Power, Vitality, Desire, Impulse - some keywords in what is to be a rather combative month. There’s no roundabout way of saying that August will be very full on time. Powerful mental shifts can take place as we rebel against our shame and drop the desire to be good enough, likeable enough.

We are keen to get out of the matrix in August, we want to emerge uniquely, imaginatively, in our own essence. What other people seem to be doing doesn’t much interest us, and it makes perfect sense that we’re here, now that the Sun is in Leo. There’s a feeling of ego but maybe not in the way you imagine. To stop caring about the lives other people lead is actually very necessary - we must realise these attachments, detach from them - get rid of the shame and the thinking; ’so and so is doing so much better than me’. Leo Season doesn’t permit other people to dictate our decisions, and throughout this we learn to reclaim our peace of mind - our heart. July punctured us in a traumatic way - with Mercury square Mars and Uranus conjunct Mars and the North Node of the Moon. For the next 2 weeks, we are still dealing with these energies as Mars comes along straining and restricting. If you don’t have goals, discipline, dreams and ambition right now, your purpose in life will feel non-existent, and the person that most disappoints is you. Remind yourself that no one cares if you do well or if you don’t - everyone is too busy running their own race. This is perhaps Leo's most inherent lesson, to learn how to reassure themselves, without looking for outside acknowledgement that they’re doing ‘well enough’. 

For most of us, the central focus of the month is on money. Finances bring commotion and there’s a sense of unease relating to self-worth, our ego is tied up in being ‘appreciated’. To live a fulfilling life, we must pay attention to our feelings, yes - but also our thoughts and behaviours. The first half of the month is known to be lavish, with the Sun in Leo accentuating our need to look the part, hence the money woes. There’s confrontation in the air  - we are ready to battle, especially if something has been bubbling away in our psyche. On the dates of the 1st-3rd, Mars makes a conjunction to Uranus, rising together in the eastern sky. Mars takes roughly 2 years to go through the zodiac, so this conjunction doesn’t take place very ‘often’. This is rare and exotic, a truly intense period of time that has been building for some weeks. This transit is wildly maturing and deals with particular issues involving development, introspection and destructive behaviours. In our life, erratic destabilising events can take place now. There is oppression and rebellion - there are victims and perpetrators - there are those who stand in love and those who choose evil. Yet, that’s the catch here - with this chaotic conjunction - we are all light and dark, love and hate, good and bad - we can all embody both qualities and we often do, every damn day. Therefore, it’s best not to judge timelines and stories, we’re on our individualised journeys - no distractions, head down, bum up - be attracted to your own passage. The South Node in Scorpio breaks worry patterns with humour - don’t resist the chance to engage with playfulness and light-heartedness. 

Jupiter has stationed retrograde in Aries, where it will stay until late October before moving back into Pisces for a short while. This is a time to review and reassess illusion, delusion and dreams/desires. It’s about the new versus the old - the question remains, who are you becoming? Creative self expression is the fortune that stems from such a transit, our broader outlook on life becomes much more generous - more inclusive. On the 8th, the spiritual energy is heightened, as the Lion’s gate portal opens us to potent manifesting magik. In Numerology, the 8/8 symbolises infinity, and is associated with good luck and fortune. The portal is open until the 12th, accelerating personal transformation. If you want to harness this special time, focus on yourself - your growth and your desire. This is a yearly cosmic gateway that is available to all people, use it to your advantage by checking in with your mind, body and soul. Venus in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn that same day, detoxing our need to be consumed by love, by romantic relations. Somehow the way in which we view our world is interrupted, we can feel obsessive or even jealous - for some a very unusual occurrence. On the 11th/12th, a very Full Moon in the fixed sign of Aquarius opposes the Leo Sun. This lunation is full of integrity, it aligns with the 11th house of friendship and connection, that Aquarius naturally presides over. For me this clearly shows that this time of the month will be dynamic, fun, active and optimistic - it’s when we can look around at our community, and see who’s presence electrifies our soul - who really shows up for us and loves on us. The heat is turned up and the messages come in hard and fast - accept imperfection - we are all inherently broken and flawed. Share vulnerability - Know your insanity, accept your idiocy! The four fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius will be triggered most at this Super Moon, if you are one of these, you must strive for independence - as you find your voice, you will readily move into the spotlight - where you are now needed. A few days after Mars trine Pluto which is good for business, spotlighting collaborations or creative freelance work. On the 20th, Mars enters Gemini leaving us scattered and in overdrive. We love everything and nothing, we’re fast paced and versatile. Romances are spicy because Gemini is seldom ever bored, and through this Mars transit, we tend to be curious and explorative - doing something we usually wouldn't in love. Gemini is not so much a ‘grand gesture’ sign, but they do have a way of making you feel very special when they zero in on you. There are copious options emerging, so naturally we’re flirtatious - we have to see which one is best to banter with, best to enchant. From the 17th, the ritual of self-care should be taken with much more thought and sincerity, as pampering yourself or stealing time alone can help replenish your mental capacity to keep at it - to keep going. In such an elaborate month, the energy seems to be pulling us under, with Pluto, Saturn, Chiron, Jupiter and Neptune all retrograde. It's deeply obvious that the subconscious needs to be cleared - reinstated. Reprogramming our blocks invokes us to manifest more power and gratitude - retrograde energy is actually deeply empowering, because it teaches an invaluable lesson of the beauty in uncertainty. 

On the 22nd, the Sun enters Virgo. We’re reminded there is a telepathy between hearts, with the 6th sign of the zodiac - that represents service, hard work and logic. The sign of the maiden gives abundant energy, and it helps us to commit to every endeavour - no matter how big or small. Virgo’s take their relationships and devotion very seriously, therefore the latter weeks of August will be more geared toward the totality of love. I read recently on a blog called: explore7.wordpress - a very fascinating post on the need for ‘more’ in romances. “When there is that lack of totality or wholesomeness in love, there always will be a room for “wanting for more,” wanting for that which is not there, which is lacking; and then, the search for another one who brings those qualities will continue on. The mind keeps yearning for something which does not exist.” 

Virgo has a brutal desire to be needed, paying close attention to their lover and the details in which they show themselves. Late August can feel a little self-critical if you lean too far into this ‘need for perfection’. Take it easy on yourself and slow down - let people be who they are without you needing to hover over them and direct them into the path you wish they’d go down. On the 24th, Uranus retrograde in Taurus disrupts the status quo. If it’s not one thing, it will be another. The exhaustion is real and we’re all being challenged, it can feel very real - as Uranus pinpoints our hidden, weak spots. A practical New Moon in Virgo arrives on the 27th - as the Sun squares Mars that same day. The 28th/29th is a challenging and unsociable day as Venus opposes Saturn. We must own our stories, this in turn liberates us. Lastly I feel it's important to mention, that in such a palpable, unhinged month, if you feel like quitting or pulling the plug (many of us will) on something you’ve been working long and hard on - I urge you to reconsider and keep swimming, however slow, making your way to the shore, even if at times, all you do is float. The way you win the race is to accept that pain is guaranteed. Don’t deny the inward spirit that provides the drive, even if it is moderate and gentle in approach. “We’re wired for story. In a culture of scarcity and perfectionism, there’s a surprisingly simple reason we want to own, integrate, and share our stories of struggle. We do this because we feel the most alive when we’re connecting with others and being brave with our stories—­it’s in our biology.” - Brene Brown 

P.S. As of December 1st, 2022 I will, for the time being, stop writing monthly horoscopes. Due to conflicting work schedules, I am going to take a sabbatical for a few months, while continuing to do Full Moon/New Moon reports for free via my instagram page. Charges to the monthly horoscopes will cease, if you have any queries or issues, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me! I look forward to resuming my writing here, sometime in 2023. Thank you all so much for your continued support, it means so much! 

May your cup runneth over in all possible ways on all types of days. 


Aries: March 21 - April 19

You’ll need to assert your authority, Aries. There is so much to say and so much to understand this month! The Leo Sun accentuates your 5th house until the 22nd, keeping you particularly charming. Regardless of the present day, you are breaking out from within - restless to get a point or view across. You don’t wish to conform, you can thank the Mars/Uranus/North Node conjunction for that. The dates surrounding the 1st and 4th are particularly judgemental, as you categorise people, situations and behaviours. When you judge, you take sides - when you do that, you move into a duality of rejection or acceptance. Venus in your 4th house until the 11th emphasises the need for other people - this can feel karmic, as if past obligations are to be paid back to you. Mars is moving through Taurus, so new values come into place. What once worked doesn’t any longer. Venus makes a perfect trine to Neptune the weekend of the 6th, reminding you that there is beauty in the routine - mundane events. Like a coffee with your lover, a walk in nature with your sibling or a long phone call with a parent. Lilith is visiting Leo before it goes back into Cancer, desiring comfort and security through relationships. Recently, you have redefined your partnership to someone who has been a part of your life for MANY years (or lifetimes), and while it has been tense and emotional, this has reminded you to nurture the #1 person in your life, yourself. Mercury spends time in your 6th house of inner health until the 24th, transmuting your thoughts into actions and decisions. You’re either in alignment with your dreams or not - and this transit will show you exactly, without mudding the water. Bills must be paid, clutter must be cleared - it’s a good time to spring clean your home, especially if you’re moving toward the end of the month. If there seems to be gossip at work or in your friendship group, it's best not to get caught up in it!

Magic can be found in stolen moments, and August is full of them. On the 11th, a Full Moon in Aquarius is emotional, forcing you to let go and look toward your next steps. What you thought was once yours - a career, a friend or a relationship is now squandered. The opposition to Leo is definitive, it is a full stop - one that you cannot go back on. Who you ultimately are will be shown, especially when Mars makes a trine to Pluto a few days later. Mars in your 2nd house of ‘self-worth’ until the 20th helps you remain conscious of income and financial woes. There is a fear that you'll be rejected if you take an impulsive approach to your career, but actually this ‘risk’ could be something beautiful that people didn’t expect in your repotiere. You can manifest greater financial independence, but of course, you will need to assert yourself in real time. You can’t just imagine it and debate it when you’re home alone, nope - something much grander will be required to make you comfortable and secure. After the 20th, Mars (your ruler) moves into Gemini and the 3rd house of conversation. This is quite a big deal, and you will feel the effects of the airy element strongly. Gathering information is part of this cycle, perhaps you’ll fulfil a hobby. If your relationships aren’t feeding some sense of excitement, you will liberate yourself in a way no one expected. Although the energy is scattered, there is great potential for beautiful connection and presence. On the 22nd, the Virgo Sun helps you to articulate what seems hard to. You will know when you hear the truth - yours or someone else’s - and these ripples will be felt for some time to come. Virgo illuminates the 6th house merging with Mercury, placing pride in your creative endeavours. A great time for getting organised and making improvements to office spaces. Uranus begins its retrograde on the 24th, misplacing funds or important paperwork. With 5 other planets retrograde, this feeling is nothing new. You let go of old dependencies as you explore perceptions that have limited you in some way. Aries spend their time thinking rather than feeling, so this unlearning that comes from retrograde motion can be sort of a progress that is dictated by the modern world, more so than the spiritual realm. It is necessary for you to re-learn how to feel - about your own self - then everyone else. Emotional healing comes late in the month, around the 27th, when a New Moon (in the 6th house) invites you to just stop and see. Friends or lovers require your attention but in order for you to thrive, you will need to steal a moment and turn off your phone. Put into practice a routine to make you feel at peace, no matter where in the world you are. 

Dates to watch; 1st, 5th, 13th, 15th, 19th, 22nd, 27th.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

Disregard what you hear as a rumour, Taurus. You create your own destiny, and this couldn’t be any more real than in this month of active creation! There are multiple storylines going on right now, but yours is definitely one of the most chaotic and life altering. Regina Brett once said - “If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.” With the Leo Sun transiting your 4th house of family and belonging until the 22nd, the first 3 weeks of the month are all about exploring the ties that bind. You are connected to the deep suffering of a parent, child or sibling and this ruptures your daily life in a very obvious way now. It’s important for you during this cycle to steal some time away for yourself, to focus on your work and personal life, without getting too invested in someone else’s worries and problems. You’ve got large things to prepare for, like Uranus going retrograde in your sign, on the 24th until January next year. As we know, Uranus remains in your sign until 2026, shaking up the routine of your life. For you, personal freedom will be tested over the course of the next 6 months, and the life you once thought you led is completely seperate to where you find yourself standing now. This cycle is both a blessing and a curse, you will find out how strong you really are but mainly because you’ll have no other option than to show up and fight. This retrograde happens once a year, it’s nothing to be afraid of, but it's evident that you’ll have to work extra hard - in relationships, in business and at home, to get the same benefits you are used to receiving. There’s a part of you that embodies the ‘warrior’ so naturally, you drift with the shock changes Uranus deals gracefully, leaning into the wacky transitions that further your experience. 

The weekend of the 6-7th is special, good for making things happen. It softens the blow of the 1st-3rd dates where a conjunction that has been building for some time tightens around your neck, when Mars, Uranus and the North Node in your sign advance. You’re enterprising, coming up with ways to make this energy work for you. There’s a chance meeting or a re-acquaintance that leaves you mystified, yet the other person is feeling much the same, departing from the situation with you on their mind all day. These early days of the month are extra charming for you, as attention swirls around your image and persona. Many of you could be looking the best you ever have, it’s something quite unique. On the 11th, a very lovely Aquarius Full Moon rebels against rules and regulations. You might have a lot on your mind that you’d like to get off your chest at this time, you don’t appreciate being boxed in by lovers or parents (especially mothers). Emotions run high, even in such a cool, detached sign like Aquarius, opposing the Leo sun, we grasp that the feelings we’re going through are really complicated. It’s a formative time for friendships, and if you’ve felt on the outside with someone, this could be the clincher, when you finally block and delete, or just stop engaging with. You will seek more privacy now and this will take you late in the month, where you’d prefer to be left alone, so that you can go on with the copious amount of mounting work/chores. Mars is activating your sign until the 20th, and we can’t say it hasn’t been beneficial. This transit is of paramount importance in how our perspectives of the old change with time. Mars has been a wonderful teacher in this time, it has helped you observe the ‘game’ someone is playing with you, and instead of being mad or upset, you’re actually somewhat amused - that you hadn’t caught on earlier. From the 20th, Mars moves into your 2nd house of service, advancing a cash settlement to come through. A Leo, Scorpio or Sagittarius may share wisdom with you that calls to your physical senses. What you perceive is what you are, life will now make that obvious through ‘mirrors’ - people, circumstances, continuous battles. You are definitely more inner focused from the 22nd, when the Sun enters Virgo. Independence becomes a priority and some of you may break up with a love out of the blue. On the 27th, a Virgo New Moon brings upgrade and improvement to your house of health. Merging with Mercury, you declutter the home and get some bills paid. There is a sense of immediate action, like spring cleaning or going to see a doctor after a long hiatus. Activity within the workplace is heightened, you seem truly efficient to bosses. This month has tremendous support, if you know where to look for it! Despite the outside chaos, you can really make things happen, the story is not over yet. 

Dates to watch; 4th, 6th, 11th, 14th, 24th, 26th, 29th.

Gemini: May 21 - June 20

You’re determined to work around an obstacle, Gemini. With the Sun in Leo activating your 3rd house until the 22nd, you’re preoccupied with everything that happens when you're busy, living a social life. August is hard-hitting but in a great way, it shows how much you’ve grown and matured, and acknowledges the new path you’re about to take on. The 3rd house is known to be insanely busy, so you yourself may be feeling completely strung out, overwhelmed - not sure where to begin with the long list of ‘to do’s’. Conversations revolve around big life achievements like an interstate move, a pay increase or the arrival of a child. You’ve been in a rather contemplative mood because of these massive changes, realising that in order to have light and beauty, one must overcome darkness and despair. The beauty of life is there because of the existence of murkiness. It’s all in how you view things, right? This can’t be more true on the dates of the 1st-3rd, when a chaotic and muddy Uranus, Mars and North Node conjunction take place in Taurus. This transit has been ongoing for some time, but peaks at this date, followed by a slow aftermath of rebellion. Marred by erratic behaviour you may lash out at people in an unfavourable way, shocking and surprising them - potentially most to siblings or parents. You seek award and praise, persuasive in your need to win someone over - to be ‘right’. This type of behaviour won’t go down well, especially with someone close to you, who knows you can do better than that. If you want to enjoy the security of family and friends, you’ll have to be very careful how you speak to people - even how your body language looks. You will be scrutinised with the South Node in Scorpio, the attention to detail other people possess will be very strong. 

Regardless, August is open - even refreshing to a degree. For you, routine/career/health seems to be exaggerated, and that’s why from a personal standpoint this is a very self-absorbed time, where you just can’t seem to look out into the world. Mars in Taurus has been particularly potent, allowing deliberate action to push you toward success. You have worked hard to save money, possessions and objects of your desire, embodying the Earth’s sign for nurturing and nesting. From the 20th, Mars moves into your sign, furthering your luck and visions of enchantment. At times, the cosmos gets it so right, and this cycle will speed up your life once more, in almost every avenue - romantic, business and friendship. The 1st house can feel a little egocentric, but actually you’re just being called to assert yourself and stand up without being called. Put yourself first, just watch out for the short temper that follows suit! Mercury is in your 4th house of family until the 25th, so there can be a feeling of melancholy or nostalgia - as if something is coming to an end - to a close for the time being. A Pisces, Sagittarius, Libra or Aquarius can accommodate you in some way that leaves you feeling deeply thankful. Never forget the people you have in your corner, they are always there to lend a helping hand. A word of appreciation or thanks can go a long way now, you literally never know how much it brightens someone’s day. You will be concerned about domestic affairs at this time, and life will have a random way of placing people into your situation that feels as though they’ve got a role to play. Despite everything going on, self-recognition will be a most powerful tool for you to get a hold of. On the 11th, an Aquarius Full Moon will heighten emotions. Opposing the Sun in Leo, there will be some exploration in the axis these two signs represent - validation versus freedom. Are you codependent in your relationships? Do you constantly feel like you’re doing everything for someone and they wouldn’t or couldn’t repay the favour? The difference and similarity in Leo/Aquarius is that they are people pleasers - naturally this theme shows up here for you, as you are one too. This lunation will illuminate where you give away power - where you choose to duck and weave in and out of the collective consciousness to wallow in your own egoic needs. There is a more unified approach to take, and this opposition shows you where more balance is needed. Every year we have a retrograde in Uranus, on the 24th, the shock planets join the plethora of other retrograde planets like Neptune, Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn. We are all in a period of review and there can be a greater need for independence in all types of relationships. Uranus is a little freaky, and in Taurus, it's not exactly very ‘happy’. This means that even more unexpected circumstances can happen to us, completely blowing any bit of sanity out of the water. Until early January 2023, you will contribute to work and intimate life in a completely different, unique way. Things are changing - and even the inner unrest you may feel, won’t stop the trajectory you are on. Don’t be alarmed, it is creative and purposeful, things never remain the same for long anyway. The Sun moves into Virgo, on the 22nd, furthering the 4th house vibration. You are exploring a new lease on life at this time, but it may take you some down time to process recent events - people are leaving your life, as well as entering. It's an exciting phase of karma and destiny. Jupiter and Mars dance in harmony from the 25th, and a Virgo New Moon on the 27th can help you bring a moment of reprieve to your active and crowded life. Yet, it's important to remember that too much isolation brings self-absorption which deepens a sense of ‘separateness’, a feeling of unity is felt through family. 

Dates to watch; 1st, 3rd, 5th, 18th, 22nd, 24th, 27th, 29th. 

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

You need to think long and hard about what you’re reacting to, Cancer. August is about perception, yet our perceptions are not the ‘real world’. The Sun in Leo activates your 2nd house until the 22nd, placing your central focus on worth, possession and financial positioning. The 2nd house can be theatrical, so many of you could be making money through your face now, and this especially makes sense if you’re in drama - modelling, music or theatre. Reputation is everything in these first few weeks, as your biggest dream may be to have lots of material possessions. This wanting and desire for something outside of yourself may feel selfish or shallow, but sometimes is required to propel you further into the land of the confident - the land of the creative - where you make things work, just by hustling. The Uranus/North Node/Mars conjunction that is strengthened on the 1st-3rd, colours your feelings in a unique way. What you feel is reflected back to you in the immediate world, what is harder to change, your thoughts or your feelings? The relentless Taurus energy prompts you to be persuasive and clear, there are no mincing words. Physical health is strong, motivating you to keep up work and exercise. With Venus in your sign until the 11th, it's obvious to note that whatever you want, you can acquire in these early days - especially when it comes to romance. A partner may compliment you or give you a moral boost, but mainly it's your own confidence that keeps you charming and magnetic. You may be mingling with a lot of attractive people in the first 3 weeks of the month, so you might puff yourself up a bit to try and meet their ‘standards’. This will only dim your light, by attempting to be more like ’them’. For the 1st house to work its magic you must completely allow for the beauty of your natural expression to show itself - after all, that is what makes you unique - and why you’re in these circles to begin with.

Venus will make a tough opposition to Pluto on the 8th, so be weary in love not to nag too much, especially when you can feel yourself asking for too much. From the 11th, Venus moves into the same 2nd house, where it enjoys to be. You can double finances at this time, as well as make an outstanding impression on authority figures or colleagues. Mars is activated in Taurus until the 19th, shining a light on your sociable 11th house. Again, it's easy to see where this attractive group of friends come in, and why there’s such a buzz around other people. This cycle will make you very goal oriented, and you work best when collaborating with others. Its not a ‘go it alone’ time, even though you are considered capable. There may be a new job on offer that you’re applying for or something that you are about to be poached for - there is dedication and hard work ahead, but you’re not afraid of either. From the 20th, Mars enters curious Gemini, activating the 12th house of rest and reflection. Often in life, you cannot connect the dots looking forward, you can only do it when you look backwards. The 12th house is deeply nostalgic, questioning if choice and destiny are the same thing. Before all this takes place however, the Full Moon in Aquarius arrives on the 11th, heightening emotions and feelings to do with past loves. You may call someone out of the blue now, but for you it feels routine, as this person hasn’t left your mind since you parted. This can go one of two ways, depending on how the ending occurred - this individual may find you selfish and only eager when it pleases you. Aquarius is futuristic, very much focused on the collective consciousness. Opposing the Sun in Leo, you may battle with the ego - preferring that people pour all their attention and adoration on you. This can come across as an immaturity to those around you, as if you seek the spotlight at all times. Regardless of your romantic situation, this lunation does support truth and honesty, so if you feel like revealing some news or information to someone, its likely you’ll be met with gratitude and understanding. There is an epiphany that takes place over the course of the 11th-18th that leaves you aware of the responsibility in friendship, of not crossing boundaries or using another for our own purposes. On the 22nd, Virgo enters your 3rd house, emphasizing a period of work and interaction. You are busy with appointments, paperwork and errands - life can seem like one continuous chore under this cycle. Jupiter and Mars come into harmony later in the month, benefiting intellect and strength. On the 24th, Uranus joins the outer planets in retrograde, where it will stay until early January ’23. In Taurus, this retrograde is concerned with bodily comforts and sensual pleasures. If your social life quietens down, your love life will surely heat up. It’s a time where independence is required, because you may act brashly or really unusually. With new things in your head, it's evident that review and reassessment of the old is occurring. A Taurus, Gemini or Capricorn may have an intense comparison for you - take with a grain of salt. On the 27th, a New Moon in Virgo merges with the Sun, engaging the 3rd house. Mental fog is likely, predictable delays annoy. Someone may be withholding information that you desperately need to make a decision. Rather than taking bold action, ask for more details. Jupiter and Mars connect at the end of the month, visible in the sky during morning twilight. Joyful meetings direct you to someone you’ve been missing and a fateful link is restored.

Dates to watch; 1st, 4th, 5th, 11th, 12th, 18th, 19th, 22nd, 29th. 

Leo: July 23 - August 22

Happy Birthday mighty, Leo. It’s your month to set manageable, present day goals and to dream big for a bright future coming into play. Until the 22nd, the Sun in your sign has one main focus, your image, your persona, your reputation and your self-expression. You explore two sides of one coin, and if you feel fear on one side, the other side will also undoubtedly bring up more of the same issue. Life’s analogy of the coin means one side does not exist  without another, it’s all good and bad + happy and sad, living fully - presently, is not a bag of thrills and desirables. To live from the heart one must have a stoic mind, as you are ruled by the Sun, with which we all revolve around, it’s evident that you are a person with integrity and courage. At birthday time, your heart chakra is even more pronounced than usual, igniting  love, spontaneity, laughter and intimacy. August is a hell of a month, there is almost every sort of flavour in the mix - and with Jupiter in Aries (and your philosophical 9th house), your sister sign, propelling you forward, finally, life may actually feel really good. Early in the piece, things can feel a little chaotic and difficult as a Mars/Uranus and North Node in Taurus conjunction is heightened corrupting emotions and long held truths. The 1st-3rd can therefore be especially confrontational, unleashing your dramatic side. This has been a wild, ongoing transit that does subside now in August. There is a fated twist to these early days, so you may bump into someone and this could shed light on a far-out situation you experienced toward the end of 2022. There are intercepted moments of disbelief, where you feel like something much greater is working in the realms of life. Neptune is in your 8th house, acting like a vessel to remind that the heart doesn’t make decisions, it only follows its truth. 

Venus in your quiet and solemn 12th house can bring things undone, especially while it transits moody Cancer until the 11th, seeking other people to acknowledge your mental health imbalance or lonesome feelings. Unfortunately, no one can read your mind and you shouldn’t force it upon people either, voice your apprehensions with honesty and grace, that way you’ll definitely be heard. You are in a period of review these first two weeks, where you may find it difficult to articulate just how you feel or why you feel the way you do, to a partner or recent flame.  From the 12th, Venus moves into your sign, engaging your senses. From here on, sex, intimacy, passion and flirtations will evoke much dazzling emotion, particularly as you yourself come into some sort of physical power - unafraid of where it may take you. Mercury is in your 2nd house of finances until the 25th, propositioning a business idea to you. Worry over money ensues, the continuous threat of trying to make enough to have enough - and just the media hysteria on interest, home loan repayments and everything else. You could be fixated on a material possession, assuming it will make your life way better if only you could have that one thing. It’s easy to obsess with the 2nd house in meticulous Mercury, so try and focus on values instead - and how small insecurities do not define you. If anything, this month shows you it's a constant battle to keep evolving, but its a must in order to honour yourself and your great prowess. On the 11th, a Full Moon in Aquarius opposes your sign, requiring patience and deep exploration of self. Aquarius rules community, collective consciousness - it is about the partner, the friend. Leo is wired differently, they are about the self - the ego - the presence of ‘I am’. This battle of ‘my way’ versus ‘your way’ can make this lunation awkward and tense, making you argumentative and belligerent. Uranus will make this all the more fruity, so expect something really random to bother you, that by the end of the week, turns into a monumental burden. Of course, because this all occurs in your house of relations, its obvious that whatever’s been swept under the covers now will blow over. Own your part in the story, a good fight always leads to good sex. Mars and Neptune join together helping you break self imposed limitations, a lover or friend sees your potential and may put your name down for something you like to do as a hobby. An awkward day is the 14th, when Saturn opposes the Sun, again triggering relationship battles - especially if there’s too many people involved, like siblings, parents, children from existing marriages or ex’s. The Sun enters Virgo on the 22nd, waving goodbye to another birthday lap. Entering your 2nd house and moving in harmony with Mars, you can sit back and focus on the immediate without worrying too much about what's coming. On the 24th, Uranus stations retrograde where it will stay until early January. Uranus will reassess your ambition and career projection, guiding you towards what you wish to represent.  A time to review and reshape what has felt imperfect. On the 27th, a Virgo New Moon merges with the Sun. Self-esteem and humility arise out of self-awareness, this lunation makes it apparent that relationships in business need to be cultivated just as well as your personal ones. 

Dates to watch; 1st, 3rd, 11th, 15th, 19th, 20th, 27th, 28th. 

VirgoAugust 23 - September 22

Something is not adding up, Virgo. August has many flare ups that cause your heart to feel restless. Locating the true reason for your internal conflict may feel hard to decipher, as you keep getting lost in the maze of your feelings. The Leo Sun energy reminds you birthday season is coming fast, there is a silver lining after all. Until the 22nd, the Sun focuses on your 12th house of quiet intuition, bringing gentle downloads to your mind as you sleep, or when you are in deep contemplation - which seems to be rather regular. This is a time of retreat, where you signal to those around you that space and time is required, for you to feel whole again. The dates of the 1st-3rd constrict you, when a conjunction with Mars/Uranus and the North Node strengthen, culminating all the events that occurred throughout July. Many of you are still dealing with the plethora of emerging feelings for something or someone that blew you out of the water, in an unexpected and unrefined way. It can take some time to get back to base level, even if you’ve been dealing with the shock waves of a split or redundancy for some time. Jupiter in Aries moves around your mysterious and complex 8th house, appealing to your sense of security. Cash, bonuses, lucky strikes and family money are all in the mix here, placing you in a great position to win big financially. What happens exactly seems to be hard to decipher, almost cryptic; you are owed and yet, you don’t want to ask for what you deserve or for what has been a long time in the making. 

The Full Moon in Aquarius shines bright on the 11th, allowing you to get organised for the weeks ahead. Opposing the Leo Sun, this lunation can feel a little distorted. Suffering is a creation of the mind - and some of you now may be feeling a disconnection with ‘what is’. The impact is greatly felt in your 6th house of routine and health, limiting you to making improvements. Uranus is challenging the Sun here and projecting self-imposed fears you prefer to keep private, out into the open. This may feel draining as if you feel the need to explain yourself to family or friends. That same day, Saturn in Aquarius makes a conjunction with the moon, cancelling your opinion or idea in a harsh way. Luckily, whatever transpires, you don’t take to heart - but it can be overwhelming regardless, feeling as though you’re being watched and scrutinised. Mars in your 10th house traverses through Gemini, from the 20th. Bringing advantage to your work, reputation, services and resume. If an authority figure or boss has not noticed you before, they will come to you at this time, impressed with your attention to detail and competitive spirit. Mars is aggressive, even in Gemini, where it often thinks out loud - putting people in their place. Don’t be afraid of this in a professional environment, it's time to ramp up, not slow down! How you respond to the outside world develops over time - but a strong sense of integrative awareness means that no matter the changing reality, you can feel emotionally responsive to the people and events in your life. Venus in Leo joins this 12th house on the 11th, attracting you to something secretive. Behind closed doors you are often a very different person to what you display in the outside world. This can be truly enticing for a lover or partner, and makes me think that with so much heart chakra energy funnelled into Venusian themes, the public and social spheres will be buzzing around you. Mercury in your sign until the 25th engages positive self-expression and you find people willing to really hear you out. Collaborations are strong at this time as are business developments. Subjectively you feel more like yourself than you have in months - there is a desire to explore bigger goals and dreams. Cosmically, doors are opening for you, intriguing possibilities are at every corner. Watch for the 21st, when Mercury stations in it’s pre-shadow phase - ready to retrograde for the final time this year throughout September. On the 22nd, the Sun moves into your sign, heralding in joyful, plentiful, birthday time. The energy switches up almost instantaneously, and you can breathe a sigh of relief.  On the 27th, an influential New Moon in your sign caters to your desires. A Grand Trine between Mars, Mercury and Pluto will form, advancing you in ways not thought possible. This will be a notable, stand out date - where you can brush up on your image, face, persona and character. You are already a very considered individual, it's just how you are -  and now with the benefits of the Moon can appear even more polished + elegant.  A New Moon always teaches, it uncovers - it is imperative that you trust yourself, because the truth is, no one knows you better. 

Dates to watch; 1st, 4th, 7th, 11th, 13th, 23rd, 27th, 29th.

LibraSeptember 23 - October 22

Self-empowerment comes from real talk, Libra. Often, you won’t find this level of self-deprecating honesty in friends who fly around you, catering to your needs and desires, to the detriment of themselves. This isn’t your fault, of course, it's just a pattern you move through, something about the way you make other people feel - as if they should want to be near you 24/7. It’s a blessing and a curse, especially when you need some time alone, to mull over problem areas you face. That’s why at times, its best not to ask for too much outside advice - instead, listen to your own voice - your own moral compass and see if you can make a judgement call. Albeit August is not one of these quiet months - in fact, it is a time where you pick up more acquaintances, friends and hanger - ons, who are keen to dish out opinion as fact. The Leo Sun whips through your 11th house of friendship until the 22nd, reminding you why it’s so important to remain objective. Yes, you do flourish with other people, genuinely appreciating the natural collaboration that occurs when minds get together to converge, but you cannot and should not get swept up with fickle matters that other people love to pour over. Business and your love life feel progressive, thanks to Jupiter in Aries which moves through your 7th house of commitment until December. A matter of sensibility comes up, yet it is different for every individual! Venus in Leo explores the depth of your 5th house, turning on the charm and sensual appeal. It’s obvious from just looking at these two transits that partnerships are the hot theme this month, somewhere you are placing all your focus - especially if things have been tough with a Leo, Gemini or Taurus. 

On the 11th, a Full Moon in Aquarius merges with Venus here in this playful and expressive 5th house, requiring you to complete a project at this time. What you do for fun is accentuated now, and a partner or child may want to join you to see what all the fuss is about. A Full Moon in the 5th socially integrates your life, yet can also signal endings and culminations. Fertility is a topic you may discuss in your private life, and an on-going situation may make you look a little harder at what identity you take from being a parent, step-parent or perhaps, no parent. If the question on whether you want kids or not is still up for debate then this date may be the clincher, where you finally put your truth out there - for everyone to know. Uranus is close to this Moon, bringing a shock factor, so it’s possible you hear news you weren’t expecting on the stance of a loved one. Mercury traverses through the quiet 12th house until the 25th, placing mind over matter. You may dip in and out of contemplation, issues about home, family dynamics and work balance are on your brain and it may be that you’ve outgrown this situation you find yourself in over and over again. Exploring yourself and what you are capable of is the core focus of the 12th house. Mars in Gemini moves in a favourable way for you, placing copious energy in your philosophical 9th house of travel and adventure. From the 20th, it’s obvious you are coming home from a trip or about to set off on one, either way different, electrifying people come into the mix of your daily life. On the 22nd, the Sun moves into Virgo, meeting with Mercury in this spiritual 12th house. You may be silently tiptoeing around a partner or romantic potential, admiring them from afar. Much of your reality is now acting like a mirror, helping you to notice within yourself what it is you don’t like and what it is you appreciate in others. A New Moon in Virgo arrives on the 27th, forming a Grand Trine to Pluto, Mars and Mercury. You are fulfilled through service, empathy and awareness of the collective needs - but you may also seek to withdraw and that is completely fine. Restore your balance, then you can be good for everyone else. 

Dates to watch; 2nd, 7th, 10th, 11th, 17th, 21st, 27th.

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

Someone is playing games, Scorpio. Portals are open throughout August symbolising that its time for you to level up. It’s truly within reach at this time because of the highly intelligent and independent energy that presides over any conflict you may come into contact with. Early in the month, from the 1st-3rd, an ongoing Uranus, Mars and North Node conjunction brings unstable and unreliable conditions to your house of relationships, especially intimate one on one relations. There is a large desire for freedom, yours or someone else’s, and the way in which this is communicated is awkward, disruptive and shocking. You may feel unstable going into these first few weeks, acting aggressive or abrasive, even when you attempt to remain neutral. Big feelings are rushing in, spilling out, there is nowhere to hide from them, so you may as well own it. There can be a momentary strategic phase of withdrawal from a painful situation, and you might need to listen to the advice of others who have gone about this in the past. Regardless of various personal problems, the month has potential to be one of your greatest. The Aquarius Full Moon on the 11th is removing obstacles from your path, but you may be looking for a rebound? There is a part of you that is over-extending yourself to please others. Occurring in your 4th house of family and domestic situations, children or siblings may need your full attention. The 4th house is highly spiritual, so emotions are heightened at this time. There’s a feeling of karma surrounding your present situation, and endings such as moving house/country, leaving a housemate or waving off a child on an adventure are all possible. A fixed Grand Cross occupies this lunation with Mars, Saturn and Uranus in close contact. Comfort and routine seem unchanging, yet nothing lasts forever - this grand cross will break apart your mindset, encouraging you to meet your own attachments head on. 

Mercury in your 11th house is perfect for working within a team. Going beyond old paradigms is paramount if you wish for new beginnings to take place. A Libra, Pisces or Virgo can act as a crutch this time, helping you ride the roller coaster with some sanity. Mars trines Pluto (your ancient and modern rulers) on the 14th is interesting, helping us identify people’s  complexities, issues and desires. We can see through fake stories we’re being fed - and we wake up to the narrative someone is trying to define us by. This is a very powerful aspect, use it to your advantage by manifesting and setting intentions. Get out in nature and appreciate the blue sky, the trees and the various faces you come across. On the 20th, Mars moves into Gemini, where it will remain for the next 7 months. Energising your 8th house of sex and money, its obvious that all is not said and done when it comes to an ax or former flame. Ego’s can be inflamed at this time, so if people appear selfish or if you seem more needy/obsessive, just know it’s the 8th house influence. This is quite a big deal and lightens the overall mood, just be careful not to get bogged down in Gemini themes such as gossiping and back-stabbing. On the 23rd, Mercury trines Pluto furthering a friendship scandal - did you go behind someone's back and now they’ve found out? The clean up of this mess may take weeks, and you’ll have to be patient and compassionate, biting your tongue if you wish for this person to accept your apology. On the 24th, Uranus stations retrograde, the last of the outer planets merges with Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and Chiron. This is part of the natural, yearly cycle and means we will reassess and redefine how we show up at work, how we liberate yourself through love and how we face unexacting situations. If you want to embrace a new quality within your psyche, Uranus is all for it, backing you. From this date, we feel a sense of relief, things appear to go back to normal and a completeness returns. In anticipation for the New Moon in Virgo on the 27th, you spring clean the home. You have a keen eye for detail and this allows you to get organised, standing out to bosses and team-mates. In your 11th house of friendships, a pressurised situation is dissolved. You will enjoy this sweet and tender moon, barely feeling the vibrations it sends out into your life. On the 28th, a Grand Square searches for peace within - you can’t just hope for calm, you must embody it! 

Dates to watch; 1st, 2nd, 6th, 11th, 18th, 25th, 28th. 

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

Take a snapshot of where you’re at in life, Sagittarius. The Sun in Leo is all about creative self-expression, moving through your 9th house until the 22nd. This is the area of inspiration and education. This month, you may be getting both - more than you bargained for. Spiritually, physically and intellectually you are changing, fascinated by recent experiences with people from different countries or backgrounds. There is a truth seeker within you, always, at your very core, and this has been re-awakened by a journey you have taken not so long ago. The 9th house also rules karma - the actions you do without needing praise and thanks, morality and how we view sensitive subjects such as death. This marks the first 3 weeks of the month with a touch of idealism and light-heartedness that follows you wherever you go. Early in the month, from the 1st-3rd, an ongoing Uranus, Mars and North Node conjunction brings unstable and unreliable conditions to your house of health and motivation. Your productivity is geared toward your career, and nothing else matters. Circling back to the same issues seems likely now and this may frustrate you massively. It’s like you come up against the same lesson with different villains time and time again. Although you may not want to dissect it, there is a reason it keeps coming back, for you to mature and grow. You must enhance your self-esteem without comparing yourself or your storyline to others, this can take intuitive perception and courage, something you haven’t drawn upon in a while. Engaging in a story of superiority gets you nowhere, so practice the concept of unity - rather than separateness. Deeds alone don’t define us - what you do alone, is really who you are. Leo season is always favourable to you, especially as Venus joins up with the Sun accentuating good rapport with friends and clients. 

You are a true student of the world, and optimism is never far from your view. On the 11th, an independent and fearless Full Moon in Aquarius is pressed by a tense Saturn conjunction. Issues are projected like a mirror, so if someone has been bugging you its most likely because you, yourself possess those similar characteristics that you’re scrutinising. Feelings of weakness may come up, as you look for someone to blame. Opposing the Sun in Leo it's obvious uncomfortable truths are spoken - as much as you want to turn away, now is the time to listen. As the emotions peak, the intensity begins to draw back. Mercury trines the North Node on the 16th, bringing great life orientation. You’ve got the mental capacity to communicate calmly, especially to a pesky faux friend or colleague. As the days progress, you find yourself communicating more in alignment with purpose, evaluating and letting go of what no longer works. August is most definitely a puzzling month, philosophically you’ve got lots of questions that need answering. Mars moves into your committed 7th house of partnerships on the 20th. To know love as a non-dualistic feeling, means there is no separation from the heart centre - the 7th house teaches selflessness - who can you extend this to in your life? More and more in the safety net of one relationship you grow confident in what you can offer intimately, romantically. Still Mars does bring conflict and anxieties to the surface, it is the God of War after all. Dynamics may shift under this transit, but when all matters settle in the dust, you begin to see it makes perfect sense. On the 22nd, the Sun moves into Virgo, honing your attention to detail. On the 24, Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus, joining the outer planets, slowing down our progress. Uranus is a radical planet, hell bent on giving you every opportunity to define yourself - in a completely edgy way. This retrograde reminds you, it's good not to be like other people! Do your own thing, even if that means following your wild heart at times you’re not sure you should. Your inner compass always knows - there are no accidents. Upheavals and setbacks are part of the natural process, check and see if there’s another way out or another way in - look outside of yourself, there are answers. On the 27th, a dark Moon merges with the Sun, engaging Mercury in Libra. Things may be misinterpreted, yet you’re genuinely trying to comprehend the emotion or anger someone may be displaying. You have complete control of your emotions at this time, so observing is necessary - you have the ‘aha’ moment while the experience is happening, not a second later - putting you in prime position to call the shots. 

Dates to watch; 3rd, 7th, 10th, 11th, 20th, 22nd, 28th. 

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

Seek good counsel, Capricorn. There is caution to be exercised in Leo season as the Sun swirls around your 8th house of income, transformation and inheritance. Until the 22nd, your intimate world is highlighted, almost a little too brightly - it can be hard to focus on anything else. It will be necessary to have an outlet for your mind to float too, even if you’ll hardly have the time to look at anything else other than what is right in front of you. There may be a serious mood that comes over you in these first 3 weeks, where you appear more somber or secretive to lovers and friends. You may not seem like yourself even to yourself but a good pal will understand and not take it to heart. You are in a period of course-correction, re-evaluation, where you wish - no, require to get back on top of things. It’s not helpful that early in the month, from the 1st-3rd, an ongoing Uranus, Mars and North Node conjunction brings unstable and unreliable conditions to your house of self-motivation and expression. Growth and progress will occur now, but it can feel incredibly drawn out and challenging. The only thing that can help your plight is to keep on swimming, because the moment you stop, you may feel as though you’re drowning under the number of chores, bills and limitations. Neptune in the 3rd house is explorative, introducing to you the uncharted mind. Nature beckons to you, and the trivial entertainment of drinking excessively, seeing the same acquaintances and regular banter is not enough to excite you. This can be a period where people in the ‘outside’ realm really don’t get to engage with you often, because you’re preoccupied with memories, data, facts and wonder. Mercury in your 9th house from the 5th is all about furthering your spiritual evolution, you are inspired by a partner's way of thinking. 

Compromising will help this month along, and you may feel more at ease letting someone else have a go. There's less of a desire to ‘control’ outcomes, mainly because you’re busy negotiating at work - trying to remain logical and diplomatic when accusations and threats are thrown around. Such is life, especially when you own your own business or are the CEO/head of a company. On the 11th, a Super Moon in Aquarius arrives in your 2nd house of finances. Money, self-worth, services you offer all come under this guise, so it could be time to honour yourself, nurture your gifts and continue to collaborate. Saturn, your ruler is in a tense conjunction to this Moon, threatening your resources. You may feel like escaping reality, just leaving everything behind. This is a cycle where reality can be burdensome, but it’s important to remember - better days are coming. On the 20th, Mars moves into Gemini where it will stay for 7 months - energising your 6th house of work and health. You will have a specific desire now to take charge of your body, mind and spirit - especially if you’ve been unhappy with how a part of you has been operating. Physical activity can ramp up and you might even join a class you wouldn’t normally, like pilates or meditation. There's a desire to channel your energy correctly, to run, dance, move - do anything that can help you sleep more soundly at night. On the 22nd, the Sun enters Virgo, immensely filling your cup. You are two of the same really, so in general this next month helps you feel engaged, responsive and content with how things are travelling. Your 9th house is accentuated at this time, putting an adventurous spin on everything you do. Philosophical questions may play on your mind, and the desire to lead a more spiritual life - with a deeper higher meaning - makes itself evident in the situations you go through. A conversation with an elderly parent may help you recognise where you’re being risky in love or business. On the 24th, Uranus stations retrograde, the last of the outer planets as it merges with Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and Chiron. This is part of the natural, yearly cycle and means we will reassess and redefine how we show up at work, how we liberate ourselves through love and how we face unexacting situations. A Virgo New Moon aligns with the Sun on the 27th, thoughtfully considering what direction you wish to move forward in. This earthy lunation serves you quite well, as you tap into the methodical and sympathetic way of the Virgin. Perspectives change with time and there is something in your heart now that is telling you to turn over a new leaf and leave no stone unturned. Attend to your beliefs - let them expand your current horizon. 

Dates to watch; 2nd, 10th, 12th, 19th, 22nd, 25th, 29th. 

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

Finish what you started - that will keep your head above water, Aquarius. Events unfolding in your love life may feel shocking or confusing throughout August, as the Leo Sun shines a torch light on your 7th house of committed relationships. There is a compelling need to watch your blind spots, to for-see what the future might be bringing because any intell will help you along, as friends or lovers throw you into the deep end of disarray. The 7th house acts like a mirror, you’re not happy - your partner probably isn’t either. There are behaviours within a one on one partnership that are not fulfilling what you promised you’d do, when you first entered into this agreement. Alliances are strengthened in this house, but only the ones with truth as a backbone. Anything fake culminates now, but instead of being thankful, you’re puzzled, surprised you hadn’t seen the reality of someone or something. Early in the month, from the 1st-3rd, an ongoing Uranus, Mars and North Node conjunction brings unstable and unreliable conditions to your home life. There can be issues stirred up by a house mate or landlord, pushing you to the brink. Resolving dynamics within the home can feel exaggerated, as if people pursue separation instead of unity. Issues of morality come up, maybe your values just don’t align anymore to a sister, parent or child. You are allowed to voice this - have boundaries and still be OK with one another. The central focus of this time is other people, observing them and exploring your connections to the community. Emotionally, you’re being analysed or analysing a potential/current partner, wondering if they have what it takes to back you, to inspire you, to stay against all odds. 

From the 9th, a cycle of strength and courage is made open to you. Spiritually, you’re on a high. Things just keep adding up, especially when you take the time to be in mediation - deep silence helps you to emerge with greater wisdom. On the 11th, the last SuperMoon of the year lights up your 1st house opposing Leo, becoming a very formidable ally. The very full moon in your sign validates your ego - your mind and heart. Saturn sits in tense conjunction, breaking up the powerful control someone is trying to exert over you. This unruly energy is furthered by a challenging Grand Square; projecting insecurity and complexities on your self-worth. Hardly you make yourself vulnerable for the public, only allowing those closest to you to see snippets of your soul. This lunation can bare everything, whatever you’ve been holding close to your chest. Alternative versions of one reality may be spoken about (or quarrelled), and the way you view your truth versus a close individual may differ greatly. A Pisces, Sagittarius or Libra may seem as though they’re reviewing how you do here - and it feels a lot like being marked at school for a project. Uranus close here means that there will naturally be some sort of breakdown or breakthrough, lessons in humility are likely - if I can give one advice it would be to share your vulnerabilities now. Your judgement of anything shows your conditioning, but only clued in people will be able to see the consequences this has on your actions and emotions. It's not about being scrutinised, but it is a period of definition - where you are asked to really show yourself. Keeping a calm and logical mindset may feel tough at this point in time, yet you are encouraged to relax and trust. Intuitions will guide you when the time is right to express what is at your core. On the 14th, the Sun opposes Saturn in your sign, helping you to review themes to do with security, independence and routine. On the 20th, Mars enters Gemini and your productive + playful 5th house. You’ve got your energy back to put into hobbies and outside passions, engaging better with family - especially children and romantic partners. You can feel especially sensitive to love at this time, attracting a very pleasing partner. On the 24th, Uranus (your ruler) stations retrograde, the last of the outer planets merges with Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and Chiron. You can negotiate a pay rise or job offer, switching your attitude towards the technical. This is part of the natural, yearly cycle and means we will reassess and redefine how we show up at work, how we liberate ourselves through love and how we face unexacting situations. On the 27th, a New Moon in Virgo merges with the Sun stimulating your 5 senses. Relationships benefit from a different approach, being present is key. The 28th sees a tense Grand Square form activating Uranus, North Node and Venus. People tend to feel strict, as if we’re kids being told of for something we have or haven’t done. You baulk under this type of behaviour, so will now run far from anyone that tries to box you in. 

Dates to watch; 1st, 6th, 11th, 17th, 20th, 24th, 28th, 29th. 

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

Address the doubts you have by searching for logic, Pisces. This month, change is on the cards for you, in a highly significant and enthralling way. A dash across states or country lines may be on the cards, as you grapple with a fast - paced new reality. August isn’t exactly sophisticated, there’s so much movement it may be hard to keep up, confused which way is up and which is down. For a fish however, direction isn’t the be all and end all, if you keep swimming, you’ll eventually get to your destination, every single time. Early in the month, from the 1st-3rd, an ongoing Uranus, Mars and North Node conjunction brings unstable and unreliable conditions. Jupiter retrograde in Aries is pushing for you to win big, especially if you’ve been left in the lurch from someone owing you. With the Leo Sun activating your 6th house of health until the 22nd, its evident you need to focus on only one person in your life; yourself. Details will emerge in the first 14 days about your body, mental health and overall spiritual awareness, that can leave you feeling slightly off kilter. You’re not the usual you, something is going on but you can’t seem to put your finger on it. The Aquarius SuperMoon lights up the sky on the 11th, forming a conjunction to Saturn, bringing uncertainty and sensitivity to matters of health or career. Opposing the Sun in Leo, Uranus the planet of shock also sits close by, overwhelming you with the needs of others. You are not just responsible for yourself, but for many other people in your life. This lunation oversees what it means to preside over, to worry about and care for. Mars in Taurus also brings illusion here, making your dreams seem eccentric or telling. Many of you could be waking up with scenes still playing out in their mind, and it feels like the more you dissect what happened in your mind's eye overnight, it has something very real to teach you about what could transpire over the day’s. Secrets naturally come up and emotions are heightened as the Full Moon peaks on the 12th, helping you to break free from a mould or barrier that’s been imposed on you. 

Neptune, your ruler, is retrograde in your sign, awakening a period of ‘self-help’. Engaging your 1st house of face and persona, it's evident you are in a place of review, assessing what has worked for you in the past and what has not! You may be haunted by an old feeling or memory that is brought up when you do something relatively routine. This could bring back a flurry of nostalgia that keeps you locked facing the past. Neptune is lazy, it loves to wallow, but this cycle should be about breaking the ties that bind you to an outdated version of yourself, and jumping - leaping even into the more refined, elegant version of who you are now - in this present day. Saturn in your 12th house can be about escaping reality, so if something awful is going on at home or in romance, you may now wish to disregard it - pretending that everything’s OK, for the sake of those around you. The heavy mental burden you place on yourself makes you retreat - acting more like a ghost than a living human being. There is inherent wisdom in dissecting this part of your psyche, and why you prefer to keep things ‘pretend fine’ rather than actually just rip the bandaid off and experience living. Information will be revealed now, but it may take a therapist or trusted friend to help you assess it. Don’t be afraid, you are only investigating your own soul. On the 20th, Mars enters Gemini and your domestic 4th house. Family invests in you, and you feel overwhelmed by love and support. Remember, no one wins when the family feuds. You are thoughtful and gracious during this cycle that extends 7 months, investing in the relationships around you by freely giving your time and presence. Virgo season begins on the 22nd, accentuating the axis between you both. The mutable vibrations does harmonise with yours but explores the energies in completely separate ways. You are asked now to detach from feelings, thoughts and responsibilities - to dwell only in the tangible - the here and now. On the 24th, Uranus stations retrograde, the last of the outer planets merging with Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and Chiron. This is part of the natural, yearly cycle and means we will reassess and redefine how we show up at work, how we liberate ourselves through love and how we face unexacting situations. A Virgo New Moon arrives on the 27th, merging tenderly with the Sun, and receiving wonderful additional support from Pluto and Mercury. There is integration within your business life, as an alliance is formed. Set clear intentions for the next 6 months, as your house of relationships is highlighted, providing you with a secure and stable base in which to focus on being the best partner not only for yourself, but also your loved ones. 

Dates to watch; 3rd, 10th, 13th, 20th, 22nd, 27th.