fast and firm friend - there is major emphasis on collaboration, community and specific groups you’re linked to, through work or family. As each day passes, you feel more and more like ‘yourself’. That is likely due to your birthday season beginning on the 20th, officially commencing your moment in the sun. The whole mood changes when the Sun enters alpha Aries, with Venus joining the following day. Right away, your love life is spiced up - there is an undeniably sexy quality to the people you meet or come into contact with. You in turn can be more direct with your adorations and there is a spontaneous quality to existing relationships. Overall, you will be offered a fresh start in one union, especially if you’ve gone through bouts of healing together. The Full Moon in Libra on the 28th, will accentuate the axis point between your signs - which in astrology, represents two opposite people with the same modality. Opposite signs do have a special bond, and this means the last few days of the month will have a rather polarising effect on you specifically, because this Moon is so personal. The polarity of ‘self' versus ‘other’ is big here - and you’re reminded that life is a dance of compromise. You may become especially aware of the maintenance required in a relationship, because the energy is in your 7th house of commitment - and this could lead to a moment of truth or conflict. Venus will align with the Sun illuminating relationship dynamics in a very emotional way. Your love life is compelling and the only person that can write the pages, is you.
Dates to look out for; 3rd, 5th, 13th, 18th, 20th, 24th.
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
Taurus, try to separate fears from reality. March starts with a bang this week, highlighting your need for a more ‘updated’ plan. Embrace the mystical Pisces juxtapositions that will occur, they are few and far between. When they do come around, it’s best to surrender to them completely. If February was a bit touchy, you can have faith that March is different, with most outer planets moving in forward motion, and Eclipse season still many weeks away. Now, let’s begin on the 3rd, when Mars leaves your sign to enter Gemini and your 2nd house of finance, service, values and recognition. Mars is assertive, aggressive even, and it’s got one goal in mind - to clean up your business persona. Possessions and materialistic undertakings can take over your everyday life, as you are in constant need of acquiring ‘more’. It seeps into your romantic life too, as you judge harshly those who don’t meet your standard requirement. Gemini loves to ask ‘why' - it is the eternal curiosity within each one of us. That is why, throughout these first two weeks of the month, you will need to ask yourself a few questions on what purpose you expect so much from other people - yet you, yourself are floundering with concepts like savings, personal assets and profit. Good things can also come from Mars in the 2nd house, don’t get me wrong, you may be compensated finally for some work you did late last year - or a timely bonus comes into play. It’s endeavour is not to be cruel, but to clarify. In general, Pisces season draws your attention to friends, groups, and the collective. There is a need to acknowledge and give thanks in some way, and this is furthered when the Pisces New Moon moves into your social 11th house on the 13th. From this date forward, you are more focused on dreams, visions and desires. The mysterious depth of the moon draws your attention to where you wish to be in five/ten years time. These themes are carried through until the end of the month, as you seek relationships that liberate instead of suffocate you.
On the 15th, Mercury enters Pisces and you feel optimistic towards unresolved matters in your life. The answers may appear right in front of you, especially if a friend shows you a way to view the situation from another standpoint. Near and far acquaintances will be rewarding mid-month, as long as you remain receptive. People in your life right now can actually truly help you switch off the anxiety. Make sure to schedule in the right friends and to listen when they talk. Once Aries season begins on the 20th, you will want peace and quiet. This is because the fiery sign enters your 12th house of silence and privacy, adjusting your needs. Venus joins the 12th house, the very next day - and there is emphasis on the need to repair. Some of you may be in bouts of physical pain, such as back, neck or shoulder injury. However, the 12th house is also a place of isolation, sorrow, enemy and ‘undoing’. From this perspective, you may also be dealing with mental health grievances, enemies or the shadow side in one’s personality. Whatever comes up now has a way of tumbling out, rather awkwardly. Yet in this last week of March, during the subconscious purge in the 12th house, you will come face to face with a higher purpose and inner desire. Do not be afraid, step closer into it. Finally, on the 28th, a Libra Full Moon culminates in your 6th house, rejuvenating the need for focus within your workplace. The 6th house rules vitality and health too, underlining the theme of healing from past trauma. The power of daily routine is magnified, and you come to terms with certain ‘adult’ responsibilities you just can’t turn away from.
Dates to look out for; 4th, 12th, 15th, 28th, 30th.
Gemini: May 21 – June 20
Gemini, unexpected consequences arise throughout March. Pisces season can drive you to restlessness as everything seems to be 'easy come - easy go’. But if you’re too confident, you may just slip - so be quietly optimistic over the next 3 weeks and give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Pencil in the 3rd and 4th, as that is when mighty Mars leaves Taurus to enter your sign, where it will spend a few good weeks, multi-tasking, supporting and elevating. Occurring in your 1st house of image and reputation, you have plenty of energy at your disposal to make good on empty promises or clear up past mistakes. The 1st house defines you, it implies your body, your mental prowess, the gifts you were born with - your true identity. Whatever your intuitively feeling will now come up and show in your eyes, there is no ‘fooling’ anyone when Mars is in your solar 1st house. This transit therefore will encourage you to verbalise on where there is imbalance in your life, so much so, that you become aggressive and combative. The nature of Mars is to fire up, so don’t be surprised when your moods swing wildly and you bulldoze over other people. Now that you know, heed this warning! The days pass and you remain open to possibility, especially on the 13th when a New Moon in Pisces aligns with the Sun, Neptune and Venus in your 10th house of career and achievement. Satisfaction through your work is a top priority in this cycle, and you try hard to impress a boss or authority figure. There is something simmering between colleagues, or you could just be fed up with someone’s lack of initiative. The 10th house can awaken a certain type of ego in your own character, which at times can be healthy - maybe it’s just what you need to get you to the finish line.
On the 15th, Mercury moves into Pisces and joins the 10th house, offering you a chance to further your status. It’s important to understand the juxtaposition of the 10th house, as it’s opposite axis point is the 4th house of home and family. This makes me believe that a parent may also be a rather dominant figure to navigate in March - you will offer emotional support either to your own or to someone older than you within the workplace. On the 20th, the Sun, followed by Venus, moves into Aries and your 11th house of true friendship. Out of the blue you may get a text or call from a distant friend or a chance meeting with someone who you instantly click with. Aries is vivacious in the 11th house, Venus even more so - you will have ample charm to woo friends and lovers alike. It could be smart around these dates not to focus so much on love and lust, and instead give your full attention to the support system in your life. As at times, you get totally sideswiped in your romances, you forget everyone else. The Libra Full Moon on the 28th bodes well for your sign as it sits in your romantic, inquisitive 5th house. Pleasure, intimacy, lust and fertility are all big, exciting topics that you take time to think over. This Moon in your sister sign, Libra, can make you feel more emotionally and mentally grounded, in a time where everything else feels rather stretched. Expect boundaries to be blurred in love, ride the wave.
Dates to look out for; 3rd, 4th, 7th, 13th, 17th, 27th.
Cancer: June 21 – July 22
Cancer, you drift through this month with ease and grace. As Pisces season offers expansion, opportunity and the ‘bigger’ picture, each time it comes around. March sets off exploring your esoteric 12th house when Mars moves on from Taurus and into Gemini on the 3rd. The concept of the 12th house has much to do with the subconscious and all that it rules - our dreams, secrets, fears and intuitions. This guarantees the first, few weeks of the month are solely dominated by a 'force’ outside of yourself. Because Pisces is the natural ruler of the 12th house, there is a sense of ‘undoing' here, which of course, frightens the hell out of someone like you, who feeds off composure. But, there is no ego in the 12th house, only truth, and Mars makes sure to define this. While you are deep in the throws of feeling and emotion, the Pisces New Moon on the 13th creeps up. You have that gnawing feeling within, you look up, blink and it’s already mid-month. The New Moon aligns with the Sun, Venus and Neptune already in Pisces - engaging your international 9th house of philosophy, travel and thought. You seek experiences that bring you new awareness, there is something you must learn, and you know this. The congregation of watery energy activates the simplicity of ritual. Every day activities turn whimsical, or you look at an old situation with a fresh perspective. Friends come and go in this cycle, and you’re stimulated greatly by those who are bold, quirky or adventurous. Venus in Pisces almost always guarantees a certain charm and poise, but it’s inability to decide, can have you writing a pro’s and con’s list on who you love and why. Neptune in Pisces involves parallel realities, so there is a foreign feeling to what you may be going through - which bodes honestly with the 9th house.
On the 15th, Mercury enters Pisces to join the party, and the narrative speaks of making the world your friend. When planets are positioned in the 9th house it indicates the amount of interest you have in relating to people, as well as certain types of behaviours. It’s very much the motto ‘you learn about yourself, through the eyes of others’. Remaining observant furthers your success on the 20th when the Sun enters Aries and shifts the mood around. At once, the reality of investing in your business life becomes more important than usual. This is because a day later, Venus also switches signs into Aries and gets comfortable in the 10th house of ambition and drive. Commitment to career is front and centre, as you give a project your undivided attention. There is something liberating about your job - or perhaps, you are being guided by a mentor who supports you. If you are looking for love, the boardroom could make the perfect setting this week. Vision for the future can be skewed by authority at certain times of this cycle, as you try hard to impress but keep coming up against similar obstacles. Tangible effort will take very little to be noticed, so just keep working. On the 28th, a bright Full Moon in Libra moves into your 4th house of family, comfort and nesting opposing the Aries Sun. Full Moon’s bring heightened passion and emotion, and Libra seeks to do just that, as it cracks you open in the most private place - where you seek privacy and peace. The 4th house is on an axis with the 10th house - meaning they bounce off each other. Both have to do with partnership, but only the 4th house looks at your relationship with parents/children. The end of the month will mirror what is going on at home to what is happening in your career, and vice versa.
Dates to look out for; 2nd, 4th, 12th, 13th, 18th, 28th.
Leo: July 23 – August 22
Leo, dig deep and see what you come up with. That’s the aim of March’s game, as you turn inward and give almost all your attention to personal relationships. It’s a relatively easy month compared to January and February, and I know that for many of you, Mercury’s retrograde in Aquarius (throughout Feb) brought up some intricate and awkward truths. You live and you learn though, and now it’s time to action some of what transformed you. The theme of growth continues, when Mars leaves Taurus for Gemini and your social 11th house on the 3rd. Right away, connection and networking comes into focus, as you realise you can’t go it alone - or maybe, you don’t want to anymore. The prospect of a full time friend/lover appeals to your senses - but Gemini is known for it’s inability to choose. There could be 2 or 3 charismatic options - how is one to decide?! The 11th house centres around hopes and wishes, inner desires and dreams. In your quest to engage with the group, others can be put off by your dominating ego. You don’t necessarily do this knowingly, but in order to help you achieve your goals, it’s best not to push and provoke. With Chiron in Aries (until 2027), you are more able to gain clarity on your current circumstances. A family member can offer you some emotional support that you didn’t think was going to eventuate, but often always does. The Pisces New Moon on the 13th falls in your mysterious 8th house and aligns with Venus, the Sun and Neptune. Personal power is strong during this cycle, but something under the surface is reaching a boiling point. If you have been neglecting a feeling - this moon tends to stir it to spill over. The 8th house manifests as the unspeakable - yet unavoidable. It’s about the big stuff - possessions, property, legacy. There is a large focus on intimate affairs, the state of your heart, finances that are shared, inheritances or loans/repayments. It could be something secretive or uncomfortable, like an ex paying you back for something. There is an intense mood surrounding this lunation, and because it is the dark moon, it doubles down on the primal elements of your personality.
You are determined throughout March, to apply what you’ve learnt over the last few years to your current life situation. When Mercury also enters Pisces on the 15th, something within you softens. The way you express yourself is kinder, calmer. However, Mercury is the messenger of words and thoughts, and in Pisces, is in it's fall (meaning debilitated) and not functioning properly. Logical thinking doesn’t come naturally to Pisces, so over-thinking, analysing and miscommunication is also highly likely now. Overall, there can be some pressure after the Pisces Moon to perform. You may be overwhelmed by the responsibilities that automatically fall on you, so try and share the load, especially financially with a partner, a family member or friend you live with. On the 20th, Aries takes over from Pisces season, making you feel more at home, in a fellow fire sign. Venus joins Aries the next day, observing your relationships and chance encounters. The 9th house is accentuated indicating the need to define what is so personal to you. Turning points are likely after this date, as you pull everything apart to re-check the boundaries between you and other people. You’ll have your chance to speak your mind when the month wraps up with a loving Libra Full Moon on the 28th. The 3rd house of communication expands your horizons and facilitates an open conversation between you and someone else, because Libra rules relationships, let’s assume it will be with a very important partner or new found lover. On a grand scale, March is a time to get honest and open about what you DO want and who you want IT with. Trust me on that, as April and May will engage with Eclipse energy and historic conjunctions, you want to be sure before then.
Dates to look out for; 3rd, 4th, 8th, 21st, 22nd, 28th, 30th.
Virgo: August 23 – September 22
Virgo, you are navigating deep water throughout March. As the Sun transits through mutable Pisces, your opposite sign, helping you express yourself via tangible truths. The Virgo/Pisces axis is a good place to start this narrative then, as we understand that both signs combine different elements in similar ways. They manifest through self-sacrificing, giving natures - that is why they rule the 6th and 12th houses respectively. As a Virgo, there is a threshold you must cross to enter Pisces season, and the paradox often revolves around the journey to ‘self-healing’. So far, the year has been pleasing, and even in the midst of an awkward Mercury retrograde in February, you managed to come out somewhat unscathed. March follows in the same sort of trajectory, protecting you by inviting other people to the front line. It begins with Mars, entering Gemini, on the 3rd in your ambitious 10th house. Mars in Gemini works for you, as Gemini is also a mutable sign, like yourself and Pisces. Although the mood can be somewhat scattered or unfocused, you find yourself pushing through in your career to continue with goals and deadlines. Nothing can detach a high-paced Virgo from their one true love, their life’s work. There is a defining moment coming - be ready for it to propel you even further. Mercury your ruler leaves it’s post shadow spot on the 13th, the same day the Pisces New Moon enters your committed 7th house of love and partnership. Mid-month ignites meaningful conversations between lovers, and defines the reputation that comes from being joined to someone else. This lunation can focus on the ‘family’ we inherit through the relationships we choose to be apart from. It can illuminate the expectations that surround union - and it can leave you feeling as though you’re walking a narrow path, if you’re not careful. Regardless, of where you’re at in your personal love life - there is HUGE emphasis on intimacy. Exchanges between you and someone else delve deeper than ever before, there’s no such thing anymore as ‘your way’ or ‘my way’ - as this duet dissolves any sort of previous boundaries. Neptune is so close to this Moon, with Venus also in Pisces, confirming that in order to move ahead with someone or something, you must first put something else behind you.
On the 20th, the Sun, followed by Venus moving into Aries igniting the fire within. If Pisces season left you scrambling to get your thoughts together, Aries settles you back in. Aligning with your transformational 8th house of sex and interaction, you’re once again reminded that life can be risky. A gamble. The 8th house also looks at dual finances, the prospect of one day ‘sharing’ it all, and because the 8th house is naturally ruled by Scorpio (an uncomfortable match), I can imagine that whatever takes shape over that last week of March will be rather intimidating or perplexing. Slowly, you are taking in the gravity of a real life matter, and realising that the person you have in your life is here to stay, whether you like it or not. Keep track of what is going on inside your mind, but know that with Mercury in Pisces from the 15th, this may be harder and harder to do. You are navigating a particularly interesting cycle, and it’s potential is apparent to everyone around you, even if it feels daunting. The Libra Full Moon on the 28th, raises a few questions as you move into new territory. Arriving in your 2nd house of service and finances - you are ready to reach an agreement in business. There can be solutions within the 2nd house, if you know where to look for them. Releasing old patterns that have you stuck from reaching full potential are most explored toward the end of the month, and your relationship to cash, is just as important as your relationship to other people. The house of possessions, materialism and work-alliance, recognises the need to start pushing your own agenda, if you don’t, you always end up coming last. This Moon can have you feeling physically and emotionally drained, so leave competition at the door, a true professional doesn’t have to boast to gain attention, their work speaks for themselves.
Dates to look out for; 6th, 13th, 20th, 22nd, 29th.
Libra: September 23 – October 22
Libra, the next logical step may not be what you think it is. Especially during feminine Pisces season, who coaxes you into diving deep, wherever and whenever you so feel. Let’s begin with Mars, and it’s move from earthy Taurus into airy Gemini, your sister sign, on the 3rd. Animating your 9th house of adventure and higher learning, you enter the month feeling more upbeat than usual. January and February had it’s hiccups, but you’re in a better groove than you imagined and now it’s time to expand the experience to something much more. The 9th house in Gemini is very comfortable, and for you will centre around far away friends, long lost loves, new subjects, short distance travels. A certain level of self-mastery is required to get on top of this house, as it often can feel like a rambunctious, runaway horse. There is a restlessness and hunger to you in these first two weeks, that pushes you to re-try a situation. Your approach is louder, and you can thank Mars for that, because he naturally rules aggression, sexual advances and attitude. Be prepared for this transit to drag you kicking and screaming into the flames of self-transformation - that is what the next 4 weeks have in store for you. The Pisces New Moon on the 13th falls in your 6th house of work and health, and attempts to sort out your daily life routine. Health matters most, and if there is something you’ve been struggling with - mentally, physically or emotionally, you can attempt to fix it now and get on top of it. This isn’t the sexiest placement for a dark moon, but unfortunately, not everything is - and you can very much turn your back on whatever feels ugly or uncomfortable in hopes that it goes away. But, it seldom does. On the 15th, this theme is highlighted when Mercury also enters into a 6th house transit. Mercury is the natural ruler of the 6th house, and so if there is a recovery happening, it can occur rather speedily. You are inclined to work on your communication, connection and business skill, and an authority figure may help you remain objective when a situation turns randomly.
It can be hard to see anything apart from your career mid-month, but there is a sense that stunning opportunities are about and that those above you are watching, lurking - waiting to see how well you do. New Moon's signal new beginnings, so there is a chance of a promotion or spotlight to further your reputation. On the 20th, the Sun enters fiery Aries and your romantic 7th house. Potential partners are introduced to you as if by fate, and Venus (your ruler) validates this theme by joining the 7th house the very next day. Having Venus in the fiery sign of Aries alerts the heart chakra to play a little freer, a little wilder. A partner can act as a mirror now, as you come to understand each other better than before. You have a greater need for passion, lust, intimacy and sex as you focus your energy on your significant other. Libran’s that are single now can be revitalised by their social life and the support they receive from long time friends. Your charm is tangible, but be careful of coming across too comfortable or cocky. Finally, the month closes off with a Full Moon (28th), in your sign and your 1st house of image/personality. The axis that is formed from the Moon in your sign, and the Sun in Aries creates a very intriguing diversion - one that looks at the polarities of male/female cardinal energy. In the astrological wheel, your opposite sign Aries is defined by its prowess, agility and masculinity. You on the other hand, are supremely feminine (regardless of sex) - therefore this date focuses on the struggle of ‘I’ and ‘Other’. This Moon can be emotional, dramatic, compromising and pleasurable - depending on where you’re at personally. You will be full of contradictions, as you seek independence through identity, which governs the 1st house, the moon is transiting through. Ultimate fulfilment here will come from understanding that one cannot be without the other, you need your anger to engage your joy, your masculinity to appease the feminine, and so on.
Dates to look out for; 1st, 4th, 13th, 27th, 28th, 30th.
Scorpio: October 23 – November 21
Scorpio, your need for silence is not personal. Instead, it’s intention comes from good, as it chooses to listen through the chatter, and hear the deeper truth out there. Mars, your ruler, leaves Taurus to enter Gemini on the 3rd, engaging with your complex 8th house. The 8th house has a murky reputation, and it’s often seen as the most mysterious in astrology. By nature, it is a very transitional house, and it often activates something within that you didn’t realise you were looking for just yet. Through persistence (something you have) and devotion, you can come to see the darkness that lurks in each one of us, is actually a long standing emotional pattern that eventually turned the other way. Issues that are yet to be resolved come up during this cycle, and as much as you wish to bury your head in the sand, it’s just not possible for now. Revealing embarrassing inner flaws requires a certain type of nature, and Gemini is a sign that loves to contemplate, themselves and everyone else. This makes me believe that you will have a lot of intangible myths to work through, ah, the psychology of being human! The 8th house is turned on by Mars’s aggressive nature, so sex, passion and intimacy are also part of this equation. Whether you’re single or partnered or even flirting with potential, there is potent energy floating around you with this transit at large. The dual nature of life keeps getting emphasised when the New Moon on the 13th, in Pisces moves into your 5th house of romance and creativity. The angels are guiding you across the river of love, but it’s up to you how you use the powers that be. The Sun aligns with the Moon, Neptune and Venus in this house to turn your attention toward pleasure, expression, performance and connection. You may feel deeply emotional and tied to someone from the past, or even toward a child or friend. There is a profound sense of appreciation for what you do have, and as always, a good time to share your true feelings.
The Sun shines into Aries on the 20th, and is joined by Venus the very next day in your 6th house. The mood can abruptly change from romance to business and you’re not sure if you’re ready! Regardless, improvements within routine can be expected, and you have to press on with the matters at hand. There is a sense of sorting through important paperwork, and something closely tied to home. Some of you may be moving, buying or leasing in these last weeks of March, so naturally the focus will shift on the finer details. Your physical health comes up for review, and you’re reminded to tone down the intensity a little. Not everyone is on the same wavelength as you, and Venus seeks to balance that. Be tactile and don’t let your energy revolve around yourself, as you’ll only trip over. The month comes to a close with a sensitive Libra Full Moon (28th) in your reflective 12th house. The 12th house is ruled by Pisces, and is deeply unconscious - it does not function on the surface of reality. Learning emotional intelligence can be very hard and very scary, especially if growing up, you had no one to learn it from. But, we attempt to be better than what we know - so it’s evident that a lot of inner work for you, is just beginning. You are responsible on this Moon for decoding your own inner demons - as well as giving them a voice. The 12th house urges relationships to be honest, if what’s going to work between you two to really flourish. There can be emotional trauma and loss or fears of abandonment sparked by Libra’s relationship orientated heart. Be brutally honest with yourself and identify what needs to occur, you won’t have time when April picks up the pace.
Dates to look out for; 2nd, 4th, 14th, 15th, 20th, 27th, 30th.
Sagittarius: November 21 - December 21
Sagittarius, something keeps tugging at your heart strings, and you keep shrugging it off. As soon as the month progresses, you find yourself mesmerised by the magic of Pisces season. So unlike your own, so wildly different - and after a hectic start to the year, you’re thankful you have a moment all to yourself. The energy ramps up when Mars, enters Gemini and your serious 7th house of love and commitment. You are not playing around, it’s decision time when it comes to a serious partnership in your life and the cosmos puts extra emphasis on that! Mars in Gemini, in your house of relationships can be fortunate for business as well as romance, and until April 22nd, you have every chance to collaborate and confirm how it is you truly feel. But, the tricky part of this is that Gemini is your opposite sign, and therefore, this cycle can cause confusion and chaos in it’s wake if you’re not sure of what you do want. Gemini is insanely curious and indecisive, their personality can rub off on you, taking you down the wrong rabbit hole if you are not careful. In short, the first two weeks define who you are by those that you spend most time with - and in April when Mars trines to Jupiter, you will once again see the re-awakening of this aspect in a very intriguing way. The manifestations of the 7th house are strong, it’s possible some of you get engaged or married! The relationship theme is strengthened when the Pisces New Moon on the 13th, joined by Neptune, the Sun and Venus into your 4th house of family. Mercury follows in their foot steps a few days later, when he also enters your 4th house making a new beginning, if you’re willing to accept an apology. There seems to be trauma around an existing family situation or particular member, that has played havoc on your nerves and emotions over the last 6-8 months. Pisces healing nature can bring about considerable change - if one is willing to listen to the other.
For you, March is all about other people - how they nourish you and why they deplete you. A period of rest and recharge can appear mid-month, where you just seek privacy and comfort over anything else. There is a strong sense of pride or ego in the way too, but someone removed, like a friend or colleague can help you see straight again. It’s important to explore your own needs before anyone else’s in this time, and so often you put others before yourself. On the 20th, the Sun moves into your sister sign, Aries, giving you a break from the deep, Pisces ocean. You are relieved when Venus enters Aries the next day, refreshing your emotional desires. The time that the Sun/Venus spends in Aries, you find yourself more comforted and in tune - mainly because they engage your 5th house of fertility and playfulness. Practice gratitude in the quiet moments for what you do have, and if you’re single, go out and mingle! The stars are epic for flirtations and potential partners can surprise you with their bravado. Lastly, a Full Moon in Libra moves into your social 11th house on the 28th. There is something particularly sensual about this Moon, yet it makes you nostalgic for times gone by. A dramatic friend can perplex you with something they tell you, and you may choose to put some distance between the two of you now. There seems to be an element of surprise here (Uranus is close to the Full Moon), and it centres around partnership, because that of course, is Libra’s domain. Social connections are more lively in this time, as you yourself present in a vivacious and outgoing manner. Be careful who you let in, as there are time-wasters and energy-suckers about!
Dates to look out for; 4th, 6th, 13th, 18th, 21st, 29th.
Capricorn: December 22 – January 19
Capricorn, there is something rhythmic to this month of March, and you’re feeling it before anyone else. Your earthy energy can excel in Pisces season as you are inspired to express and engage. Early on you are devoted to maintaining personal health, because there is so much going on in business and pleasure, you require (more than anyone else) to keep your feet firmly planted to the ground. It begins when Mars leaves Taurus for Gemini, entering your 6th house of routine and wellbeing on the 3rd of the month. Gemini in the 6th house is optimistic and creative, helping you multi-task and obtain valuable information. Your mind is racing, there are a million things going on - not just with you, but those that depend on you in some way, family, children, partners. This whole transit can deal with the intellectual, the curious, the self-sacrifice between work/home. Inside your mind, you find yourself ruminating on something or someone - yet you’re unsure as to why. There can be a yearning that is apparent, or maybe you’re just anxious about the impending arrival of ‘new’ in your life. On the 13th, a Pisces New Moon + Venus, Neptune and the Sun, engage with your communicative 3rd house. You are stimulated by an intellectual approach, and anything else seems immature. Through your conversation, you sell yourself - to employers, friends or potential lovers. There is a charm that Pisces accentuates within you, making you more approachable and easy going. You are attracted to someone witty, sarcastic, open and willing to poke fun at themselves, the light-hearted nature in you shows and a verbal rapport in everyday life is a great source of happiness. It’s likely that you are moving closer and closer to some sort of commitment with a special person in your life, and the intensity of your bond shows.
Mercury joins the Moon on the 15th, confirming that your relationship to others is one of your biggest accomplishments. Mid-month therefore, can be a period of time where you choose to only focus on solutions. The deep waters of Pisces come to an end on the 20th, when the Sun enters Aries and your 4th house. A day later, Mars and Saturn (your ruler) come to engage your 2nd house of finances and service. You are either spending big or saving - there is no 'in between', something tells me that it’s more likely to be spending, as you have a few things on the list to acquire. Venus joins Aries this same day in your 4th house, emphasising the need for family. You may be homesick around these dates, or even noticing a rift between you and someone else. You are soothed by the familiar, and seek to rest and reflect in private. Confrontations however, are just as likely, so be careful if you come head to head with someone close to you. Your words are scathing normally, but this could turn even more bitter. On the 28th, a Libra Full Moon culminates in your 10th house of career and achievement, helping you push through to the finish line in a business deal or project. Generally, Capricorn’s are ambitious and in tune with work. You value social standing above all else, and will be compensated when someone puts in a good word for you and the ethic you possess. Work may literally fall in your lap around this date, so lay the foundations to have everyone harness the ‘perfect’ timing. You play your part, and everyone else will play theirs.
Dates to look out for; 4th, 7th, 12th, 13th, 20th, 21st, 29th.
Aquarius: January 20 – February 18
Aquarius, you have been the central focus since December last year, and you remain integral to the story in progress. The wonderful thing about March is that you get a moment to yourself, to decipher just how well you are coping, spiritually, mentally and emotionally. January and February were tough, they had your attention running everywhere, in all kinds of directions, except for where it’s needed most, inside your own heart. The tune is much gentler throughout Pisces season even when Mars enters curious Gemini on the 3rd. Arriving in your house of intimacy and pleasure, Mars in the 5th is an interesting predicament to be in. A relationship grows closer as you open yourself to fun and romance, with Mars doing any of the heavy-lifting for you. Naturally, Mars rules sex and aggression, it doesn’t like slow and steady, so even though it is in relatively chill Gemini, your emotions and desires are raring to go. Carve out time to get to know someone, or perhaps, re-connect in some circumstances. Good news is likely when Jupiter and Mercury conjunct on the 4th, giving you many reasons to smile. With all the planets in forward motion, you feel aligned to your purpose in a different way to usual. The New Moon in Pisces on the 13th, is joined by the Sun, Venus and Neptune all in your 2nd house of possessions, values and finances. You are going to be affected, especially if you haven’t been taking stock of what you have. In business, your performance is being reviewed and nonchalance will not be admitted. There is something permanent about this Moon, so if there is an opportunity, now with Mercury shadow finally free, it would be wise to say ‘yes'. There is something to be said for feeling secure and stable, even for a renegade sign such as yourself, but in that same merit, these materialistic things will become increasingly important as time goes on.
With Jupiter and Saturn backing you, there is almost nothing you cannot achieve and acquire - it is your turn, most organically so. Mid-month therefore could be about acquiring possessions and creating a comfier ‘home environment’ for yourself, especially if there are dependents who need you. The Sun moves into Aries on the 20th, followed by Venus the next day, making sure the changes are in motion. Aries season is bold, and illuminating your conversational 3rd house, you pick up on the gift of the gab. There is something intellectual about your approach in this transit, and you refuse to meet a small minded person half way. There is something elegant in your exchange, yet as always aloof. A romantic interest or long term partner may not be sure of your feelings in a situation, so words are important now. Any type of wit, quirk or sarcasm has you enticed - so it can be easy to start a surface level rapport. On the 28th, a sweet grand-trine occurs on the sensual Libra Full Moon. For you, this Moon can be like the 'cherry on top', with it’s merging, manifesting air energy. It moves into your philosophical 9th house bringing with it a conclusion to a pressing heart matter. For some time now, you’ve been going back and forth on a person, topic or situation - and this glowing Moon will finally put it to rest. You will be able to focus on topics such as travel, culture, art and education until mid-April. Life sends out lessons, and you put forth your intentions - this is how the world works. Don’t hold onto ancient energy, let bygones be bygones and look toward the sky.
Dates to look out for; 1st, 3rd, 8th, 14th, 20th, 27th, 30th.
Pisces: February 19 – March 20
Pisces, Happy solar return! It’s your powerful birthday month of love and happiness, so embrace it all. January and February may have knocked you for six, but that’s just the energy 2021 brings with it. In March, you’ll be able to focus your heart on what’s truly important. For you, prioritising inner wellness and calm aren’t major themes usually, and those that know you, would say you’re more rushed than relaxed. But this is all about to change, as we have so many planets in forward motion and so many planets in your sign, helping you flourish and expand. Let’s start at the beginning, with Mars entering cerebral Gemini on the 3rd, illuminating your 4th house of home, family, nurture and nest. Early on, you seek solitude and peace as you work on fixing and healing fractured relationships, partnerships and friendships. Mars in the 4th house is curious and emotionally strong - and this transit can mean you’re overly influenced by the women of your life. There is something secretive in nature that bubbles to the surface, but for some reason, you keep pushing it down. It’s possible you’re not ready to confront whoever or whatever is going on, and that’s ok, because the month progresses and vitality returns with full force. Renovating, buying, selling is also underlined by the 4th house, and so for that reason, it’s easy to imagine that many of you are moving or awaiting the arrival of a guest. The stars back whatever you pursue as we get closer to mid-month, when the New Moon in your sign enters your 1st house of self, identity and physical appearance. Not only do we have the Sun and Moon in Pisces, but there is a conjunction to Neptune and Venus, forming a perfect stellium. With SO much poetic Piscean energy, it can be all too easy to get lost in the dark, mesmerising, magical waters. But, you have to remember to come up for air!
Taking time to just be, is something you’re quite fond of, so this mid-month reprieve is just perfect for you. Opportunities come from stillness, so expect a call or email to come in that involves your face or image. You are involved deeply in your private world, and there seems to be matters you want to get on top of before everything starts to really roll come early May. Mercury joins the party of planets on the 15th, motivating you to go for those ‘far out’ dreams. There can be support from others helping you remain confident in what is to ensue as the year progresses. It can be hard during this time to not feel nostalgic or uncomfortable if someone special is missing from your life. On the 20th, you wave good-bye to your birthday month, as the Sun enters Aries, followed by Venus. There can be a restlessness in the air that is perpetuated by the impatient nature of Aries, so you will look to a partner for security or your work for predictability. This change will occur in your 2nd house of finance, reminding you once again that you need to vocalise what you wish to see in terms of accumulating possessions, savings or security. Someone can put you in touch with a better financier or home repayment, it’s the little things that make the most different in this transit. In a way, your charm or character speak for themselves now - so instead of forcefully putting things into place, they come together more naturally. On the 28th, a Libra Full Moon cracks open your transformational 8th house - while a grand trine occurs in the sky. This auspicious, lucky transit lands in the house of ‘sharing’ - and furthers the theme of finance, mortgage, union and duality within the home. This Moon will be especially emotional and geared toward relationships as Libra rules that domain. You may receive something rather surprising, as Uranus sits tight to the Moon, or an answer to a question may set everything a'light with truth and beauty. Either way, look closely at what you sense in this time, it will feel so prominent and aligned to where you’re going.
Dates to look out for; 2nd, 4th, 7th, 11th, 13th, 21st, 28th, 29th.