The week begins with a waxing Scorpio Moon, illuminating emotions and driving personal experiences to peak. Life may feel transformative and kind of wild, but in this process we learn to ‘wake up’ - as Terence McKenna puts it - “Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed.”
On the 26th, Eclipse season begins with the arrival of the Sagittarius Blood Moon. This celestial event is the harbinger of change and subtle differences to our everyday life will soon start to appear (if they haven’t already). Eclipse’s are naturally close to the karmic North and South Nodes, meaning that no matter what your own personal chart looks like, everyone will be affected in some profound way. The South Node deals with the challenges one has overcome in this life and past lives - it can also broadly look at the ‘comfortable, safe and routine’. This season (since mid last year) the eclipse’s are in Sagittarius/Gemini, which of course, in Astrology refers to opposite signs. In Sagittarius therefore, we are asked to acknowledge themes of ‘normality’ in our lives - what becomes so second nature that we don’t even question it anymore. Has curiosity decreased? Do we actually care about the state of affairs of the world? Do we too readily take on other people's opinions instead of forming our own? Sagittarius is naturally intellectual, impassioned and opinionated - so why do we fall into a rut at times where we’ll do anything but voice our truth? What are some fallback patterns that stifle us? This Eclipse brings up old, repeated themes - as well as karmic contracts with individuals that haven’t played out fully. This Eclipse is making a square to Jupiter (fresh in the sign of Pisces), while Mercury and Venus square Neptune (also in Pisces). There is a sliver of confusion, illusion, delusion and dream-like desire added to this already vulnerable moment - so it will be important to focus on love and stay away from fear. The challenges can appear very real and as with any Full Moon, tension, emotion and intuition is STRONG! Get ready to resettle the score, it’s going to be diabolical!
All my love,
Aries: March 21 - April 19
There is extra focus on emotional ties, Aries. As the Scorpio Moon sits in your mysterious 8th house of intimacy and magic, helping you reflect on memories formed long ago. Friendships are educating you on what’s real, but when you attempt to do the same you’re thwarted from doing so. This gets you thinking on the ‘balance’ of power in certain situations you find yourself in, and it can be easy over the next week to eradicate useless boundaries. The upcoming Eclipse (26th) will drive you to discover deeper outward truths while staying strategic, a very good place for you to be in.
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
Restrictions of your own creation have plagued you, Taurus. In this deluded state, you’ve also been searching for progress and that ‘pat on the back’, but no one is convinced, not even you. Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces are affecting you in an informal way, confusing boundaries and limits for something else. Slowly, however, with the Sagittarius Eclipse moving forward, you negotiate some sort of compromise that works out best for you - putting you in the front line again.
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
From mid 2020, until early 2022, the cycle you revolve around is very much about karmic closure, Gemini. It is the impact of having the North Node in your sign, and the South Node in Sagittarius, pushing the ‘backward/forward’ button on your life every few months. The Scorpio Moon today is stimulating an emotional desire - preparing you for the days ahead. Rest now, because it’s about to get busy! Not only that, but Mercury will station retrograde in your sign on the 29th, holding you back from approaching a situation in the next 5 weeks.
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
It’s time to stabilise your emotional life by rethinking priorities, Cancer. Life has revolved around certain family members, health issues and love ideals for some time now, and judging by how things are playing out - it seems like some errors in judgement have been made. Good thing the Sagittarius Eclipse can swap things around with fast acumen. Pluto in Capricorn hones in on control and power, while Saturn retrograde in Aquarius makes sure you compromise on discipline, rigidity and mood swings. Retrace your steps if you feel you’ve lost someone or something, you have from now until early October to set it right.
Leo: July 23 - August 22
Navigate the weeks to come by being courageous, Leo. More courageous than usual. This is because the cycle before you is an unusual one, with an upcoming Eclipse in sister-sign Sagittarius (26th), bringing disorientating emotional energy. You are impatient with the process of ‘getting somewhere’ - and your personal quest is taking a toll but for what reason? To whom do you need to prove you’re in forward momentum? All the retrograde energy means you’ll have to retrace your steps anyway, so do it on your own terms.
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
Although you hate when everything revolves around work, it’s a great time to plan, edit and rewire, Virgo. Treat it as an experiment or better yet, as a dress rehearsal for something much larger - which is due to come in the next 6 months. This week, second chances are a'plenty - with a Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius building emotion to the past and Mercury retrograde beginning its 3-week cycle in the sign of Gemini. Obviously you are both mutable energies - and Mercury is your ruler, so expect to simplify as well as reflect. Build motivation by committing to people!
Libra: September 23 - October 22
Redirect your energy to something worth saving, Libra. Mercury’s shadow phase started almost two weeks ago, and is about to retrograde on the 29th for a stint in Gemini, your sister sign. There can be financial woo’s occurring in your business life, helping you deconstruct the reality of spending/saving. Today’s Scorpio Moon can stir up many feelings, but if you recognise something you like it’s a good time to express it! The upcoming eclipse can feel confining, especially in the fiery Sagittarius, but you’ll feel stronger than yesterday by taking care of business - and your own equilibrium.
The Moon is in your sign making you very appealing to those who come into contact with you, Scorpio. However, the serious undertone of the Eclipse halts any temporary fun for now. You know there is bigger fish to fry, and Saturn retrograde in Aquarius is giving you plenty of opportunities to edit, refine, relearn and re-commit to what exactly it is you wish to do with this one life. There is a process of elimination going on from here until October, so examine thoroughly. You are compelled to soul search on this journey, and it won’t be small scale stuff!
Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
It’s a big week for you, Sagittarius. The cycle ahead is karmic (although it’s been this way since mid last year), with so many interchanging factors. Personal power, other people’s emotions, home, belonging and property have all been themes that have plagued you, keeping you deeply unsettled. Now it’s time to even the score, maybe see what you are owed. Saturn has begun its retrograde in your house of communications, affecting how you come across to people. You’ve got this energy with you until early October, so review and reassess how you delay your own progress. The Lunar Eclipse on the 26th is in your sign, finding ways to reconnect you to the source, the success and the simplicity. Don’t leave it unfinished, instead leave no stone unturned now.
Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
You rise to the challenge, always, Capricorn. But this time, this year, this cycle, the challenge is so different, it takes more heart and less brain, something you don’t feel so comfortable giving. Saturn, your ruler is retrograde in Aquarius nurturing the desire for people, connection, friendship. You seek to slow down, to review and to shake off that emotional heaviness that’s been captivating you, emphasising your own feelings. Venus is in your 6th house of routine and business, so naturally you’re seeking improvement from yourself and from other people. What appeals now will preoccupy you for the next 6 months - let it be worthwhile.
Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
Everything is in a state of alteration, Aquarius. I mean, Saturn is retrograde (it happens yearly) but it's in your sign, so the disconnected feeling is real - more so than usual. You’re everywhere and nowhere, and you can’t seem to shake the feeling and get yourself back in the zone. This cycle is with us until October, helping you learn to rely on intuition and emotion. You’re particularly interested in family, or those who in a short time have felt like it. The North Node in Gemini is in your 5th house - fertility, so it makes perfect sense that topics such as love and connection are running around your head, even if you can’t compute them right away. The Eclipse in Sagittarius is particularly heavy, increasing desire.
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
Don’t disempower yourself, Pisces. Instead, master the gross imbalance in your life by doing things for yourself, by yourself. The Scorpio Moon today is emotional but freeing, and you choose to pick yourself up and splurge somewhere in your life. It can be small, but it’s effect is invigorating regardless. When you’re not giving your power away, the planets clap for you. One such planet is Saturn, which has begun it’s retrograde until October, helping you refine some responsibilities - what’s yours and what’s ‘ours’. Reconsider your position, or that possibly you’re not always right. Then hold out for the Eclipse by not being too jumpy or judgy, everyone has their cross to bare.