This Week's Astrology

The old gives way to the new. Use the abundant resources that make themselves available to you; body, mind and spirit. While you travel this path of life, stay awake and in the flow. Nourishing those around us with our time and compassion not only feeds the soul but also helps us refine our own inner truth. Mercury turns direct on the 28th but we’re not safe out of post shadow until mid April. Often, the Mercury Retrograde Post-Shadow can reveal the errors in communication and travel that may have occurred during the pre-shadow and retrograde phases. It reveals to us the disowned component in our awareness, communication and interaction with others and the world around us.

A new impulse emerges now and with it a fresh cycle, within our heart space we find a deeper purpose to our existence. Sometimes it can take a crisis to move us into this place of tuning in!! Don’t self separate now, get to the root of the pain and don’t let ego bring about something that isn’t.

Commit to expanding your way of being and grow closer to who you’re meant to be. As Bobby Klein says ‘Play, dance, sing, cry and laugh. It all feeds your inner being, your soul’.

May your cup runneth over..

With love,


Aries: March 21 - April 19

Soul searching takes time, Aries. Baby steps and discovering as you go means you can withdraw and take some time to think about certain things. The Moon continues to inspire and you’re exploring more than usual, you’re unsure if you want to reconnect with someone or get in touch. If you’ve had a little insomnia as of late, expect many fire signs have too. You kind of need to clear the air on a certain subject, but inaction on someone else’s behalf is an action too. Feeling repressed never end’s well for you, make the decision to turn the page. A Scorpio, Virgo or Pisces could play an important role this week. Venus enters your soul sector from today until the 20th of April, making you enigmatic and of course people find this very attractive. You will be encouraged to turn inward and you’ll hold onto privacy fiercely. If things got weird and oppressive, now is the time to make the first move and have a discussion about it. What’s done is done, someone is stubborn and upset with you. This cycle with Venus here brings more mystery to your love life, feelings can be hard to define and you almost have one foot out the door, or in, depending on who and how. You’re more inclined to let things flow, rather than analyse. With Mars in your 2nd house, it almost always means you’re spending big. Lifestyle shifts are usually initiated by high spending, try to settle down.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

Mars helps you stand out now as he is in your sign for the first time in two years, Taurus. You’re more confident and it seem’s like someone wants to get together and talk things out. In retrospect, you see things very clearly and you know what direction you’re moving toward. It’s a powerful time for you, a lot has gone on. Take this cue from the universe and assert yourself, who know’s what could happen in the future! Venus moves into your friendship sector and you want commitment from someone, if they are conflicted and unreceptive, maybe their just not ready to move forward. It is wise for now to stand down and give things time. Someone wanted one thing and you wanted another. Just stay away for now. Venus is in the sign of Pisces and it comforts you, you feel soulful and compassionate. A lot was involved in a personal relationship lately and you may just need a break to breath. If someone is just concerned with just preserving their freedom, ask yourself if it’s fair or right to you. It’s easier than usual for you to attract friends now who share common interest, lean on them in this time. Take a business opportunity that shows up, whatever you do coming into mid-April attracts even prosperity in your life.

Gemini: May 21 - June 20

You’re taking some time off from a particular situation, Gemini. If attention is being diverted now, question it. Whatever happens from now on, you need to be receptive and surrender. Discussions can be a little overwhelming and most probably for you rather than the other, it’s almost like a certain conversation opens up pandora’s box. Mercury is Gemini’s guardian planet, so the 28th gives you a change in outlook. A particular project this same day brings exciting news and with it come other sweet perks. If you’ve been feeling some mismatched energy, there can be disappointment on both sides. Maybe, a little more time is needed? Pent up frustration makes people angry and sad, move on from that. Responsibilities in love become clearer in April, when Venus moves into your 10th house. You’ll find it much easier to make the first move, cooperate and charm others, particularly in professional settings. You’re cutting deals and your negotiation skills are on fire, but to be honest, you can talk almost anyone into anything. April will be fore increased social happenings and good financial news. Make things personal when you get in touch with the public, this way you enhance your reputation and gain notoriety.

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

This week, think long and hard on your private life, Cancer. What would help bridge the gap on a rift? You’ve got some wise council around you but you seem a little stuck. If you’re feeling trapped in a current situation, remember you’ve got options once you let go of the angst. Sometimes, you blindfold your own self, if you get what I mean. You want to reach out and it’s because you feel disconnected. You might need to extend your social mood to not only friends but family. Venus which rules your 4th house in in good harmony with Jupiter now, so to progress you need to cut exclusivity. If you’re reviewing a relationship, acknowledge your contribution to everything, sadness, happiness. It’s quite simple when it’s black and white, expect for the fact that it isn’t and life is mainly grey. A new beginning in your private life is possible now, you’ve just got to pursue it. Thing’s feel less stressful when you emotionally detach, but that’s not the wisest council and if someone’s telling you that this week, tell them to shut up. The last thread of connection before separation; isn’t what you’re ready for right now. This individual is resolutely independent, be around those who can listen to you talk and love you for what you’ve got to say.

Leo: July 23 - August 22

A karmic cycle is in review, Leo. If you’ve recently taken a time out from a serious relationship, you’re deep in thought on how to proceed for now. This month was smoke & mirrors, disquiet and confusion. If some news has settled now, I am sure you’ve gone to your corner to mull over what has occurred. You are ready to talk about a certain partnership now and if needed, may want to enlist an attorney. The silence needs to be broken. Mercury retrograded in your finance house, so security & stability was very rocky. If something wasn’t thriving, you found about it in March. If there has been a disconnect, you want to know if you’re going to work on it or no. You crave emotional connection almost more than any other sign, in order for thing’s to get back on track, you need less control and more connection. Mars is laying down the groundwork on your professional life and will give you brilliant opportunities tailor made for you. You seem to be tallying up some serious career gains now, the only way you can get their attention, is to be reliable, stable and secure. Don’t focus on how you appear and be ‘outer’ focused, make sure that the praise your after doesn’t compromise your own values. Have conviction going forward, great thing’s come from it.

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

Heated exchanges regarding career or business opportunities are possible now, Virgo. You want to make something official and re-balance the scales, you’re after the only thing you know, forward movement. If you’ve come into something profitable, you want to share it now. If someone has recently come into your life, they break some sort of inner stagnation. Mars enters Gemini on the 31st and lights up your 10th house of honours, awards and achievement. You can look forward to this transit as it always shares equally with you. You want something to benefit both parties, not one sided. With so many planets, clustered on the western side of your chart, your professional life works best when you collaborate now rather than go it alone. You’re in many committed partnership’s in all area’s of your life and you make for a very good friend. You’re also one of the best sign’s for figuring out the maze and coming up with alternate options, harness those analytical capabilities this week. With Mercury (your ruler) moving out of retrograde on the 28th, keep waiting to sign those extra important documents. When Mercury is in it’s shadow phase, it can actually be more muddy than ever. You know when someone’s being a sneak, don’t make it easy for anyone to cross the line.

Libra: September 23 - October 22

With Venus (your ruler) currently moving in your true love sector, you can imagine how much love will associated with all you do and keep on doing, Libra. The absence of practicality means someone has to take the leader role and keep it moving. Pragmatism is at stake here and you need to do what makes sense, nothing more. You want to take it to the next level with someone, however, it seems like work is occupying their time. If you have some conflict/control issues within the founding walls, know that you are loved. The end of March especially the 28th, brings lot’s of energy. Projects begin to push forward and you gain magnetism once again. You want a secure future ahead and therefore, commitment is at the crux of all things. Mars enters Gemini on the 31st of the month, being an analytical sign, similar to your’s, stirs your curiosity. You have no time for clueless types. You’re about to enter a few curious, probing conversations and the challenge is security. You have some glorious time’s ahead in April, just make it work for now.

Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

Being in love, in a relationship is just about all on that’s your mind now, Scorpio. A lot of ‘could be’s’ this week and that’s because you’ve had time to mull over some things. You are reconnecting and rebalancing the scales with someone, in some part of your life. Full circle and you realise your contemplation from a few weeks/months back, was correct. Whoever, is pulling at the heart strings, feel’s like the real deal. A desired outcome on a financial situation hopefully transpired for you late last week, possibly related to a family deal or just a lucky streak you fell upon. Someone close to you is helping you put things into perspective, something is finally laid to rest. Seem’s like Earth energy or just someone who’s super reliable and show’s up for you. Work that you have been doing alone, in solitude, will bring forward impressive results this week. As we enter April, you’ll feel invigorated. You’ve hunkered down and pulled back before, now you’re ready to restore and enchant life. Mars is in your partnership sector until the 30th of March, so you have super, friendly signals that give good energy for lasting stability in a relationship.

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

The hectic atmosphere work has created, simmers down now Sagittarius. However, in your personal life, things feel a little heavy, for now! Not for always! You’re moving on from an aggressive person/situation and it’s been a harsh blow, if we’re honest. Figure out what it is you want for yourself, your future and your own peace of mind. It seem’s evident someone is being so reckless and the imbalance has only created havoc in your life. You deserve better, so just keep processing things and make yourself a priority. On the other side of the spectrum, love, intimacy and wishes are on your mind this week and a decision about how to move forward happens now. Mars will move into Gemini putting emphasis on partners, in love or business until May 15th. If you were waiting for someone to clear the air, you may have waited too long. If a relationship breakdown has occurred, it’s best now to just leave things the way they are, considering the situation. Interaction with family can be heavenly now and you rely on their support, Mars will be your buddy now and give you energy and ideas. Steady work flow will help with payments and the ideal situation is coming toward you, just a tad more patience and that effortless surrender to the universe.

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

Something odd has come into play, Capricorn. An unexpected event that deals with themes of security, future and conversation. Time is of the essence, you know what it is you want and you’ve learnt what you needed too. Movement is swirling around you and that’s thanks to Uranus moving in your true love sector well until April 2026, this type of excitement usually touches all relationships in your life. However, it always leaves most room for that one special person. It takes willingness to go inward and figure things out, you’re very lucky right now because someone is completely entering this new phase with you. You’re not being held back as a couple and things begin to set into concrete, you join together with this united front and everyone around you feel’s it. Take into account how another may feel, it may even appear as an epiphany because you’ve been doing some serious soul searching these past few weeks. You move forward in a serious way from now until December, and you’ve got this beautiful influence with Mars over you. Get acquainted with sharing and compromise within a relationship, otherwise you’re just excellent house mates.

Aquarius: January 20 - February 18

Venus has been in Aquarius from the 1st of March until the 26th, so you’ve majorly been in the mood for love, fun and spontaneity. You were after ‘your person’ and you compromised and made much room for them in your life. A move of sorts has to have transpired for you this last month, that’s because Uranus rules all foreign places and being your ruling planet it holds A LOT of importance for you. The focus on home life will prove to be continual for the coming years, I know you’ll take it in your stride and with a sense of adventure. Whoever did the stepping out of a certain relationship or let something come between you two, will need to come forth now and make reassurances of security. It seem’s like a tall order, because it may have been your heart that got broken. If you’ve taken someone for granted, make them feel worthwhile for now. Someone who is important and worth it, needs to be valued, don’t take good people for granted. Someone need’s to do something quite unexpected now to restore some balance or harmony in this relationship. If you are struggling to open back up in an emotional tone, look for wise council and start talking.

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

You’re in a position to be emotionally generous, Pisces. However, how you feel and how you present yourself can be two different things. What people don’t know is that often you’re very reserved and only show how much you think other’s want to see. How much you show means people believe you’re so open and raw when really, it’s a fraction and what’s going on beneath the surface hardly ever comes floating to the top. This week, you want the trajectory to be on the future, defining relationships and movement. Something about this time in your life is different, a Taurus or Gemini could be making a solid offer. Give what you get and don’t be stubborn now, a lot of this energy is about time and acknowledgment. By the time a decision is made, it could be too late. Don’t let that transpire now, but know that too much has happened for things to stay the same. On March 26th, Venus moves into Pisces, and two days later Mercury will go direct. This means you come out from spending so much time inward and are ready to communicate, especially when the light is shining towards family & home. You’re about to head into a time over flowing with personal projects and things moving at the speed of light.

This Week's Astrology

This Week's Astrology