Hi everyone, it’s nice to be back doing weekly horoscopes and connecting with you on this platform. Mid-October will facilitate new dreams and desires, as we embrace the ‘personal’ power that is being amplified with each passing day. Many people are deprogramming from the disillusionment of the media matrix we are involved in as humans of this earth. As more planets station direct, we receive a message from spirit, encouraging us to recognise what ‘is’ - through signs, people, sightings, symbols and synchronicities - we can help free ourselves from disappointment or feelings of emptiness that we’ve experienced throughout 2021.
Today, Saturn joins Pluto, as it stations direct (after retrograding since late May) - harmonising with Mercury, Mars and the Sun all still in the sign of Libra. Saturn moving direct can magnify the seriousness of life - and entrap us to take our obligations more dutifully. The change of direction is rather powerful - because Pluto deals with death as well as birth - and Saturn is all about long term influence. Whatever is being challenged in our lives can bring serious distortion to the bigger picture now. An unusual direction may be shaping up - are you brave enough to take it?! We’ve had our fair share of intensified tension and constraint, we don’t want to sit and reflect anymore - we’ve done enough of that (if we used the retrograde energy wisely) - so for this moment, this week, it's time instead to explore what’s ahead of you. Abundant Jupiter is next out of the gate, in terms of direct motion, but we will have to wait until the 18th for that. In Aquarius, we can bet on friendships expanding, social connections strengthening and creativity soaring. There will be great emphasis on unity - togetherness. We are sick of being lonely.
The Moon is moving into Capricorn, so we’re seeking steady, dependent bases we can rely on. We can feel traditional in our thinking, erecting clear boundaries along the way. A strong desire to give and share is overriding any sense of bad - and there is a widespread recognition of the need to keep the circuit of energy flowing strongly. And remember decisions are a natural, universal law.
* If you have made a decision for a new house, new job, new love, you will have it.
* Decision makes it happen. It will happen.
* But when and how it happens are the variables.
* Small things are easier to manifest.
* They manifest quickly.
* Larger decisions or items may take longer.
* The person with the strongest free will… will win.
“Any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again.”
― Homer, The Iliad
Aries: March 21 - April 19
It’s time to move on, Aries. Events this week help you face certain beliefs that are no longer serving you. A lot has to do with the rethinking you’ve been going through - problematic patterns have become increasingly clear. With Saturn direct in your 11th house, a lot of this energy will be expelled into social circles. Who do you constantly come up against? How have you been conditioned by your friends or environment? An energy reset comes under the light of a sensible Capricorn Moon, and you may be keen to debate a topic. People believe they are free, so they don’t rebel - where are you choosing to rebel?
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
Everything in moderation, Taurus. An unusual mantra for you. This week, new developments within a partnership or association come through. Saturn moving direct in your 10th house of career can help settle some uncomfortable business situations. Informed decision making will be essential, and a Gemini, Capricorn or Cancer could reward you. The influence around you is one of responsibility, yet you’re more concerned about comfort and home.
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
You feel encouraged that you’re on the right path, Gemini. Yet, a part of you is still fighting your emotions. Emotions are the fuel of our actions!This week, there can be a bit of procrastination or feelings of dissatisfaction. It’s because there is a lot of energy pulsating from a project or career decision, you are yet to make. Saturn is now direct in your philosophical 9th house as you dig deeper into expectations you have for yourself. From the 18th, this hard core, highly strung vibe will settle down significantly but until then, focus on not becoming volatile yourself. You don’t have to match the mood.
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
Smooth sailing, Cancer. For now anyway, as you sense the possibilities that the last few months of the year hold. There are some preliminaries to deal with before then however, and you will need to delegate if you wish to get to the finish line. Pluto and Saturn direct help you remain attentive, but you’re not procrastinating on finances. Instead your head is turned toward your love life, and the notion of commitment especially with a Taurus, Scorpio or fire sign. Many of you are concerned about a family matter, or a sibling may feature more so than usual. You’ve got the opportunity to put a plan into action, don’t wait on it!
Leo: July 23 - August 22
Mental clutter has you feeling a bit lethargic, Leo. It may be time to snap out of it - as you sense there is work to be done. A feeling of restlessness visits you frequently, and this week it’s back. Saturn and Pluto are now stationed direct, empowering you to take the lead. Love and relationships are at the forefront of your mind, as a conversation is yet to be had. It could be time to get serious or perhaps you’re willing to try again. Either way, you’re on the precipice of something quite special. Use your passion, use your anger - the things that have held you back in the past, should get no air time in the present.
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
The mind is a powerful tool, Virgo. And it shapes our reality, either consciously or unconsciously. You are a very skilful, determined individual and usually whether you believe it or not, you get your own way. With Mercury still retrograde in Libra, there seems to be an old habit eating up your time. It can prove challenging to step away from learned behaviours, but if this is your aim, in two weeks you can succeed. Both Pluto and Saturn are now direct, marking October as one of the most beneficial months. Saturn pushes forward health matters, as self-improvement becomes a top priority.
Libra: September 23 - October 22
There has been an activation of sorts, Libra. And it should be especially felt by you - because Mercury, Mars and the Sun are still harmonising in your sign. In many ways this week, you stop identifying with everything and let go of old resentments focused around the lower abdomen area that stores grief and pain. Mercury retrograde in your sign has a way of pulling you back, to a lover, friend or certain memory. Challenge yourself, especially if you come up against those old, enabling ways. Saturn has turned direct in your romantic and sweet 5th house, recommitting a loved one to you. Encouragement can come from all places now, so work with momentum.
Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
You break up the space by taking a new direction, Scorpio. For some of you feeling stagnant can actually be a good thing, it forces you to upgrade and consider possibilities you were too afraid of before. Domestic changes are afoot, as Saturn who has been in your 4th house since May stations direct. There is a tendency to lean on family - but they may feel distant or challenging. A Capricorn or Pisces can make you feel secure, especially in the months ahead. Keep pushing forward on an unfinished matter, it’s time for everything to be revealed.
Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
You tend to focus on one specific issue, Sagittarius. Love, comfort and service within domestic relationships can improve now, regardless of where you’re at. Mercury makes an uncomfortable aspect with Uranus in Taurus, demotivating you in career. A colleague may want to revive a certain project but you’re just not sure it has what it takes. Instead focus on the material side of life, there can be serious implications if you don’t. It will be important to affirm to yourself that you have the energy to follow what you set out for yourself.
Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
Remove confusion, replace it with an enlightenment, Capricorn. The Moon in your sign on a Monday is here to put some order to a current, chaotic situation. You approach it emotionally, which can feel confusing for you. With Pluto (in your sign) and Saturn, your ruler, now direct, it can appear as if all eyes are on you. Is there something you’re meant to do? Drop uncertainty and focus on resources and talents, of which you have plenty of. A change of attitude comes from increased self love and compassion. On an emotional level, you’re very much releasing feelings of disconnection.
Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
The energy feels rational, Aquarius. Reminding you, you can work with it to accomplish a few last minute deadlines. Saturn in your sign, retrograde since late May, stations direct today. An increase in sentimentality helps you reconnect with a friend or lover, someone who could save you at the last minute when a domestic dispute occurs. Pluto is on its path forward, experimenting with what we ‘think’ we know. Mix ups and shake ups can feel volatile but really they’re designed to teach us something. Don’t masquerade as something you’re not.
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
The tide is out, Pisces. For now at least, so clear the decks while you’ve got the momentum and the chance. Mercury retrograde in Libra can feel volatile as it destabilised people, places and things. Lucky for us, we’ve only got another week left. Hold tight. There is a suddenness occurring somewhere in your life, and with it comes shock and awe. Jupiter joins the direct party on the 18th, clarifying where you’re at mentally. There is abundance attached to anything new, reminding you that purpose comes from experimenting. Don’t imprint on others, let them find out for themselves.