“Your path to ascension begins with the mastery of your thoughts and emotions.” - Samuel Neagle
This week is multidimensional - loaded with a moody, cosmic chaos that ripples over our current reality. This is due to the upcoming Taurus Eclipse on the 19th, igniting the polarising axis themes between Scorpio - Taurus. Lasting until 2023, we approach issues such as stability, identity, relationships and past trauma related to intimacy - in a whole new way. What occurs over these 18 months sets the tone for the next phase of your life - whether that be marriage, separation, children or movement. We look through the lens of a fixed sign (Taurus & Scorpio) and come to understand the yin (passive, receptive, feminine) energy they possess. Taurus is ruled by Venus, Scorpio is ruled by Pluto - both signs relate to attachment, stabilisation, emotion. They represent life - from start to end. In order to resonate to the full power of this cycle, we must expand from personal unity to collective unity - in this way we intertwine. Consciousness is encircling. Enter the void.
A Lunar Eclipse is a Full Moon, in Taurus it opposes the Scorpio Sun making life dense with intensity. Fleeting feelings replace one another and we twist and tumble internally through the process, and the mood we succumb to reminds me of that great quote - ‘If we threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone's else’s, we’d grab ours back’. This lunation is very much about not comparing situations and circumstances to that of others. We have no idea what anyone else is going through, nor do people know the intricacies of our relationships and many times we all choose to share just a variation of our life - not the entirety. Fixed signs; Aquarius, Leo, Taurus and Scorpio will feel the effects of this lunation most, as they contend with some inner frustrations.
On the 17th, Venus in Capricorn begins its pre-retrograde shadow. Venus in Capricorn is solid, independent and up to the task - it will seek commitment and weed out any instability. All 12 signs will feel different pains and strains in this retrograde, and Venus will make sure to leave no stone unturned in its quest for truth and beauty. It’s evident over the Christmas period and well into the new year that this cycle will also reinstate our boundaries, help us affirm ’No’ where it’s needed and activate a ‘business first’ attitude to the 2022 story. If we submit ourselves to do better, Venus will propel us forward. Each sign stands to gain and benefit - and the challenges this retrograde can bring is also full of potential. Life is what we make it..
Big love,
Aries: March 21 - April 19
You raise the frequency, Aries. In fact, you’ve been raising it all year - creating a thoughtful new platform of which to leap off. Today the Moon is in your sign, helping you battle issues such as pessimism and depression. Self-doubt can creep in if commitments are not honoured, but it isn’t personal. The Sun squares Jupiter today, expanding a pressurised situation. You know to remain objective and calm, these two things alone will patch up problem areas. The Lunar Eclipse will stretch thin your 2nd house of finances, so start to adjust and reduce spending.
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
You relax into it, Taurus. All the tangible things in your life seem to go up in value as you stop second guessing what’s right in front of you. A new found love and respect for someone triggers all sorts of vulnerabilities, but if you step into this power, you will access something truly great - your own truth. The Moon in Aries today will spend a few days before moving into your sign, and the Lunar Eclipse which will merge with Uranus in your 1st house of personality/image on the 19th. This is a truly personal week for you, one that can set the wheels in motion for a diverse and electrifying 2022.
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
The answers you seek are already inside of you, Gemini. Today’s Aries Moon leaves you self-aware, and you recount risky behaviours taken up over the last few weeks. When something impacts your health, you can quickly descend into a rut - not knowing how to reach out and ask for a helping hand. The Sun-Jupiter square can displace emotion, so it’s best not to over-promise or over-do. The priority should be getting back to a base you feel comfortable with. These energies all lead you to the 19th, when a Lunar Eclipse occurs in your private/esoteric 12th house.
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
Are you repeating mistakes, Cancer..To others it may look this way. To you, it may just be a period of review. The Aries Moon attempts to prioritise the most important schedule, but you’re distracted by illusions. You feel out of balance this week, as if you’re missing something big. It’s the upcoming Lunar Eclipse in Taurus energy, which will merge with Uranus in your social 11th house on the 19th. Friendships excite you but words are easily misconstrued in the lead up, except something curious to occur.
Leo: July 23 - August 22
A dilemma requires your attention, Leo. Working overtime has impacted your health and this week you may wish to relax and reserve your energy. Today’s Aries Moon sets its sight on relationships of all kinds, yet you feel the self-centred actions of a lover rather disturbing. There are some emotions you’re coming face to face with after years of escaping them and this will ring especially true on the 19th, the night of the Lunar Eclipse in your 10th house of ambition. You’re in a philosophical state of mind and you want to get clear on ambitions for the future.
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
When it’s time to work, it’s time to work, Virgo. The pre-shadow of Venus retrograde is involving you with some interesting characters. Love and intimacy are top themes for you this week, it’s hard not to get involved in the drama. A Sun-Jupiter square today can feel confronting, here to remind you that not everyone wishes to follow your routine. The Eclipse in sister-sign Taurus will affect you rather personally, as it shifts into your 9th house of beliefs and perspective. In a very real sense, you’re about to engage in a journey that takes you far from home.
Libra: September 23 - October 22
There are no mincing words this week, Libra. However, you may be especially sensitive to family or those you share a home with. This is because the pre-retrograde shadow of Venus is impacting your notion of self-awareness and self-care. It can underline how you do so much for others but don’t feel you get the same TLC back. Career can feel secure and on an upward trajectory. The Eclipse on the 19th will shift into your mysterious and intimate 8th house, making sure you see all that you should, and all that you shouldn’t.
Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
Remember what is truly valuable, Scorpio. This week with so much energy in your sign it's best not to force anything - the less you rush, the more you come to understand. Pluto harmonises with the Sun tomorrow helping you problem solve and discuss a few issues that need review. Venus retrograde enters its pre-shadow and engages the softer side of your personality. Everything is leading up to the beginning of the new Eclipse axis - with a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus setting off in your romantic and committed 7th house of love.
Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
This is not a drill, Sagittarius. An Aries Moon today is unrealistic, ramping up expectations on what you feel you deserve. This can be a dangerous spot to be in, because the ego plays tricks on us. Everything in moderation, especially as Venus enters its pre-retrograde shadow in your house of finances. Stick to a budget and get others in your family involved too. The upcoming Eclipse in Taurus will shift into the 6th house of health on the 19th, attempting to make some positive changes to a very confusing personal situation. Baby steps that will get you across the rocky terrain.
Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
Your eyes seem to be on other things, Capricorn. A friend asks a loaded question and with the Moon in Aries you feel quite aggravated by people not minding their own business. The Sun-Jupiter square can halt progress for now, but you’re back to usual speed by the weekend. For you, a lot is going on personally in business, home and love. The Eclipse in sister-sign Taurus will be exciting, as it moves into your creative and romantic 5th house. Big questions are met with many possibilities and you crave the sensation intimacy brings.
Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
The spirit remains enchanted, Aquarius. Regardless of the troublesome year you’ve had, this week holds a certain magic that you’ve been anticipating. The Aries Moon today bubbles tension to the surface, and you may be quite overwhelmed with a colleague or career decision. The Venus pre-shadow retrograde is consciously assisting you with letting go of old romances or painful past partnerships. The upcoming Eclipse will feel intense, as it takes a trip down memory lane in your 4th house of domestic life. A sibling or old friend can prove to be vital.
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
A wildfire of emotion spreads within, Pisces. The Sun-Jupiter square today makes it easy to mistake something for another. You can feel overwhelmed by your lack of direction. Venus is about to retrograde in Capricorn, where it will take a particular interest in your friendships - and those who have your best interests in heart. Do you have sound judgement? It will be tested over the course of the Christmas period. The intense Taurus Eclipse on the 19th is occurring in your 3rd house of conversation - and there’s a certain subject you wish to bring up with a partner.