This Week's Astrology

The week can begin with inner tensions rising, giving way to dynamic feelings and outbreaks. Quiet developments occur as we handle changes in the schedule. It seems like everything (and everyone) has their own agenda - but that’s just retrograde energy. The Moon in Taurus battles on with a square to Saturn, influencing relationships and showing emotional moments of weakness. The Moon aligns with Uranus, gifting us with sublime moments of security through friendship and family relations. As well as joy in our simple, every day routines that help us feel a sense of calm. Chiron in Aries is demonstrating that the journey to healing is in fact aided by where we are challenged. Chiron is often associated with past trauma or crisis; it is known as the ‘wounded healer’ - that we come face to face with at some point in our lives. In Aries, it’s home sign we look at identity - how we carry ourselves - as well as how we affect the lives of those around us. Jupiter is in Pisces for a few more weeks, but will retrograde in the sign of Aquarius from June 20th until October 18th affecting those with mutable energy in their charts. When Jupiter turns retrograde we begin to feel a little out of control, as addictive behaviours and attitudes can eliminate that pursuit for happiness, for ambition. 

All planetary retrogrades (no more retrograde free days for the rest of the year) give us opportunity - It’s just up to us to find it amongst the mixed bag of other things we’re carrying. While we’re in the thick of it, it’s best to stay flexible and active with how we approach alternating situations. The real big news of the week however, is the upcoming Gemini Solar Eclipse on the 10th. Aligning closely with the Sun and Mercury as well as the North Node in Gemini - we can comprehend that the themes we’re set to explore are very, VERY Gemini in nature. Originality, duality, creativity and out of this world innovation - instanesouly sum up this ‘out of space’ mood - where we tend to keep all options open. Because of the close connection to Mercury retrograde it’s apparent that past circumstances will be brought up - as well as past friends, lovers and family squabbles. Don’t feel like addressing an old issue ?! Too bad, Gemini is naturally curious and digs until it finds what it’s looking for, even if that thing will hurt them. Mars is in conjunction with this Moon, leaving society largely at odds with one another. The entire month has it’s series of complexities and mysteries - and next week, with the Saturn-Uranus square we begin to see that everything to do with the ‘collective’ experience has much to do with our own, ‘personal’ one. Have the audacity to read up, reach out and rectify - we’re here to progress, not serve the same timeline as centuries ago. 

“You will have memories

Because of what we did back then

When we were new at this,

Yes, we did many things, then - all


― Sappho

All my love, 


Aries: March 21 - April 19

Chiron in the 1st house is doing things, serious things, Aries. In fact, you may be overhauling your life in a big way - looking at how you can refine your face, job, personality and/or public profile. Who do people see you as? What are you known for? With the Moon in Taurus and your 2nd house of finances, this week may as well be about the ‘material’ world, which you are so fond of. Living well defines you - but you’re encouraged to not let it own you. The upcoming Eclipse will occur in your 3rd house, giving you more constructive ways to express yourself. 

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

A burst of emotions startles you, Taurus. Thanks to the Moon in your sign, shaking up your 1st house of self and redirecting the mood from ‘we’ to ‘me’ today. The intense retrograde energy is pushing you to cross some boundaries, and you’re willing to experiment, leaving people shocked and confused. The Gemini Eclipse on the 10th falls in your financial 2nd house of values and cash, redirecting the rules in a business agreement or collaboration. In fact, anything that’s ‘surface’ based appears to crack now - as the moment favours longevity and planning. The ball is in your court, don’t miss it. 

Gemini: May 21 - June 20

A momentous, karmic week for you, Gemini. With the upcoming Solar Eclipse in your sign helping you release old memories and cycles, that keeps the intangible just so tangible in your everyday life. Occurring in your 1st house of image and personality - there is a lot of emphasis on who you are when you are alone. The Taurus Moon today is stimulating your 12th house, helping you to digest recent experiences with a lover. Friends, social circles, business associates and community groups are important but audacious in this moment as Chiron in Aries engages further with your 11th house. This month has many feelings to unpack, so be galvanising in your approach. 

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

Chiron in Aries is urging you to listen to the advice that’s given, Cancer. However, the thought of conflict stimulates you more than it should. Perhaps you just need a release - but with all this retrograde energy it would be wrong to be overly dramatic. The Taurus Moon engages with your lazy side, keeping you rather relaxed with work or friendship commitments. This in part is stimulated by the upcoming Eclipse in Gemini, which will activate your sleepy and slow 12th house of spirituality. There is a lot to work through, but acceptance of what is, for now seems smartest. 

Leo: July 23 - August 22

You do make it hard on yourself, Leo. Thinking one thing but then acting or behaving completely differently. Weighing yourself down with your indecisiveness - and confusing others in the process. Relationships and friendships cater to a lot of your personal needs, because you are a very personable individual. Then it’s no surprise, the upcoming Gemini Eclipse will occur in your 11th house of community, making you responsible for someone. Let all feelings come and go, as with the retrograde energy of Saturn and Mercury, nothing is truly final just yet. 

VirgoAugust 23 - September 22

Personal frustrations creep into your most intimate relationships, Virgo. In a week of reflection, tonight’s Taurus Moon helps you discover what the exact angst in your heart is linked too. Don’t allow some sort of impulsive restlessness to come over you and skew the tried and true methods that work for you. Saturn and Mercury retrograde are proving challenging but exhilarating, and Chiron in Aries leaves things utterly unexpected. The upcoming Eclipse on the 10th merges with Mercury in your ambitious 10th house, it’s no time to be indecisive in regards to career options. 

LibraSeptember 23 - October 22

Emotions are all over the place, Libra. The Taurus Moon aligns with Uranus in your mysterious 8th house, pushing you to think about some of the more deeper reflections you face. Chiron in Aries balances out the ‘see-saw’ effect in your life, the one where you’re constantly left dangling - waiting for someone to pull you back down to earth. The Gemini Eclipse will have a rather sobering effect from the 10th, moving into your educational 9th house - gifting you with perspective from another plane. 


You’ve set yourself up quite nicely, Scorpio. Yes, you are gravitating more toward your road - your personal destiny. The Taurus Moon today focuses on the new connections you’ve made this year, applying energy to someone who really needs it. With Chiron in Aries your mind is also keenly aware of finances, lifestyle and work load. On a whim, you go out and plug into the bigger picture that the Gemini Eclipse makes evidently clear. The 8th house, which Scorpio rules, is strengthened from the 10th - pushing you out of your comfort zone, yet you’re unafraid. You’ve dealt so well with outrageous changes, this is nothing new. 

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

Finally a revelation not shrouded in mystery, Sagittarius. One that you can understand - despite all its layers and symbols. This week, you know what you can and can’t do - it’s refreshing. The coming days are very ‘airy’ thanks to the Gemini Solar Eclipse occurring on the 10th in your house of relationships. This Eclipse follows in the footsteps of the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, we just had late-May and naturally will oppose the South Node in your sign. It’s about to get very karmic, very quickly in terms of who you love and why you love them. Think about all the moments beneath the surface that come into play when two people meet and merge.. It's going to be an interesting week. 

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

You’re prepared for what’s coming, Capricorn. But that doesn’t mean it won’t trigger you in some way. Chiron in Aries shifts around your housing situation, and there can be angst on what’s yet to occur in the long term. Accessibility is a theme here - because of everything going on in society/globally. Stay flexible. The Gemini Eclipse occurs in your 6th house so again pacing yourself will work best. Health is wealth as is a quiet, contemplative inner mind - give yourself time to go through the emotional ups and downs this week may potentially bring. 

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

The Taurus Moon today leaves you nostalgic for a family member, Aquarius. Or maybe just for the old times as it shifts gear into the 4th house. The energy of Saturn and Mercury retrograde keep you firmly planted in the past, and it can make you more emotional than you expect. Change in routine is good to liven up the distractions, and the Gemini Eclipse on the 10th will excite your creative and affectionate 5th house. Explore romance and self expression, you’re in the right cycle for personal fulfilment through self-discovery. 

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

Very often, people just gravitate towards you, Pisces. This week is no different, although there’s more of a ‘familiar’ approach because of the eclipse in Gemini on the 10th in your domestic 4th house. Family, bonding, babies and your home are at the forefront of your mind. Everything revolves around these, encouraging you to focus only on those who love you and wish you the best. Jupiter in your sign is making sure you get blessed before it retreats back into Aquarius  (and retrograde) - strengthening your friendship circle as well as your communication skills. 

This Week's Astrology

This Week's Astrology