
Our journey.

The way it all ‘unfolds’ is generally quite different to what any one of us has in mind. 

We have core perceptions that build our lives from the ground up, and we think or perhaps, more accurately hope, that this ‘vision’ will follow some sort of linear path that our brains can wrap themselves around. Yet, we all know that is completely false and inaccurate. Life doesn’t go as planned. It’s impossible to control people or their actions, at times, it even feels hard to control our own actions! This doesn’t mean we have failed. We don’t need to make excuses or give up. There is so much freedom in letting go; of expectations, judgement, desires and people. Often in our realities, when something is cleared from our story, it is because something better, more suited, is coming to pass. You are exactly where you’re meant to be, or maybe you’re not. Who knows? 

In truth, you’re the only place you can be. Right here, right now. 

April has many transits - criss-crossing all over the place, diverging us from our path. If we don’t remain level headed, it can be easy to make a mistake. Say ‘yes’ when you mean ‘no’, fall into a trap or go back two steps when we just moved forward one. We will have to keep our wits about us - fear has the power to stop you making the most of the opportunities that present themselves. Courage is a skill. Independence is the name of the Aries game. On the 1st of April, a New Moon in intense Aries merges with Mercury and the Sun. The momentum is strong, with all the planets still moving in direct motion, showing us that if we want something, if we believe in something, the only person that can propel that forward is us alone. No one will believe in your dream the way you do! This lunation reminds you to hunker down and look out for yourself, for #1. On April 4th, Mars makes a conjunction with Saturn, triggering ignorance, accidents and emergencies. This transit has been building for a few weeks, and is a major alignment we should be paying attention too. The forecast for this transit is not very favourable, but it’s not like we haven’t been here before. The media erupts with global news of sanctions, violence, climate change and price hikes. We can feel very blocked, making assumptions that are wrong and that make us follow a winding path we’re not meant to be on. Venus is in Pisces awakening the sacred feminine, addressing the karmic significance cropping up in our relationships. Love lives will feel polarising! On the 12th, Neptune and Jupiter expand the good vibes of Pisces when they make a conjunction. The last time this happened was in 1856! Neptune loves to be in Pisces, it really thrives here, of course it is the ruler of the fish, so that’s nothing unusual. Jupiter also loves to be in Pisces (it is the co-ruler), and it carries a certain mastery, but spiritually pushes boundaries in the water sign that can make us feel rather uncomfortable because it is directed so personally. Regardless, we are inspired, insightful and in tune. There is a rise in empathic consciousness and we can feel like productive members of society. We may come across a renaissance man or woman who elevates the room we find ourselves in. There is an eroticism of every day life, it’s not just in the act of sex, but in the way we ‘love’ - the way we move, think, feel and behave. We feel deeply human and we recognise each person interwoven in our vibrant web for who they are - and what part they play. There is a certainty here - psychologically, emotionally, spiritually. This time is like a soothing balm for our wounds, one that will need to be applied and reapplied as the month progresses. A Full Moon in Libra arrives on the 17th providing us with a profound moment of truth. Venus and Mercury are in harmony here, encouraging us to pursue all sorts of romantic avenues. Yet, a full moon is also about a culmination, an ending, through the diplomatic eyes of the friendly Libra. This lunation forms a t-square to Pluto, so we will deeply determine the areas of our life where we could be more courageous, more authentic. The Sun moves into Taurus on the 20th, maintaining a healthy perspective on what's happening around us. 

The theme in April is to move away from what obstructs us, what weighs on us and what makes our serene environment uncomfortable. People are working through their own narratives, it’s in their hands to alter their timeline, no one elses. Mercury in Taurus on the 11th makes us chatty, chipping away slowly at the iceberg before us. Taurus isn’t one for small talk, but give them a topic they care about - like art or their favourite country, and they’ll go on for hours. The pre-shadow for the upcoming Mercury retrograde that begins officially on the 10th of May, starts to seep into our lives by April 25th. Watch out for the usual niggles, contracts that are pushed in front of you or final sales that you're not ready to part with just yet. 

April is the month of the saviour, the liberator, the defender, a guardian angel who delivers salvation to those going under. Quite literally, here with the floods (again) in the Northern Rivers of NSW, or across the sea with Ukraine embroiled in this nasty war. With many awful realities in-between like the on-going death of children and civilians in Yemen - as fights between government forces escalate. The fact that there is a fourth booster approved and deemed necessary by the Pfizer CEO, and that people are supposed to follow along blindly, handing over their health to a biopharmaceutical company in hopes that they care for us and our health. Dramatic developments are reshuffling how we view our world and many people are being called to nature - toward simplicity and compassion. Lending a helping hand where we can, donating, taking friends or strangers in. It is not all negative - the parallel to this pain the world is experiencing is that we also experience fundamental good. If it all seems a lot to take in, the normal human response will take over and we will shut off. The reality is that there is A LOT going on, but we are in control of what we let overpower us. On April 29th, Pluto goes retrograde in Capricorn, until early October. This is an overall positive experience I feel, because of the harmony Pluto makes to Jupiter, Venus and Mercury. Leaning into your own personal daily practice, meditating - listening - reading - moving - taking a break from social media, from certain friends, foods or alcohol may be necessary at this time. It’s about healing - looking in the mirror, remembering the child you were, all that plagued and nurtured you, and all the things that made you the adult you are today - consumed by many daily tasks, worries and chores. Craving love and acceptance, Pluto will strip away shadow, leaving only the core. The day after, the first potent Solar eclipse of the year occurs in the sign of Taurus. Fixed signs; Leo, Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius will feel this energy drastically in one area of their life. I’ll talk about this more next month, as it really is more potent on the 1st of May. One thing I will say is that the changes will drag us all, yanking, pulling and twisting at our very soul. Wise owls know how to keep it real. It is your turn to keep it real. We are so much more than we think we are; expect good things to come and harness the laws of the universe. Expect to receive what you dream of. Then it shall be so. Give thanks to life; here, I’ll go first; thank you life for holding me. Now it's your turn.. 

May your cup runneth over in all possible ways on all types of days. 



Aries: March 21 - April 19

You’re learning more about what makes you tick, Aries. Self-love is a big part of April’s teachings, and you must level up and give credit where its due. Birthday time is filled with vitality and charm, we are drawn to the world around us and we respond accordingly. Everything is possible.  A New Moon in your 1st house on the 1st of the month, signals an enchanting door opening just for you. Creativity and courage come hand in hand, as you walk your own path - after all leading from the heart is the 1st house mantra. Mercury, Chiron and the Sun are all here, backing you, placing the power back in your hands. You must believe you are creating the change necessary just by being here, by being alive. This lunation accelerates the shift that is occurring on a deep, individual level for you - its not just about survival anymore - its not about restricting yourself - its about thriving - flourishing. A Gemini or Leo may notice you at work and become a mentor - there is a sense of discovery in your professional sphere that will manifest well for you. The Mars-Saturn conjunction is for getting work done, while remaining focused on serving the greater good. That occurs on the 4th/5th and is one of the most notable transits of the month, but we’ve been contending with it since way back at the start of 2020. Mars is your ruler of course, and as Saturn meets Mars in your 11th house it's evident that people, and lots of them will be a big part of your story for the next two years. Many of you could be undertaking a year long project with another team or moving offices, teams, jobs entirely! 

On the 11th, Mercury enters Taurus and merges with your financial 2nd house, pulling you back toward reality. Look deeply at a situation and observe how you can spend less and save more. There are possibilities for big money with this transit, so if you’re owed cash, you can see it materialise now. On the 12th, a conjunction between Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces explodes in your 12th house for the next 12 years!!! Coming from a numerology stand point, 1 correlates with independence and initiation while 2 is about patience and sensitivity. 1+2= 3 which is about personal connections, signs, symbols and the self - this makes me believe that you will have meaningful self-expression over the coming years, that forces you to unleash a more creative, imaginative side to your personality. You will be invigorated by art, dance, therapy, music and film - who knows, maybe this is your new calling? One foot in front of the other, take your dream step by step so that you can prepare correctly for what is coming. The negative imprint of the month can come from hidden vices, especially those that keep you frozen in the past. Some of you may attempt to display false stories of happiness, but the more you try the more bubbles to the surface and spills over in the least appropriate way. If a friend is scattered, you may take on some of their energy. A Full Moon in Libra occurs on the 17th, in your romantic 7th house fuelling the fire for more intimacy, karmic bonds and eroticism. You are reaching out to someone who may have turned a little distant over the last few months, and the reception you get is much warmer than expected. Partners are responsive and you may have a breakthrough together that dissipates illusions of pain and trauma. This experience binds you together, and helps you incorporate new ways of being together. On the 20th, Taurus season begins and you wrap up celebrations for another year. When we step back from the current dynamics, the magnitude of the times is revealed. A Solar Eclipse in Taurus occurs on the 30th, opening us to the 2022 eclipse season. This lunation will shift into the 2nd house of assets, money and possession. Three questions will be asked - Are you resisting? Are you accepting what shows up? Are you embracing it? Your life will be very active toward the end of the month, consider your limits and know when to take a break. 

Dates to watch; 1st, 4th, 15th, 17th, 18th, 20th, 26th.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

You don’t need to engage with everyone, Taurus. The possibilities of this month are endless, as birthday season is near, connecting you to dreams and wishes that will materialise over the course of the next 3 years. A New Moon in Aries activates your 12th house of spirituality and reflection on the 1st. You will feel that this lunation comes at the right time, as you wish only to recuperate and rest from a busy and overwhelming March. Many of you will be stealing a moment away from the social calendars, yet friends seem to be knocking down your door with their issues and squabbles. A usually mature pal surprises you with their need for gossip, this nasty steak can set you off pushing space between the two of you for some time. Although you may feel an internal anxiety about all the things getting underway in your life, April is not a month which you should rush through. Your imprint on the world around you will be welcomed by the people who understand what you’re trying to do, and take time to reconnect with the natural world. Ask for guidance when you are close to large bodies of water or trees and greenery. The best medicine will always be to go outside and take a breath. A Mars-Saturn conjunction on the 4th is harsh, compacting the vibes you’ve been feeling in your career. People may be following you up on promises you made long ago, think hard on how you’ll respond as this will directly correlate to your reputation and future development. A part of you is feeling very quiet, thoughtful and calm.

You’ve taken on the energy of the wise one, you can spin your own story in whichever way you want. On the 12th, a very auspicious conjunction happens between Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces. You will be front and centre in terms of receiving; and this conjunction can activate synchronicity, lost connections coming back to find you, old flames reaching out via social media and so on. It’s possible you fall in love, get married or get engaged. If life has been feeling like the matrix is collapsing, there is a straw of hope. Anything can happen, you have to keep the faith. Private matters may spill to the surface on the 16th, however you don’t wish to just talk to anyone about what it is you’re going through. The Libra Full Moon in your 6th house on the 17th is helping you get into the entrepreneurial spirit - work smarter, not harder. A life lesson may present itself in the form of an ailment in the body. You may have brushed something off for way too long and now it's coming back to bite, if so, this is your reminder, to have a regular check-up and to eat more greens. A firm routine will improve physicality, especially if you’ve been rather apathetic to your circumstances. It may take some adjusting to return to a more ‘healthy’ baseline, but your body will thank you for it in the long run. On the 20th, the birthday season begins, improving your life with a downpour of cosmic consciousness. It won’t take a lot for you to just *know*, you will embrace the peaceful warrior. Pluto then shifts into retrograde in the sign of Capricorn, where it will bring up long held emotions tied to an old love, a father figure or an authoritative team mate. Capricorn is an earth sign like you, so this focus on shadow work will feel constructive, even when it's pressurised. The big news for you this month comes right at the end on the 30th, with a very illuminating Solar New Moon Eclipse in your sign triggering spiritual understanding and alignment. The end of 2021 began a new eclipse cycle, between you and Scorpio. The definition of this axis is the five senses that make up our one body. It’s about our physicality, our sensuality, our beauty - it is what makes us, us. Both signs take pleasure very seriously, and each sign represents emotion and obsession, albeit very differently. This lunation deals with a ton of evocative Yin energy that corresponds to attachment or resistance in intimate union. Naturally, love, sex and intimacy will be part of the cycle you move through. You have the opportunity to clear out lots of trauma, stemming from a very young age or to do with one parent. From this you can experience major life changes, and this will last until October 2023. It can feel scary too, surrendering, because you’ll no doubt be navigating uncharted waters - somewhere you haven’t been before. There can be a feeling of discomfort or anxiety because you may not know if you’re coming or going in other people's lives. 

Dates to watch; 1st, 3rd, 7th, 17th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 29th.

Gemini: May 21 - June 20

Be kind to yourself, Gemini. When you find the right path for you, the heart centre swells with pride. In life, there isn’t just one correct way though, and that is why it’s important not to follow others, instead creating a unique path of your own. In your early years, you leaned toward other peoples ideals and values more than your own, you didn’t know how to trust yourself, because you were never taught and you didn’t have the skills to honour these differences. Fast forward to now, and these unique ways of seeing are what sets you apart and what gets you paid. Throughout April, your mind is active with questions, a Fire or Air sign friend can answer some of these for you and with you. Everything has significance, it’s up to you to connect the dots and practice compassion when your heart would rather turn away. The New Moon in Aries arrives in your 11th house scattering your mind on the 1st. You’re everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Far out ideas, idle gossip and future plans keep you away from the present moment. A close knit group has always been at the forefront of your mood board, you need people and you know life works better when you’ve got more minds to explore with. This lunation can also mean you’ve got a low threshold for friends who keep making excuses or who are naturally flaky. On the 4th, a Mars-Saturn conjunction accelerates angst or tension. All of us will be feeling multiple delays and frustrations rippling away in our personal lives. For you, it may be hard to control bad habits such as unhealthy food, copious drinking/smoking or giving away your power so that other people make ultimate decisions for you. The energy will be tangible most of the time, but take special care on the 7th, as your workaholic nature may put someone off and it will take twice as long to rebuild the relationship. You have to ask yourself every now and then - What is more important? Where is the balance?

Mars accentuates your 10th house most of the month, and it will feel important to focus on the direction of your goals. Taking a look at your relationship with finances and how it contributes to alienation, competition and feelings of scarcity is also required, because an honest and vulnerable answer can show you where you’re sabotaging yourself. You’re gearing up to make a professional leap and you need all the brain power you can muster. It could be time to make a mood board for where you see yourself in 5 years time, this will give you the fourth sight on what it is you really want - and where you wish to succeed. Mercury enters Taurus on the 10th, committing you to a person, place or way of being. Many Gemini’s work best when they are physically learning, they can’t just be shown on a screen, they have to get out there and do it for themselves. This transit can mean that you are part of a long standing project that will go through numerous upheavals. Some of you could use this time for reflection, sorting through paperwork and memory boxes at home. The Full Moon merges with your 5th house on the 17th, as Libra is your sister-sign, I feel the vibrations of this lunation will really carry you. The desire for harmony is apparent in all that you do, mainly because you’ll drop arguments with lovers or friends, even if they remain a subject internally. Use it as a time of release and surrender, especially dropping any harsh criticisms of your body and what it can (or can’t) do. Seeing a chiropractor, acccupuntraist or psychologist has extra merit now, so be open to the advice of a professional. On the 29th, Pluto moves retrograde until October in practical Capricorn. This yearly transit will transform ideas of ‘service’ - learn to get up from a table that is not serving you love, patience and acceptance. On the 30th, the first Eclipse of the year begins a process of internalisation that will require profound contemplation on love, desire - and the partner opposite you. 

Dates to watch; 1st, 6th, 8th, 17th, 20th, 22nd.

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

Expectations may be a little unrealistic this month, Cancer. Absorb the energy around you but make sure not to take on other people's drama. The spiritual warrior within levels up, it does not seek revenge or threaten others, it walks away when it notices a large polarity, for peace of mind. You are this warrior in April, climbing the mountain of consciousness - returning to share what you have learned. A New Moon in Aries opens the month up, merging with your 10th house on the 1st. Career and purpose play a big part in your overall happiness, are you honouring what it is you wish to cultivate? Do you feel supported by a partner to have equal time for work and play? Contracts and burdens can be highlighted under the 10th house, and if you’ve lost your passion for the work you carry out - it will be so evident! Mars conjunct Saturn on the 4th may make you say things you regret, so be very careful of a sour attitude, that most likely is stemming from ego or jealousy. Check yourself! This transit is the most tricky of the month, and prayers can fall upon deaf ears if you’re getting around with a closed heart - not showing appreciation or compassion to those around you. The special news that really makes a dent in our luck is the auspicious and highly televised Jupiter-Neptune conjunction on the 12th. It borders on divination, on psychic and spiritual power - so the dates surrounding the 12th, and well until the 16th are potent for any kind of message being delivered. 

Mercury makes a conjunction to Uranus in Taurus in your 11th house, focusing on security through relationships. You cannot expect for other people to ‘complete’ you however, and the longer you continue to, the more difficulties you’ll face in one on one relations. Large audiences may be part of this 11th house protocol, and if you’re into a hobby, mid-April may be the time you show off what you’ve mastered. A Full Moon in Libra, opposes the Sun on the 17th moving into your 4th house of family. The light of the moon casts its reflection on the people around us, what captivates us to these individuals? You may be surprised to hear news about an impending birth or marriage. If you are recently involved with a partner, you could be feeling deeper in love or reconnecting with an old friend. There is a strong personal power elevating you, mostly because Mars, Venus and Jupiter are in harmony with your sign. Pluto turns retrograde in Capricorn on the 29th, opening you to an optimistic frame of mind.This transit sticks with us until October, and has many positive sides to it because of the aspects it makes to Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. Especially also if you have Capricorn elements in your natal chart, this will really blow the lid in terms of problem solving. If you have issues with addiction, or obsessive compulsive tendencies, you can now really work through these patterns and face them, with the support of a lover or family member. Everyone is on a seperate journey to truth, this will be highlighted over the next 6 months. You cannot compare your life to friends or siblings at this point in time, stop fearing you are doing things the ‘right way’. On the 30th, the Taurus Solar Eclipse pursues a busy social life. Your name may be circulating around many circles, enticing people to get to know about you. A past friend who did you wrong may come to apologise or you may hear from word of mouth that this person is in a very bad way. The landscape is being cleared, making way for a new shore. 

Dates to watch; 2nd, 3rd, 10th, 17th, 22nd, 25th.

Leo: July 23 - August 22

Don’t take on more than what is natural, Leo. April is a very prominent month, but you still have to manage expectations, and truthfully yours are more important than anyone else’s. Internally, you’re in a good place - one where many avenues of communication are open to you - and you are vanquishing dark thoughts and feelings that divide you from living your best life. The big focus is on love this month as you go through the intricacies of relationships. If you’ve just left a partner, you may be going through the motions that come with a break-up. If you’ve recently started dating, you could be imagining a future together. A New Moon in Aries lights up your philosophical 9th house on the 1st, helping you to dive deeper into your spirituality, meditation and personal wisdom. You are contemplating your next step, but the right decision won’t come just yet - you need time to observe the job you wish to jag, the state you want to move to or the type of lover you seek. On the 4th, Mars makes a conjunction with Saturn, rehashing an old wound. The worst part is you know you sound like a broken record, echoing the same sentiments you’ve held for some time - but you can’t help it. What is it about this person or predicament that gets your blood boiling? Mars and Saturn deal with aggression, power, control - they hold us up by our neck, reprimanding us when our morals don’t match up with our words. This is karma coming back at you, if you blind sighted or ghosted someone recently. April is exciting, it can be golden and you can benefit from saved funds, property or even family inheritance especially on the 12th, when Jupiter and Neptune make a very auspicious conjunction. This transit will dance around your complex 8th house, tackling very personal issues over the course of the week. You have the chance to right a wrong, to call an old flame, to re-ignite a sexual relationship, to really thrive. 

Uranus in Taurus merges with Mercury from the 11th, bringing sudden developments in love/lust - and what you hear through the grapevine that someone is saying about you. Under all these transits, you will be absorbed with people, community and one on one relationships. Confidence will be gained from showing up in an authentic way that makes you feel glad to be part of these circles. A Full Moon in Libra arrives on the 17th, in your 3rd house bringing up discussion around media, marketing and what appears to be ‘real’ versus what the truth is. Taurus season begins on the 20th and shifts lifestyle toward health and wellness. Generally, you’ll feel very busy and if in the last 3/4 months you have been without work, you’ll now see an influx again of people contacting you for your area of expertise. Everything you do sends a vibration to the present moment, multiplying what may happen in the future. You are in control of your life, remember that! On the 29th, Pluto stations retrograde in Capricorn, where it will stay until October. There can be a change of hands within the workplace that gets you a promotion in this time, especially if you have Capricorn in your natal chart in the 2nd, 6th or 10th houses. A reshuffle is also apparent in your friendship group, with individuals not feeling very comfortable with some of your more far-out expressions. On the 30th, the first eclipse occurs on a New Moon in Taurus. Lots of systematic, global changes are occurring and with it, your mind and position on how you live, work, eat and play. Measure your financial health regularly. Reassess your day-to-day spending habits. Concentrate on paying down your debts. Lifestyle is important to you, highlight what you cannot live without. 

Dates to watch; 1st, 4th, 12th, 14th, 20th, 23rd, 29th.

VirgoAugust 23 - September 22

You can experience deeper satisfaction if you complete a cycle with courage, Virgo. What you’ve been tolerating has snowballed, and it’s possible you are now in a situation you really didn’t see coming. The dizzying, surreal feeling is strong, and in April unfamiliar territory can frazzle you even more. You will do well to refine your daily routine, making life simple will help reduce the internal chatter and you can refocus back on the number 1 priority, yourself. A New Moon in the 8th house is joined by the Sun and Mercury on the 1st, focusing heavily on secrets between lovers or information you stumble upon when you’re not really ‘searching’. There is an element of surprise to what you find out and it can throw you into a flurry of action. Karma is strongly associated with the 8th house, so something from many years ago may intercept your current reality in an obscure way, through your personal values, morals and/or skills. A debt may be cleared or a loan repaid - there is a solution that happens on this lunation, and you will be better for it. Venus and Mars melt into your committed 7th house of marriage and serious partnership early in the month, but merges with Jupiter and Neptune on the 12th, when the two outer planets meet in conjunction. This is such a happy and auspicious time, where you can explore a partner's boundaries, enrich a friendship or reconnect with a family member. A love may come back to you, and although the work ahead may be cut out for the both of you, a feeling of peace will preside over the journey forward. Emotions are demanding in the first half of the month, there is no other way around it - you must feel what you feel. Terror, anger, fear, no feeling is final - let it come and go as you firmly sturdy yourself to the ground, and the good people around you. 

There is motivation to get back on the horse in some way, especially if you let other people down by not stepping up in a leadership role. A colleague or boss may feel a lot of warmth for you, and help you through this transitional time in your life, where perhaps career is not at the forefront of your mind like usual. Before this however, there is a very awkward and uncomfortable Mars-Saturn conjunction that takes place on the 4th, that moves the outward focus away from you and onto a sibling or family member that may be going through bouts of depression or despair. You may be overly attached to this story line and not know how to help them in a constructive and healthy way without getting in too deep. Mars and Saturn thrive on control and power, so the slipping of this dynamic can feel too much to bear and may awaken all sorts of egotistical, narcissistic traits. The Full Moon arrives on the 17th in Libra, in your 2nd house of finance, skills and assets. Reliable sources may be pushing you to do better, especially if there is a chance of you being noticed by a superior. You have to pull yourself together, and that can be hard this month because there is a tipping of power within your relationship dynamics that make it hard for you to concentrate on anything other than that. On the 29th, Pluto turns retrograde in Capricorn, where it will remain until October. You will be in a completely different place by then, spiritually and emotionally. If April shakes your character - and your virtues, be at ease in knowing that you will succeed graciously. The first Eclipse of the year in Taurus merges with Uranus on the 30th, helping you to expand your social circle. Mercury is here too, evolving the way you speak. You will explore new scenery whether you like it or not now, so best to enjoy the view. 

Dates to watch; 1st, 4th, 12th, 15th, 17th, 20th, 29th.

LibraSeptember 23 - October 22

It’s possible to remain spiritually aware whilst in the middle of everyday routine, Libra. This month has the ability to feel very liberating, if you walk the path of authenticity and make some hard decisions on love, friendship and sex. Often, when we create a space in our life where we can purge, things break up and reform in a better, more ‘correct’ way. A New Moon in Aries merges with the Sun and Mercury in your romantic 7th house providing sweet and tender energy to reignite a relationship on the 1st. In all areas of your life, you feel abundant, expressive and alive. Finally, things are falling into place making this a great month for engagement, marriage or fertility. There is a very pivotal moment coming in regards to commitment, and I wouldn’t be surprised if many of you are getting married, or have already been married this year. A partner who motivates you to do better, to live a more meaningful life could be an Air or Water sign. Through this person there may also be a reorientation of societal order, as if by being with them, you meet and see more people or travel around affluent circles. April is unfamiliar because of this, as many of you have had traumatising relationships in the past which made you fearful to give in and trust. You’ve overcome this problem, so feel joyous that your conditions are on the up and life has turned a corner. Venus, your ruler, joins with Jupiter and Neptune on the 6th, providing encouragement and action in your 6th house of health and routine. The major conjunction between Neptune and Jupiter will be strengthened on the 12th, 13th and 14th - work affairs can somersault around, becoming much more productive and creative. This conjunction is rare, it will be best to use it fully, pushing hard to set a smart routine for your health, mental wellbeing, physical movement and business development. There is no time like the present!

You will gladly be of service to others, and this can guide you toward community, by having a random meeting with an elder who you instantly connect with through shared interests. They may have a specific wisdom to gift you that takes you by surprise because it is so divinely timed. Mercury enters Taurus on the 11th and shifts into your intimate 8th house providing a better look into shared finances, dual credit cards and exactly who is spending what. It can be illuminating, try not to assume before you know for sure. The Full Moon arrives on the 17th, in your sign, in the 1st house of personality and image. Privacy is preferred as you take a moment to self-evaluate and self-medicate, loving yourself enough to erect boundaries makes you feel more comfortable and honest. It’s not selfish to put yourself first, so step out of your own shadow and own it. Epiphanies revolve around a lunation in our own sign, and the revealing nature of the 1st house makes me believe that what happens may truly string you - or wake you up from a slumber where you’ve stopped working on yourself. Forget other people, the only person that is let down by this is yourself, your mood swings can attest to this. Pluto stations retrograde in Capricorn on the 29th, shining a light on your 4th house of family and belonging. A parent figure may call you out of the blue with a problem only you can assist with, potentially because you’ve dealt with it before - or you know the person that’s associated. Providing a sense of security to your loved ones is a very important role for you, so take charge. The Solar Eclipse in Taurus which is a New Moon will further look at the 8th house of ownership and secrets. There is a lot developing in this story, and what may come of it depends totally on how you handle yourself in the face of adversity. The person who should be satisfied at the end of the day is you, be careful what you talk about with people who are out to get you. 

Dates to watch; 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 17th, 21st, 27th. 

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

Learn to respond, not react, Scorpio. The internal acknowledgement that big changes coupled with harsh wisdom are about, flips your mindset from one of victimhood and fear, to a sense of wonder - we are living through a historic time, many people recognise this. It is your turn to honour that we are in a very deep place, full of wounds and healing alike. Step outside the box of conventionality and respond accordingly. A New Moon merges with the Sun and Mercury in your 6th house of daily habits on the 1st. As above, so below - that is a timely mantra. There is enormous potential unfolding but you’ve got to show respect appropriately by rebalancing your needs, thoughts and feelings. Business wise you are looking to streamline your life as there are many things cooking and only one set of hands, yours. It can feel as though you’re on the brink of exhaustion, but intuitively this makes you work harder, because you know the creative juices flow from there. Don’t over do it anyhow, that is the message Aries sends in the first 7 days of the month. Behind the scenes many emotions are flowing, and on the 4th, with a pesky and chaotic Mars-Saturn conjunction you may be drawn into someone's bullshit, back flipping on your neutral stance beforehand. This transit is harsh, it can easily bring up experiences of the past, dragging up issues you leave in the underworld. However, you are Scorpio, and a little darkness does not scare you, so practice your resilience and stability by grounding your feet into nature and your soul to the sky. The negative imprint of this can come up in ways of stubbornness, giving up, wasting time and holding onto the same old power struggle you contend with in one on one relationships. Mars and Saturn want you to be the boss all the time, they drive you to bombard. Don’t, as much as you can, step away from those feelings and do not engage. 

A Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces is expressive and encouraging, making the 12th of the month very auspicious. They set sights on your 5th house, joining Venus and Mars here, attracting an ideal playmate. If you are in a committed relationship, the love is definitely growing between you and there is a sense of vitality that can only get better with age. Personal magnetism is strong and you may make an older, eccentric, unusual type of friend. This month can easily victimize us, if we are blindly leading or going forward. Real empowerment will come from your community, through friendship, through admitting you are wrong. We are human after all. On the 11th, Mercury in Taurus shows your leadership qualities by communicating clearly with people. Love can dazzle you as sparks fly in new romances. The vibration is full of raw sexuality, and you may mould it to your desire. It’s about calling in practical magic, by doing what you can alone, which is a lot - to honour your intention. The Full Moon in Libra opposes the Sun and settles into your private and spiritual 12th house on the 17th, you may have a conversation that foreshadows the future. It reminds you that you don’t need validation from other people. On the 20th, Taurus season begins on the 20th, moving into your 7th house, raising emotions spectacularly. Invest your time in more spontaneous and natural activities, see what stems from there when you’re hardly putting in any ‘work’. Pluto, your ruling planet, turns retrograde in Capricorn on the 29th, changing our field of consciousness. You must be bold with Capricorn, you must remain devoted to career, life direction and the cycle of maturity. Being sincere and reliable is not exactly in PLuto’s frame of mind, but it is ridiculously honest. Your subconscious will come up in a way that reveals to you what you shouldn’t be forcing, under any circumstance - mainly relationships with very masculine, overpowering people, or toxic drinking/drug taking. On the 30th, our first Eclipse on your axis occurs in Taurus as a New Moon Solar eclipse. This will kick off until 2023, issues and illumination around early development, attachment, obsession, jealousy and bonding through belogingin. The polarity between you and Taurus is bound by its similar yin, fixed energies that make you mirror one another in both a positive and negative way. The journey is just beginning, ushering in spectacular manifestations possible. What happens throughout the next 12 months sets the tone for your next 3 years. 

Dates to watch; 1st, 11th, 17th, 19th, 20th, 24th.

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

You are healing, so naturally you are reminded of certain traumas, Sagittarius. April is bold, helping you understand that situations and conditions over the month are designed to teach us something about ourselves. You have a tendency to combust every now and then, exploding with very real issues you keep neatly tucked away. The Mars-Saturn conjunction on the 4th can heat things up rather quickly, distorting your vision for the natural world. This transit muddies your communications, causing problems in business and your career objectives. To come out somewhat unscathed you will have to work on your expression, how you go about asking people for things and how you accept the things they ask of you. Before this, however, the energy is simpler, easier to digest with a New Moon in Aries, merging with the Sun on the 1st in your 5th house of playful romance. This lunation may build up sexual tension with a new partner or rekindle a memory with a former flame. You may be inclined to emotional or verbal outbursts, releasing all the surprised feelings you’ve kept over a Water or Air sign partner. Don’t get too carried away with what is brought to light, instead try and remove as much expectation from yourself and the other person. The South Node will be in your 12th house of spirituality and reflection affecting you dynamically, as you explore talking to someone - in therapy, in community or online. This process can be unsettling, as you are a creature of habit who isn’t too fond of change, especially if you are the driver of that change. Yet, this is welcomed, as you know it's stemming from a very conscious place. 

A Jupiter-Neptune conjunct in Pisces on the 12th, helps you harness long held dreams, turning them into reality, mainly because you’re restless enough to put thought into action. As Jupiter is your ruler, you will feel a double dose of this lucky streak well into April. This transit will help you remain smart, keeping your head up and your eyes on watch. What this epic transit reveals is that something beautiful can spring from something broken. Life will have a way of assuring you over the course of the 12th-16th, respond accordingly with intention and sacredness. The conditions at home are animated because of this conjunction in your 4th house, letting you improvise and pursue when it comes to domestic living. Your inner world is intuitive and open minded, therefore you can make amends with a long standing issue between parent/child or siblings. Financial gains may be present now too, with authority figures and bosses resonating with your point of view. Mars and Venus align here too, so the conditions are idyllic for dictating how and where you work. There will be a feeling of coincidence as the Full Moon in Libra appears on the 17th in your 10th house of academic progress. You may be accepted into a course or program that will benefit your professional life greatly. There is ongoing work with a talented colleague showing you greater discipline, and through this collaboration a new, shared vision may be born. In romance, you can be drawn to what feels safe. Contacting an ex may serve as a distraction or a denial of your own personal needs, be careful of falling into a trap. Taurus season begins on the 20th, moving through your house of health and wellbeing. You can tune up routine and finely balance the delays that may take place. On the 29th, Pluto stations retrograde in Capricorn, burdening you with a commitment to a client or friend. Pluto comes to collect, so you will have to compromise and find time. Internally, you are going through so many private, secret alterations, that the end of the month cycle can feel truly personal and life changing. The Solar Eclipse in Taurus will explore your 6th house dynamics on the 30th, influencing how you eat, think and work. Lifestyle is becoming more important to you, and if that means taking a pay cut for peace of mind, then you may just be there. 

Dates to watch; 1st, 3rd, 13th, 17th, 18th, 20th, 22nd, 27th.

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

Unleash your inner mystic, Capricorn. Release those layers of you that are no longer required - the ones that keep you traumatised, hurt and angered toward people who have all but forgotten they did anything wrong. In April, the matrix is dissolving and windows of opportunity are peaking through, giving you a prime spot to make something for yourself. Friends, lovers or people you meet randomly seek to know your dream life, your innermost thoughts. Naturally, this can bring up resistance for you, as you clash with the intimacy secrets bring up. A New Moon appears on the 1st, merging with Mercury and the Sun in fiery Aries in your 4th house of family and belonging. You may be going on a short trip with a partner or relocating further away from a sibling/parent. This lunation guides you toward your responsibilities within the home life, and endeavours to keep you aligned with the people most important to you. There is a sense of familiarity in what you get up too, so perhaps you’re meeting up with friends from the past or seeking emotional support for an on-going issue. Either way, you observe that while others are breaking up or breaking apart, you feel a deeper, greater sense of commitment to those around you - thankful to them for placing their trust in you.  Family isn’t just blood, it is who you feel a soulful bond with regardless of the time and date you met.  

On the 4th and 5th, Mars and Saturn, your ruler, are conjunct in Aquarius. This tense transit can feel miserable if you are suffering from disturbed emotions, if you have not been truthful with a partner, child or friend. If someone has been trying to control you, this transit will have you on the defense big time, saying things you may soon regret. Division is largely highlighted, and globally things may feel grim when you watch the television. Watch out for health eroding, especially if you have an inclination towards alahcol, drugs, gambling and sex. You must be measured, with open dialogue freely flowing. This will be a real moment of truth for you, what is more valuable to you - the truth or the lie. Money is a big theme in April and your shares, properties, loans and debt will come under the spotlight. Financial disagreements are possible with a partner and some of you may be newly married or engaged, discussing pre-nups etc. On the 12th, a Neptune - Jupiter conjunction in Pisces brings endless possibility, changing the mood drastically, to where you feel light hearted. This transit is dreamy and ethereal, joined by Venus and Mars, stimulating new growth with a partner, especially if you have gone through a rough patch recently. The Full Moon in Libra arrives on the 17th, in your philosophical 9th house of wander brings you to a fork in the road. You desire to get away and see new vistas, so bunking down and working hard in these next few months to get the tail-end of a European summer may just be what is required of you now. Pluto retrograde will occur on the 29th, in your sign, drawing attention to your face, body, personality and style. Lasting until October, you will obsess over the finer details of your face, that only you can notice up close. Picking, pulling, dieting will be endured as part of this transit, that will give you time to review if you are as healthy as you could be. Your place of comfort may be outside of yourself, but Pluto will drag you back into yourself to find contentment and nourishment just by being you. It’s quite a journey, and you will be blessed with a shocking clarity that makes it hard to stick by outdated and outworn thoughts and ideals. On the 30th, a Solar Eclipse in Taurus will usher in great changes in your romantic life especially if your partner is a Water or Air sign. This New Moon merges well with your sign, pointing out what can stay and what can go. 

Dates to watch; 3rd, 4th, 16th, 17th, 20th, 26th, 29th.

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

You’re very mindful of what is showing up, Aquarius. To know the truth in April however, you must face life without the filter of your own belief and dogma’s, regardless of how right they may appear. The future is surprising, especially on the 4th, when Mars and Saturn make a conjunction in your sign, subtly dimming the lights on an old, outworn way of being. This transit is chaotic, problematic and fundamentally decisive, it represents suffering, but the kind that we do unto ourselves. You are gathering information under the surface, trying to reclaim a story line that fits into your reality. Mars and Saturn make circumstances unstable, so that you can only cling to the truth. Everything false will be stripped, you are pushed to the centre to face your own shortcomings - in love, in romance, in union. Before this however, you move nervously, unsure whether your self expression will be heard. A New Moon in Aries merges with the Sun and Mercury on the 1st, in your 3rd house of communication and action, producing unique and unusual visions. Many of you could be signing up for a class, mastering a hobby or lending your hand to a craft. You’ve got the imagination and the prowess to think up grand, unusual designs, things that other people could never think of. 

Neptune makes a powerful conjunction to Jupiter heightening your inner world, reflecting back to you what you truly value on the 12th. Venus and Mars are here too, paying attention to your domestic environment, adjusting you to the people around you. This transit is proactive and provocative in a very tender way, so you may meet someone that piques your interest in a big way. There is a certain confidence that arises in you when you follow your natural rhythm, and this meeting can be somewhere you often go to - like your local coffee shop or exercise route. For those of you in serious, committed relationships, there can be conversation of children, travel and moving. Both parties are enthusiastic, perhaps even psychic, finishing each other's sentences. What is visible is that this individual is here to stay, and you may possess each other completely now. The Full Moon in Libra occurs on the 17th, in your mysterious and complex 8th house. Landing you in uncertain territory with finances or material objects. The 8th house is deliberate and can surround you with matters that need a discrete mind to comprehend. You will be managing a few peoples affairs it seems, but your spiritual maturity will come into question by someone higher than you. Mercury enters Taurus on the 11th in your 4th house of home, and is met on the 20th by the Sun. You will be busy with a father figure or male relative, and may be slowly rebuilding your relationship. May is as equally important as April for you, and the only way through the obstacle is to fully immerse yourself in it, while you’re on the journey. Pluto stations retrograde in Capricorn on the 29th, until October in your private and esoteric 12th house. A Water or Fire sign ex-love may come to you in a dream and it will feel poignant and poetic, as if they have a message in real time to give you. How much of this is your personal desire and how much of this is true is really up for you to discern in your own time. The 12th house revells in secrets and silences, and there is something beyond the words - that can only be felt in looks, eye contact and body language. On the 30th, the first eclipse in Taurus occurs bringing a mountain of paper works and organisation. Work will have you chained to your desk, yet this can feel positive, as if you have something to construct so that other people can see it like you do. Introspection is part of your daily life in these weeks, meditate and let the answers come to you. 

Dates to watch; 2nd, 4th, 8th, 12th, 20th, 27th, 29th.

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

By focusing on your breath, you can switch almost instantly from serious to lightness of being, Pisces. April is character building, as you go through a process of growth and emotional honesty. You just have to allow peace as a practice, in the chaos of the busy world, you must keep coming back to yourself - through breath work, through meditation, through physical movement, through stillness. The next 8 weeks are very active, combining work load with challenging feelings at home. There may be a feeling of despair, as if you’ve run out of all the options, but in reality, this is when the magic appears. You are at an advantage with the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in your sign on the 12th, making this very tender Piscean weather. Before that, a New Moon merges with Mercury and the Sun in Aries on the 1st, appearing in your 2nd house of finances, skills and personal value. There is a sense of confidence in being able to find solutions to problems, you are sick of just surviving financially, you want to thrive ultimately. Resources are spotlighted now as you put everything you own on the table (it was about time really), this could be because you just have been married and have legal documents to sign or because you’re coming into money through a family estate. Privately you have a money goal you wish to reach, and the message of this lunation is to keep striving for it. Don’t rest on your laurels. On the 4th and 5th, Mars and Saturn make a conjunction, blurring the lines with a work colleague. Anxiety may be through the roof, if you have secrets to keep, especially if they involve a larger number of people. Mars and Saturn thrive on power and control, dissatisfied with middle ground. As a Pisces though, this is where you prefer to be, flying under the radar, doing your own thing and answering to no one. There is a parallel motion in your world that this transit will dig up, and because if this can bring your name up in some unsavoury circles, be ready for anything. 

Venus moves into your sign on the 6th, bringing you potential for greatness in love, business and spirituality. There is special focus on relationships of all kinds, as the fiery active energy of Aries pushes you to make the most of these grand feelings. On the 12th, the rare and auspicious conjunction between Neptune and Jupiter in your 1st house takes place. Your name will be known now, shimmering in bright lights as you reconstruct your image, identity and appearance. Naturally charming, this transit will make you more attractive to those around you. The answer to most of your questions will be a resounding yes, and through this you’ll be able to pursue larger, much grander life plans. Relationship dynamics can be straightened and if you are a parent, you may swell with pride over a child. Don’t rush through anything, especially if you are looking for a twin flame love. It's possible now, if single, that a friend becomes your romantic interest and that neither of you no longer hide your feelings. Regardless of your status, your heart will be on your sleeve and you will be able to have honest conversation with those around you. Manage expectations by understanding that not everyone may be feeling just like you, as for you mid-month can really feel like an epiphany, transformation and rebirth.  The Full Moon arrives in Libra on the 17th, centering you to integrity. You may be feeling rather meditative spiritually, seeing a tarot reader, astrologer or psychic. There are some answers you seek that go beyond this lifetime, and keeping a sense of awareness to this helps you better utilise your energy in the here and now. What happens around this Full Moon will be reflective of where you are internally, and because Libra rules partners, the invitation you provide an individual with will be very welcome. An Earth or Fire sign lover may try and negotiate with you, but you’re not in the mood to roll over. On the 20th, Mercury and the Sun merge in Taurus in your 3rd house of communication, bringing you out into the open with a message for the public. Social media, the internet and your persona on the web can be a topic of discussion, make sure its within your comfort zone. On the 29th, Pluto turns retrograde in Capricorn requiring a reality check. Pluto is the underworld, the ruler of your sister sign Scorpio who is critical in their judgement and observation. Expectations can be met if you act like a boss, just make sure the practical affairs are in order. On the 30th, the eclipse season begins with a Taurus New Moon. You must firmly plant your feet on the ground and lean into the 3rd house teachings of concise communication, no more mincing your words. You can’t run away from confrontation forever, it's time to stand up for your values and beliefs, regardless if there’s anyone in your corner to back you. 

Dates to watch; 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 17th, 27th.