This Week's Astrology

A surprisingly tense week with some funny stars making us progress a few steps, only to see it blow up in our face when or if* we go back into those ‘familiar’ arguments with people who know how to push our buttons so effortlessly. The New Moon in Aquarius falls on the 24/25th ~ this will square Uranus who is coincidently the ruler of the Aquarius; wacky & wonderful. This New Moon will indicate processing, thinking, musing over, purging.  Something must change and for some of us, it could be an old relationship or boring career. All you have to do is honour your feelings, leave the action until later this year if you’re too nervous or unsure.

Yes, something is motivating our usual thinking, turning it to the unusual and it could just be the Mars / Mercury sextile. Saturn and Pluto are deeply intertwined still and at the same time, Venus and Jupiter align and embrace warmly. 

The trouble is Mars in Sagittarius, the giant wrecking ball swinging furiously. Many undertones will be felt in all conversation this week because of it. What you believe is subliminal is actually really out in the open - if you’ve got unfinished business to attend too, this week won’t let you rest until it’s complete. 

This week, I loved Bobby Klein’s quote ‘Adverse conditions are a practitioner’s true wealth.’

In all situations, have compassion, kindness and integrity. By being in a mindful space, nothing can block your path. Embrace an image of a loving new earth and let it raise your awareness, every day. 

May your cup runneth over..

With love, 


Aries: March 21 - April 19

Let’s get straight into it, Aries. There is a sense of release around you and it’s very poignant, energetically speaking. This is because a situation requires you to act now! With so much movement in your life, it’s time to get the plan in motion and stick with it. You are self directed in the moment, yet you need to take a minute for a thought to reach you. Too much chaos can leave you hasty with decisions and this requires a lot of patience and logic. You are in control and aware in a way, it’s the past that's bit of a war zone in your mind. You had to fight for someone/something and pent up energy was used to tackle the challenge; so right now, everything might be a little too  'aggressive’ in feeling . With new momentum for this new year - focus needs to be on what your heart has wanted for a LONG time. You are ready to mix it up; what you’ve accumulated is not necessarily that great. Some of it is just rubbish; see it for what it is. A lover could be restricting, in a materialistic way - joint finances or monetary situations require a stern and final answer. 

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

A call for something more, Taurus. You’re looking toward the future by getting out of your ’comfort’ zone. Everything that is new for you is where the pay off lies. You are beginning to feel very good about your circumstances and this Aquarius New Moon brings a choice; revolving around a job/career change. Without doubt, where you currently are there is a huge sense of boredom in the work environment, you’re not motivated or feeling as though you’re doing the ‘life’ work. Intimately, something like a old hobby is on your mind - you want to try it and see if it could be more. An influx of cash may be needed, you could be waiting on a loan. You are growing tired of giving to those around you or doing stuff for the sake of others, career is most definitely coming to fruition. A passion project is making it’s way to you. The constant struggle you’ve felt over the past couple years is slowly slipping off. You are striving and in this energy, feeling more comfortable with the situation before you. It’s on you to make a call for what lights your fire.

Gemini: May 21 – June 20

Mulling over a decision to make keeps you preoccupied, Gemini. You are being extra cautious; the walls you put around you are very tall and secure in this moment. Even with your chameleon vibe, people can tell when you’re not truly present. Over time, you’ve learnt how to protect yourself; you are not interested in going back to places from the past. With this type of inner security, you’re more aware of what you want. You know the pain you’d feel if this 'thing’ was taken away from you. In one case, there may be a blockage forming with a person of interest. Some passed on information with small bits of truth is confusing you; remember that people like to gossip and completely fabricate the story at hand. In this same week with a moody Aquarius Moon, you should probably keep a friend at arms length too. It seem’s social circles are a touchy point this week; don’t let it become the yearly theme. Friends can actually provide you with strength, just see with clarity who and what is good for you. 

Cancer: June 21 – July 22

A renwed vitality opens you to the magic, Cancer. However, this is a repeat of something that has already been, in a sense this situation is cyclical for you. It goes up and down every few months, and when you’re on this high, you invariably know there is a low around the corner. Regardless, ride the excitement and optimism for this personal event, and enjoy it for what it is. A sign as nostalgic as your’s must shift the focus - benefits arrive when you’re not longing after what someone else has. There is a need this week to have a look at provision; it could be in career. You’re awaiting some sort of recognition and yet it feels desperately far. This internal chaos is also familiar, you beating yourself up about what you’re not achieving. This year, water signs, will be busy - if you don’t get it done right now, you’ll get it done at some point in the next 12 months. Positive forward motion only comes from doing the hard, uncomfortable work of grading yourself, but you don’t need to be so harsh. Just keep swimming and you’ll feel the shine this week has to offer.

Leo: July 23 – August 22

Past love comes up this week in a confronting way, Leo. So, it’s important to be patient with the process. You have a few opportunities to reflect on what you want and it’s smart to keep things light, playful. What you feed yourself emotionally, mentally and spiritually is a key theme with the Aquarius New Moon this week. Pluto and Neptune are pushing you to ask people for what you want; and keep on the look out for red flags. When someone shows you who they are, believe them! A mature feeling centres around an emotional attachment yet, you must make a sacrifice to move forward. A sense of achievement in work has you going backwards and forward on what it is you want from this year; perhaps it’s time to step up for a role. You currently have two things going at the same time and this will be a theme well into February, so it’s smart to be aware of the; two people? two jobs? two opportunities in your life. The choice is yours alone, if you wait too long, you end up with neither.

Virgo: August 23 – September 22

The last week of January shows you that not everything can be figured out, Virgo. It’s a week of not getting lost in detail. Yes, changes need to happen but they will naturally in their own time. It’s about behaviours, actions or patterns that really no longer serve you. That is what is at breaking point right now, so trust your instinct and stay out of your head. You don’t want to plan the entire situation as it takes you out of the present, be here now. It’s really important that you ask for support if you need it, Uranus, who went direct last week, wants to release you from self imposed routines. Something must change for you to move past this obstacle you come into contact with every few months. The Aquarius energy that begins today will make the vibe a lot lighter, you will feel liberated throughout these next few weeks. There is big energy on major self expression, look at ways to grow your ‘personal’ business, marketing who and what you are - so, use this New Moon and know that your best business card, is yourself. 

Libra: September 23 – October 22

The mood is getting lighter, Libra. That’s thanks to Aquarius (sister sign) season starting today. Long term structures are really important this week, whatever is working will be magnified. What’s not, will need to be changed, pronto! You are affected by the astrological transformation going on, you are susceptible to the energies and see the polarisation of the earth. Where you will be feeling all the emotions is family, home life - a continuos pull toward that. It’s as if you’re being asked to resolve many arguments. What you need to remember this week is, not to be distracted. It ruins your creative pattern and very draining, and I know for many of you, this period of family may feel never-ending. Something to look forward to is romance, attraction and chemistry. In the coming few weeks and especially toward the end of February, you could be meeting someone special, someone close by. This person will help bring out lovely aspects of you, it’s a very creative new outlet. 

Scorpio: October 23 – November 21

Be open to whatever brings you joy and fun, Scorpio. This week, with a tense Aquarius Moon and Uranus direct - you will feel the opportunity to study in depth all relationships. There is an invitation to start something from the beginning, before you get nervous, just be open to trying something new. The reward with Uranus is to be comfortable in your ‘uncomfortable zone’ - this path of self worth and self discovery helps you utilise gifts and talents. What’s great is that destiny is in your hands and you can take the time you want, just be aware there are a lot of ‘what if’ situation coming for you. It could be that you’re just a little more curious lately, things are being revealed to you and you have to learn to catch yourself. By taking a look around, you see everything is pretty good - but it could be better. One of the big messages for 2020 is to keep at creativeness; that’s where the rewards are. A friend in this time of your life may also be the key to showing you something new, through them you understand it when you hear it. 

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

Thrive and multiple, Sagittarius. With Mars in Sagittarius, your circle of influence is heightened. Where you work and the neighbourhood you live in could be bringing someone completely new to your life. You have seen a few new sides to yourself this past month, you are resourceful! This week, a deep love for someone in your life comes up and yet at the same time a reluctance. The level of optimism in a certain situation is dwindling and you are more focused than ever on your own happiness. Through no fault of your own, you may be a little defensive with the Aquarius New Moon energy. Be specific with what’s really going on in this situation, that way you can do the work and expand. A couple of different people are about to enter/leave the picture; the scene before you is changing. I see you moving away from toxicity, especially someone who may harbour an ‘addiction’. This could just be repeated unhealthy behaviour, not necessarily drug and alcohol, more patterns in psyche. You’re presented with a choice; Do you stay or do you go? 

Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

There is some surprising energy you must work with, Capricorn. It’s because Uranus wants to liberate you, this planet of ‘shock surprise' sits in your true love sector. So, naturally, pleasurable pursuits and creative self expression in your life are magnified. You are at the beginning of something new here, so don’t hold any preconceived ideas. Life right now is an experiment, so teach yourself to blend it all together. A new approach in business will bring forward a long term solution - Saturn and Pluto coupled with the Aquarius New Moon this week, remind you not to hurry. Take it one day at a time and be open to the new experiences flying in, success comes from being innovative. This week, you might be teaching or inspiring others. The Moon shines a light on romance for you right now, maybe it’s time to step out of your comfort zone and say some thing’s you’d normally keep inside. We create our own reality and the planets reflect what we send out, focus on what you want and who you want and if you find yourself a little preoccupied inside, with internal chat, know that’s OK too. Just let loved one’s know you’re in a place of awareness and change. 

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

Happy Birthday Aquarius, I love your wacky, wonderful souls. This week, it’s very much about you - not just your Solar return but also the New Moon in your sign. Goals, dreams and sudden luck and opportunity are moving all around you. With the New Moon challenged by your very own ruler Uranus on the 24/25th, it’s time to get on the new path and stay the course. Right now, all the answers aren’t necessary, what’s important is to get on and ride it out! Moving forward, you start to see what might need releasing. The cycle of completion has been moving for you in these 3 first weeks of January, everything was in culmination mode. I hope you haven’t allowed others to get in your way and stayed clear of drama. This birthday season, let the focus fall on you and not doing the same old with the same people. Answers are coming from inside your soul and as you may know Uranus rewards when you reach out to new ideas. The beauty of adventure is supported by Mars and this New Moon, it’s no time for ‘maybe’. It seems like you need to align to a new reality, the energy inside out is about being authentic, not choosing what other people choose for you.

Pisces: February 19 – March 20

Don’t just dream it, do it, Pisces. The reality of a situation is that much is possible yet you wait for someone to come do the dirty work for you. You will be shown very quickly now if you revert back to negative behaviour, as the Universe is pushing you to have self confidence and leadership in your own life. The advantage is all yours, as the Capricorn/Aquarius energy work well with water. So, don’t squander it away, you are lucky for a reason. Another key thing, is relationship wise don’t defer to your partner, keep yourself ‘you’ within the relationship. New patterns with heart desire are making their way known, root causes around reality are being torn down only to built up again. Mars sits in your career zone keeping things exciting, you are doing well. The release of what is no longer serving you can be easy if you muster the courage to clear the decks yourself, if you wait for the Uranus/Saturn push, you could be frightened when the bandaid is ripped off in a harsh way. We are at the beginning of something new so remember to take each step with patience, the answers don’t come right away, but they come with a plan in motion. Preserving and maintaining patience is key this week, whatever is expired makes it self very known.

This Week's Astrology

This Week's Astrology