We are being pulled by the hair in two separate directions this week and you might find yourself asking, which way do I go? Ah, two roads diverged in a wood… That old tale.
Big changes as we set foot into the difficult, unconscious forces thanks to Uranus in Taurus for the next 7 years (major) !! Uranus is not at home in Taurus, as it is said to be in it’s ‘fall’ here. This mean’s that the Planet and the Sign are incompatible. The shake up is well and truly here, but it’s also about the liberation factor; new resources coming toward you, protecting / healing our nature and our livelihoods.
Mercury retrograding in Pisces asking us to step back and wait and of course, the waxing moon phase. Coming into our energy of the Libra Full Moon for the 20th of this month. Feel your feelings, feel the oneness around you and the magic of mystery.
Spiritual time beyond all logic ~
In the words of Kaypacha @ Astrology for the Soul;
A week of power and strength ~ dive into the deeper aspect of what makes us up. We usually only scratch the surface..
'I am not just my body, I am not just my thoughts’
Embrace the great mystery of relishing in not knowing, surrendering and allowing ~ let it be, watch the river flow !!!
May your cup runneth over..
With love,
Aries: March 21 - April 19
Everything is so temporary, what’s the point to over think, over plan, over explain Aries? You’re in an upswing yet someone is giving you the silent treatment. A relationship could be moving unexpectedly and you feel conflicted in your feelings, for the third time I feel like I’m warning, be careful of a third party situation. Rip the bandaid off, you don’t want to waste time and screw up the timing of your own life. In daily life however, everything else seems to be solid ground. You seem like you’re on stable footing and you want to win at all costs. Is someone asking for you to wait for them, are you tossing the idea around? Social connections are strong this week and team work brightens a big deal. Uranus entered Taurus last week and finally moved out of your sign, it falls in your money house. Mercury falls in your 12th house in this retrograde and you release some past issues that you wound up tightly in your heart, if you are distressed, speak to a professional or a close friend. Break out of old habit patterns in regards to finances, profession is encouraging this week and you look to self employment. Your birthday month is coming up as is the time to find your joy, passion and not settle for less. Recharge batteries and know that a busy time is ahead, stay close to nature and your true self.
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
It’s time to set things into motion, Taurus. If something is happening and you don’t want to fall into a dramatic pattern, be assured that we don’t always know what the right thing is to do. Most likely, you’re in a position you didn’t think you’d be in, yet here you are. If things are getting weird, don’t rush to help and be the knight in shining armour. It feel’s like someone you love is acting a little sociopathic, don’t let someone offer something they cannot sustain. Put your foot down and say ‘this is how we’re gonna do it’, it’s about time you put forward, decisive, assertive actions toward a future outcome. Respect the space of others and be sure to have other’s respect yours. Someone is helping you sort through a few emotional things and you’re very thankful for their friendship and help. Huge week for you now that Uranus has entered your sign and will continue to stay in for the next 7 years, a huge pull towards the past and old feelings and another pull into the new & untold. These next few years are going to be about freedom, independence and experience. Mars is also in your sign, it’s an intense time for you! I know!! You are feeling wildly intoxicated with what could be and questions are pregnant with possibilities.
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
Read between the lines, Gemini. You have opportunities for bringing more joy into your life, you just have to love the way it all unfolds, warts and all. Piscean energy is too overwhelming for you, you’re intellectual, factual and logical. Yet, here we are in the thick of retrograde and Pisces season. Things begin to clear after Mercury stations direct, but you’ve still got a few more weeks until then. So, in the mean time, while it all looks quite foggy, remember that you’ve got Venus in the 9th house most of the month, higher learning and getting information about yourself out there. Stop being all things to all people, you use up so much energy this way that you begin to notice lapses within yourself. A week for getting in tune with yourself and rethinking what you want to do in the world. Lots of questions and soul searching, allow it. Take time to listen within and express yourself in the rightful manner, Uranus in Taurus means an awakening into the inner self. Being aware of what you do and what you can never do, don’t kill yourself trying to make others happy. Break away from co-dependency and be more conscious of the things you can connect with, things that might have messages for you.
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
You’re keeping busy, waiting to hear the news Cancer. If you’re processing some things internally, you’re trying to honestly think about what is your fault and what is not. If someone’s trying to trick you now, show your unavailability. A Virgo, Capricorn or Taurus could be imperative now, they want to work things out together. Someone around you values control and being strategic, but they miss you. Someone is coming back into the picture for you, wanting to open up and offer you a cup of love. Moving past things can be done now and you can be fulfilled by it, just make sure there isn’t a disconnect from self. If you’re not sitting in the seat of power, perhaps think about how you overturned a previous situation to better yourself. A week of feeling at ‘home’, in your life. Don’t be an island and wallow in yourself, healing can be done in the outside world with friends and family involved in your progress. Good week for getting into your physical beauty and practicing mindfulness, you can have deep peace with Uranus in your 11th house. You have plenty of chances now to break out of old patterns and meet with people who give you a feeling of freedom, inspiration and longevity. If you have a mentor in your life, give them the respect and listen to what they have to say, it looks as if they can see a situation from a voyeur point of view much better than you.
Leo: July 23 - August 22
Brush the cobwebs away, Leo. A partnership seem’s to be causing drama just for the fun of it, deep down someone is coming at you and they’re asserting power. If you’ve caused someone to be angry, it’s really about mental advantage. Sometimes, petty people are just that. If a relationship has disappointed you, don’t be held accountable for it, it’s not your cross to bear. Character flaws that have a narcissistic trait, do you no good, get the hell away and surround yourself with friends you’ve known for a while. Engaging with mental warfare isn’t what you need this week, trust me. Be unpredictable and stay busy, you’re at your best when you’re active. If you feel like being strategic in business, you’ve got good stars to really play the game. If a loved one is making you feel an emotional disconnect, don’t wait around to fix it. It seems like there is something you want back from someone. Instead, just take time to ground yourself. Get comfortable with your vision for the year and then put the plans into action, guide yourself to the highest version of who you can be. Solid, stable and practical is what you need to be right now, stay to yourself and keep connected with what makes you, you.
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
The world is at your feet, Virgo. With so much going on you’re all about passionate pursuit. If someone is making it clear that you’re not connecting like you used too, be careful not to regret more by not trying to salvage what’s left. Spin the wheel and roll the dice, life is all chance anyway, most of the time. If you’ve cut yourself out of an equation, someone feels rather conflicted. It seem’s like these past few weeks, you’ve been quietly bickering or hiding emotions, it might not be the smartest now to keep things close to the chest, because there is A LOT of emotion behind the scenes. You need to think about this and stand your ground, being unwavering in trusting yourself is all you can do right now. This week, go slowly with Mercury retrograde pumping through life’s veins, don’t do any important deals and be weary of partnerships, collaboration can turn a little sour now. Uranus comes into your 9th house until 2025, your soul is awakened now and you fall into a new realm. You’re more inclined to understand the wisdom of life and you know whatever happen’s is for a reason, things feel quite fulfilling in regards to family, home and friendship from the 14th.
Libra: September 23 - October 22
You’re tired of banging your head against the wall, Libra. Mitigate it by cutting it off (ha), boundaries set actually improve situations, so have a look into that. If you don’t feel like hearing what someone has to say for now, keep quiet. It seem’s like chaotic energy is following you wherever you go, take a time out to heal. Distance could also be smart, so get busy and try not to look for a crutch, like moving on to someone new. Life is all about timing, so just let it be. If someone has hidden motives, it feels very unexpected now, whatever you hear, remember things aren’t always as they seem. Internal conflicts that turn outward cause a rift, if something has reached it’s threshold, just understand maybe someone wasn’t ready. It’s not all bad, you’re enthusiastic and excited for what’s coming in your 8th house. You gain great opportunities through work, a contract is renegotiated and it’s better than before. Focus on the details and look after your daily habits. Mars & Uranus join together also in your 8th house, if relationships took a battering these past few months, you’ve got a breakthrough moment now. You seek balance, harmony and break co-dependant behaviour. You’ve got a windfall coming before the Full Moon in Libra on the 20th, a new chance within career graces you.
Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
Big times ahead, Scorpio. It’s all about forward momentum, don’t get sucked into the vortex of past regression. Catapult yourself into new friendships and let your environment soften, things are looking positive. Good news about a family member reach you this week, Uranus joins your relationship house and triggers thoughts of companionship, friendship and pleasure. The energy is encouraging you to seek out those who match your fire, a lot of emotion is going on behind an offer that has been made. A situation close to you can change in an instant, it feel’s very karmic. The future is unknown and the situation is either coming to a close or newly beginning, whatever decision you make, make sure you’re independent in your behaviour. Someone’s feelings for you strengthen ten fold now, yet it seem’s as though they may be committed else where. Pause for a moment, don’t pursue something stupid. An opportunity you encounter could be a little ‘too soon’, if a Sagittarius is involved, hash it out with words. Exercise stability and control for now, a specific situation is asking you to take a ‘hand's on’ approach, but you’ve got to know when the right time to act is.
Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
Things are ready to burst, Sagittarius. With Uranus in Taurus now, it pushes you more into the future. You’re creating something exciting, stimulating and you’re ready to move on from the fork in the road. You have multiple opportunities to run from past hurt’s and harmony can be restored to a relationship this week, with a lot happening in your 4th house. You’re evaluating a living situation and a family member could be crucial in what goes forward, something seems to be under way already and the retrograde in Pisces can’t stop it. With Mars & Uranus together in your 6th house, it feels like much needed changes are taking place, do not be hasty now!! Especially in an emotional saturation, a different perspective comes through once raw emotion subsides. You’re taking work and career into a new direction and you don’t work well with others now, you work better alone and in tune. Be careful with physical well being now, you seem to be under much pressure and taking further risk’s will be dicey. Give yourself permission, to free up some time and just chill. Social circles and the people around you are slowly shifting and that’s ok, changing existing friendships means you’ve got new senses of pleasure and fun. Make it your business, to do more ‘happy’ things with more people who make you happy.
Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
Two ships passing in the night Capricorn, sound familiar? A disconnect somewhere in your life could be about a relationship in review. You want to find your joy and I’m not sure you’re looking for a reconciliation. Something however, still feels temporarily. A Sagittarius or Scorpio could be an important face this week, maybe a mother figure. Stay connected to family and friends and examine feelings as they occur. What would be wrong now is isolating yourself. The key this week is to; listen. Someone close to you may not feel like you’re hearing or understanding where they’re coming from. Uranus has changed into Taurus, asking you to awaken to a higher awareness and consciousness, being pulled into two directions usually means something new is coming. Waves are being made in your 3rd house and 5th house, business means you’ll renegotiate something and also spend more than you thought. A wake up call comes from the 5th house asking you to nurture your inner child and be free from some serious, stagnant concerns. Change around you what feels restrictive, it doesn’t have to be completely altered, just gently shifted into new shape.
Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
Breaking out and moving into a new future is ahead, Aquarius. Your ruler Uranus changed signs into Taurus last week, so an exceptionally powerful time may have been felt. Something pivotal in your life is ahead and you begin to feel better. A lot is happening around your finances, I feel as though a fresh start is asking you to reassess finances and see what’s working for you. If you need to renegotiate a contract, this week is good for it. Your 4th house is alight until 2025, you’re a little restless and need more freedom than before. You’re breaking out of the norm, and a family situation feels like a headache. Being a fixed sign, you shy away from new situations, you feel more comfortable with that small clique you’ve known since you were 6, but this week you truly want to release any old, stuck patterns - and any old, stagnant friends. See things with new eyes and you’re questioning life more than ever, investigating some deep, inner feelings that have interested you in some time. Many Aquarian’s are breaking free from the bonds of the past; close the door on what didn’t work and embrace some wacky, new ideals. Don’t get stuck into side issues, leave the party alone if you have too.
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
Someone needs to hear you still love them, Pisces. Looking at old patterns and releasing them, stepping into the ‘new you’ is truly this week’s forecast. All month Venus in the 12th gives you a nurturing feel, making room for alone time and getting philosophical, two things that feed your inner soul. Topics that come up for now; Re-evaluating your image, how you want to be viewed and if your reputation is a visualisation of your inner self. Deal going on in business life is up for completion, Uranus in Taurus in your 3rd house asking you to hug your friends more and connect with all sorts of people. Still in the thick of Mercury retro mean’s you’re mental capacity is strong and vast. You’re breaking free from the negative cynical spiral, you’re reinventing how you live and think. If last week was emotional and you encountered some disappointments, this week is lot’s better, you feel free to fly. Some changes financially coming through now, watch out for assets, investments and loans. Someone might be needing to pay you back, a new source of income? You seem to be making new business for yourself by focusing on talents and gift’s that have been bestowed on you. A hard time until the 28th for relationships, you’re magnetic but feeling a little dark. Try not to make mountains out of molehills, be very aware of how and what you speak. Be your highest version, not the small mind that hypes the ego.